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06-29-2001, 10:29 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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Skrakian attack on Pyke

Spider vs Adult Skrakian


HP: 3
AP: 6

Adult Skrakian
HP: 15
AP: 18

Note: this wont be an ordinary fight. Just so you know
--------------------------------------------- Spider: *thinking* how am I going ter beat this one? I was lucky with the first...Odd give me strength....

AS: *stops advancing and aims its tail in Spider direction*

Spider: *braces himself*

AS: *starts shooting its webs at him*

Spider: *Runs off to one side, dodging the AS's shots* *thinking* got ter disable that stringer...

AS: *stops shooting and charges*

Spider: *barely sidesteps in time and strikes for 4 HP*
AS = HP 11

*combatants are now on opposite sides of the village square*

Spider:*gets Idea. Takes off his cloak and holds it out like a bull fighters cape* Toro!

AS: *hisses and charges again. Spider sidesteps it again, this time he manages to wrap the cloak around its tail and tie it to a tree*

Spider: got yer! *strikes it for 4 HP*
AS = HP 7

AS: *manages to whip around and swipe Spider for 1 HP*
Spider = HP 2

Spider: Ouch! that hurt! *smacks it again for 2 HP*
AS = HP 5

AS: *grabs Spiders pants with its jaws and lifts him off the ground*

Spider: WHOA! *gets slammed to the ground, stunned for a moment*

AS: *pulls its tail free*

Spider: ouchie *notices his pants are mangled* Frag..*removes them and just manages to dodge the AS's tail* *thinking* this is going ter be next ter impossible now...

*Spider spends the next few moments just dodging the AS's attacks, most just barely missing him.*

AS: *manages to jab him with its jaws, slamming him against the tree: 1 HP*
Spider = HP 1

Spider: ARGH! *slumps against the tree, badly injured* *looks up to see the AS about to deliever a death blow* no...I will not...give up...*drives the stinger he has up into the AS's throat, just behind the jaws: 6 HP**AS staggers a moment, then falls dead.* AS = HP 0 slain.
Spider: *stands up weakly* DH? *sees the trail of blood DH left behind when he limped away* no...*follows it. Finds DH unconscous not far away* Please no...*checks his pulse, still alive...barely*

*Spider cruddles DH's unconscous body in one arm as he leans up against a wall*

Spider: *tears flowing* please don' die DH...please...hang on...

(ooc: rest will be done later. ack that's the last time I'm writing a combo of story and fight! That didn't turn out too well...)

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07-02-2001, 09:59 AM
glokking bram
: Jun 2001
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COOL man
07-03-2001, 09:14 PM
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*Dark Hood awakes. . .*

DH: (Really weak) "Spi. . . Spider? Is that you?"

Spider: *slight smile* yes DH Im here...please hold on..

DH: (Really weak) "Uh. . . I don't think so. . . I'm history. . ."

Spider: Don' talk like that..yer can make it

DH: (Really weak) "I. . . I'm sorry. . . I've always been that. . . way. . . uhh. . ."

*He coughs up a bit more blood*

Spider: *tears flowing* don' stress yerself...take it easy

DH: (Getting weaker and breathing heavily) "I know. . . thankyou. . . thanks for fighting that mons. . . monster off. . . off for me. . ."

Spider: No problem..I got it fer yer...got the second one ter..

DH: (Getting weaker still) "But. . . it was in vain. . . my life is soon. . . soon to expire. . . No healer in. . . this village. . . could save. . . save me now. . ."

*Dark Hood is now close to death, and is turning paler*

DH: (dying) "Good. . . goodbye Spider. . . You've been a great friend to me. . . Please. . ."

*He is about to say some more but is getting really, really weak*

Spider: No..thank yer fer understanding me..and fer being my friend....

DH: (extreamely weak and on his last ounce of strength) ". . . it's okay. . . but please. . . please tell my purple dragon friend. . . say. . . say that I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry I had to go. . . tell her. . . tell her that I thank. . . thank her for everything she has done for me. . ."

*Dark Hood goes pale and limp*

Spider: *howls with grief*

*Just then a very loud "Bizzap!!" and a extremely loud whooshing sound is heard*

Spider: *still crying* what the frack now? This is the last thing I need right now..

*A large space ship lands nearby*

Spider: *puts DH's body down and weakly stands up*

*A strange humaniod creature with markings similar to a hornet comes out of the space ship*

Spdier: *is tense and growls*

Bladewing: "Oh crap! Am I too late?!"

Spider: *still growling* ter late fer what?

*He goes past Spider*

Bladewing: "Spider, I am Dark Hood's 'Gardian Angel'. I'll tell you more about me later, but now isn't the time."

Spider: *growl furously* how der yer know my name!?

Bladewing: "Tell you later!" *He picks up Dark Hood and starts running toward the ship* "Follow me."

Spider: *follows (more like chases...)*

Bladewing: *Muttering to himself, but Spider can hear him* "Stupid technical difficulties. If it weren't for them, I would of come earlier. I would be able to ressurect him too."

Spider: *is puzzled, but his own wounds decide to start complaining. He stops clutching his side* urgh! *He forces himself to continue on*

*Bladewing also slows down because he isn't very strong, and is having a bit of a tough time running with Dark Hood in his hands. They eventually reach the ship, and climb some steps into a large room in the ship with a bar and lots of tables. They go down a corridoor and enter a room where there is lots of equipment and two medical beds. Similar to a vykkers lab, but a lot cleaner, and much more high tech.*

Spider: *whines slightly at the sight of all the equipment and such...it reminds him of Vykker labs...*

*A second more feminine humaniod, similar to Bladewing execpt with orange skin and hornet markings comes into the room.*

Spider: *is nervious and wondering if it was a mistake to follow Bladewing here*

*She and Bladewing put Dark Hood onto one of the beds and quickley strip him naked, and wire him up to lots of metering equipment. A third humaniod comes in, but he is black with red markings*

Spider: *is torn between bolting and sticking around for DH's sake*

*They all stand around Dark Hood and begin to try thier best to revive him*

Zip (The feminine humanoid): "S***! Heart rate is low!"

Max (the black humaniod): "Bugger it! He's low on blood! Quick, Bladewing go replicate some blood from the replicator!"

*Bladewing goes up to a console and taps a few numbers into it. After a few seconds, a bottle of blood is warped onto a strange teleportation contraption in in the center of the room. Bladewing quickley grabs the bottle and attachches a hose to it, whilst Zip injects Dark Hood with a needle in one of his vains*

Spider: *backs up into a corner (he is starting to get flashbacks), whining*

*A strange robot aproaches him*

Spider: *snarls and hisses*

X-2001: "Don't worry, Spider. Everything will be fine, I'm sure. They've only taken a crash course in being doctors, but they are okay."

Spider: I don' like...medics.... *snarling* reminds me of bad things..

X-2001: "They aren't medics that will hurt you, don't worry. We heard your story when we were watching over Dark Hood. Oh, I'm X-2001, BTW. I'm the engineering robot for this ship here."

Spider: *winces when his wound acts up again*

X-2001: "You okay?"

Spider: was hurt...fighting those... things... they nearly got me..

X-2001: "Yeah, dangerous to other organic life, aren't they? I find it very strange that we haven't heard about them yet in our time. I make a useless medical driod, but I have been programed with a few simple medical tips. Here, let me take a look at that wound for you. . ."

*He reaches out to Spider with his hand*

Spider: *growls fursiously at him*

X-2001: "I'll take that as a no then. I know you're scared, but it's for your own well being. I won't hurt you, don't worry."

Spider: don' care...stay away from me...

X-2001: "Okay, I'll try what Dark Hood used."

Spider: *still growling*

X-2001: "Here is some Tumeric and some Tea-tree." *Hands Spider some off the nearby shelf* "Apply them yourself if you don't feel happy."

Spdier: *takes them and starts treating himself*

*Suddenly, Bladewing, Max and Zip give off a loud cheer*

Bladewing: "We did it!!"

Zip: "He's stable!"

Max: "Whoo-hoo!"

Bladewing: "Okay, Dark Hood! Don't worry, we won't loose you now!"

*Smiling, the three get back to work on him*

Spider: *looks over and sighs with relief*

X-2001: "See? What did I tell you?"

Spider: *snorts* I still hate being in a place like this..

X-2001: "Well, why don't we go to the canteen?"

Spider: the wha? *is puzzled*

X-2001: "Canteen. That big room with tables that we past. We use it to eat and stuff. However, since I'm a robot, I don't use it for eating. My recharger is in there, though."

Spider: oh...I suppose..it would be better then being in here..*shudders*

*They begin to walk to the canteen*

X-2001: "Also, why don't I go retrieve your pants whilst you take a lie down? I'm a mechanical robot, and I think I'll be able to get them as good as new in no time!"

Spider: thanks..*finds a bench and lays down*

X-2001: "Won't be long. . ."

*He exits and leaves Spider alone.*

Spider: *thinking* why must Odd torment me like this? Why do all those I consider friends get seriously hurt or killed? *he sighs* Why can't I just be left alone ter live a normal life?

*Meanwhile outside, X-2001 approaches Spider's Pants, when one of those creatures attacks him*

X-2001: (Annoyed) "Aw, please! You really ought to know better then that, you stupid creature!"

*Back in the canteen, Spider hears a loud zapping noise coming from outside*

Spider: what the?! *jumps up and runs downstairs to the door*

*He sees that X-2001 has fried another one of those creatures to a crisp*

Spider: cripes.... *thinking* mental note...don't get robot mad at yer...

*X-2001 dusts himself off and casually retreives Spiders pants. He drags them to the door of the ship*

Spider: I wonder how many more of those buggers are out there?

X-2001: "Search me. We haven't encountered them where we come from in the Earth year 4952. That is strange, since we have all known races on database."

Spider: yer from the future? what yer doin' here fer then?

X-2001: "We installed a time machine, and since we made friends with Dark Hood in a trip back in Earth's past and he helped us, we promised him that we would watch over him incase he got into trouble when we had nothing to do. Right now the ship is kind of broken. I think I have my work cut out to repair it. It'll take me a long time."

*They begin to make thier way back to the canteen*

Spider: so yer stuck here fer now?

X-2001: "Yes, until I can get the ship repaired. In the meantime, us lot will help you deal with those mosters."

*He plonks Spiders pants on one of the tables and starts working on them. Several little tools come out of his fingertips*

Spider: I think we could really use the help.. I barely beat those first two... and that was due ter plain good luck.... oookkkk now I've seen everything..

*X-2001 starts to bend the metal back into shape using his bare hands with outstanding presision*

Spider: whoa..*thinking* second mental note...make really sure yer don't piss off the robot...

X-2001: "I wonder how those creatures will serve up against our laser guns."

Spider: *shrugs* beats me..

X-2001: "About us lot, BTW. I'm X-2001, the mechanical robot for this ship as you know. Bladewing Hillsbury is the yellow person with the hornet markings. Zip Hillsbury is the orange woman with hornet markings, and she's the captain. She and Bladewing are brother and sister. Max Dallas is the other black colored person."

X-2001: "Bladewing, Max and Zip are crossbreeds between insects and humans. That's why they look so strange, have no noses and no hair."

Spider: uh huh...well yer obviously already know 'bout me..

X-2001: "Yes, we know your history. We were all listening when you told Dark Hood."

Spider: where I came from..I've seen weirder..

X-2001: "Yes, we've all seen weirder humaniod crossbreeds. Plus a few weird slig crosbreeds as well. We checked out a bit of Vykkers labs for fun, but incase they noticed us, we didn't get much out of that."

*He pauses*

X-2001: "Oh, and there is one more crewmember. Her name is Strepo, and she's the ships cook. She is that strange red blob creature that you might find."

Spider: ok...I'll keep that in mind... *he thinks a moment* yer know..I never did find out what creatures I'm made out of...I know of two.. and there's one more I don' know...

X-2001: "We don't have that info, sorry."

Spider: oh well...

X-2001: "We could try and find out for you, but I doubt we'll get anywhere."

Spider: its not pressing, its jus' somethin' I wanted ter know..

X-2001: "Okay."

*He starts drilling a hole into one of the legs*

Spider: *raises a brow* um..

X-2001: "Sorry, I have to do this. I'll get Dark Hood to fix it properly when he wakes up and gets better, but this will do for now."

Spider: uh..ok...jus' wondering...

X-2001: "You'll have to go easy on them. They'll be a bit slower and less reliable."

Spider: bugger..

X-2001: "I sypmathise with you. I remember when I got my legs mangled when I fell off a balcony and landed badly. I couldn't walk properly until I next met Dark Hood. It sucked."

Spider: well if I have ter..I can get around quite well with out..

X-2001: "Oh, don't worry. You can still use these, but just go a bit more easy on them."

Spider: ill try..

X-2001: "Good. BTW, feel free to use the spare room. It'll probably be better then Dark Hood's shack."

Spider: ok ta

X-2001: "Oh, and it'll be much safer too. Those creatures will not be able to get through this ships hull, and if they tried, we'd notice them first before they managed to get in, and blast them to little peices."

Spider: good...I really hate those buggers.

*Bladewing, Max and Zip come out of the science room*

Bladewing: "Hey, Spider, he's waking up. You'd better come and see him."

Spider: *quickly gets up*

X-2001: "Yeah, you'd better. I'll stay here and keep working on your pants for you."

Spider: thanks again

X-2001: "No problem, Spider."

*He does a thumbs up and gets back to work*

Spider: *runs back to the science room, pauses briefly at the door and goes in*

*Bladewing follows him in. Max and Zip go and do stuff elsewhere*

DH: (Really worn out) "Huh. . .? Where. . . where am I?"

Spider: *appears over him* friends of yers came by and saved yer hide. *smile*

DH: (Opens his eyes) "You mean that I'm not dead?"

Bladewing: "No."

DH: "Good. I always knew having a friend like you would always come in handy, Bladewing. Thanks for saving me."

Bladewing: "No problem, Dark Hood. I'm afriad you'll be resting a while. Those wounds are serious. We managed to patch up everything, but since our teleporter isn't working because a slurg got into the electrics, I'm afraid you'll have to stay in here and heal natrually."

*Dark Hood groans*

DH: "Oh god."

*He yawns*

DH: "What did the creture do to me anyway?"

Bladewing: "Punctured your left lung, made a hole in your right leg, broke your arm, and badly briused you."

Spider: looks like yer will be bed ridden fer a while DH

DH: "Ouch."

Bladewing: "Spider, is it okay if we move him to the spare room? X-2001 did offer it to you like I asked him too, didn't he?"

Spider: yeah he did

Bladewing: "Good, so you don't mind sharing rooms again with Dark Hood, okay?"

Spider: no problem... I've slept with worse in the same area *grins*

DH: "Oh boy. Sharing rooms again."

Bladewing: "Dark Hood, we'll empty your pockets and repair your clothes for you. The spare room should be big enough to store all your clutter for now."

DH: "Fine with me."

*Later, Dark Hood is in a very comfy looking bed in the spare room, wearing nothing else but bandages and a blanket. The clutter that he was storing in his pocket is all around his bed. Spider is also resting on a very comfy looking bed next to the other wall. It is night time, and the lights have been dimmed.*

DH: "I bet this is really luxorious compared to the places you have slept in, eh?"

Spider: *half asleep* uh huh..

DH: "Heck, my bed at home isn't even as comfy as this one!"

Spider: *chuckles*

Bladewing: (From coridoor) "Time to put the lights out. Goodnight, you two. Have a nice sleep."

DH: "Night, Bladewing!"

Spider: night... *yawns*

*The lights go out and footsteps are heard as Bladewing goes into his room. The lights in the coridoor have been left on, and they shine into the spare room through the window in the door, lighting the room up just enough to see where you are going if you let your eyes get used to the light.*

DH: "Night, Spider."

Spider: nite DH

*Dark Hood drifts off to sleep*

Spider: *yawns again and drifts off as well*

- DH

07-04-2001, 03:10 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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[OOC: hey, who invited bladewing? grr... i hate people who gatecrash rpgs... especially in spaceships; that can be painful...]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

07-04-2001, 05:10 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

ooc: Bladewing is DH's character. DH is going to switch to him while Dark Hood is healing. Im not to sure about this though...I'm gonna have to think of something to keep him from using there technology against the enemies, it would be too easy if they did (sorry DH, but i was meaning for the Skrakians to be a really difficult incounter). BTW I do intend for Spider to develop some special abilities due to the 'third creature' he is made out of *grin*. Don't worry there will be limitations...

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07-04-2001, 07:16 PM
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OOC: Don't worry, I only switched to Bladewing because Dark Hood isn't powerful enough. Because of the technical difficulties, only one laser gun will work. Basicly, all Bladewing will be armed with is a small laser gun (the only laser gun that works because all the other laser guns on board chargers are broken), and basic armour. Each shot of the laser gun takes off 2HP. The laser gun can hold 10 shots before Bladewing has to re-charge it. He has better laser guns, but they are broken. Not very much better then Dark Hood, but he has the advantage of shooting from a distance.
- DH

07-04-2001, 07:28 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

ooc: DH if your still on could you go to Oddchat? Since MSN is still not ******* working Grrr

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