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09-09-2002, 11:47 PM
GTdragon's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2002
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GTdragon  (10)

(It's okay if youz don't)

GT:"Oh crap. Looks like strategy work from here." *crawls on board helps kai on and takes out a few equipment. Rope , sniper rifle with a scope and silencer, a jacket, and some ammo*
"Okay.....AJ contact the studio to send some back up. This really isn't a good situation for anyone. Um kai i'm gonna need you to come with me to retrieve AS"

AJ:*takes out a small cell phone and dials studio* "Well, Another fine mess we got into today boss. I need som BBS , Regular sligs, and a vykker negotiater....mmmhmm that's right ..okay. The're on their way."

GT:"Okay then we'll get a head star." *drives the small boat towards land* "We'll track them faster on foot"
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-09-2002, 11:58 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

*AS wakes up*

huh wha...AH!! *see's Vykkers over him* YOU!!

Vykker:Ah good, your awake....now tell us how you built that airship, and what you were doing with those other people

for me to know and you to find out, and none of your bisnusie(can't spell) stupid fat headed purple freak!

Vykker:Why you little brat! *shove's one knife into my arm*

AH DAMN'IT!!! you son of a bitch, yer not get'n anything outa me!
*kicks Vykker*

Vykker2:Mabey we should preform experaments on him!
Vykker3:Electricute him?
Vykker4oke him wiht needles!
Vykker:No! i have a better idea.....*interns take AS off to a small hall filled with cyrogen chambers*
Oh crap.....

(i have more stuff in my Trenchcoat! alot more stuff!!)
09-10-2002, 12:39 AM
Kesiah's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Jun 2002
: In my Soul Room. Occasionally found on Fanfiction.net
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Kesiah  (10)

Vykker 1: Ok. For your basic Brain transplant, we of course need a body, to out the subjects brain in.
Vykker 2: Where do we get one of those?
Vykker 1: Go check the cryo storage chamber. We should have some spares.
*Vykker 2 head towards the cryo chamber. Kesiah wakes up.*
Kes: Ahhhhh! What are gonna do to me?
Vykker 1: It's just a simple brain to body transplant, don't worry.
Kes: Odd no!
*Kesiah starts struggling*
Vykker 1: I need a sedetive here!!
No, I'm not feeling violent, I'm feeling creative with weapons.
My goal in life it to hurt you, severely, come here.
If you love something turn it loose. If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.
I am a Yaoist. If you have a problem with this, tell someone else.
Author of "Quest for the Can Opener" And several other fics. See them at Fanfiction.net!

09-10-2002, 01:23 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai looks around*

Listen guys we have to get moving I think are problems are going to continue following us if we dont get a move on right now.

*Kai looks at GT*

Captain I think now is the best time we set sail toward another continent. These sligs will only bother us if we stay besides they seem to have lost interest.

*Kai walks up to GT and holds her hand*

Lets go, we have nothing more to do here.

*Kai orders we set sail*
*Kai and GT walk up deck*

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-10-2002, 01:27 AM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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Mac the Janitor  (14)

*Jimbo runs up, totally breaking the romantic moment*

JIMBO: Hey, whaddaya talking about, Kai?! We'v gotta save 'em!

OK, it looks like you, GT and I are the only ones left...

Were going to have to come up with a plan...

Any ideas?

09-10-2002, 01:55 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
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Kaimana  (11)

This will be the plan...we leave them. You see the truth is the Vykkers dont want me or you or any of us. They want our Captain, they want GT. I have to get her out of here. We will leave on this ship while you stay back with our cruiser, or your craft. they will try to follow us but I need GT to leave here. Im taking her to another continent. We will wait for your return at 40 nautical miles west of or location now. it is a safe spot im sure of it. I will meet you there and the rest of the crew.

*Kai hands him the keys to the ammunitions room*

Everything in there is for your taking. Trust me on this one. I will meet you there.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-10-2002, 01:34 PM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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Mac the Janitor  (14)

*Jimbo nods solemnly*

JIMBO: Yes, sir.

*loads his hoverbike with lots of weapons*

JIMBO: See ya on the other side, sir...

*soars towards the back of the ship*

09-10-2002, 04:07 PM
Kaimana's Avatar
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai looks back at GT*

We are the only two left back on the ship. I promise to take care of you always. We better get on our way and head west.

*Kai looks out to the sea*

Whenever you wish to leave GT we will go.

*Kai walks about the deck*

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-10-2002, 09:05 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

Vykker1: Hey can we use that body for a brain trasplant


Vykker2:nah, were gona run some test's on him

YOU BETTER LET ME GO!! *kicks Vykker in the head*

Vykker2:*falls to ground*

*beats up other vykkers* okay AS keep your cool and you can get out of this, just find weapons a pod and i'll be gone

*runs down hall and finds weapons locker* *opens it* wow there realy realy stupid *takes a Lung busters tompson,a Blitz packer(yea), and a Big wammy assult rifle* ok good i have this and my swich blade now if i can get to the docking bay.....*runs into big bro* *runs and jumps over BBS and grabs one of the light stick* sup! *shoots BBS in the back* *runs and finds docking bay* AND THERE OFF! *finds airship Yai* *jumps in and throtles in out of there!* bye bye! *flys twords ship* Hello Kai hello jimbo hello GT HELLO WORLD! *jumps out onto boat and takes trench coat from kai* okay *puts weapons in jacket* shall we set sail?
09-11-2002, 12:11 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2002
: Somewhere around California
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GTdragon  (10)

GT:*Turned away and responded solemnly* "let's go...."

AJ:"WAIT!! Whoa whoa you can't do this GT!!! Our crew is back there. If you show up without them you can lose your job!!"

GT:*Looks back at Kai then goes to her cabin*

AJ:"Mister Kai..........." *Shakes her head*
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-11-2002, 12:17 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)

Keish's still on there we can't leave! if anybody should go it should be jimbo...*all look at him* no i'm not going back *gets into airship* I'm fallow'n you guys...
*looks back at Vykker blimp*
*looks down* wonder why they wan'ted me, maby they just wan'ted me for food or mabey um....testing or even my airship

*under airship*
*3 interns attched to the botem of the air ship in armour with Snuzis prepre to assult the airship*
09-11-2002, 12:19 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

Listen GT....Im not doing this for myself..Im doing this for you. if I let you stay here you wont be safe and they will take you away from your crew. The crew will be fine. Jimbo has all the equiptment he needs and knows where to meet us. I suggest we leave now. For your own good....We need you alive and here..I need you alive and here.

*Kai glares at her nervously*

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-11-2002, 12:22 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2002
: Somewhere around California
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GTdragon  (10)

GT:*Pauses momentarily and turns around.Then hugs kai*

AJ:"Awwwwww........isn't that cute. They really should call this the love boat."

GT:"I hope your words are true about or crews safety as your love is..."
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-11-2002, 12:25 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

It is very true. I have faith in our team that they will reach us in time.

*Kai hugs her to keep her in comfort*

And you have me to watch over you.

*Kai walks with GT holding her toward the wheel*

Lets go GT. We have to start moving.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-11-2002, 12:28 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)

*interns drop down from under neath*

*sligs invade my air ship and throw my off*

AAHHH *crack* *breack left arm* ung...

*sligs take compelat controll over airship* *interns pick AS up*
*slig walks up behind them*
*points gun to AS's head*
Slig: Alright! listen up kiddies, one move and the Vykker exparement gets it! just give us what we want and we'll be on our way! *beats AS*
ARGG *slups over in interns hands*

slig:Its ethier the female we take, or AS. Your choice *interns kick AS*
Don't mind me...*ung*....save yer selfs,*ug..* i'll think of somthing
*pass's out*

*interns drag AS twords the edge of the ship*
Slig:Make ya'choice's now!
09-11-2002, 12:28 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2002
: Somewhere around California
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GTdragon  (10)

GT:*Takes the wheel an s=d starts to drive it*

AJ:"Doo de dum.....?...what the?...where'd that Sea rex go to?." *looks around snd scans the deck for clues*
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-11-2002, 12:29 AM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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Mac the Janitor  (14)

*Jimbo's hoverbike soars through the rainy sky towards the Vykker ship thingie*

JIMBO: Hmm...first, I must concieve a plan...

*pauses; looks up into sky thoughtfully*

*little mini-devil Jimbo pops up on Jimbo's shoulder*

EVIL JIMBO: Blast 'em to bits ya moron!

*little mini-angel Jimbo pops up on other shoulder*

GOOD JIMBO: No, that would be immoral and wrong. Go give them this bible.

EVIL JIMBO: *cough* wussy *cough*

GOOD JIMBO: That wasn't very nice. I am emotionally scarred now...*starts sobbing*

EVIL JIMBO: See what I mean? Listen to me, and maybe you'll do something worthwhile...

JIMBO: Okay, both of you are getting annoying.

*flicks the two off of his shoulders*

*thinks momentarily*

JIMBO: I've got it!


09-11-2002, 12:34 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai watches her and walks around the deck stareing out into the ocean*

The Sea rex is in a holding tank at the bottom deck. It seems as if its going to rain we better get back inside. Just make sure we are on course and we can come in for some soup.

*Kai turns back and walks in the main cabin*

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-11-2002, 12:37 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2002
: Somewhere around California
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GTdragon  (10)

GT:*Clentches the wheel in silence. then finallt replies* "Okay kai."

AJ:*Watches the searex squirm around in the holding tank* "Ooooooooh. So this is what they mostly do..........I wonder what they eat...."

Elmo:*falls out of cabinet* "ooomf"
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-11-2002, 12:41 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai watches GT and notices she seems mad. Kai thinks he shouldnt aproach her as she may get more mad*

Ill seeya in the cabin then.

*Kai gets the food and table set and awaits the others*

Elmo what are you doing in the cabinets. Well seeing how your here you can eat if you want to.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-11-2002, 12:42 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

*airship lands on beach* *they throw AS out*

slig:*steping on AS* we take one of you or this one, this one seem's speacil to teh vykkers so theys want him, one of you or him...

*all look* *sligs flood out onto the beach*
slig: know what, we don't realy care! *takes as into the ship and starts to take off*

slig2: HAHA SUCKERS!!!
09-11-2002, 12:44 AM
GTdragon's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2002
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GTdragon  (10)

GT:*Nods and continues steering*

Elmo:"Mfff hmmph " *Spits out handkerchief* "I'm a bit tied up at the moment"

AJ:"Oye....what happened to you Elmo?" *Unties him*

Elmo:"Can't remember...."
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

09-11-2002, 12:48 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

*Kai looks outside and sees GT just standing there*

I think I should aproach her.

*Kai walks outside in the rain*

Um GT....Everything will be alright. I promise you I wont let nothing bad happen to you. And the team they will be just fine youll see. Please trust me..I love you.

*Kai stares at her...Then kisses her*

I promise. now come in and get warm.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-11-2002, 12:53 AM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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Mac the Janitor  (14)

*Jimbo pulls out video phone*

*calls Kai and GT's ship*

PHONE: Oh, what, it's my line?! Er...ring...ring...ring...the number you have dialed is not in service, since it has recently been slaughtered by a pig-dog-man-cow from space...

JIMBO: Oops, wrong number...

*dials again on his video phone*

PHONE: Oo, me again! I mean...ring...ring...ring...

*video phone picks up just in time to let Jimbo see Kai and GT's kiss*

JIMBO: Man, you look like you guys are having fun without me! Kai, you sly old dog...

*Kai just stares at him angrily for ruining the moment*

JIMBO: Er...ok...I was just wondering...do you guys have any unemployed shoulder angels or devils? Don't ask why...

09-11-2002, 01:02 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
: Jun 2002
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Kaimana  (11)

Well.......I dont really know. How are things going on your end, i hope the team is fine.

*Kai stops kissing GT and looks at the video phone...Kai whispers in it*

Nice timeing man Anyway Im taking the ship to the respected spot I told you. Get the team back as fast as you can. GT is starting to worry.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-11-2002, 01:05 AM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)

Anyone notice i'm gone yet!!!!
09-11-2002, 01:08 AM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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Mac the Janitor  (14)

JIMBO: No, no need to come. I've got it all under control, I'll come to you...

I just need the entire crew to send your shoulder angels/devils to me...


*Vykkers notice Jimbo*

JIMBO: Aw, crap...

*starts dodging laser bullets*

JIMBO: *yelling* Just send everyone's shoulder guys to me, I've got it all und-

*video transmission on video phone suddenly goes fuzzy*

09-11-2002, 01:25 AM
Kaimana's Avatar
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Kaimana  (11)

Hmm. Well I dont quite know how im going to get that. Anyway lets get inside...Okay GT?

*Kai looks at her and smiles*

We will see about the crew they seem to have it all under control..I hope. So lets not worry.

Kai the OIPT CEO *OIPT its what keeps the forums going*
Faith, Hope, and Love...the greatest of these is Love
1 Corinthians 13:13.......~Kai~

09-11-2002, 03:00 AM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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: Apr 2002
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Mac the Janitor  (14)

*Jimbo's hoverbike slowly sputters onto the ship*

*Jimbo stomps in, soaked with rain and blood*

JIMBO: Kai, c'mon! I was almost killed out there!!

*mutters incoherently*

JIMBO: OK, I got Kesiah back. Um, there's one small problem, though...

*leaves the room briefly but comes back in*

JIMBO: Um...aheh-heh...they did a brain transplant on her.

*Kesiah, now a howler monkey, squirms in*

JIMBO: Don't worry, I still have her original body...

*drags in Kesiah's body which is howling and scratching its butt*

JIMBO: Um...heh...don't worry, though, my friend can fix her rrrrrright up...

09-11-2002, 03:03 AM
Kesiah's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Jun 2002
: In my Soul Room. Occasionally found on Fanfiction.net
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Kesiah  (10)

*Another Vykker (named Stan) starts directing an attack on Jimbo's ship*
Stan: Attack!! Shoot him! I want them all hostage!!
*Stan starts foaming at the mouth*
Stan: RAHH!!!
*Sligs stare at him. Then continue shooting.*

*Kesiah in the howler monkey, screams runs around, climbs Vykkers and bite everything. Kesiah's body just hides in a corner*
No, I'm not feeling violent, I'm feeling creative with weapons.
My goal in life it to hurt you, severely, come here.
If you love something turn it loose. If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.
I am a Yaoist. If you have a problem with this, tell someone else.
Author of "Quest for the Can Opener" And several other fics. See them at Fanfiction.net!

Last edited by Kesiah; 09-10-2002 at 07:06 PM..

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