Design Despotism
Now I'm sure some of you may remember
MeechMunchie's thread
Design Democracy. Unfortunately those images appear to be lost to time so in order to revitalise NOA&L and bring back some community activities here's the dark new chapter of Design Democracy.
The games will proceed as follows:
I will create an object based on the suggestions of members. It might end up as anything - monster, alien, spaceship, or maybe a strange item of furniture - but
every change will have been suggested.
Note that
no other changes will be made. "Give it wings" is all very well, but those wings will just be triangles until someone says "Make them curvier" or "Give them feathers".
I will
only take the first suggestion between pictures, for the sake of avoiding arguments and preserving my sanity. The downside is you might have to repeat your request a few times.
If you already see a request since the last image,
save your time - don't request! Somehow people seem to find a way of having conversations about this junk,
that's fine. You can post as much as you want (within reason), but I'm only going to
work on one addition at a time.
I am honour-bound to fulfil any request. Please do not abuse this power.
At any time the despot is able to take control of the piece. I have a list of pre-decided changes which will be randomly selected, These changes may include but aren't limited to: removing the last two stages of progress, drawing the opposite of the last-given request, or ending the round entirely.
As the frequenters of this thread have learnt,
the length of time I pad something out for goes up exponentially as the degree of change increases. It just seems a little unfair for one person to (inadvertently) rob a dozen people of their requests by asking for something massive. On the other hand,
I can often do a couple of small requests in a day, and be able to show you all the results. So, to conclude,
NEVER ask for a big change in one go, and
the smaller you make your requested change, the better.
The round will end, and will only end (barring my death), when I recieve two consecutive requests to end it. This, I decided, was balanced. A round can be ended quickly by two people who want it to end, while a sufficiently devoted opponent can butt in to keep it going with any drawing-based request.
You have no say in when the round ends. The round will end if the END ROUND choice is ever drawn, or when your merciful supreme leader sees fit.
That concludes the rules.
All progress of the Design Despotism thread can be found in an Imgur album here
Here is a single point of unlimited potential. It may be first morphed into any basic shape and then worked on from there.