*AS wakes up*
huh wha...AH!! *see's Vykkers over him* YOU!!
Vykker:Ah good, your awake....now tell us how you built that airship, and what you were doing with those other people
for me to know and you to find out, and none of your bisnusie(can't spell) stupid fat headed purple freak!
Vykker:Why you little brat! *shove's one knife into my arm*
AH DAMN'IT!!! you son of a bitch, yer not get'n anything outa me!
*kicks Vykker*
Vykker2:Mabey we should preform experaments on him!
Vykker3:Electricute him?
oke him wiht needles!
Vykker:No! i have a better idea.....*interns take AS off to a small hall filled with cyrogen chambers*
Oh crap.....
(i have more stuff in my Trenchcoat! alot more stuff!!)