The third picture is the best. I have my hair exactly like that sometimes.
Yeah, that one was my favourite too.
Nate, I actually like the first pic the most You looks sweet on it. ^^ Straight hair suits you. But so does curly hair.
You could always get a straightener, and play around with it whenever you're up for it. Or you can get your hair straightened with chemical as far as I know.
The problem with straightening tongs is that they burn your hair. And chemical straighteners aren't all that good either. Besides, I don't actually want to permanently straighten my hair; it would just be nice to have the option every now and then. Plus I just don't have the patience to go through the process of straightening it (with tongs or whatever) every day.
The hairdresser had some special hairdryer that blew steam. If I had one of them, and a skilled concubine to regularly perform the duties, I might try it more often.
Nate, it looks sort of nice in the third picture, but I like it curly. I have sort of curly hair, but it's more tangly than eh, what's the word, ringed? Dorian calls them 'ringlets'. Anyway, I wish mine was curly like yours instead of a tangled birds nest. But I feel your pain/love on the straightener. Still, keep it natural. It suits you.
My hair is naturally tangled/boufy. I use product (but no actual styling) to make it sit in to proper curls.