(1)The time has come that we should come together, and repair our community, we have to stop fighting and bickering over things, (2)this is a new age, and we have to become strong.....(3)As some know i visit the Oddchat all the time and i talk to members and (4)try to sort out there problems, allot of them are losing hope......it really makes me sad to hear that.....my good friend Al the Vykker threatend to leave....i care for them deeply and i stoped him...of course he didnt want to leave..its just that we all have problems both here and at home....i just want everything to be better..(5)i want the community to come closer,(6) as friends.(7) I love this place and i never want to see it fall,(8) my friends are here,(9) my reputation here is to much to give up....(10)lets not lose hope...lets work together to rebuild thses forums...and get our members more involved. I understand we will need some new Mods..(11)and if so may we have those that we can rely one and that are true at heart and caring....(12) my friends i want only the best for you and i, i hope you all agree, my heart goes with the members and OWF staff. lets make OWF a better place together
(1) - God. Spoil my fun. The most exciting part was the fighting and bickering!!
(2) - Its not a new age. Its the end of a 'Era' in a sad sort of way (Not sad 'boo-hoo')
(3) - Good God...You actually TALK to them!?
(4) - Wow, you are the original Dr Freud!! And K...nothing gets better in life...
(5) - *To be said in a suddenly interested tone of voice* Really??
(6) - Oh...shit
(7) - Well...it wont. Its been held up by the children...
(8) - Your ONLY friends!?
(9) - Your ONLY reputation!?
(10) - Yes. Come on men...lets rebuild them *Plays Funeral march* whoops...wrong song!!
(11) - Ugh. And what happens when the caring ones hit puberty?
(12) - Dont be so sentimental...
Now, dont get me wrong. I do like Kainmana. Its just his post was so serious and depressing!! He's what...15!? Jesus.
That is why I am glad to have friends Like Kaimana here.(1) I almost made a terrible mistake when I heard one of the rumors,(2) which will remain silent for now,(3) but I feared from what I heard of this rumor was not true,(4) I feared that corruption had touched more than one Admin here,(5) and that it was spreading. I hope part of what I heard was not true, but I cannot be sure. I will remain here until I know if I should leave or not,(6) but this forum has been part of my life in the past year(7) I have been connected with my true friends,(8) even if I have never met them in person, I know that is one of the main things that kept me from leaving, and I hope it will always bind me to this website and my friends, I see now what power can do to some individuals, and I pray it doesnt happen to anyone else here even me, If you wish to discuss what made me so upset, Pm or talk with me on oddchat, thank you. And thank you Kaimana for helping me.
(1) - Yes, its immensly terrible. Especially compared to things that actually MATTER...
(2) - Ugh...
(3) - So, you attempted to leave cos the rumour you fear might not be true?
(4) - Which Admin...?
(5) - Corruption spreads only were it has liable hosts...as it were...
(6) - And you actually admit that...
(7) - Yes...the people you dont know who could be 47 yr old men!!
(8) - See above...Also, why do you actually care!? Its a forum...a internet past time...not your life!?
Ok, so i sound abit bitter. Well, its the fact that so many actually dedicate their life to this...its sad and when something happens they shit themselves. Think about people with actual problems. You dont even know what corruption is!!
(1)Kaimana -- Oh my goodness, it is such a relief to hear the words of an individual who cares as much for this community as I do.(2) I only wish to see issues mended as well as you.(3) I stepped in when I did to prevent the fall of the forums... (4)there is much that non-supporters do not understand;(5) what was going on behind the scenes and where the forums were headed.
Like Kai,(6) I hope with all my heart and soul that those who really care and remain will find it in their hearts to forgive. I have risked my entire decent reputation over this,(7) but it was a risk I considered and found to be worth taking.(8) Support and caring is all this community needs.
(1) - Its ashame isn't it...?
(2) - Well. Some might say "You should have thought about that before..." blah-blah-blah...Im just gonna say, you should have owned upto everything even if it was lies instead of argued...it just made things worse.
(3) - So...this is your sucess?
(4) - Yes...Yes im sure there is. Like things about games and fiction...
(5) - If the forums were headed to a 'dark place' who really cares? Im sure we would have managed!!
(6) - I dont really care about anything internet based. I come on here to entertain my ickle mind...
(7) - Try saying that in the real world...
(8) - Dont be including me in any group hugs...
Again, it may sound bitter but please. People are making it out to be a real tradgedy...and its not...