Nikki keeps me in line. She's always encouraging me to draw out of my comfort zone, and I'm always telling her to shut up and make me a sandwich.
No but really, I do appreciate the few friends I have that give actual constructive criticism and aren't just perpetually spewing praise and asking me to draw them shit. In grade school, especially, I would get all kinds of requests. Usually for shit I had absolutely no interest in drawing. One of my friends was always pestering me to draw hockey-related things for him. What a cunt.
Almost all of my prospective projects are film-related. Dystopia being my pet project.
Dystopia is a post apocalyptic film, but instead of being dreary and monotone like The Road or Children of Men, it's more like a zanier version of Mad Max/Tank Girl. I have like 3/4ths of the script written in chicken scratch on an office notepad, with tons of little drawings in the margins.
I'll throw up some of the concepts for it while I'm at it....