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07-06-2005, 06:11 PM
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OOC: I am nearing the end of Carls story, so if you want to know what he is doing here and why strange things will happen, read The Story Of Brian in fan fiction.

Carl:"What took yOU! YOU son of a *****! I have been waiting down here for 2 ****ing hours!"
*Takes big breath. And lightens his tone of voice.*
Carl:"Now listen to me Arnie, and here why I am here. Back about 42, years ago, I don't reamember how long, I hid the Mudokon, Sam in this place. Molluck said he would give her back to me in 10 years but he never did. Now, I have come to claim what is mine and if you don't give me the keycode for the secret lift in Rupture Farms, I will blow this place to a blivion."
Carl thinks:"I am just going to plant a bomb here anyway."
OOC: *sigh*, why must you disregard our rules. And sligs don't live for 42 years.

CS patrolled the corridors aimlessly, waiting for trouble to arrive.

OOC : Could someone do something mischeivous, so that CS catches them for it? I need it for the plot.
07-06-2005, 07:10 PM
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Sev nearly jumped out of his pants.


He quickly shut his mouth,tentacles,whatever, and hoped no one in the boardroom heard him.

Sev:"I gotta find someone fast!Better look around!"

Sev checked the factory map convieniently placed on the wall behind him. The Rec-Room seemed to be the easiest to get to. Sev headed in it's direction and turned back to make sure no one was following him.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

07-07-2005, 03:33 AM
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Um Cyber-Slig, what are you on about? I am not disobeying the rules, Carl is not a slig, and Carl can never die unless murdered. Get your facts right!
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

07-07-2005, 05:10 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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OOC : OK then, you're a bloody glukkon, what's the difference. And you HAVE broken rules.

''No constant swearing''
Carl:"What took yOU! YOU son of a *****! I have been waiting down here for 2 ****ing hours!"

''No god-playing''
And you god-play because you talk about an uber-glukkon who manages to capture Sam, considering the fact he has no arms. And just for the record, Sam was born in captivity, not captured. Finally you talk about planting a bomb, and again, you have no arms, plus that's gotta be an UBER-thing. So yet again, you god-play. So don't contradict me.
07-07-2005, 08:46 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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OOC: Right on CS. chirpy, if you want an RP where you can blow things up with immortal characters and run around changing the whole backstory, make your own RP like that! Or just carry on with your fanfic! There's no problem doing that in an RP oriented that way, but to do it in this can mess up the long-term story. Oh and Boogie, it's fine to call Dek a 'he'. And I changed my writing spacing ot try and makei t easier to read.

Dek took out a stethoscope and checked Boogie's chest.
"Breathing seems a bit struggling, heart fine."
He gets a small torch and points it down Boogie's throat.
"Small amount of burning in his throat."
He searches for a momenthin his bag, then pulls out a small screen-like device.
Arthur shook his head in wonder "How do you fit so much in that bag?"
"Vykker ingineuity my friend." Answered Dek.
He switched the device on, which turned out to be a miniature X-Ray machine. He scanned Boogie's chest for damage.
"Strange. It seems like the steam has become wateer again and is in his lungs. I could put a tube down his throat and suck and pump the water out carefully, then give him painkillers and antibiotics to prevent pain or infection when healing. That sound OK?"

Arthur was getting bored though. "Hey guys, call me when it's done, I'm getting hungry."
He wandered out of the barracks, not really sure where to go, then he decided that he really would get a bite to eat. He headed back to the cafeteria, but passed an expresso vendo on the way.
"I'm not gonna get to sleep now, so I might as well have a drink." He cheked the price: 5 moolah. Rummaging around in a little 'compartment' he had made a while ago in his pants, he managed to find 5 moolah for the drink. But, as luck would have it, the drink got stuck.
"Dammit gimme my drink! I payed, I demand Expresso!" Yelled Arthur. He started kicking and banging on it in fury, trying to shake it loose.

OOC: I'm trying to set up something for your guy here Cyber-Slig, oh and T-Nex, out of curiosity, whatever happened to your RP character Razor the Slig?
07-07-2005, 09:33 AM
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Sev finally made it to the Rec-Room. It was deserted except for one slig sleeping in a bunk. Next to him was a mask, a gun, and some recording-box thingy. It seemed like whatever was recorded had been sent recently, because the power was still on.

Sev:"Let's see what our friend over here recorded."

Sev pressed the repeat button and listened.

Sev:"Who is this Anni and what's with this paramite? All of this and on my first day too. Man, I just started and already I need a vacation! Now if only I could tell where this message was sent to..."

OOC:Splat, if you didn't want Sev to hear the message then tell me, k? Sorry if I made an inconvienience there.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

07-07-2005, 10:19 AM
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ooc : Thank you, MM.

CS's hearing caught on to something. He lumbered over to the noise, and saw Arthur, pounding at the machine.

CS : You have broken law #7193, you shall be punished as such.

CS then attempted to grab Arthur by the neck.

OOC : I won't do anythign to your character without permission, I'd appreciate it if you hit his mask off, or tripped him up, anythign that will take his mask off
07-07-2005, 12:16 PM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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OOC:Sure thing.

Arthur whirled around upon hearing a strange voice.
"Hooray, someone to help me with thi-What the hell!!?" He realised that a giant security Slig had just approached him and it was going for his neck. So Arthur did the only thing a Slig could do in that saitaution, he fought back madly. He swung wildly at it, going for anywhere he could find on the Slig, the face, the arms, anywhere.

OOC: Up to you if I hit or get the mask off. Also boogie, I can't advance Dek without you posting.
07-07-2005, 12:36 PM
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Stivik's box dusn't have a play back button. Sorry. It stops him changing or listening back on what was recorded so if he makes a mess of things the Cartel knows when they hear the tape. Mudling wanted to listen in earlier as well and I said the same thing. It's not to stop you looking, it's to stop him changing it, or else he'd probably removed the bit where he heard Somi talking.
If he was just looking and trying to work out what it was, that would be ok. it doesn't look like a tape-recorder.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

07-07-2005, 02:12 PM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
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big bro boogie  (10)

OOC: Up to you if I hit or get the mask off. Also boogie, I can't advance Dek without you posting.
Oh, sorry, xcuse me.


Floyd: "Yeah, uh, that sounds fine to me and the antibotics aren't actually needed I think, but yo' the doc. Anyway, doesn't sucking the water out of the lungs harm them? Sucking the lungs vacuum can cause them to release from the bone structure. You know?"

Scruben: "Hey, I know the answer to this question. Make sure you don't completely close the bronchus while sucking out the water. That way the air pressure will cause the lungs to fill with air again. Right?"
--Yours Truly.
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07-07-2005, 04:55 PM
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I am not blowing things up, my character is not imortal and Cyber-Slig, I blocked out the swearing just as you told me, so get off my back, it seems everyone is against me, WHY!
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

07-07-2005, 05:15 PM
Jarnww's Avatar
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OOC:Sorry Splat. OK, Here goes:


Sev walked into the Rec-Room and looked around. It was completely empty except for one bunk. A slig was dozing on it with his gun on the side of his bed as well as his mask and some strange box.

Sev took a look at it. He prodded it a couple of times and didn't know what to make of it.

Sev:"Well, I don't want to interupt this guy's beauty sleep. better go check around for someone else."

Sev slowly walked out of the room, hoping to avoid waking up the surly looking slig.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

07-07-2005, 06:04 PM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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ooc : Wtf chirpy? I never said block out the swearing, I said no CONSTANT swearing. I never said Carl was immortal either, I said he was being uber. And I never said you were blowing things up, I said you're threatening to plant a bomb. Please read for once.

Arthur struck CS in the face, and his iron mask came clean off, revealing the robot area on the right side of his head.

CS : You have broken law #1245, you shall be shot, as such.

CS took out his Blitz-Rifle, slowly, as usual, and prepared to fire at Arthur.

OOC : I'm not about to shoot you by the way, just run round the corridor or something. And now that his mask is off, could someone like Nick or Anni see him and talk to him about his former life?
07-07-2005, 08:42 PM
Jarnww's Avatar
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Sev ran down the hall and decided that all of this confusion was making him hungry. He ran towards the Cafeteria and saw a slightly robotic slig aiming a gun at another one.


Sev jumped at the robotic lookin slig and braced for impact. He didn't know who or what it was, but a slig shooting another slig usually meant he was possessed, or craziness.

OOC:CS, you can choose if Sev hits ya or not. Sev will ask about his past once you post what happens, so it's all you.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

07-08-2005, 02:07 AM
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ooc: That's not quite what he meant. If you heard earlier, Cyber Slig was made out of parts of a "retired" soldier. That guy was here earlier but when CS left it was shut down. Characters like T-nex's, Havoc's, maybe Dripik's, will have seen the old CS.

Stivik half-dreamt hearing someone pushing about the room. Waking slowly, he suddenly realised he'd left his mask and box on the table beside the bunk. Leaping up, he grabbed them and attached them back to his various body parts. He looked around but no one else was in the rec-room. feeling that he would have liked another 5 hours rest, he walked out of the rec-room and looked around.

Hearing a loud noise up ahead he moved quietly forward. Poking his head round a corner he saw tree sligs fighting madly in front of a vending machine.

He turned on the camera in his mask and then turned on his box. "It looks like this place really is falling into chaos. There are three sligs up ahead, fighting like the apocalypse. No one seems to have noticed!" So sligs fighting wasn't unusuall but it stilll was a problem and wouldn't be overlooked in the evidence against Arnie. "One of the sligs looks like he's only been here a few hours! Another's a pretty big...hang on, i think he's some sort of prototype guard, he seems to be half-robot."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

07-08-2005, 03:51 AM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
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I was talking to Munch's Master, not you Cyber-Slig sorry if you took that the wrong way.
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

07-08-2005, 07:07 AM
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Munch's Master
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OOC: Sorry when I siad blowing up things I meant planning to, as in planting the bomb etc. Also you said Carl can never die of old age, so he is immortal technically.

Arthur yelped and dived to the side, legging it as far away as he could. But he was too busy getting his distance to look where he was going, and ended up crashing into another Slig who seemed to be carrying some strange black box (Stivik). He shook his head dazedly as he tried to get up.
"Whoah, who are you? I haven't seen you here before." Arthur asked the Slig.
(ooc: Splat, if you don't want me to have crashed into him, say so and I'll edit.)

Meanwhile, Dek began getting a small tube.
"Yes, I know not to block the bronchus, that's why I'm using a very thin tube."
Dek held the X-Ray device in one claw annd carefully sent the tube down with another, using tiny flexible wires in the tube to direct it down to the water blocked part of Boogie's lungs.
Attaching the free end to a small bowl-like device, Dek began turning the nozzle on the bowl-thing. It slowly sucked the water out, Dek being very careful not to go too fast and damage his lungs, alveoli or bones. The water was starting to empty into the bowl from Boogie's lungs. Finally, it was done.
"Now, you may have a funny, irritated feeling in your chest but-" A buzzing coming from Dek's labcoat pocket interrupts him.
Dek removed a little object from his pocket which appoeared to have writing on it. He read it.
"Oh, fantastic! Absolutely bloody fantastic! Do you know what?" He turned to Floyd and Scruben. "I've been fired for missing the important product meeting. I've lost my lab and its contents are going to be transferred to the other rooms. Perfect, now I domn't have a job. I suppose I'd better get one here then."
He stood still and depressed looking dor a moment, then shook his head.
"Now whre was I? Ah yes, Boogie. Your chest may feel a bit awkward at times, so take these painkillers when neccessary, but leave a 5 hour gap between each dosage." He produced a bottle of painkillers and a bottle of antibiotics " These are to prevent the burnt lung tissue from getting any infections from anything in the air. Take these twice a day. Also don't do too much strenuous activities for about a week, or your lungs won't take it and might get worse. Apart from that you are now recovered." Dek handed the medicines to Boogie and began wondering what to do now that he was jobless.

Last edited by Munch's Master; 07-08-2005 at 08:10 AM..
07-08-2005, 07:17 AM
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OOC: Whoops, Razer!!! Thankyou MM for reminding me of it :S.... I'll edit my post with the profiles, and add his profile, then I'll add him to the story later...


"Soo..." Anni said, to brake the silence, as she was walking with Math.

She looked at him, and then forwards again. Then she slowly raised her arm, behind his back, and gave two quick pokes on the opposite shoulder. Then she quickly took the arm away, and pretended that it was not her. Then she heard voices, it was coming from the Cafeteria (I guess...). She ran over there, dragging Math with her, but then she bumped straight into Stivik.

"Whoops, I'm very sorry about th- Oh it's you." She said indifferently, and sweaped dust off her.

Then a thought stroke her.

"It IS you, and your here!! Hehe, Nick is looking for you...ehm well, will you wait here?" she asked, and ran over to the fighting sligs.

"Woo! Go Cyborg-ish thingy-slig!!" she shouted for fun, but then she thought something was familiar about him.

"HEY!!! You're CYBER-SLIG!!!!" she yelled with joy.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


07-08-2005, 07:45 AM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
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*Boogie was slowly "reviving" while the water ws being sucked out of his lungs, and heared all of Deks instructions*

Boogie: "Okay to all. And umm... who ar- Floyd, where are my pants?"
Floyd: "Whoops, I left them at the cafeteria. Should I get them for you?"
Boogie: "Yeah, go get them."
*Floyd ran off*
Boogie: "And err... thanks Doc. Who are you anyway?"

*Floyd ran back down the hallway, but stopped when he saw some sligs fighting. He looked better and recognized Arthur fighting a cyborg like slig thingie. Then saw a mudokon running over to the sligs and shout something.*

Floyd: "Yo guys! Stop it! What the Odd is going on here?!"
--Yours Truly.
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07-08-2005, 08:15 AM
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Dek looked at Boogie and explained:
"I am Dek the Vykker my friend, and I am now officially without a job, so seeing as I helped you and your Mudokon friend Scruben, perchance you could direct me to the boss so I can try and get an occupation here?" He paused, looking at Boogie and thinking."I mean can you help me get a job, if you don't understand that."


Arthur picked himself up to see a mudokon running and yelling at the apparently robotic Slig, calling it something like 'Cyber-Slig', and he saw and heard Floyd back up the corridor. He looked to Floyd, staying on edge from the cyborg thing, and answered
"I was trying to get a drink of expresso, but it ate my moolah up without giving me a drink and I banged on it, then this robot guy came & tried to strangle me. I knocked his mask off, then he pulled out a gun and tried to shoot me. Then i crashed into this Slig *pointing at Stivik, whose name he doesn't yet know* and then you arrived." He ducked down again in case the cybernetic Slig shot again.
07-08-2005, 08:27 AM
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CS : Cyber-Slig? What is this Cyber-Slig you speak of? Please, if you suffer from diseases #204 Paranoia or #793 Depression, the vykkers are here to help. You can find them down in corridor A-9, if you want to.

OOC : And yes, Splat's right Jarnw, CS if half-slig half-machine.
07-08-2005, 08:42 AM
big bro boogie
Sewer Sleg
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Boogie: "Pleased to meat you, Dek. And I remember being called a nerd some time ago, so I know perfectly well what occupation means. I'd like to help you, but besides the fact that I'm pantsless, we're looking for the Boss too. And I see Scruben got his eyes stiched, we'll just have to wait until Floyd returns."


Floyd: "Aha. Err, can someone get that scary half-robot-slig away from the expresso machine, please? That way I can fix it."
--Yours Truly.
---My DevArt.---

07-08-2005, 08:47 AM
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"NO, I'm not paranoid... But i do get depressed someti- HEY! This is not what we talked about." Anni said angrily, but easened up a bit, "Um.. You ARE Cyber-slig. Try refreshing your memeory... I mean, it must be you. You act and move like him. Don't you remember Fang, me? Kix??? NICK?? Anyone?"


Kix and Dean walked down some corridors, untill they saw a sign saying: Vykkers roght here.
The sign pointed at a door.

"Maybe they can help..." Kix said

Dean shrugged, and opened the door. 3 Vykkers walked over them.

"Uh hi... Um this slog.. has umm.... Broken a rib... could yo-" Kix stammered, but got interupted by one of the Vykkers.

"We'll take it." One of them said, while the others "shoo'ed" them away.

Then the door got slammed infront of Kix and Dean.

"Weird..." She said and shrugged.

"Do you think it was such a good idea?" Dean asked.

"Not really" Kix said, and went away with worried thoughts.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


07-08-2005, 08:47 AM
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Dek laughed "A nerd Slig? Ah, some things never cease to amaze me. Where has Flyd gone to anyway?" Dek wondered, while gathering his tools back up into his box.

Arthur looked at the robotic Slig (he still doesn't know CS's name) "The mud's got a disease? I think you're the one with the problem big guy." he then turned to Floyd "Fix what? YThe machine or the robot? As the robot could do with a bit of fixing in the brain departemtn, if ya know what I mean."
Arthur then looked at Anni. "Who are these people you're mentioning? Nick, Fang, who? And I take it the robot is this Cyber-Slig feller?"
07-08-2005, 08:53 AM
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CS : Definition : Fang - A sharp tooth on an animal.
Definiton : Me - 1st person syllable
Definition - Kix - The present tense of the word ''kick'', really spelled as Kicks.
Definition - Nick - A male name, or slang for ''nick-name'', which is calling someone different from their actualy name.

Please move aside ma'am, I have corrected your errors, and I must now punish the criminal.
07-08-2005, 08:58 AM
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"What??? That's rediculous. You're talking in riddles..." She said angrily.

"and I must now punish the criminal"

"WHAT! He's innocent, he didn't even do a real crime!!!" Anni said, and tried to rip the gun out of his hand.

"ARGH! YOU'RE NOT A ROBOT! You're cyber-slig you rat!!! I even helped you, don't you remember???" She shouted, while she was struggeling with the gun.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


07-08-2005, 09:02 AM
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"The maniac's attacking again, clear the way! Arthur yelled, charging as fast as he could in the opposite direction. He tripped however over the seemingly still prone Stivik (Splat hasn't replied yet so :P ) and went flying again, landing on his shoulder that had been hurt hours earlier by Johnson the Steef. Arthur seemed to find a new belief in religion, as he muttered a short prayer to Odd-something he has never done before- while bracing himself for the end.
07-08-2005, 09:04 AM
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CS : He has broken many laws. I am not a ''robot'' either, I am a Vykker Security Unit, fit for patrolling corridors from idiots, like you, and bringing the Vykker's coffee. This is your last chance, or you shall be joining him.

*CS smacks Anni out of his way*
07-08-2005, 09:10 AM
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Math stood staring at what was going on.

Math: Okay... I will just stand back... I have no idea WHAT is going on...


Nick was walking down the corridor on his way to the boardroom to find Arnie.

Nick: Just wait... I'l have that moron Stavik kicked out of here. With some luck the Cartel shoots him... hehe
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

07-08-2005, 09:15 AM
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Frosties and Buttsex
: Aug 2003
: Denmark
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"MATH YOU RAT! DON"t JUST STAND THERE! HELP ME!" Anni shouted, and got up again.

"Uh, Cyber-slig, you know killing will only make it worse, and I'm sure Arnie will get you kicked out if you do it." Anni trid to explin.

She looked around to see where Arthur had gone, and figured that Cyber-slig would follow him, so she blocked the way.

"I am NOT letting you past!" She said with crossed arms.
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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