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12-04-2003, 03:26 PM
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Wolvark Semi Auto
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MRPG Klink00

Ok this new RPG is about an entire race of people trying to be free. each person is member of the Klinks each person is going to be a number my name is 00 and then Hobo will be 01, and there will 02 and so on and it will eventually turn into Klink 11, 12, 13 and so on. read the story and you will understand. and join if you want. You don't have to go in order you can be 11 or 20 it doesn't matter. Here is the story of the Klink.

Far into the western hemisphere beyond Mudos beyond any land, behold the Continent of "The Great Hub." A land completely inclosed where industry thrives. In the center of this nightmarish place, lies the Furnace, where the Klinks are melted into steel and the life form eaten by the Crunchers. Used by many races of the Magog Cartel.

The Klinks a race of malfunctioning mechanical life forms live and hide in the shadows from a great industrial race known as the Morphions. For they live and breath the industry of steel makeing. Hunting the Klinks and melting them into rich steel is their prefered lifestyal. As for the life form half of the Klinks they are thrown to carniverous crunchers that devour everything that moves and is meat.

Long ago when the Vykkers were emerging as a threat their first creations "The Klinks were considered Oddworld's number 1 Security/ PR Machines. but something went wrong as each Klink began to realise it was once a liveing creature and now its a machine. So they malfunctioned and Vykkers handed them over to the Morphions to turn into steel. They were a failure to all the industrialists. But what the Klinks dident know was that they created by the Vykkers expiermenting on the genes of Slurgs,which they processed into liveing machines. A painful procedure that the Vykkers enjoyed.

The Klinks named with a number is always alert and searching supplies in the many massive piles of junk scattered throughout the Great Hub. Taking the suplies to their homes and villiages far underneath the huge piles of Junk. But they are now theaten as Morphions are evr so much persueing constanly digging threw the piles of junk with their drills. A Klink on the surface is a great target for the many patrol droids searching for them. For this race is a race constantly on the move.

Each aspires to find the land beyond the Great Hub. They call it Outer world. some believe Outer is a myth until 00 accendently stumbled upon a hole in the wall.

"Klink designation 00 you are to be processed said the Patrol droid."

No no nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Suddenly 00 ran for it as a huge drill came out of the piles. suddenly he was cornored as there was no where to go. Just then a Morphion named Slag opened the hatch on the drill.

"Its too late Klink your steel!"

Suddenly the ground below 00 began to crumble as he fell hundreds of ft below onto another level of the great Hub.
He was alone at last. but something caught the eye of 00.

a small light filtering through the wall of the Great Hub.

"Whats this?" He looked through the hole and saw mountains and ocieans and the sun.

suddenly it struck him as he moved back from the hole. Just then his friends 01 and 02 were around.

"00 bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk what are you doing you cerious Klink?" said 01. 02 stay here."

"k bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk" said the annoyed 02.

"Nothing guys lets get back to are village its almost night and the patrol droids will release crunchers."

And so Klinks 00, 01 and 02 went back to their village. Only now 00 has discovered something that he is afraid to tell.

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12-04-2003, 09:57 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

Here are two pics of my character Klink 00.

Generally Klinks look like this but you can have differences to your Klink. Like one can have wheels and other things. But the similar traits among Klinks are that they are Munch size and they have huge eyes and they are all Lifeforms made by the Vykkers through the genes of slurgs, turned into failed security/ PR machines. Also they each have their designated number somewhere on their body. Mine 00 has 0.0 located on his eyes.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	mvc-038f.jpg
Views:	318
Size:	48.4 
ID:	1360  

Last edited by paramiteabe; 12-04-2003 at 02:01 PM..
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12-04-2003, 10:03 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

Here is the full picture.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	mvc-037f.jpg
Views:	272
Size:	45.1 
ID:	1361  

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12-04-2003, 11:36 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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This sounds baddass...
Question, can we customize what weapons the use also?

Name: Klink 12

-Reserch Findings:
This particular Klink was extreamly violent. He tended to attack the Sligs and Vykkers. He escaped several experaments, killing 10 sigs and 15 Vykkers as a total body count. He was very unusal looking, he had only 1 eye stock and seemed to resemble a Chanting drone. By both emtion and apperance. He had larger legs and more of a thick frame, part of the slurg he once was is still visible in some areas, organs and other such internal things. Apon escaping we feared the Morphions would have have trouble destroying one. He seems to have stolen slig weapons and customized them to fire faster and use 2 barrels insead of 1. He weilds 2 and is presumed to be the closest thing to what the wanted a Klnik to be. His number is located on his back, on top of the control unit. Comunication is almost imposible with the unit, he sends Hex message's through his eye like a screen, if he could talk he probibly would talk much. If its possible he almost always seemed to be forbooding the future and what was to come. That was his flaw.

- End of File.

12 patroled one of the higher levels of the Great Hub. He heard the crashing noise and rushed to the scene, finding the 3 Klinks running back to the village entrance. 12 let out a number of beeps and clicks and then the Hex rolled across his eye. [What are you doing here!? It's almost night and the Crunchers will soon be released, Quickly! Back to the Village with you!]

(OOC: Cant quite continue...I dont like controlling peoples char's.)
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12-05-2003, 01:04 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

(Yeah thats cool everybody can have their own special feature for your Klink. Mine for instance is very different from the rest for one he is deignation 00 thus he believes he was the first Klink. He is sort of this real cerious Klink whome always ends up into trouble but manages to bring on caos with the inhabitants. The Morphions want him for specific reasons unknown. I like 12 in the fact he is a rougue Klink perfect. Like I say everybody can have their own specific feature and history. Good description. Ill draw 12 for ya if you want? Whats going to happen is that 00 is going to be exiled from his village because he proclaims he finds outer land. Thus begins the Klinks adventure in their attempt to escape the Great Hub.)

00 and his friends entered their village as they approached other Klinks.

"Where have you been 00?"

00 looked at them and said "If I tell you, you won't believe me."

"Tell us!"

"What if I said there was a real Outer World?"

"Thats perposterous BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZK!"

"I was persued by Slag when I fell hundreds of ft and stumbled upon a bright light filtering through the wall. I looked through this hole and I saw a world." explaned 00.

The rest looked at 00 and could not believe him.

Then designation 100 came in on the scene as he approached 00. 100 was the leader of this Klink village.

"I understand 00 you think you found Outer world. Am I right?"

"Yes!" replied 00.

100 looked at him and he was pissed. "You 00 speak blastphomy! Take this trouble maker to the courts!"

Suddenly 00 was pushed through the halls of his village.

"What the hell 100 why did you do that?" yelled 01.

"He doesn't know any better! said 02.

"01 and 2 it is against our religious law to speak of Outer World. He proclaims he found it. He will be tried swiftly!"

Meanwhile 00 was being pushed into a dark chamber with lights shineing down in the center. Hundreds of Klinks were sitting in this arena. The judge Klink known as 1000 approached the bench. at the same time 12 was among the crowd watching along side of 01 and 02.

"You 00 have been arrested for mentioning that you have proclaimed to find Outer World. How do you plead?"

00 could not answer.

"1000 this Klink speaks blastphomy against our religion! to speak of such things and to proclaim to find it is even worse. This Klink is proclaiming he is the one to bring us out of the Great Hub. He is a trouble maker and the Morphions are getting ever so closer to our homes! Bzzzzzzzzzk! You can hear the drills digging through the piles above us. They are getting closer because 00 is lureing them. this past week there have more captureing of Klinks roaming through the piles. They are melting them into Steel for the rest of the Magog Cartel and throwing their inner self to the crunchers! This has to stop. Klinks such as 00 need to be delt with, with extreme force!"

The crowd starts bickering.

Another Klink who was defending 00 stood up and pleaded. "But sir surely this Klink dident do harm. He said so himself he was being chased. The patrol droids would do the same for any Klink in the upper levels. The one thing that is giveing our presence and our cities away to the Morphions are the many Shrienks whome claim this Great Hub as Shrienk country. They are spies!"

The crowd bickers again.

"Objection 50!" said 100

"Sustained" replied 1000

"you speak of the Shrienks when they have nothing to do with us. Let it be known trouble makers such as 00 will be arrested on all account of blastphomy against our very religion." explaned 100

"I've heard enough this Klink whome believes to know the existance of Outer World will be exiled from our respected cities. Odd forbid your existence in the upper levels. May Odd speed Bzzzzzzzzzzzk!" said 1000.

Suddenly the crowd yelled as 12 looked on at 00 being shoved off to the upper levels of the Great Hub. But then he looked at 01 and 02.

"Noooo 00!" yelled both of them as the crowd was yelling.

"02 lets get out of here!"

12 then started to follow them because he began to know that 01 and 02 were 00's friends.

Meanwhile 00 was being pushed in a huge shaft and taken to the the top levels. 00 stood in the elevater sorrounded by two Klink guards as they reached the top.

"Here you go this is your kingdom now. Watch out for Crunchers and Patral droids and of course Stat Sligs heh!" as they both laughed and pushed 00 onto the ground.
The elevator left and 00 was alone.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 12-05-2003 at 04:07 AM..
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02-01-2004, 06:12 PM
Abe-gun's Avatar
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Oooooh....this looks interesting.

Name: 22
History: He never had one friend and never could do anything to help anyone. But one day he met 00. He never felt such friendship. But then, 00 was shoved off. Down the shaft. Alone, in the dark. Now it's 22's job to follow every trace of oo and make sure he's alive. If 00 does not wish to be his friend, he will almost have to malfunction. His command-chip tells him immediatly, to kill people who do not like him. After they're dead, he reboots. He has to blades that stick out of his rib, a main machine gun on top of his head, and runs on wheels, sort of like a rolling droid. He was a failed experiment, from the wepons to the command-chip.
Special part: He never has to say bzzzzzzzzzzzzzkt.

22 saw 00 get shoved down in aloneness and darkness. 22 jumped into the shaft that he saw 00 go down and shouted down, "if you can hear me, don't go anywhere when you get down!!!!" He was falling along with 00, but was about 30 yards over the top of him. They were falling for what seemed like hours, when they finally landed. When they did, he shouted "00!!! 00!!!" No answer came. Imediatly he dame to thinking he ran off even though he heard him. He got so pissed he blasted the cave walls and floor, shouting the whole time. Then he calmed down, and realized this couldn't be it. So he tried calling again and this time got an answer. "who's there???" shouted 00. "It's me, 22? Remember me?....Nevermind, that doesn't matter, just stay right there, so I can catch up to you on wheels!!!" And so 00 did, hopefully...
Abe-Gun (formerly known as Sid Hawk)

Last edited by Abe-gun; 02-01-2004 at 06:15 PM.. : I said 22 was 00... hehehe :o
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02-01-2004, 06:57 PM
Abe-gun's Avatar
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Abe-gun  (10)

Here's a piccy of klink 22, I hope it doesn't look too gross in the weird clor area. When clicked, open file from current location, unless you wanna keep it
Attached Files
File Type: pdf klink22.pdf (28.2 , 272 views)
Abe-Gun (formerly known as Sid Hawk)

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02-01-2004, 11:59 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Seargentbig  (10)

Memo to self: Design a Klnk. Reply when ready.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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02-02-2004, 06:17 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

00 was stareing at 22 as he was rolling towards him. Spite in what 22 said 00's matallic eyes flickered and turned red. Red eyes stood for caution.

He wasn't too sure about this stranger so 00 kept his mouth shut.

"I am 22 I know who you are."

00 was just looking back at him with only an minor outline of his body showing through the dim light.

"Its ok come into the light so I may see you."

A few clicks and beeps were heard from 00 as he slowly moved into the light.

"Im 00 why have you followed me? Must hurry must move very important! Got to get to the hole. My only way out of here!"

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02-03-2004, 06:29 AM
Abe-gun's Avatar
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Abe-gun  (10)

22 stared at him in question. "What hole? Do you mean the hole hole to the outside world? Can I come with you on your escape? I have followed you because I want to protect you and help you as a friend. It's okay to be my friend. In fact, you must, or I might malfunction and destroy this cave," said 22. "Listen," said 00, "let's just out of here fast possible." "Right," said 22, "Lets."
Abe-Gun (formerly known as Sid Hawk)

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02-04-2004, 03:57 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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paramiteabe  (95)

"Must get to the outer world must hurry or Slag will find me! But the hole is near the center of the Great Hub 900 miles through this industrial maze. That way up on a different level." As he pointed down the corridor. A row of dim lights shined down an almost endless looking corridor with junk piles and pipeing makeing up the walls. "But its not on this level. Its on a higher level and I know its near the Central Plexis. "The great Furnace of the Hub where we are taken to be melted into steel and fed to the crunchers."

"Wow that is a problem. I don't recall ever being on this level."

22 was cerious.

"Who is Slag?" said 22.

"Its a long story that made me end up into this exile from the rest of you. It started months ago. I was scavanging in the piles in the upper levels of this Great Hub when I heard strange talks about me from a group of Morphions. BZZZZZZZZZK! Slag was among them whome were talking. They mentioned my name 00 as they laughed. And then.....then they mention something about a weapon. then I was discovered and ever since I am being hunted. Hunted for their plans. In the upper junk levels in a deep cornor hidden under the dim light nearly behind a huge pile of junk I saw a hole with light filtering through. I looked through this hole and I saw amazeing things. A world opened up to my metal eyes. And the lifeform half of me was willing to do anything to get out. And I am going to get out. You may follow me if u must but I can't promise anything that we will be safe. And I am glad to have a friend with me on this journey. I hope we could meet other Klinks aswell. I want to deliver us out of this place. And now I have the chance."

Suddenly a scraching sound behind the wall was heard when suddenly a cruncher broke through the wall.

"Well thats an intresting story you got there 00."

"Shhhhhh! listen do you here that?"

"What is it?"

"RUN!" yelled 00 as the Cruncher came out of the wall and and almost grabed at both of them.

"00 wait ill blast him!"

"Theres no time for that 22. move!" yelled 00

00 and 22 were running through the corridor trying to get away but the cruncher was gaining up on them. Then 22 had an idea as he yelled at 00.

"00 grab hold of me I have wheels.!"

00 grabed hold of him as 22 was quickly rolling down the corridor. But the cruncher was still gaining up on them as it was trying to reach for 00 klinging to 22.

Then suddenly a malfunction in 22's wheel system occured as they came to a halt in the corridor.

"Whats this all about 22!" yelled 00

"I dunno but that cruncher is hungry!"

the cruncher was just about to slash the two Klinks as 22 was trying to reprogram his wheel system through his main frame.

"Hold on 00 I am working on the problem." said 22.

"Um 22 hurry up!" replied 00 as the cruncher was slobering on 00's matallic frame.

"I got it!" yelled 22.

"Good lets get out of here!" yelled 00 as he struggled.

"Wha.... whats going on? lets get rolling!"

"I am trying 00 I am trying!"

Knowing that all Klinks who have a set of wheels also have an emergancy mini rocket system that folds and is connected to the wheels 00 yelled out to 22.

"Oh odd dammit fire the rockets!" yelled 00.

Suddenly the two klinks were threshed down the corridor with awesome force that they were traveling at incredible speeds. They were now far away from the cruncher as they began to slow down to a halt. They were safe.

00 got off 22's wheel pad and thanked him.

"Thanks 22 that was a close call. Lets get off this level too dangerous! I think we should find another elevtor shaft to get to the next level. We got to go up said 00."

"I agree!" replied 22.

Then as they went through a small opening in the walls of this corridor they entered into an almost massive opened area almost like a valley only indoors. great factory noises were heard throughout this vista. Below was a vast laberinth of pipes and junk piles. And there were others working in the piles.

"Whoa we got to cross this?" said 22."

"This must be this levels manufacturing wing. Lets hope we can find the elevator unoticed" said 00.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 02-04-2004 at 04:19 AM..
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02-04-2004, 02:46 PM
Abe-gun's Avatar
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(ooc: This isn't much of a large reply but....)

"Next time, 00, if danger comes, and you're on my head, grab the machine gun and shoot at whatever is behind us," 22 let 00 know. "Okay," replied 00, "but how to find elevator?" 22 looked around for a few minutes while 00 patiently waited. "Found one," said 22, "but there seems to be guarding Vykkers in it. No problem, I can toss in a few grenades that are packed in my trunk(ass)." "Okay," said 00, "but I want some fun. You spear them with your rib-blades while I get on your head and open fire." "Okay," said 22, smiling. "Oh, by the way, sorry about the wheel troubles. I have one question for you 00; are you my friend now? I mean, my chip makes my program have to know." To this, 00 could not yet answer. "While I think," he said, "let's go kick some ass in the elevator." 00 got on his head and grabbed the 30-caliber machine-gun. 22 got his blades ready. When they got in the elevator you can just hear in your mind the noises of slices and shots and "take this ****er!!!"s. Once they finished, 22 said "Up or down?"
Abe-Gun (formerly known as Sid Hawk)

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02-05-2004, 12:10 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Ok, I can't wait any longer. I have a Klink drawn up, but it'll be a while before I can have it posted up. In the meantime, I have a long, lenghty description to give to you. This is based on the only Klink I have seen, Klink 0.0
Name: Klink 327
-Research findings:
Half a head taller that a regular Klink, with a head-to-body ratio smaller than normal. Only a single arm that comes from the centre of the larget torso. Front legs split into three "digits" 2/3 the way down, for holding items. Not manipulative. Thick, stump-like hind legs to support extra weight. Not for speed. Either side of the mouth, there is a "tenticle". These can maniulate computer systems, manipulating them. A special hardware organ not only prevents infection from viruses, worms,ect., but will actualy capture and hold, and duplicate if nessisary, for use on other machines. Unit number is found at the top centre torso, above the arm.
-End of file

372: *On the floor just above, he is manipulating the computer for the elevator to immediately depart to his floor. In front of 00 and 22, the door begins to close*
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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02-05-2004, 05:00 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

(You guys are doing great. Now heres what the idea of this story is so we are on the same page. We are mainly traveling upwards through this vast Continent size industrial factory. And the intent is that as we get closer to the central Plexis which is the "Furnace" things start to get very tricky. The levels closer to the Furnace are extremely dangerous with not only crunchers but as we move ever closer to the Furnace and the hole, there is an increase in patral droids, shrienks plus some new things that I will mention like a new breed of slig called "Stat Sligs" that are unlike any kind of slig you seen before. Then theres the Morphions that ride in these drill vehicals that mine in the many junk piles on all levels. But do you see how this place is laid out?

The klink cities are like at the very bottom or basement of this vast facility theres like thousands of levels. and what happen is 00 was taken up to the first level to be exiled above the cities which was like a huge conglomerate of endless corridors and a manufactureing wing that vista. Now we are going to the next level after we find 327 in this control room looking over level 1's manufactureing plant. At the same time some armored Vykkers come in and investigate the bodies. Also a limited few Vykkers work with the Morphions in the Great Hub so that is why we see Vykkers. ok on with the story)

As 22 and 00 were moving up the elevater 00 realised that this elevater dident quite go to the next level. He realised it went into a small control room looking over Level 1's manufacturing plant.

"22 this elevater is takeing us to level 1's control room. The level shaft was the second elevater that is next to this. Oh dammit you better arm yourself we might incounter some Vykkers. But maybe we should steal some maps and read outs of The Great Hub in there. There has to be maps. We can use some supplies aswell."

Meanwhile below the elevater on the platform looking over the plant a small group of armored Vykkers came in to investigate the dead Vykkers bodies.

"Whats this? We have some rebelious Klinks!" said one of the Vykkers.

"Look there going into the control room heh we will be waiting for them down here hehe!" laughed the two armored Vykkers.

The elevater came to a stop as 22 prepaired his gun for danger. The doors opened to a dark room.

Suddenly 327 came flying at 00 and 22.

"Get away from me get away!" yelled 327.

22 jumped backwards as he shot his gun into the cieling.

"Fu**!" yelled 22.

"Whoa a Klink!" said 00.

"Who are you whats your number?" asked 00.

"I am designation 327 and I work the elevators. Sorry if I startled you two but there his been a word out that two rebel Klinks are moveing through the levels. Hey I got a job here I don't want to be melted and fed to Crunchers. Hey what are you two klinks doing here BZZZZZZK?" asked 327.

"Well I am 00 and this is 22 and we are headed for the Central Plexis. We are those two Klinks. A few months ago I discovered a hole opening to a place that I believe is the mythical Outer World. I was exiled from my city and 22 here decided to tag along with me. We are headed to this hole to escape The Great Hub."

"Thats some story you got there mates! Do you have brains in your little group?" asked 327.

"Brains?" said 00.

"Your going to need somebody who is smart who can get pass upper level conditions. Very dangerious they say in those upper levels. Id like to tag along with you two."

"What do you think 22?"

Last edited by paramiteabe; 02-05-2004 at 05:09 AM..
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02-05-2004, 11:49 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Seargentbig  (10)

Hmmm. Not exactaly how I would have done it, but it has the desired effect.
And, no offence, but I like to contol my own character.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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02-06-2004, 02:23 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

Thats fine for now on everybody just control your character. I was just getting that scene underway but yeah I won't control other characters for now on. I just needed to let everyone know where we are so none of us is confused on this story. The only way to do that is to act out all characters just to get an over all picture of whats happening.

The one thing I hate is when people start writeing elements to their own plot to another persons story and not telling them. That causes confusion for everyone else and the RPG or RPS becomes obsolete and unfinnished. If you have ideas let me know so I can fit it in the over all story.

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02-08-2004, 08:18 AM
Abe-gun's Avatar
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Abe-gun  (10)

(ooc: you can still control mine )

"well," said 22, "as long as we can find some use for you. Also, there is danger up there, as you said. I can tell with a Klink's powerful eyes. But I could probably toss a nade up there to get a few of those sicko morphions. Well, hop on 00, it looks like we're gonna have to blow some heads off," and with that, 22 cocked his machine gun as 00 jumped on. "got any wepons?" asked Klink 00. The other Klink that just joined didn't respond. "wait, 00." said 22, "his computer's on stand-by, and we need his password to turn him back on...." As Klink 00 held on to the other klink, 22 rolled up the elevator shaft to get to the hole with his amazing traction. "Okay, 00. Get ready..."
Abe-Gun (formerly known as Sid Hawk)

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02-08-2004, 06:15 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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paramiteabe  (95)

Suddenly the door to the elevator opened and the two armored Vykkers were standing there ready for them.

22 quickly let loose his fire power upon the armored Vykkers as they went flying over the edge into the laberinth of pipes and junk piles of the manufacturing wing of level 1.

"That was pretty easy 22!" said 00.

"I know armored Vykkers are great target practice. We need to find that code!" replied 22.

"Dident you say something about Morphions on the next level? Thats odd you never see them really down here in the lower levels unless.....!" there was a pause in 00's speech.

"Unless what?" replied 22.

"Oh....I don't remember." said 00

"remember what?"

Suddenly 00 expierenced a sudden flash back in his mind. He was being laid out on a table as ten Vykkers surgons approached him. There were bright lights everywhere and a strange dark room behind glass in the cieling with an unusuial figure standing within. Suddenly the Vykker approached him with a wierd looking chip or device and said.

"Now hold still DAMMIT this won't hurt...Much! hehe!" suddenly another flash of light past as he was now being transported in a ball car past hundreds of thousands of Klink cages as the other Klink were chanting 00 the traitor! There was Morphions at the end of the tunnel makeing deals with Khanzumers and Lady Margret as they were shakeing tenticals with the Vykkers and shareing a smoke with the glukkons and Lady Margret. The caged up Klinks were still chanting "00 the traitor 00 the traitor!"

Just then 00 awoke and found himself in the elevator with 22 and 327 looking over him.

"What the heck happened?"

"You past out for a bit so I took you into the shaft elevator and we are headed for the next level."

"It must have been my malfunction BZZZZZZZZZZZK! Every now and then I go off line and have strange dreams. And now I don't even remember my dream. Only something about a chip and then I woke up here. Wierd I have to say!" explaned 00.

Suddenly there was a rumbleing noise comming from above.

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02-08-2004, 10:12 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Seargentbig  (10)

(Ooc: We're the only people posting. Ah, well. I think it's better with just us three.
I'm gonna change a bit of what paramiteabe said to introduce me in this post, but I'll stick more-or less to the story.)
327: *Reboots, and looks around as he uploaded everything that just happened. Soon hi's vision settles on the roof, at the direction of the rumbling*
" A chip? I may be able to help you figure it out, but only if you don't mind me seeing other things. BZZZZZZZK! Although not right now, that rumbling can't be good."
*Indicating four tubes, two attaching his eyes to his mouthpiece and two more attaching his torso to his hind legs* "See these? just bits of useless tubes attached to me with glue. Good as a mock-weakness.BZZZZZZZK! The'll keep you alive up here. Pick up some of suitable lenght and I can supply glue"
*Waits for a moment*
"Wow, this is a long elivator ride. By the way, why are you two up here? I was "Reassigned" to duty as an "Elivator Worker" by my good friends 400 and 1000 after talking about some damn hole which leads to the Outer World. By the way, is 1000 still down there?"
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

Last edited by Seargentbig; 02-08-2004 at 10:20 PM..
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02-09-2004, 03:43 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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paramiteabe  (95)

00 looked at 327 and said.

"Indeed he is. You know 1000? 1000 is the judge whome exiled me. I will be free from this nightmare and nobody will stop 00!" yelled 00.

00 turned away from 327 because he felt he was being betrayed somehow.
00 thought to himself of his relationship with the rest of Klinks. For they all believed he was a trouble maker of somewhat. He knew himself not to trust anybody no matter the cost. But still the dreams that hunt 00's mind concerned him.

"What is my purpose?" thought 00 "What is this chip and why can't I remember my past? The weapon the chip myself 00 what does it mean?" thought 00.

The elevator came to a stop on level 2 and the doors opened there was nothing but more corridors. But the corridors now had door ways on each side it was as if it was a huge maze. But the rumbleing noise was even louder but still the noise was comming from above them. The three Klinks slowly walked off the elevator pad and the doors closed.

As they were moveing down the corridor 00 was a little bit ahead of 22 and 327 he was walking by himself concerned that he may never find Outer World. He simply wanted to be free and now he feels everyone distrusts him.

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02-09-2004, 09:28 PM
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(Ooc: Uh, Paramiteabe? I beleive you may have misread me. That last part said by 327 was supposed to sound sarcastic. Unless you've had 00 misunderstand him anyway. My point is that what happened to 327 is much like what happened to 00. After speaking about a hole to the Outer World (The very same, in fact, as what 00 saw), he was exiled to the upper levels by 400, his village leader and 1000.)
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

Last edited by Seargentbig; 02-09-2004 at 09:35 PM..
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02-10-2004, 03:24 AM
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(I dident misunderstand you. My character doesnt know about you yet and you have to view my character 00's past as rather unique. This weapon I keep bringing up in my posts is going to actually be my character but my character doesn't remember his purpose. There is a character in this story named the X Klink where 00 will find out about his past. This is like the queen of this metalic race but don't view it as a queen. The X Klink is a master control sort of to keep all Klinks in line. It too malfunctioned and has been put in a scrap heap somewhere in the upper levels. X Klink was intended to be the master control to make all Klinks become drones it was the first. The Klinks call it Mother. But like I said the Klink expierment is a huge failure in Magog history. Now everything is a mess and the Morphions are useing this oppertunity to use us for steel. My character 00 is a weapons class Klink and there is only one in existance and that was me that is what made me unique. Now that after I malfunction you can take on that role as a 00 class Klink. But highly more advance than me. Sort of like an updated version of my class. Do you understand? Which could add for some supense in the end of this story when we get to the hole.

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02-11-2004, 01:03 AM
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Now that after I malfunction you can take on that role as a 00 class Klink. But highly more advance than me. Sort of like an updated version of my class. Do you understand?
Well, almost all of it, but not that part.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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02-11-2004, 03:12 AM
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(ooc: What I said simply was that you would be the new and approved version of my class. You said you also have a similar chip right? Well we both have that same chip but mine has been damaged and yours isn't because you are more advance than me. Thats what I ment by that.)

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02-12-2004, 12:17 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
: Apr 2003
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Seargentbig  (10)

(It's the same Chip? I didn't realise...
So now all I don't understand is the malfunctioning bit. Is 00 gonna live...ish...
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02-12-2004, 03:04 AM
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All the klinks Malfunction when they realised that at one point they were once a life form that is why they are to be taken as slaves to altimately be melted. Thats also the reason Klinks have a seperate culture in the lowest levels of the Great Hub. Its because they know they were once a lifeform and now a machine. So the lifeform part sort of takes over the machine part and the Klink has a mind of its own. A wierd and unusial calture is created because of that. Klinks are failed expirements. The life form part of the Klink that is left after the Klink is melted is taken to be fed to Crunchers. In the case of 00 he was the first of his class. A special advance type of Klink that was suppose to save the whole project from going down the tubes.

The Vykkers knew Klinks were constantly malfunctioning so they developed 00 with a chip that would make him into the perfect deadliest Klink in existance. He would be considered a liveing weapon that the Vykkers can use. But that chip was damaged when 00 realised he was once a slurg. Mainly it dident work. The Vykkers failed so they went back to the drawing board to design a newer version to replace 00 mainly you. They developed a new chip that won't get damaged when the Klink realises it was a life form once. Vykkers knew that Klinks will altimately find out about their inner life form and malfunction. The Vykkers and Morphions finally solved the solution to fix this problem and that is to give Klinks the new 00 chip that will make them into deadly killing machines. Now the Morphions make steel from the Klinks for profit. Pretty much the Klinks are now ment to become deadly killing machine to gather specimens for the Vykkers research and then be dismantled by the Morphions and melted into steel and the life part fed to crunchers. Pretty much the Magog want Klinks to become advance disposable weapons. A new sick vison for for all families in the Magog. Its a profit for all Industrial races. Thats the whole thing and 00 is the cause of this.

Pretty much its a grand vison for the Industrial families.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 02-12-2004 at 03:26 AM..
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02-13-2004, 02:09 AM
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Oh, that malfunction...
Uh, where's Abe-Gun gone?
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02-20-2004, 06:46 PM
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Srry guys been gone for a while...hehe. Anyway, back to the story!

"00 wait up!" shouted 22 as he began to run. 00 started to sprint. 22 fired his cannon in 00's general direction to make him slow down, as he did to every klink when he was pissed. 00 stopped dead, but it wasn't because of the gunfire. (ooc: I think every one of us should control our own malfunction when we have to "leave") It was because he saw an army of armed vykkers holding machine guns with a spare pistol and a few grenades, smoke-bombs, flash-bangs and Incendiery grenades. "the Marodds."(oddworld's marines of vykkers, sligs, and other idiotic soldiers that...suck.) 00 automatically flung out his arm. and then his other. During this clothesline-to-make-you-stop he gazed ahead, and 22 and 327 crashed into him at full speed. When they got up(22 had wheels so he needed a bit of help), they were just as speechless as 00. They then saw the vykkers and the rest of the army move out. As this happened, millions and millions of Klinks charged into them. It was the Marodds' target practice. Suddenly 22 piped up. "Oh YEAH! WELL, I'll SHOW THEM TARGET PRACTICE!!!" and he zoomed off towards them, tossing five Incendiary grenades along the way. As 00 tried to stop him, he decided instead the man the machine gun. He thought this might be kinda fun. Which is very unusual for 00. So there it was. The big target practice of the klinks and the Marodds. The Target Practice was now a real war. Cause as the other klinks (origonal targets) saw random Klinks actually fighting back, they began to stand out as well. The real reason they did is cause they saw 00 fighting back. 00 decided he may not be so hated. And there it was.
Abe-Gun (formerly known as Sid Hawk)

Last edited by Abe-gun; 02-20-2004 at 06:51 PM..
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02-21-2004, 12:10 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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*327, seeing the attemped massacre of the lot of klinks, started inspecting several compartments on his body. Eventualy he finds what he's looking for, pulls it out, stands on three legs, his front right leg raised, presses a button on the thing, tosses it to his leg, and then tosses it into the masses of mechanical armour and legs in fluid movement. A group of the poor buggers are, within a few seconds, thrown toward the magnet and then killed when the magnet/bomb explodes. He then grabs onto 22 before he is left behind*
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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02-22-2004, 05:23 AM
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00 22 and 327 were now moveing down the corridor away from the masses as they came to a stop. 00 hopped off 22's cannon as he thanked them.

"Thanks that was fun. I wounder where all those Klinks came from?" asked 00.

They started to walk forward. But 00 being the cerious Klink noticed a door to the left of the corridor. He then turned into the door way that opened up into a dark room. 22 and 327 dident follow but called out to him. For something caught 00's eyes.

"Hey 00 what are you doing?" yelled 22.

"Get back here you cerious Klink!" yelled 327.

Meanwhile 00 entered this dark room and saw something that made him suddenly become scared. 00 suddenly backed out of the room.

breathing hard 00 yelled at his friends.

"We got to get out here!"

"What is it?"

Breathing intensely "Stat slig!" as he pointed into the dark shadow.

"What the hell is a Stat Slig?" asked 22.

But they were interruped as they were looking into the room.

A large mechanical walking sound now being heard from the shadow was getting louder as red intense eyes shown through the darkness. It was enormous the size of a big Bro maybe even bigger. A beam of red light filtered out of the darkness onto the wall. Suddenly an intense building of light and sparks were forming near the eyes of the Stat.

"What is that?"

Suddenly a large blast of plasma fire came flying out and made a massive hole in the wall 22 and 327 were spared. The enormous mechanoid slig known as a Stat Slig slowly walked out of the door. 00 was on the other side of this mechanoid and 22 and 327 were on the other.

The Stat slig was known as being the most advanced form of slig there is. Its extremely smart and slightly larger than a big bro and it is invincble. Covered in a metallic armor this type of slig looked like a droid. It moved much like a droid. but it had a mind of its own. For Stat Sligs carry an advance plasma lazor cannon on their sholder. No guns peer lazor weapons. It began to look right at 00 and then shift its head at 22 and 327. It was as if the Stat Slig didnt notice the Klinks.

00 remembered something about Stats they don't attack unless they detect movement.

"22, 327 stand still Stats only attack when there is movement! yelled 00."

Now 00 22 and 327 were now in the midst of a Stat Slig.

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