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06-24-2001, 08:45 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Spider woke up and stretched. It was morning now so he got up and put his pants on. As he headed for the door he noticed DH still asleep on the floor.

Looks like he never got around ter makin' that other bed.. he thought with a slight chuckle and headed out to hunt.

After catching his breakfast, Spider went back to the river. He decided to relax a bit, so he took off his pants and slipped into the water. It was a little cold but he didn't care, he laid down in the water and let the water run over his body. He sighed with content and closed his eyes.

A short while later he heard a all too familiar sound of a gun being cocked.
S***! He didn't waste any time...he moved.
The bullet just barely missed him as he quickly scambled out of the river. He looked and saw a slig bounty hunter who was quickly reloading his gun to shoot at him again.
Noticing that this slig had smartly placed himself between him and his pants, Spider knew he had only one other option: take to the trees. Which he did. Another shot struck a branch just next to him as he climbed up and started leaping from tree to tree (yes he is able to do this...). He was hoping the slig would loose track of him, but apparently this one was an expect at keeping his targets in sight.
Another shot grazed his arm causing him to stumble slightly, but he kept moving.
Suddenly he heard a scrab like howl and the slig yelp of surprise. Spider risked stopping a moment to find out what surprised the slig. What he saw was terrifing...

Facing off with the slig was a large creature that looked like a mix of a scrab and scorpion. It was all black with red and orange stripes. The slig was shooting at it, and was hurting it, but it kept advancing. Suddenly a web-like substance shot out from its stinger, pinning the sligs arms to his sides. The slig was cried out in pain as it the webs were burning him. Then, with a quick motion of its tail it impiled the slig on its stinger. The slig howled in pain and fell still. The creature then dropped the slig and picked it up with its pincer front limbs. It looked around a moment, looking for more 'prey', then it moved off. The whole time, Spider was stayed in the trees, frozen with fear. He caught it's scent, it was the same scent he smelled the day before.
He waited until he was sure the creature was gone, then climbed down the tree, reclaimed his pants, and ran back to the village. He looked back occasionally to ensure that 'thing' wasn't following him...

[ June 24, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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06-26-2001, 03:58 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

*DH was suddenly awakened by the sound of someone running into his shack. He jumped up and saw Spider quickly closing the door behind him, looking terrified. He then saw Spider look cautiously out a window and stared for a moment. Spider then breathed a visable sigh of relief .*

Spider: Good...it didn't follow me...

DH: What didn't follow you? A bounty hunter?

Spider: *still shaking* No...something worse then that....something that is a treat ter us all....

[ June 25, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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06-26-2001, 05:04 AM
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DH: (Anxious) "What? Must be something really bad if it got you this scared. . ."

Spider: *nods* I was resting by the river when I was ambushed by a bounty hunter. I had to take to the trees due to I didnt have my pants on at the time. As I was trying to evade, the hunter was attacked by a creature I have never seen before.

DH: "What'd look like?"

Spider: it had a scrab like head, with a long neck, and a scorpians body. All black with red and orange stripes

DH: "And what'd it do to the hunter?"

Spider: The hunter shot at it, but it barely phased it. It shot him with some sort of web, then impailed him on its stinger. The web seemed to burn the hunter and he died real quick after getting impiled, must have poision as well..

DH: (Scared) "Yeek. . . I hope I don't end up like that hunter did." *He shudders*

Spider: I'm lucky I didn't. I was still in the trees at the time. It never saw me. 'Course...if it did see me I probably wouldn't have been able ter move 'cause I was so scared *shudders*

DH: (Scared) "If that gun didn't do anything, then my stick won't be any good against it either. . . It looks like we're screwd. . ." *shudders*

Spider: yeah...unless some big hitters come along.. And another thing is...there's no way we can tell if thats the only one out there...

DH: (Scared "There may be a whole colony. . . Man, oh man! This is too much."

*He sits down in the corner of his shack and puts his head in his hands*

Spider: *still breathing hard and shaking* what if...that thing decides ter come ter the village?

DH: (Really scared) "Oh, don't remind me!"

*They here a scrab like howl, followed by several others...*

*Dark Hood sits up in shear terror. He goes white, starts shaking and breaks out in a cold sweat*

Spider: *turns pale and is shaking so hard his pants are creaking*

DH: "Oh. . . . ****!!!"

*He gets up and gathers his possesions and shoves them all in his pocket.*

DH: "Quick, Spider! We have to escape!"

Spider: ter where?

DH: "I dunno, I'm gonna miss this place, but I don't wanna die!"

Spider: shouldn't we warn the village?

DH: "Yeah, we'll do that on the way out!"

*He finishes gathering possesions*

DH: "Now lets get outta here!!!"

*Nothing is left in the shack but the table, the make shift chair, the frame of the bed with the matress, and the stove.*

Spider: *grabs his 'cloak' and puts it on*

*They exit the shack and run through the village with Dark Hood yelling "Everybody out! We're screwed!"*
- DH

06-26-2001, 08:24 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

*As Spider and DH are running through the village, Spider suddenly stops*

DH: *stops when he notices Spider isn't running* Come on! We got to get out of here!

Spider: *stranglely calm* Yer know what...I'm sick of running.

DH: huh?

Spider: Ever since I've escaped I have been running...running ter keep my tail alive or ter keep from getting caught again. Here I am, having found a nice place fer once, 'bout ter running away again. Well I'm sick of it! If I am ter die here so be it. I am going ter stay here and der what I can against those creatures if they come here. I am not going ter run anymore, I am making my stand here! *stamps a leg on the ground*


(ooc: your turn DH)

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06-29-2001, 08:57 PM
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DH: "Suit yourself. I'm too young to die! Goodbye, Spider. It's been nice knowing you."

Spider: thats yer choice...goodbye friend

*Dark Hood turns and starts to run, then one of the strange cretures comes out and attacks Dark Hood.*

DH: "AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Spider: NO!

*as Spider runs to try to aid DH, the creature starts tearing into DH. The other villagers scatter in fear. Dark Hood gets knocked out and starts coughing up blood*

Spider: *howls in rage and jumps the creature, and starts biting and slashing at the creatures neck* HE WAS ONE OF THE ONLY FRIENDS I HAD YER BISTICH!

*Creature knocks Spider to the ground with its tail.*

Spider: Oof!

*creature strikes out with its tail. Spider dodges and grabs onto it*

Spider: don' yer know its not polite ter poke people?

Creature: *shrieks in fury at him as it tries to pull its tail free.*

*Dark Hood awakes, badly injured, and starts to limp away, clutching several rather large holes in his chest and limbs. He is leaking a rather large amount of blood. Spider takes the creatures stinger and rips it off*

Spider: lets see how tuff yer are without yer poker *tosses it aside*

Creature: *furious charges him*

Spider: *side steps it and jumps onto its back, then bites down on the back of its head*

*A second Creature comes around the corner*

Spider: *thinking* FRACK! *manages to snap the first creatures neck. and Grabs the stinger he ripped off it. He notices this new one is twice as big as the first..* this could be painful...

New Creature: *is advancing, looking quite peaved*

(Me and Drag will carry on later, I have to go now.)
- DH

06-29-2001, 09:22 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: FYI the one Spider just killed was a young adult. the new one is an adult. Spider is now armed with a young Adult Skrakian stinger: HP 2 AP 5 Spider's new stats: HP 3 AP 6. He might not keep it though, as I said in his description...he prefers to use his bare hands. Ill have an actual fight posted for the next bit(I intend to let Spider have 'fun' with this one. You'll see what I mean when I post it *grin*)

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