Oddworld Forums > Zulag Four > Necrum Burial Grounds

: Should we apply for an out-of-oddworld rpg?
Yes 16 76.19%
No 5 23.81%
: 21.

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05-24-2003, 08:02 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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Happy Hear ye, Hear ye. All must read these rules.

First off, my name is Rexy. I am the forum moderator. In addition, for those who do not know I am a girl. If you do not read these rules, however, I shall close your RPG until you do so. For although I am a nice person over this past week (while I have been away) there have been around 2 topics, which make no sense. In addition, 1 warning given out. I shall give you words or a sentence to type after reading each rule, to show you have.

Rule 1.) Please do not run more than 3 RPG topics at a time, or have your character in more than 3 topics at a time. It’s a lot of work for you and me. So don’t or I shall close your thread/delete your posts, and pm you about the rules. Sniff-sniff banger, is your word.

Rule 2.) Before creating sequels, prequels must be finished and closed. Also, they must be approved by moi. If you don’t, I will not be a happy bunny. Bunny.

Rule 3.) When creating a new character or species put it in here, or I will again pm you. And please let me approve of your char/species before using it/them. Choc.

Rule 4.) When creating mini-rpgs, please notify me in any way. Whether it’s on oddchat, in this topic or in a pm/email. Pmmers.

Rule 5.) Frink frink, be the word. Please please please! Put more detail at the beginning and if the topics name is (e.g.) “rebuilding rupture farms” make it about rupture farms. (And not about killing Abe.)

Rule 6.) If you are on the fame/shame wall, don’t complain. It’s for the best/worst. And if you’re not on it. Try harder next month. (To be on the fame bit, not shame bit) Shobble.

Rule 7.) It’s got to be about Oddworld. Just earlier, I moved hobo’s topic about the matrix. And as there wasn’t a rule about it, I couldn’t really tell him off. Therefore, it’s got to be about ODDWORLD.

If you think we should have any more rules, then please reply. I'd love t hear your suggestions.



Looks like a bluish radish with long tall stocks growing up from its top. There are 3 stocks and they look like corn stocks, but no corn, just leaves.


Looks like a potato. It’s got a larger starch count though. It will give food for a village and allow them to go with out food for 2 days because of the amount of starch in it. The bad part: it taste pretty disgusting.


looks like an over turned octopus! Its a ball of nutrients a the bottom, but at the top, tentacle like vines spread out from the soil, with small leaves on them. Its whitish coloration gives the gardens a beautiful look, and their leaves smell good. They're not very filling but they are a good snack. The root part is only edible

Hiyuki: This green plant is very rare. And can only be eaten by certain species. Which include most natives. It has a red stem, which is very sweet, but if you cover the leaves with honey it becomes a delicacy.

If you have any more ideas please post them up, thanks.


Should I apply for an out-of-oddworld RPG? We wold have to use it of course, but i've had a few people asking me about it. What do you think? Yes or no.

And Finally Species list:

(Any one can use these species as they are not in use and are pretty old)


They all wear long black cloaks, no mater what, they always do. There heads look like black human heads with red glowing eyes and no facial features at all (except for the eyes, duh) the cloak has a padded collar that raises up behind thick, and thins out as it comes to the front. Without the cloak the Shadows body is actually a giant celestial mass, from which they can create arms or other appendages.

They stand at least 12ft tall, and are extremely sinister, do not trust them at all. Suggested you avoid them at all costs.

The Shadows live in vast networks of caves throughout Oddworld were they sleep and learn. 12 lords rule the cave networks in Oligarchy. The walls of the caves are lined with special crystals, which the Shadows use to collect beings to absorb. The creature has to be wounded, or weak for it to work, other wise the creature would still be able to thrive inside the Shadow.

All Shadows are intelligent and have a small task force of creatures that the choose to "Infest", meaning if there was a war the Shadows would sit back and wait till there creatures are dead and then wreak hell on the wounded opposing force's. The Shadows live in colonies, and since there is no Families or Sex's they live with whom ever they want, and make "Shadow lings" by combining celestial energy to create a being like both of the parenting Shadows. The Shadows have been staying in their caves until now. They have re-awakened and slowly Shadow's are leaving the caves. Some by choice, others were told to by the lords. And now that they've come out to feed. Almost no one is safe.

They don’t exactly eat, they consume the life force of wounded creatures, the more intelligent the better, but what they're mostly draining, is there energy. The victim’s energy is drained from the body and kills them. Meaning their most favorite meals are Muddies, Tak'la, and Vykkers.

Not really weapons they use there shape-shifting abilities and the ability to "Infest" a wounded opponent to combat. You could say they are weapons themselves.

These are the types of Shadows that are found about in Oddworld. Remember every part is black unless said other wise.

Lords- There are only 12, but they are the most powerful of all Shadows. They wear a Roman centurion style helmet, of which the openings are glowing red. They have the ability to control massive amounts of creatures at a time, and are the most feared of all Shadows.

Aen'Tu-rai- these are the most mysterious and strangest of the Shadows. They have a round head and slited eyes that look like they've been carved in the orb of a head. They use the most celestial energy and weep tears of blood from their slits when they use high power attacks. Strange.


The Shadows were created by the Ancients along with the Tak'la and many other legendary races’. Both being brother race's they hate each other. Except for the Gen'krok. The 2 races have been seen working together on numerous accounts.

Tak’la (I'm running out of names, bare with me)
height: 7feet on their own, but when floating 10feet
natural habitat: Large Platform cities above Oddworlds Ocean
diet: Herbavores, mostly roots, like carrots and potatoes (*doesn’t feel like correcting spelling today, will in the near future (that’s Friday))
Thin, very thin, like stick thin, flat body, skinny oval head, slited eyes, pointed chin, head is more near the chest, neck stretched out farther than usual, grayish skin coloration, organgish eyes, arms are about the length of a full outstrenched Childs arm down to the first joint on the arm, then brakes off to 2 other jointed arms, witch have 3 fingered hands, with opposable thumbs, legs long and skinny, 3 finger like toe's on feet, have phsyic powers allowing them to float, have some Telekinesis abilities, and some power to manipulate matter to their own will, not very strong. Clothing: usually a large shoulder pad made of steel with giant orbs at each end, large 2ft spines sticking out of them like spears, can be used to boost their Telekinesis, long tapestry like robes coming down from shoulder pad (O.o need to find proper name for that) usually colored black or red, or having an insignia, all depending on what faction they’re with...

Sien-kar (Translation: Sprit minded)(I made all these names up off the top of my head so, if I copied something or it mean something in another language, then sorry): A faction of the Tak'la that believe in freeing their mind and souls from they're very bodies, by going through a process, they all become mentally one, allowing greater phsyic reach and ability.
Geh’krok (Translation: Summoners): Faction of the Tak'la that believe in training in the art of necromancy, wanting to raise their dead ancestors and create an army to over throw the head platform (G'nek) and take over Oddworld.
Pelor(Translation: Peace): This faction is one training in healing, and peace making, they only want all the Factions to come together and become one force and attempt to unite Oddworld, and bring peace and harmony to all.
Info on current platforms (cities):
Ten'wa(Translation: the minds escape): Platform of Sien-kar, a large and majestic platform, pearl white and filled with temples, a great city.
A’kora (Translation: City of the Dead): Geh'krok's platform, large, gothic, dark, and filled with gloom, rivers of boiling hot liquid lava, dungeons, and other evil structures are at home here, a dark shadow over the sea of Oddworld.
Tenie'ko-pa (Translation: Gods eye): the platform of Pelor, a creation of great technology and natural wonders, gardens and tall towers of steel are spotted through-out this platform, a welcome addition to the platform community.
City Info:
There are platforms scattered throughout the system of the 4 main platforms: G’nek (head platform) Ten’wa (Sien-kar) A’kora (Geh'krok) Tenie'ko-pa (Pelor) but the whole "community" is called Ref-puil, witch in Tak'la means "Cities of the clouds".
(EXTRA): Tak'la means "Wingless Angles" in the Ancheints (*Having a Off day*) Language

Name: The Yinkar

---Physical Description---
A normal Yinkar has a long, sloping face. Upon it there are two large eyes and five to twenty small breathing holes. The face slopes into an arm-like trunk, which it uses to pick up things in front of him.

A Yinkar has two large shoulders, complete with large blue-gray spikes upon them. The arms are large and strong, with heavy carapace upon their wrists. The end of their arm is a stump, with a large blue spike sticking out of them. These spikes are biologically grown, and one can grow within two days if it is destroyed.

The Yinkar's feet are flat and stump like just like the arms, but they are a long and lean.

The Yinkar are amazing creatures, because they don't breath out. They continually breath in, slowly. But, when their blood vessels pick up carbon dioxide from their body, they don't go back to the lungs, but to dense carbon dioxide compartments in their wrists and ankles.

The carbon dioxide builds up, and on will, a Yinkar can release his 'spikes' with a carbon dioxide-based charge. This provides for a biological 'gun' that the Yinkar use. Also, when in need of speed, the Yinkar can use the same carbon dioxide build-up blast in his feet, causing him to leap twice as far and run twice as fast.

The Yinkar have built in gills, as well as lungs, in emergency. They can't swim well, and they can't climb very well. But in flat areas, they rule all.

---Cultural Description---
The Yinkar believe in a snake-god above, but their god is just an excuse for them to continue their fighting and warmonger against each other. The Yinkar live in clans, and fight each other’s family.

The one distinct area they live in, where there is a large concentration of Yinkar Clan-Villages, that is known as The Gorge of Holy Battles to the Yinkar and surrounding natives, but is also called The Hunhe'mar Gulch.


When the first being of this kind left, he was a Sein-kar member, and achived leaving his body, he took celestial form, his legs were gone and instead a ghost like tail took its place, he was completly unsolid. He was soul and mind bound together and released from the body. He left the other members and split himself into multiples, each one having its own emotions and free will. They were a pale blue and semi-translucent. They had greater psychic powers and could fly as a beam of energy. They could be hurt though. They needed to be killed with majic of some form. Psychic energy worked greatest on them, you could disable them and use them as your own energy with the right power. The main creator made himself into a crystal in the earth, making a large valcano like form around him with small enterance's. There his creations lived, spliting.


Ush is the Tak'latian word for "Strong". This sub-species split off out of no-where and went to the ground and into the deserts. They developed tough skin and lost their second arm. leaving a stub that was movible. They used it for peirceings after becuse of its uselessness, it lost all nerve conection becuse of no use. They developed great strength also, building their muscle mass but losing contact with their psychic powers. Thus making them a brutish species. They built large scimitar like weapons and formed an extra 2 fingers alowing them to grip weapons better. They changed clothing to robes and loin-cloths, rust red, the males now wearing trophies of their newly killed, like a finger bone, a personal belonging or a tooth. They became barbarians and their intelagence of technology was reduced to melee weapons. The exstent of range weapons was bows and other implements in that same feild. Guns became something that none knew of, and they began eating meat. Their bodys became now effected to salt water becuse of the fresh water they took in, but their disease imune system grew alowing little disease to effect them.

Tak'la Bineu

This species was formed when a Tak'la went and lived in a swamp. He developed primitive gills, rough skin, large eyes, peupiless, and duoble eyelids. They also grew in size and their skeleton took shape into somewhat of a frog. They are in a frog position, they have webed, clawed feet and hands. Their diet is mainly fish. They created spears and harpoons out of trees, logs, stones, and bone. Bone was their greatest resource. Most creatures die in their swamps becuse of the gases. They developed an imune system, and lived after dead left overs of animals that died in the swamp. Their bones proved useful as tools. They lost knowlage of technology and newer things. being now primitive they live, iscolated from the Tak'la.

Tak'la eic

Eci means "Fire walker" in Tak'latian. This sub-species was formed when a Geh'krok member left and went to the ground. He went to the valcano's of oddworld and lived near the mouth. He developed thick, tough, fire resistant skin, and his feet grew a carapace, thus alowing them to, literily, walk through fire. Hence the name "Fire walker". Their rib cage became larger and more built in the upper body, it expanded. Their hole upper body became larger. Their arms lost the doubble feature and became a single arm. their skull also became larger, their bottem jaw expanded and they formed large claws. This species is VERY hostile, and should be approched with cution.

Anything else you wanna say? Then reply! I might change the poll, and add stuff later. So stay tuned!

Last edited by Rex Tirano; 05-24-2003 at 12:12 AM..
05-24-2003, 03:05 PM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Rexy, what constitutes a mini-rpg? Do players in a mini-rpg still need to post their characters in this thread? Do old characters still have to be posted in this thread? Sniff-sniff banger...bunny...choc...Pmmers....frink frink....shobble.....ODDWORLD. Thanks!
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

05-24-2003, 03:15 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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Okay...mini rpgs, are the ones where you create charactersfor a rpg. Lots have been created. Old charcters arestill in rupure farms, and wll continue to do so. The mini rpg chars don't need to be put on here. I'd just like to know whe a new one is created.

05-24-2003, 05:30 PM
Fez's Avatar
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YES!!!!!!!!!!! it would be one of the best things for these forums!

05-24-2003, 06:05 PM
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OK, so in the future, we must post our character's profile here, and wait what do you think about it, then we can start playing with the new character? It sounds good to me.

Sniff-sniff banger, Bunny, Choc, Pmmers, Frink frink, Shobble, ODDWORLD. I accept the rules.

And I think many people will be happy about a Non-Odworld RPG here.

05-25-2003, 01:55 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Is the mini RPG one thread, or can you have pernament characters and non-pernament characters in the same thread?

Sniff-sniff Banger, Bunny, Choc, Pmmers, Frink Frink, Shobble, ODDWORLD.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

05-25-2003, 06:09 AM
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I think we should have an Non-Oddworld-RPG subforum. Because my RP's are usually non-oddworld, and they don't really have a home in non-oddworld art and lit. because thats just stories and art.
05-25-2003, 10:45 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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Yaay! Finally a sucess! The mini-rpgs are the ones where you normaly create your own characters. But I guess you can use your origonal (sp?) ones as well. Yep yep sounds like a kool idea drip-man.

Kepp it all up!

05-25-2003, 01:43 PM
slogster's Avatar
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first of i dont really understand rule no.3
and secondly i think there should be a non oddworld related rpg sub fourm perhaps
05-25-2003, 03:47 PM
Abe-Gun's Return's Avatar
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Sniff-Sniff Banger, bunny, choc, pmmers, frink frink, Shobble, ODDWORLD. I will later put my characters profile here. Thanx rexy!

Edit 1: Ok. KRENSLIT (Crenss-lit)
-Race: Slig.
-New Race: Mudokun
-eyes: Blue with black streaks
-hair: Red spiked
face: Purple
Things that shake when he talks, whatever they are: Black
--Upper body
-chest/stomach: brown
Arms: Strong and green
back: Brown and has green spikes sticking out of it
--Lower Body
-Pants: Orange with yellow bolts
---Personality: Mostly shy and humorous, sometimes Brave and powerful
---Biography: This slig is good. He was stabbed in the back by sligs times and times again. So one day he just grabbed the control to the destruction of the slig barracks they all lived in. He grabbed some wings and flew as he watched it explode. He laughed, flew to some pants, grabbed them, surrendered to the mudokuns and joined their race to get back at the sligs he hated!
---Weapons: Machine Gun, Nade launcher, and Sniper rifle. He also has a knife in case for silent kills.
---Best friends: Munch, Abe, Alf, and Tori. He hasn't made any new ones yet.

Well, watcha think? OK! I'll get back to you on his scanned picture! Later!

Last edited by Abe-Gun's Return; 05-25-2003 at 09:01 AM..
05-25-2003, 05:58 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
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Sniff-sniff banger, Bunny, Chock, Pmmers, Frink frink, Shobble, ODDWORLD. I read, I understand, I accept.

dripik invited me to his RPG, so here's my character:

Name: Xene (Pronounced 'Zene')
Species: Paramite
Sex: Female
Identifying Marks: Scar that runns down her back, another down her right front leg.
Personality: Cold and hardened. She doesn't like to talk about how she got that way or how she got her scars. She is fully capable of taking care of herself, but shows little hope for the future.
Biography: Born and raised in the wilderness. Grew up, then captured and sent to the new Rupture Farms to be slaughtered.
Friends: None.
Weapons: What nature gave her.

Try not to take too long thinking about her, okay? Please? I can't wait to join in the RPG.

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

05-26-2003, 09:09 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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Rijo thats fantastic. You can use her. Ooh and a new species! yaaay *happy dance* keep it up people!

05-26-2003, 03:46 PM
Reiji Neko Mitsukai's Avatar
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Yay! Thanks!

"Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named . . . but a DYING culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot."
-- Robert Heinlein in Friday

05-26-2003, 08:06 PM
Native Poser's Avatar
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alright.... Sniff-sniff banger, Bunny, Choc, Pmmers, Frink frink, Shobble, ODDWORLD. I understand the rules--or at least I think I do

05-26-2003, 08:33 PM
Gryph the Slig's Avatar
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Sniff-sniff Banger, bunny, choc, pmmers, frink frink, shobble, ODDWORLD. Got it. No character yet...

However I do think that a non-OW RP forum would be excellent.
05-27-2003, 04:30 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
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*quickly reads the rules*
Yeah-- they're cool. Love 'em. Lovely indeed. Mmmm mmm... Marabou..


"Sniff-sniff", said the Banger Bunny when she lost her Choc .
Pmmers laughed at her and barked back, "Frink-frink you dirty shobble. It's ODDWORLD for you!!"
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

05-31-2003, 06:49 AM
Reese Charles's Avatar
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As the Mayor of Absolutely Nowhere, I now declare this forum: Completely and utterly mad!

What an amazing place, the vibe in this forum is electric! Why haven't I come here before?


PS: Oh BTW, I might join in later, so just to let you know in advance I have read the rules and agree...
06-01-2003, 01:47 AM
cooldude's Avatar
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Teriffic idea Rexy!!! I fully support the idea of a non oddworld RPG
and I have an idea for a new species...

the Deconans are a subteranian race of creatures that live under the streets and industries of the Glukkons. They All have indigo fur, pointed ears, a tail they can use as an extra arm (tipped with a triangle), two fingers and one thumb on each hand , and two long toes. they're internal anatomy includes: an extra flexible spine thus making it an easy feat for any Deconan to stand in a crouching position with out being caused any discomfort or damage to posture, extra clusters of mustles in the legs thus allowing a Deconan to jump twice as much as any average mud.

The Deconans also posses an ability to become invisable due to the dark magic they study and use. They choose to hide they're faces because of the risk of being hunted down out of fear from the glukkons.

The massive cities the Deconans construct in the "underworld" of Mudos run on the only fuel they can manage to find under the ground...Poo. the Deconans burn the excrements of the glukkons sligs and even some muds to provide heat and energy, but not before going through the filter system . The bulidings of the Deconans are constucted of milky white bone and the natural stalagmites and stalagtites, where they carve storage houses using the diamonds found around them set in the rock. And sometimes they even melt the bone and form goblets and armor.

Like it?? Expect even more wonderful creations from me later!
sniff-sniff banger
frink frink
Life Sucks, Trust me I should know

Last edited by cooldude; 05-31-2003 at 07:19 PM..
06-04-2003, 06:38 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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Thank Reese I look forward to you joining at somepoint.

Dud, i can't see anything wrong with your speies so I gues you can use it. Only you can use that species unless you give someone permission. Blah blah.

This is great people! WE'RE NUMBER 1! WE'RE NUMBER1!

06-06-2003, 04:36 AM
Ratz Revolutionary's Avatar
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BIGGEST apologies, Rexy

Sorry, I posted my RPG and forgot to put my character/specie in here first! a million apologies!

Name: Bheb or Botch (for the sake of the consistency of his work perfomance)
Race: Kanik (think a Grunt from Halo, with a dirtier suit and big glossy eyes like Abe, they form the engineer portion of the Glukkon 'workforce') Bascially, a little blue dude who's very round. Like a beachball with two stubs for feet and longer stubs for arms, stands about the height of Munch. They have a head with a little bit of hair (strands) and a short snout.
Attitude/History: Bheb is somewhat of a joker, with an incredible knack for anything mechanical, he likes sarcastic comments and walks on the polluted beach. He's never met a Mudokon, but from what he's seen, they ain't treated right. Course, he has more important things to worry about, himself. His current employer is a Glukkon who owns the Slurg Supermall.
Abilites:When it comes to anything that's broken, mechanical or something you can use a wrench on or hooks up to a computer, Botch is your Kanik. He can rewire guns, door mechanisms, snoozers, you name it, Botch can break and make it.

Again, SORRY!

06-15-2003, 02:00 PM
slogster's Avatar
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well the only species ive created is a climbing slig(sligs that climb walls wall crawling sligs as u may call them and a glucon who gone crazy in a sciance experement then he grew arms cos of the gas)oh im still reading the rules blimy its long and yes i agree with every single one of them
06-15-2003, 06:06 PM
Darkest's Avatar
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First of all, I am making no comments about anything. I am rebelling against the system and having my word. That is democratic, and should not be tolerated with banning. But, I am very dissapointed.

A Moderator governing the RPG Forum? What is up with that? RPGs are FREE. They are made BY the people, FOR the people. Now its running as a loose Dictatorship, with Rex Tirano at the head. Let me post EXACTLY what I dislike.

Okay, why did you tell us that you were a girl? Who cares? What the heck does that have to do with rules?

Rule 1) Don't run more than 3 RPG Topics at a time. That's perfectly fine rule, most people can't keep up with 3 rpgs. However, make it a limit? Some people might be able to keep up with 3. And, I don't think your character has to have a limit. Why is it work for you?

Oh yeah, you want complete control over the friggin' characters, when you have no right to do so. Its THEIR characters, yo. And you are actually going to delete things that people have worked hard at making? That's cruel.

Rule 2) Approved from you? Why? If the PEOPLE of the RPG Forum don't like it, then they should say so, not you. Just because you have the power doesn't mean you should have complete control. You are just putting more work on yourself than you should.

Rule 3, 4, 5 and 6) Fine, sounds plausible.

Rule 7) Why does it have to be Oddworld? Many people don't have a place to go to play RPGs, and want to play non-Oddworld RPGs with their friends. Sounds stupid.

Now, about the friggin' races and stuff.

Me and Abe's_Son worked our tails off on the Tak'la, and you posted the rough draft? What's up with that? We had a huge post about them and you just posted the rough draft. Unprofessional.

There you have it, my complaints.
It is sad to see a family become ripped apart by something as simple as a pack of wolves.

The Official Forum Necromancer
The Darkest of them all...

06-15-2003, 06:21 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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I agree with Darkest(also the rest up there are mine...I think...) and why didn't you ask for premisson to use those!? AND NOT EVERYONE CAN USE THOSE!! TAKE THAT OFF NOW OR I WILL BECOME VERY MUCH MORE ANGRYER THAN I ALREADY AM!! THE SILLY FORUMERS CAN NOT USE THESE CREATIONS OF MINE!!

06-15-2003, 06:25 PM
Darkest's Avatar
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You had no right to take that so that everyone can use it. It has a moral copyright on it, to me and Abe's Son, although I'd gladly give him full ownership.
It is sad to see a family become ripped apart by something as simple as a pack of wolves.

The Official Forum Necromancer
The Darkest of them all...

Last edited by Darkest; 06-15-2003 at 02:46 PM..
06-15-2003, 06:35 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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Originally posted by Darkest
Yeah, you had no right to take that so that everyone can use it. It has a moral copyright on it, to me and Abe's Son, although I'd gladly give him full ownership.
Damn striaght.
06-16-2003, 06:15 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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*reposts Tak'La and Shadow Stats*


Very thin, flat body with a skinny, oval head with slitted eyes, pointed chin. The long neck archs so that the head is near the chest. Tak'la have grayish skin coloration, orange eyes. Their arms start as one, but then branches off to two other arms. Each arm has a hand with three fingers, and opposable thumbs.

Tak'la have long and skinny legs and three finger-like toes on their feet. They possess psychic powers, allowing them to hover three feet above the surface they are over. They have some telekinetic abilities, and a weak power to manipulate matter to their own will.

They are seven feet tall normally, but they hover three fight high, giving them a ten foot heighth.

The Tak'la live in large hovering platforms above Oddworld's Oceans. The platforms are powered by large turbines and hot-air balloons, the electricity needed for these machines is gathered from storms. The Tak'la have many small power plants in the form of weather balloons that gather the energy from lightning and store it into small, compact cells. These cells are gathered, replaced and installed into the platforms every few days.

The Tak'la dispose of rotten food and all wastes, including small bits of metal. This is compacted and recycled into easy-to-burn matter and stored in large furnaces inside the platform. If there is a lack of energy, then the platform back-up procedure kicks in and burns the disposed material. This provides enough energy for a day or two so they can get new energy cells.

All Tak'la have small psychic abilities, such as telekinesis. This allows them to hover and move objects with their mind. When using their powers, it makes them light-headed and stupid, because their mind is tracked for psychic powers and not thought.

All the normal citizens wear a large shoulder pad made of Steroon Metal, with large orbs at each end and 2 foot long spear-like spines sticking out of them. This clothing boosts their Telekinetic Powers. Long, soft, tapestry-like silk robes flow down from the shoulder pad. The robes usually are colored black or red and have a Faction Isignia upon it.

The clothes are made by the silk worms in the few silk worm forests, in which Tak'la breed and grow silk worms and take their silk for clothing. The forests are made of small bushes, the silk worm's natural habitat.

The dye is harvested from dye plants that the Scavengers harvest from islands. The Geh'krok used to use blood for their red insignias, but they changed to dye as the blood would flake off and leave them with colorless silk.

Mostly root-like plants, resembling carrots and potatoes. These are grown on the platform. Farmers use fresh soil on open spaces of the platform to grow many root-like crops which they harvest in mass numbers every season and put them in the deep-freezer for storage.

Since the vegetables the Tak'la harvest is root-like, the leafy tops of the plants are left as trash. This is put in compost heaps to enrich the soil of the fields.

Daggers - The Daggers are made of a number of materials. Those with only self-defense needs use sharpened coral, stone, in their daggers. Those who are serious about their fighting use Seroon and Steroon in their daggers.

Rail Turret - The Rail Turret is an immobile weapon built upon small, mini-platforms. They are used for defense against raiders against their Platform-Cities. They fire large magnetized rails of Steroon, which home into their enemy. Reloading is one of the drawbacks of the Rail Turret. The barrel only allows one 'rail' to be placed into its loading tube at a time. Thus leaving it vulnerable for a period of time.

Energy Cannon - The Energy Cannon is a rare weapon, and there is only one that exists, and that is one that is floating aboe the platform of G'nek. It is their most powerful weapon. It fires a large beam of pure electricity that drains up to five Storm Energy Cells, the ones gathered from the Storm Balloons.

This ammount of energy is relative to roughly ten lightning bolts, and so it is very destructive. When fired, the beam is activated for five seconds of pure energy at a target.

Rifle - A basic rifle with a scope. But, it uses high velocity rounds, they're than the Geh'krok's assasin weapon.

Assualt rifle - This is what G'nek Police Department use for a standard platform defence weapon. It's compact, light-weight, and stores up to 50 rounds to a clip. It's medium velocity and has a flashlight attachment.

Peace Keeper Pistol - A very dangerous weapon. It has a high velocity and the rounds are filled with psienyde gas. It's called the Peace Keeper pistol, because it usually shows someone who's boss, and keeps everything in line. Its refered to a PKP by some. Upon being shot by the Peace Keeper Pistol, you might surive the shot. But the psyenyde will qucikly seep into your bloodstream and prevent you to breathe in any way.

Pistol - A normal pistol. Given to those who are sent on missions to other platforms. It looks a little like a luger but has a larger clip size.

Kelr'jo - A honing weapon. This is a long pole with a curved blade at the end, and built from steroon. It's light, and was used by the first Tak'la, called the "Iurl-ten" wich in Tak'latian means "Angels of the Earth". As they were first living on the ground before they went to the sky.

These occupations are for all factions, not the individual factions. That is why Geh'krok Necromancers and Sien-kar Monks are not included.

Scavenger - These Tak'lanite Scavengers search the sea floor for coral, bones, and rocks in the ocean from which they build their platforms from. They use small mini-platforms to go down to the oceanic islands and harvest all they can from it. The Geh'krok harvest the lava rocks from the islands that their Overlord makes.

The Scavengers also gather plants that possess ingredients to make dye that they use in their clothing.

Silkworm Breeder - This job includes taking care of the Silkworm Forests that must be trimmed and examined to ensure maximum silk produce from the silkworms. They must take care of the silk worm, give them food and water, and harvest their silk.

Energy Technician - These are Tak'lanites that find the lightning-gathering balloons and collect the energy that is stored in the cells of the balloons.

Overlord - Geh'krok Official who raises lava from the inside of Oddworld to the few Geh'krok Platforms.

Farmer - These Tak'la are charged with the position of growing the number of carrots and potatoes that the Tak'la civilization eat for food. They work in the open, under the sun, in the fields in the open areas of their Platform cities.

Clothessmith - These Tak'la tailors and armorers make the shoulder pads for the many Tak'la. This is a tedious job, for the shoulder pads must be made exactly right so that psychic energy can be generated.

Robeweaver/Tapestrymaker - These Tak'la make the robes for the many Tak'lanites that need clothing other than shoulder pads. This includes gathering the silk for the Silkworm Breeders and weaving it into complex forms.

Dyer - This job includes making the many dyes that color the Tak'la robes and clothing. The dye is taken from Scavengers and heated up into vats of hot water and turned into colorful dye. Then, the silk must be dipped into it and sit there for many hours before it changes color.

Platform Inspector - This job includes checking the many engines and turbines that let the Platforms hover over Oddworld, and making sure that they don't wear out.

Balloon-Maker - This job includes creating the Storm Balloons that collect power for the platforms.

Weaponsmith - Makes the number of pistols, assault rifles, and blades that the Tak'la need. They use all sorts of material, for coral to steroon.

Hierarchy-Democracy... there is a council upon G'nek that decides on everything for every factions. The factions themselves decide upon things as well, but to a lesser degree.

---Info on Current Factions---

This Tak'lanite Faction believe in heavy meditation, freeing their mind and souls from their very bodies. By going through this process each day, they sustain greater brain-power, allowing greater psychic reach and ability.

Another Faction of the Tak'la that believe in training their people in the art of necromancy. They desire to raise their dead ancestors and create an army to overthrow the head platform, G'nek, and take over Oddworld.

The Pelor Faction is teaches its people in the arts of Healing, Peace Making. Their only objective is to forge the Tak'lanite Factions together and become one empire and attempt to unite Oddworld and bring peace and harmony to all.

---Info on Platform Cities---
Although there are many different Platform Cities, they are all part of one community of Platforms, which is called Ref-puil, which in Tak'la means "Cities of the Clouds".

The Home-Platform of Sien-kar. It is a large and majestic platform, it's temples and monastaries are made from a pearl-white material.

The Home-Platform of the Geh'krok. It is large, dark, and over-all gloomy. Canals filled with boiling-hot liquid lava pour down the sides of the Platform. Dungeons and other evil structures make up the rest of this evil platform, a dark shadow over the sea of Oddworld.

The Home-Platform of the Pelor. It is a creation of great technology and natural wonders, made up of gardens and tall towers made of Steroon; a welcome addition to the platform community.



When the first being of this kind left, he was a Sein-kar member, and achived leaving his body, he took celestial form, his legs were gone and instead a ghost like tail took its place, he was completly unsolid. He was soul and mind bound together and released from the body. He left the other members and split himself into multiples, each one having its own emotions and free will. They were a pale blue and semi-translucent. They had greater psychic powers and could fly as a beam of energy. They could be hurt though. They needed to be killed with majic of some form. Psychic energy worked greatest on them, you could disable them and use them as your own energy with the right power. The main creator made himself into a crystal in the earth, making a large valcano like form around him with small enterance's. There his creations lived, spliting.


Ush is the Tak'latian word for "Strong". This sub-species split off out of no-where and went to the ground and into the deserts. They developed tough skin and lost their second arm. leaving a stub that was movible. They used it for peirceings after becuse of its uselessness, it lost all nerve conection becuse of no use. They developed great strength also, building their muscle mass but losing contact with their psychic powers. Thus making them a brutish species. They built large scimitar like weapons and formed an extra 2 fingers alowing them to grip weapons better. They changed clothing to robes and loin-cloths, rust red, the males now wearing trophies of their newly killed, like a finger bone, a personal belonging or a tooth. They became barbarians and their intelagence of technology was reduced to melee weapons. The exstent of range weapons was bows and other implements in that same feild. Guns became something that none knew of, and they began eating meat. Their bodys became now effected to salt water becuse of the fresh water they took in, but their disease imune system grew alowing little disease to effect them.

Tak'la Bineu

This species was formed when a Tak'la went and lived in a swamp. He developed primitive gills, rough skin, large eyes, peupiless, and duoble eyelids. They also grew in size and their skeleton took shape into somewhat of a frog. They are in a frog position, they have webed, clawed feet and hands. Their diet is mainly fish. They created spears and harpoons out of trees, logs, stones, and bone. Bone was their greatest resource. Most creatures die in their swamps becuse of the gases. They developed an imune system, and lived after dead left overs of animals that died in the swamp. Their bones proved useful as tools. They lost knowlage of technology and newer things. being now primitive they live, iscolated from the Tak'la.

Tak'la eic

Eci means "Fire walker" in Tak'latian. This sub-species was formed when a Geh'krok member left and went to the ground. He went to the valcano's of oddworld and lived near the mouth. He developed thick, tough, fire resistant skin, and his feet grew a carapace, thus alowing them to, literily, walk through fire. Hence the name "Fire walker". Their rib cage became larger and more built in the upper body, it expanded. Their hole upper body became larger. Their arms lost the doubble feature and became a single arm. their skull also became larger, their bottem jaw expanded and they formed large claws. This species is VERY hostile, and should be approched with cution



They all wear long black cloaks, no mater what, they always do. There heads look like black human heads with red glowing eyes and no facial features at all(exsept for the eyes, duh) the cloak has a padded coller that raises up behind thick, and thins out as it comes to the front. Without the cloak the Shadows body is actualy a gaint celstial mass, from wich they can create arms or other appendages.

They stand atleast 12ft tall, and are extreamly sinister, do not trust them at all. Suggested you avoid them at all cost's.

The Shadows live in vast networks of caves throughout Oddworld, were they sleep and learn. The cave networks are ruled in Oligarchy by 12 lords. The walls of the caves are lined with specail crystals wich the Shadows use to colect beings to obsorb. The creature has to be wounded, or weak for it to work, other wise the creature would still be able to thrive inside the Shadow.

All Shadows are intellegent and have a small task force of creatures that the choose to "Infest", meaning if there was a war the Shadows would sit back and wait till there creatures are dead and then wreak hell on the wounded opposing force's. The Shadows live in colonies, and since there is no Familes or Sex's they live with whom ever they want, and make "Shadowlings" by combining celestial energy to create a being like bolth of the parenting Shadows. The Shadows have been staying in their caves until now. They have re-awakend and slowly Shadow's are leaving the caves. Some by choice, others were told to by the lords. And now that they've come out to feed. Almost no one is safe..

They dont exactly eat, they consume the life force of wounded creatures, the more intellegent the better, but what they're mostly draining, is there energy. The victems energy is drained from the body and kills them. Meaning there most favorite meals are Muddokens, Tak'la, and Vykkers.

Not realy weapons they use there shape-shifting abilitys and the ability to "Infest" a wounded opponint to combat. You could say they are weapons themselfs.

These are the types of Shadows that are found about in Oddworld. Remember every part is black unless said other wise.

Lords- There are only 12, but they are the most powerful of all Shadows. They wear a Roman centurian style helmet, of wich the openings are glowing red. They have the ability to control massive amounts of creatures at a time, and are the most feared of all Shadows.

Aen'Tu-rai- These are the most mysterious and strangest of the Shadows. They have a round head and slited eyes that look like they've been carved in the orb of a head. They use the most celestial energy and weep tears of blood from there slits when they use high power attacks. Strange.


The Shadows were created by the Ancheints along with the Tak'la and many other legendary race's. Bolth being brother race's they hate each other. Except for the Gen'krok. The 2 race's have been seen working together on numoris acounts.


There, PM me or Darkest to Use Tak'la, and PM me to use Shadows
06-17-2003, 02:25 AM
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ahhhhhhh i see *walks off*

06-23-2003, 01:52 PM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Lara: "So much here. And so much needed"
Adder: "mm...If it were not on Oddworld, it could hold us"
Larex: "If you didn't go and kill everyone!"
Adder: "That only happened once"
Paul: "Before they start arguing, where do we go for an off-Oddworld RPG, Rexy?"
07-05-2003, 12:44 AM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Okay you SNIFF-SNIFF BANGERS, I say yes to the non-ODDWORLD rpg. But first, if you wnat me to vote yes, you have to give me a big CHOC. BUNNY. Hey, did you all hear what SHOBBLES did? Omg, he is such a FRINK-FRINK, I mean HELLO?! Who in the right mind would go out with a glukkon, AND a mudokon at the same time, Uh, puleaze. All his girlfriedns are such PMMERS.

Okay enough with that, heres my funky lil character *I'm probably never gonna use her because I create new ones all the time*

Name:Xabria (zay-bree-uh)
age:11 (44 in slig years, wow, I don't act my age!)
appearance:Xabria looks like a normal everyday slig, except she is light blue, with some bark blue stripes down her back, arms, and chest. Kinda like a funky blue tiger slig thingy o_O . Instead of the normal male slig red eyes, Xabria has purple eyes, a feature not yet seen in any other sligs, like her blue skin. Maybe she's like this because of what she is. So far she's the only known female slig not to be a queen, or really fat. See Skillya? This is what you get when you go out to bars at night and get all drunk and crazy.....
Personalityoesn't take crap from anyone. This fiery little babe is as dangerous as a loaded pistol when you mess with her, unless you're her friend of course. She's very sweet and loyal to her rare and precious few friends. All the other sligs she meets she shoots before she gets to meet them. She has more agility and is sneaky and cunning when it comes to kills, but when the time comes, she'll enjoy an all out shooting fest.
Story:Abandoned as a child, well, just fired and fast enough to run form the scrabs she was being fed to, Xabria has lived her life on her own in the wild. She was adopted by an old mudokon tribe on the outskirts of the Monsaic lines. She's the only slig ever to be welcome there, but is still never allowed deep inside the forests of the Monsaics. Most sligs try to shoot her on site when she comes close to the factory, while some of her old pals give her some paramite pie and tell her information on what the glukkons are doing next. She then tells that to the tribe elders, and contemplate on what to do, and what their next attack will be on them. Once their plan to destroy the factory she came from comes into order, and friendly sligs will be spared and come live with them, all others will be terminated! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *cough cough* umm, got a little dramatic there, hehe.

If it's okay, I'd like to have a pet slog, otherwise just accepting my character will be okay ^_^

Name:Stregha (ster-eg-uh)
Age:8 months
Appearance:Black with green stripes, bigger claws and teeth then usual slogs, and green eyes. (haha, I'm kinda basing this on my real dog, minus the green stripes)
Personality:#1 on Oddworld's most dangerous creatures. #1 on Xabria's best friends list. If you come withing 100 yards of this slog, you better be Xabria's friend, otherwise the next bone she burries may be yours....
Story:This slog isn't any regular run of the mill factory slog, uh uh, this is a wild slog. Kinda like the Oddworld version of a wolf. These slogs have an entirely different queen, and wild through the deserts of Scrabania. They're the only thing a scrab is afraid to attack, besides maybe an electric fence. Stregha was a mishap similar to Xabria, the wild slog queen got drunk, did a little dance, made a little love, got down that night, and poof. One messed up sloggie. Never drink and , mate at the same time kids. Stregha was shunned from her tribe, and banished to the scorching baron fiery tundras of Scrabania. She was lucky to have made it to the outskirts alive, but barely. Xabria saved her by feedign her a scrab cake, and was eternaly grateful. Her reward for saving a wild slog, was allowing her to tame one. As they say, it's been history ever since, and Xabria and Stregha have been best friends forever.

Arg, hand cramps from writing too much without caffine!!!!

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

Last edited by oddling; 07-04-2003 at 05:30 PM..
07-08-2003, 08:21 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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I'm making my slig character from The First Oddworld War an official character, OK?

Name: Brendan
Species: Slig (Flying)
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Bio: Was the commander of a Spy force, but resigned.
Personality: Determined and smart.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.


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