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11-11-2006, 12:28 PM
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Munch's Master
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Arthur chewed on some meat and walked over, peering at Slap's computer screen.
"Well, it seems to me the obvious solution with Molt is to have Dek fiddle with him a bit more. Molt owes Dek a lot already, he's had an eye an' arm transplant from him. If we can get him to trust Dek and force him to go to Dek for help, we can get Dek to examine him an' try to sort out his aggressiveness."
He chewed some more of the meat when he finished. Thinking sure was hungry work.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

11-11-2006, 02:44 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Slap looked at Arthur for a bit. He realized that he had asked a question, so he went back to him. Slap typed at him, "Oh yes, hello Arthur. Quite some things have happened. Yes, an explosion happened. Gappiqu, a brother of your's, went manic like and tried to assult me. Molt was the one that ironically saved me from dying, by attracting attention to himself. Gappiqu ended up throwing a grenade at Molt, but Molt somehow prevented it from directily harming him. I later knocked both Molt and Gappiqu out, for further chaos to end. But I did later that Molt must be kept here for an ex-boss of his is trying to take over Rupture Farms. But now, Gappiqu is being hidden by his girlfriend in the basement, but Goresplatter went after them to send them both to jail. But it seems like everyone is in panic at the Labs, since it has been locked down until further information. Yet, the new Vykker there is making a competition with Dek, making any possible operations impossible to accomplish. And there is a Mudokon there in need of help. Yet being that am the only one here that is not worried of someone taking my job, I suggested doing the surgery, but the new Vykker wants me to inform Arnie of the new changes that is needed here. So, nothing different from yesterday."

Slap realized about Arthur's further actions, which had involved him giving the two Glukkons food. Slap suddenly grew a small grumble in his stomach, since he hadn't eaten yesterday. He typed down, "Arthur, do you have any ideas on how to make Intern food? What I mean is, do you have any food I can eat with stitches?"

Slap decided to think about the further things Arthur said, and responded on his laptop, "Arthur, I have know Molt well enough to say that one of the last things Molt is to trust someone new, with no exception for Dek. Molt didn't care that I helped to make sure that he was living, and that didn't stop him when he tried to blame me for Gappiqu's unconsciousness. He also even knows that I tried to help Dek in his surgeries. And, the only thing we could do to make Molt come to his senses is to threaten to fire him and torcure him. Besides, it will take months to solve Molt's aggressiveness. I once meet a Mudokon that refused to touch a mop and caused him to lose both of his feet from a Slig for not doing so. I learned later that it took the doctors half a year to make him touch a mop through over 200,000 times of using the negative reniforcement tecnique.

However, Dek could take time off to help with Molt's sitution, which could help a bit. But I doubt Molt would cooperate."

Gappiqu was thinking about this for a while, but suddenly, he heard Paramites screech and lifts going up. He looked around him, only to find that Dionysia wasn't there. "Oh sh**" thought Gappiqu, as he started to panic. Gappiqu didn't want Dionysia to take what he said to hurt her. He started to weep a little then started to scream, "Dionysia, where the hell are ya!!!!???"

He rushed away from Goresplatter and started to run into the shadows. Avoiding all the pipes in front of him, he started to run after the lift's noise source. At last, he thought he was getting close, but when he looked closer, he sensed that Paramites and something that looked like a Scrab was near. He stood in his tracks, panicing his heart out. Sweat started to stick to the small spaces between his own mask and his face. And all he could do was cry.

He stood still, raising his grenade to his face, and tried crying out to the Paramites and that freak, "Um, you all better stay still because, um, I have a grenade!!! Just direct me to the black Mudokon, and all will go fine."

11-12-2006, 01:03 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Guessing from 'that freak' I suppose you mean me?

IC: Sturg looked at the Slig. He was kinda startled by it's screaming. It was obviously in distress. So distressed it expected most of them to know what he was saying. Sturg vaguely translated it...he just looked upwards to where the lift had gone. But the Slig wasn't going to go away since the lift wasn't there...maybe the Slig might vaguely understand him "Uh, hey, do you know if there's a lever for this lift? That's where she went, anyway"
Sturg was kinda worried how the Paramties would react. He quietly screeched to them "No sudden moves, he's stressed and that grenade won't do any of us any good"
11-12-2006, 08:18 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Gappiqu is being hidden by his girlfriend in the basement
ooc: I resent that.

the paramites hissed angrilly at Sturg and oved around the sides of the slig, keeping about three metres from him. Somi was horrified, realising that they intended to attack. She hesitated, knowing the danger that it would mean if they killed the slig, and trying to come up with something she could do to stop them when they were that angry. Only one idea came to her. Suddenly she lunged at the slig, hoping to scare him into running away, but without intent to hurt him. That didn't mean it wouldn't look real, and she was hoping he would just run, but she new the danger if he decided to attack her.
The other paramites, realising what she was doing, screeched at her and then leapt after the panicky slig and she yelled in paramite, "STURG! STOP THEM!"


Dionysia glared at the mud; how could he be so insolent? "I am working, Mud. I'm not here for slave labour like you; I work for security, making sure no terrorists make an entrance. Now if you don't mind..." She crossed the bridge, pushed her way past the mudokons and made for the door to the corridor.


Anni was a bit disappointed, but returned to the kitchen and told Kix, "Arnie says there'll be water soon."
Jim, meanwhile, stuck his head out of the cupboard and looked around nervously for any sligs. Instead he spotted Anni and Kix and whispered to them. "Please, lets get out of here!"


Krik was getting fed up with all this, so he snatched the key out of Dek's hand, unlocked the door to the weapons cupboard and picked out a small snoozer. Then, as an afterthought, he dropped the keys absently on the floor and, chuckling to himself, sauntered out of the room in the way only a vykker can.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-12-2006, 08:46 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: I know you do, but that was Slap's view. Hate him all you want, but it is probably true in some perpective.

Gappiqu jumped back at the very sight of one of the Paramites trying to lunge at him. He couldn't see what it was trying to do, he just didn't want to die. It became worse when three others came after him. He screemed at the peril he was going through and took out the ring of the grenade. Gappiqu tried to scream, "Back! Back!"

He threw the cold, chreeping grenade in blind fear. He didn't care if hit them, if only they would just leave him alone. He watched the grenade, as it hit one of the Paramites on the head. Gappiqu anxiously watched as it started to bounce up into the air and was getting close to himself. The Paramites were too. He screamed in horror and threw himself to the ground, hoping the explosion wouldn't kill him. And all he did on the rough surface was cry, cry his little eyes out. He didn't feel like dying, and he certainly wished that he could see Dionysia one more time, so he could see her happy.

Kix watched as Arthur started to prepare something, and was interested in the food he had. She would ask for some if Jim wasn't so scared of Arthur. He probably would start crying because he thought that she would die of trust.

Once Arthur was out, Anni came in and Jim got out of his hiding spot. She groaned when she heard him starting to complain again. He said to him rather with a ticked voice, "And go where? To Monsasic Lines? Jim, not every Slig wants to kill ya here. Some are even nice. Look, Arthur gave ya some food. And hiding from them just lets them have a victory that they scared you good. Besides, they might be ugly and mean, but that didn't stop me from hiding in cuboard."

She turned to Anni and said, "So Anni, what do we do now? Without the garden, we can't do anything right now. Can try and help Rick with his little Employee Lounge room?"

11-12-2006, 09:07 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Holy...! What in Odd's name was going on now!? He didn't know what Somi had intended, but he doubted she would be stupid enough to try to kill said Slig. it seemed her plan had screwed up. He ran infront of the Paramites and forced himself backwards with his shield as they ran into at at the speed they were going. Sturg recoiled as they banged into it and they juddered back. They hissed angrily as they rolled over and tried to collect themselves. Sturg ignored that for now, as he watched the grenade bounce. If that thing blew, they were all done. He either had the choice to try to save them all, or just the others and probably injure or kill himself. Both could result from the one idea he had. Possibly. He judged where the grenade would lan,d ran quickly under it, and curled up his armour so that it would hopefully bonce off at a good angle, away from them. He just hoped it wouldn't explode on contact instead...at least his armour would offer some protection if it did...anything could happen now...

OOC: Someone else decide whether the grenades explodes. I presume that should be Slaveless. It was Gappiqu's grenade.
11-12-2006, 10:52 AM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre watched Krik unsucessfully try to enter the storage room, then procure what he needed from a weapons cabinet, and get out of the labs quicker than a Paramite to a steak. He noticed that he didn't give back the storage room key to Praetyre's superior. Praetyre decided that his superior would probably notice it himself, and decided to proceed with the operation.

Praetyre took another surgical tool. This one was actually a deoxygenating device that he wouldn't normally use so close to the lungs, but as several unprotected Inhabitants had spent around 20 minutes here, there was a high risk of infection, not to mention death by air. Unfortunately, he couldn't use it while an unprotected Inhabitant was here, as new bacteria, viruses, and fungi and air would still come in at rapid rates.

He used the tool to extract the oxygen, and with it the harmful microrganisms, from the area. He would have a 5 minute window of opportunity to then complete the operation, before the old devices batteries gave out and he would have to recharge them. Praetyre activated the sweat eliminators in his suit, and begun.

The pacemaker generator was already there, electrifying, and connected to the pacemaker. Excellent. Now he needed to cut out the natural one. A complex and dangerous process. He took his surgical knife and delicately cut of a single membraneous layer of the hearts skin. Performing surgery on some Mudokons was tricky. They could only register one pacemaker at a time, and so the original needed to be removed. But as it was so close to the heart, it was incredibly risky. Praetyre had barely begun.

He took off yet another layer. Still more beckoned. He continued, and continued, and continued, and continued, and continued for what seemed like an eternity, until he could see only one thin layer of pacemaker cells.
"Jackpot" he thought.

He used his knife to take off this final layer, and then could see into the heart like an experiment with X-ray vision. He then took the artificial pacemaker, de and reconnected it with the generator, and then attached the vital wire to the heart. He then took an Eyestitch 2000, and expanded it to "Long Vertical Eye Setting". The Eyestitch whirred into action, sealing the Mudokon up quicker than Praetyre had cut him open.

But there were still matters to be attended to. Praetyre commanded his suit to release a compressed storage jar, then scraped the pacemaker cells with his knife into the jar. He loved giving his patients the things he took out of them. It was especially hilarious when doing it on seemingly small things like this. He then reinserted the jar into his suit, storing it for later. He then did the honours, whispering into the Mudokons ear;

"Wakey wakey.."

He then turned to Dek;
"In the words of many a Slig.. I love this job!"

He then waited. The ominous moment.
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 11-25-2006 at 12:11 PM..
11-12-2006, 11:22 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Gore reacted to the Paramite, then turned startled as he noticed Gappiqu running away. The Paramite left him to find the unarmed Gappiqu.
"Gappiqu! Get back here you maniac!"
He chased fast, hot on the last Paramite's tail. At last he found them all stopped, in what seemed to be a tense situation. He drew his gun and fired a shot into the air.
"All of yas, back! Don't you go hurtin' him! An..." He suddenly spotted the strange creature in the bunch, "And what the hell're you?!"
It looked bulky, so with much practice, he swiftly applied some explosive shells to his rifle and aimed in the general direction of the gang of creatures.
"No sudden moves..." He doubted the creatures would actually know what he was saying, but tried anyway. Then he noticed something out of place.
"Gappiqu! Don't let go of that grenade! Either keep the button down or throw it over there, don't blow yourself up!"
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11-13-2006, 09:19 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Somi stumbled, a little stunned, when the grenade bounced off her head. To her great annoyance, she saw that the silly slig had, instead of running away, curled up on the ground. Sturg had pushed away the paramites, but then dived to knock away the grenade. The paramites were quickly recovering when another slig ran in and fired his gun, making the whole thing much worse: now they thought they were threatened themselves, those paramites would battle to defend themselves; unlike her, they didn't understand what the slig said. Acting as fast as she could, she lunged at the paramites, ramming into their leader and yelled in the mudokons language, "Run, you idiots!" She hoped they'd get the message. As she looked away, she heard the grenade explode.


Jim shivered. "I know the sligs here aren't all bad, but I can't help being terrified of them! It's not my fault; I' got a phobia and you can't control that! If I could stop myself panicking when I see them, I would! I just want to get out of this kitchen before more come back."


Dionysia barged out of the production lines. Krik barged out of the labs. They looked at each other down a long corridor. "Where in Odd's name have you been?" Asked Krik.
"Almost getting myself killed by the hoardes of animals Arnie's storing in the basement. This place is a mess!"
Krik rolled his eyes, disbelieving. "Right, well if you remember, I'm not here to chase after you all day." Dionysia sniffed; as far as she was concerned, Krik hadn't been chasing after her nearly enough. "I'm a busy vykker, and there are a number of tests I need to run, if you remember. So if you'll wait for me in the-"
"No thanks, Krik. We can do 'em now, or you can start chaing me."
The vykker growled. He was looking forward to getting rid of this prototype. "Fine, lets get on with it. I imagine there are plenty of empty rooms around here-"
"There's a largish cupboard upstairs."
"Excellent, come on then!" Together they headed up the executive lifts to the top floor and Dionysia led the vykker to the cupboard where she and Dionysia had hidden a native intruder the night before.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-13-2006, 09:34 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: The grenade bounced away merely yards and if Sturg hadn't immediately leapt out of the way, he'd have been caught in the blast. he could see that the Slig with the gun was not going to shoot them directly, but the other Paramites didn't know that. They'd get themselves (and him) killed! Sturg quickly got to Somi's side and squealed at the stupid Paramites "Stop! Now! Otherwise you'll get yourselves shot!" before ramming another one that was too close away to the side.
11-13-2006, 10:01 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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Dek shook his head as Krik deliberately dropped the key. He scuttled over, picked up the key, and returned it to the cupboard, which he re-locked. "Krik the pr**k. He'll get what;'s comnig to him."Dek muttered. He watched Praeture sppedily perform the opertion and was mildly impressed, but had an observation to make. "You stitched him right back up. You didn't check to make sure you hadn't cut any parts of his heart, you didn't carefully clean up any blood, you didn't sterilize the pacemker and you didn't check to see it was working! For all we know it could fail or get infected! You're quick but you need to check things!"
Arthur read Slap's screen. "Gappiqu has a girlfriend? But, I thought there were just female mudokons here, just Anni an' Deeyo-whatsit? He's not....you know....with a mudokon is he? Slig an' mudokon....it ain't right."
Arthur shrugged. "I'll go try make you some food. Will soup do, cause I now you have stitches an all."
He walked into the ktichen and then noticed Jim was out.
Dean saw Arthur walk through into th kitchen and quickly cut across to Jim, to try and stop him from seeing Arthur. He silently mouthed 'Don't let hi msee you!' to Arthur, then turned to Jim, Anni and Kix. "Rick's setting up an Employee Lounge? That sounds quite good. It'll be a place for us to put up our feet right? And don't you think we should try and see what's going on with the water?"

Arthur carefully snuck past, trying his best to keep out of Jim's line of vision. The guy would thinkhe was out to kill him. He didn't risk starting cooking again, not until Jim was safely out of the room.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

11-13-2006, 10:11 AM
dripik's Avatar
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RG-49 was still waiting in the storage room of the Labs. He was concentrating on the lift, waiting for the chains to rattle, its console to light up or anything that meant that the lift was coming up... with the suspected workers. He remained completely silent...

...Then he heard an explosion from below. He holstered his gun back and ran to the lift. "That's it. I am going to bring them up by their legs." he thought, unaware of the real deal that went down. He didn't bother calling the lift - he jumped at the chains and grabbed them. He descended quickly, despite of his mechanic structure.

He landed on the floor of the basement with a clank while taking out his rifle again. He saw movement in one of the corridors. He hurried in that direction, adjusting his vision to the current dim conditions. The first thing he noticed was that there were a lot of Paramites. Then he spotted a Slig standing in front of the commotion, with his gun out (Gore), and another, lying on the floor (Gappiqu).

"Finally, some updating for my targeting protocols..." he concluded, raising his rifle.


Rick looked after Dionysia, slightly shaking his head, then turning back to the others. He listened to one of them (Joel). "Uh, don't worry, I can handle that. You should stay here and get the grinders running with those levers as soon as these indicators..." he pointed at them installed to some of the pipes. "...show activity, OK?"


OOC: I might use some Paramites as casualties in my next post, if that's OK. You can react on RG's arrival with a few of them, of course.

Last edited by dripik; 11-13-2006 at 10:18 AM..
11-13-2006, 11:06 AM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre replied to his superior;
"I've had experience with these suits. They come in different models, with different functions. This particular model is a surgeons one. You can tell by the commands available. Anyway, it also carries the capability to detect microorganisms and can release a cauterizing agent on command. I saw no microorganisms in the area after sterilizing it with the deoxygenator. Also, I examined the pacemaker and the generator. They are both functioning, working, and even now my electro-filter can register a powerful field, exactly at the level, frequency, and location it should be. And when I had cut the heart, I was operating from the surgical instructions of both the deadliest torturers and best doctors, Humphrey and Irwin. I released the cauterizer as soon as that knife as much scraped a single layer off."
Praetyre switched to the internal filter.
"And there is no internal bleeding, as would be expected from such a technique. And I know why. These surgical tools are coated with another agent which is actually a lattice of microbots. They seep in through the internal organs, repairing any holes, massaging any bruises. They even self destruct to release a form of nanogel, which will continue to aid healing of an internal organ."
Praetyre smiled underneath his helmet. It showed in his voice.
"Your boss is a brilliant Inhabitant. Either that, or his predecessor was. These suits are the kind you would only find in a high level facility. You have to be very high up the social ladder to even have access to those."

"And on that matter, sir, you don't get one of these degrees if you don't know what you are doing. You have one too, you would know, sir."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 11-13-2006 at 11:09 AM..
11-14-2006, 09:29 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: May I ask what kind of machine RG-49 is exactly? A snoozer, or what...?

IC: Before any Paramite had time to reply to Sturg's action's, some sort of machine appeared from where the lift had gone up. He saw it raise a hollow tube towards them. He guessed what it was. "MOVE!" He screeched firmly as he desperately looked for cover, and found it in a wooden crate. He sprinted straight for it.
11-14-2006, 11:01 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Joel shrugged and said rather nuerturally to his brothers, "OK guys, you the man. Let's go!"

All seven Mudokons looked at the moniters, to see what they were looking at. It didn't seem like there was too many activity going on with it. They shrugged in rather a bored manner, (all in unison) "OK."

They all took their seperate ways down the walkways of the production lines, and found some sort of lever. They all then stared at the moniters before them. They could tell that this was going to be a long one.

Kix looked at Jim a little pitingly. This case couldn't be solved very easily, and none of the Mudokons here are thearphists. Dek sure couldn't help either, after what he tried to do to Anni.

Before she could responde, she turned to see that Dean was around. She stood to him, looking at him in the eye, and replied, "Yeah, Rick's building a Lounge for both Sligs and Mudokons. It's looking pretty much OK, but some work needs to be added. But we know what is up with the water anyway. It's not functioning since the Boilers are off."

She looked at Dean's feet and thought about the fact that he wasn't there in the bunkers that night. She motioned and said softily, "So... What's up? You aren't around these days. Or at least this morning."

Gappiqu heard the boom, and anxiousily waited for him to hear screechs. As butterflies feld all around him he didn't feel anything, but only to hear screeches afterward. His anxetity was still there, but he wanted to peek to see what was really happening. He slammed his eyes open, and tried to listen to the after noise. There was yelling from Goresplatter, a Mudokon yell, some other noise, and a cybernetic voice. Gappiqu knew something was going on.

He thrusted his upper half of pants and slowly let his hand depress a button that held a grenade. As sweat dripped from the rims of his mask, he turned his head to see that in the dark was four animals in the corner, that robot he saw yesterday with a gun, and Goresplatter. He couldn't find the Mudokon, but it was no matter. Gappiqu got paranoid as he saw RG. He obviousily was here to arrest him and Dionysia, while the Paramites were there to feast. Gappiqu was threatened by the gun RG-49 held, and thought of what would happen if he tried to run. Gappiqu also nervousily thought of what the Paramites might do to harm him. All that mattered to him that all the dangers were eliminated.

Gapiqu fearifully pulled the grenade to his head, pulled off the ring with his thumb, and threw the sucker in front of the Paramites. As he heard the silent rings go off, he turned his head to RG-49, and shouted anxiousily, "Commit yourself to your primary duties, robotic life form! A Mudokon has entered the Boilers! Quick, it might be too late!"

Gappiqu couldn't think of another move, he just was too anxious to think of any other way to solve the sitution.

OOC: RG-49 is your standard robot. Nothing out of Oddworld.

11-15-2006, 12:41 PM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: RG's a random robot; Dripik's made a few sketches of him in the RPG fanart thread in fan corner. Dripik, there are four paramites, three random ones and Somi. Feel free to shoot at any, just preferably don't kill Somi.
Was RG around in the old Rupture Farms long enough to hear that meeches were extinct?

The situation got worse when the robot turned up and raised its gun, and the slig, instead of running away, got out another grenade. As Gappiqu threw the bomb, two of the paramites scattered, one running towards where Sturg had hidden, another fleeing blindly in the opposite direction. The third leapt straight at Gappiqu with a merderous howl. With a yell, Somi threw herself onto the paramite, knocking it to the ground. She tried to scramble onto her claws, but the paramite yowled angrily and pulled her down as it struggled towards the slig, after its blood.


Anni looked impatiently at her friends. "Are we going or not? If we look around the stockyards we might be able to find some puddles or something for water." Really, she just wanted an excuse to leave with Jim, who was crouching behind a table and looking nervously towards the door.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-17-2006, 09:25 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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Arthur still waited. He hoped Jim would leave soon so he could cook Slap something.
Dean shrugged in response to Kix's question. " I've mainly been in the RR and had a look in on the Stockyards, but that's it really. Seeing as Arthur's taken on an interest in cxooking, looks like I'll have some competition. Anyway, I think Anni's right, we should look for some water. the kitchen sink isn't working but we could check the stockyards, or try a vendo and see if there's any with mineral water; although I doubt it."
Dek smiled. "Oh I know you have to know what you're doing, it's just your method seemed a little unorthodox. Plus you're less experienced, so I had to make sure." he smirked "Anyway, wake up the poor fellow. Now that he' been sliced and diced at least let him be awake to enjoy it. And pay the bill, of course."
OOC: Sorry for the short post. The RP seems to be slowing down at the moment.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

11-17-2006, 10:34 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Yeah, RG was created in before the shut down of the factory, so I guess he was around when the extinction of Meeches happened. And don't worry, Somi won't be killed by him.


RG-49 aimed at one of the Paramites and pulled the trigger. The creature noticed this and lunged at RG, evading the bullets just in time. He ran up to RG and tried to ram him to the ground, but robots aren't blind either. RG thrusted the bayonet of his rifle into the Paramites chest, then swung it upwards, making the wound bigger and shaking the creature off his gun.

The Paramite landed on the ground. It was shaking, but it managed to get to its feet. It was bleeding badly, but it was looking at RG-49, preparing for one last attack. RG was caught off-guard when it charged again and it grabbed RG's arm with its... claws (OOC: Those finger-like things at the mouth, I don't know what they are called.)

RG-49 dropped his rifle immediately. The Paramite could have thought that he got RG unarmed now... Until RG's free arm seized his leg and literally teared the creature off his arm. He held the Paramite up to his head - it wasn't moving anymore. He threw the corpse in front of the other Paramites, and picked his rifle up from the floor. "If you could understand what I'm saying, I would advise you Wildlife organics to flee. But, as my calculations tell me, the likelihood of you all attacking me is rather high." he said to the creatures present.


Rick ran to the elevator and used it to get down to the basement. He walked along the corridor, passing the general wate disposal room. He turned round the corner to face a long part of the hallway, just to see a pack of wildlife creatures and several vizor lights - possibly a few Sligs, but one of them was too tall for a Slig... RG.

Since he was unarmed, Rick hesitated. Starting the boilers was essential, but he didn't want to get killed by storming through a couple of Paramites just to turn a valve. He decided to find a way around them. He sneaked past the crowded hallway unnoticed, and found a door to the right. He entered.

The area was dimly lit like the corridors outside, but it also had a stench of wilderness. He went cautiously along some crates at the wall, looking around in the room. He saw several spots on the floor which looked like regular places to sleep... nests, maybe. Rick also noticed remains of some half-eaten creatures near these places. The top of the room was covered in webbing. He ran out of the room, convinced that the inhabitants of the place were not exactly hospitable.

He closed the door behind him and pulled a nearby crate in front of it, barring the entrance. "Just to be sure." he thought panting. He turned left and entered the Boiler Control Room. The room was lit by red emergency lights. He went straight to the main valve, turned it and watched a nearby indicator. It rose as he turned the valve until it reached the optimal rate. The emergency lights were changed by the normal lights while the boilers began rumbling. Power was online again.


OOC: Quite a long one. If you can't imagine Rick's proceedings, check Splat's W@RF map.
Oh, and sorry for being offline in the past few days, but I found some of my old classmates (old as I haven't seen them for 11 years) at a website. I was quite busy with the website, trying to find others as well. It's pretty much fun.

11-17-2006, 12:42 PM
Splat's Avatar
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oc: I think the pipes at the boiler aren't fixed, so unless the valves are switched off there, I imagine things are going to get rather wet upstairs

There was a sudden loud gurgle from the pipes in the kitchen, and after a few seconds a flow of water gushed out quickly, flying out of the sink. Anni gasped and quickly ran and wound down the tap till the water slowed, and then grinned. "I guess someone turned down the pipes. Come on." She filled a couple of the buckets and Jim nervously got up and filled the larger one. "Alright, lets get outside before the slig comes back. Do you want to help, Dean? Do you know where there are any more buckets for you and Kix?"


Dionysia was not hiding her nerves well as she opened the door to the cupboard where she'd hidden the native the night before and lead Krik inside. The vykker was already exploring his bag and had pulled out a syringe which he held in one hand while holding the bag with two others and searching with his fourth.
"Now I need to take some blood samples for us to examine. There are a couple of drugs I'll test out: medicines that black-skins would likely come into contact with if they were made widely... See how you react to them." Krik made a point of not mentioning the next wave of black skin mudokons they were already working on: it might get complicated if she found out. "A skin sample, see if you're pain threshhold has increased, there are some-"
"You won't need that," Dionysia iterrupted. Krik looked up grouchily. "The pain test: I... got injured yesterday," She held out her arm to show him the long greyish scar where she had been cut yesterday in the grinders. "It was... worse than ever. Nothing you've done helped." There was a note of fea in her voice and she was glad there was no one but Krik around to hear her.
The vykker put down his bag and the two syringes he'd picked out and examined the scar, grasping her arm in two claws and running a third along the scar, looking closely, scrutinising. "How did this happen? Didn't you tell Arnie what'd happen to him if you got hurt?"
Dion stuttered. "It- it was me."
Krik met her gaze and stared at her for several long seconds. "I'm sick of your curiosity. A mudokon weakness you shouldn't be suffering. Faulty prototype." He was getting angry now. "We'll do the pain tests and I'll see for myself." Dionysia seemed to shrink three inches as the vykker continued. "When I've finished, I'll give you the nutrient supplements." Dionysia's body was unable to absorb some of the nutrients from her food that she needed to live. Occasional injections would keep her alive. It was a feature that they officially called a fault, but Krik had actually put it in her genes himself, so that she would be dependant on the industrials and wouldn't be able to survive if she escaped. It was something he had dreams of putting into mudokons one day, and maybe sligs as well, to keep them in check. If Dionysia tried to escape, she would die in a couple of months. Krik grinned to himself sadistically and returned to searching through his bag.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 11-17-2006 at 01:01 PM..
11-17-2006, 02:15 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre took off his helmet to more directly communicate with his superior. It was certainly easier to see the world when you didn't have an orange tinge and computer interface distracting you, or a croaky voice transmitter.
"They pay Mudokons in here? Or were you just kidding? I've known some Glukkons who don't pay their guards, except for an annual medical checkup and new equipment, and food. I sometimes feel really sorry for those Sligs. I'd be pissed too if my "mother" was such a.. well, let's try waking this Mud up again.."

Praetyre spoke to the Mudokon, this time in an unfiltered, organic voice.
"Remember all that you love. All that you cherish. Do you want to leave that behind? Do you want to leave your friends behind? Don't you want to see the world before departing it for another? Do not think I am malevolent. I am a gateway, not a torture device. A guide, not a demon. For I am a doctor, not a tormenter."

Praetyre then spoke in the loudest tone he could manage "Now, awake to the world!"
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 11-18-2006 at 12:15 AM.. : Spelling
11-17-2006, 03:10 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Kix shrugged as she thought about what Dean and Anni had suggested. She thought that maybe that with the current sitution, they should at least try to look for natural water in the wild. Maybe that a search party for water was all that they could do.

Before she could say anything, a huge rumble started to happen. Something that she hadn't heard for some time. The Boilers were on. She looked at Anni and Jim try to fill the buckets, as she thought about how she could help. Kic knew where some were, but she figured that they would get distracted by then. She said rather cooly, "Nah, but I think we could just try to repeatily refill the buckets. I don't know where any of the buckets are in a minute's distance away. But there are some corriders that have buckets, along with the grinders having them. So which place should we go to first?"

Noah and company watched attentively at the indicators above them, while having a bit of butterflies in their stomach. They had not yet gotten prepared to feeling the new rumble of the factory. They had always been prepared for the current rumble, but never a new one.

Their sudden anxious feeling discinapated when the indicators brightened up. They all read on the indicators:

"Following functionings current conditions:

Conveyer Belts: Working
Boilers: Working
Saws: Connected to Electrical Inputs
Packaging Machinery: Functioning
Slog Huts: Working
Remote Controls for Snoozers: Functioning
Power: On
Heat: On
Pumps: Processing
Levers: Active

All activities in grinders are functioning as planned."

No one had to tell all eight to them to do their job. They all fixed their knees in proper position as they all waited for the meat from the meat storage systems. They listened for their cue, and heard the doors from the meat storage area clunk open. They heaved their muscles to pull the lever to themself to pull the blocking obstacles. As soon the labor began.

Gappiqu looked at the Paramite charging toward him. From the looks of the Paramite, it looked like someone had just slapped his mother. Gappiqu froze in fear and started to think about the lesson that Furz had taught him, and remembered, "If you have your gun and someone is out to get you, shoot them down. But if you don't have your gun, damn it man, sprint as fast you can!!!"

Gappiqu screeched at the top of his lungs, and brought his Steef legs to sprint behind him. He let his legs to fight the weight of his pants to run in a very fast pace. So fast that he was getting tired in a short amount of time. He looked behind him and the Paramite was still on his tail. He paniced while the Paramite screeched in hunger. If only he could throw a bomb some time soon....

Suddenly, in his pure panic, he got an idea. He quickly jumped instead of running so he could slap one of his pockets open. The pocket opened and let an Order bomb fall on the floor. When he landed on the floor, the bomb landed head first and activated. Gappiqu ran off and slid down to the ground to see the precious moment. The Paramite ran viciousily toward Gappiqu, while not noticing the bomb. It was ticking more and more until when the Paramite was just above it, and the bomb blew into nothing. Rocks and dust flew around the area, with fire all around that place. Gappiqu saw the body parts fling all over the place, but still trying relaxing over the whole thing.

He gasped for breath while he tried to think the whole thing over. Gappiqu smiled in pride, but then was horribly shocked by feeling the sudden new rumble of the Boilers working. He knew he had something to do. Fix that dent, or the Boiler destorys itself from the inside. But then Gappiqu looked at the lift worringly. He knew that he had to apoligize to her before she never forgives her. But then he looked at the bright light with the Boiler that was damaged and thought about how his job controlled his life. Then he remembered that Dionysia had even recreated his life.

Gappiqu looked at both situtions, and thought long and hard about this. That robot was probably there to arrest him, but maybe he could prove to that droid that he could resemble a big part of Rupture Farms. He lunged himself upward, and started to look at the floor for some parts on the ground.

Last edited by Slaveless; 11-17-2006 at 03:27 PM..
11-18-2006, 12:13 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Hmmmm, looks like I just can't resist this RPG I have exams in a week, but once that's over I think I might try to join up in this again.
But, seeing as Splat has so eloquently written off my old characters () and I think I'd prefer to have a fresh start anyway (and keep it to just one this time, to make it easier to manage) I have a new character profile to post up. See ya around!

EDIT: For the lazy and/or short on time, my new profile is here. Tell me if it's ok or not.

Last edited by Gretin; 11-18-2006 at 12:17 AM..
11-18-2006, 01:15 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Gore was in a slight state of panic. Gappiqu had run off to fix the piping, and a robot arrived on the scene. For a few seconds, a childlike glee came over him.
"Hey cool, a robot!" He beamed, despite his situation. Then his brain came back to the tactical view. The robot had drawn some attention, and could probably withstand more punishment than he could - it had just torn a paramite from it's arm, and the paramites were holding back. He considered a couple of choices, then chose one. He raised his rifle to his shoulder and took careful aim. RG made a short speech to them, and Gore persisted RG's point.
"Yeah, get back, no-one has to get hurt. 'cept if you move, then I'll blast one'a ya'."
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11-18-2006, 03:22 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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OOc: Good to xsee you back Gretin. Although your old characters could always be re-written into the story.
Dek bit on his lip to stifle a laugh at Praetyre's overdramatiscism. The Vykker certainly was qualified, and had a few interesting quirks as well. He was starting to think he could cope with Praetyre as an assistant. "Well, the boss here is kind to everyone. I'd imagine he pays them but don't know for sure. I've never charged my other patients and as such have never got any money, so I'm charging from now on. And no need to be so theatrical, if anything he'll think he's woken up in the middle of a performance of Irwin's Fuzzle Drama play."
Arthur sighed as Jim left. he could start to cook. He very carefully turned the tap on and then quickly shut it off once there wa enouhg water in his pan. He rummaged in the fridge and found some vegetables of some sort, and a couple of Opples. He scavenged all the meat he could from the 2 Meep Mince tins, chopped up the veg and the Opples, and chucked it all in the pot. He sprinkled some salt and some pepper in on top, and then heated it all up. He then tasted it. "Yeucgh! Well, maybe Intern tastes are different to mine." He poured the soup-no, the sludgy liquid, into a bowl and carried it through.
"Here Slap. It' kind of a mishmash of anythin' I could find, but I hope you like it mroe than I did." He still couldn't get the sour, fluffy taste out of his mouth.
Dean smiled. "I don't know where there's some buckets, but I'm sure there's some in the Stockyards in the critter kennels."
OOC: Oh yeah, Irwin's Fuzzle Drama is a real Oddworld play!! Check the old Oddworld Daily Deception online papers, I saw that and have wanted to incorporate/mention it into the RP for ages.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

11-18-2006, 03:23 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Meanwhile, Sturg had got behind the crate, and had been pushing it in the robot's direction, so as to cover himself as he neared it. He couldn't just leave this thing to slaughter. He had to do something about it. So, he had got to within 3 metres or so when the Slig appeared with the gun. Now what to do? The robot was the bigger threat, but the Sligs could shoot him off if he spent to long grappling with it. The Slig would be easier to get first. But it would notice him heading for it since it was that much closer. He waited for the right moment to strike, and remained low...
11-18-2006, 03:52 AM
dripik's Avatar
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OOC: Those valves at the pipes are already turned off, Rick did it a few pages ago.

He went to the lift he and Gappiqu made the previous day and pulled himself up to the pipes. He got off the lift and stepped on a pipe. "Gappiqu did a good job up here." he thought, looking around while walking along the pipe carefully. He reached a couple of valves and turned them off, one by one. He turned back to get to the other side. He noticed a few unfinished pipes along the way. "This is what caused that leak." he thought. He turned off the remaining valves and went back to the lift. He descended carefully and landed on the floor of the Grinding Station.
And what's this dent with the Boilers? I can't remember anyone doing damage to them.


Rick was looking at the boilers, waiting for any possible signs of malfunction. But none came... He was glad that at least this part of the factory is working right. Then he heard a blast from behind. He staggered a bit, looking around wildly. "Don't blow up, don't blow up..." he thought, watching the boilers. But they were still rumbling peacefully.

He turned around to face the door and saw dust kicked up in the corridor. "Oh, right. The Paramites. It might have been RG who caused that explosion." he told himself, calming down. He went outside, turned around the corner and saw the people fighting with the wildlife creatures.

RG-49 was staggering a bit, then regained a steady position. "Foolish Slig organic!" he said to Gappiqu. "Causing explosions on this level is rather hazardous because of the boilers. I hear that they have been reactivated."

The Paramites seemed to be thinking the same way. One of them looked around apprehensively, then spoke to Somi in Paramite language. "It's that rumbling again! I haven't heard it for a few days, but it seems those creatures started it again, whatever it is." And with that, he took a few cautious steps backwards. "They already killed two of us, and that noise might mean more trouble!"


Arnie was eating his meal when he heard a noise which caused him some relief - the boilers were active again. Then he heard the gurgle which came from the water pipes and saw Anni hurrying towards the sink.

Otto saw Arnie's expression and spoke. "See? Everything's just fine. But you have this habit of worrying your brain out over nothing."

Arnie raised an eyebrow. "Over nothing?! The Boilers shut down for a few days is 'nothing' to you, I presume?"

11-18-2006, 06:37 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: I think Slaveless is talking about Goresplatter shooting a pipe in the basement when he was feeling jumpy. I don't think you need to overreact; its probably not the only leaky pipe down thre and its just a small dent. The whole thing is rather old.
The mudokons hadn't left the kitcken, but I'll move them out now and assume Arthur came in afterwards.

One of the paramites had been killed by the robot, another had run away and the explosion made by the slig suggested it to, had gone to meet its maker. The last member of the pack was hiding in the shadows and Somi was standing in front of the robot and a trigger-happy slig, both pointing guns at her.
The last paramite looked around apprehensively, then spoke to Somi in Paramite language. "It's that rumbling again! I haven't heard it for a few days, but it seems those creatures started it again, whatever it is." And with that, he took a few cautious steps backwards. "They already killed two of us, and that noise might mean more trouble!" (ooc: Note, I got that from Dripik's post). He backed away a little more and then bolted, leaving Somi to face them alone. She stood frozen, not knowing what to do.


Anni was a little disappointed, hoping that as he knew the kitchen better than the rest of them, Dean might know where some more buckets could be found. But at least they had some water now. "Alright, lets go outside then. If we all crowd round you Jim, so Arthur can't see you as we walk past, will that be ok?" Jim nodded and the three other mudokons huddled round him and lead him out of the kitchen and into the stockyards.

ooc: Slaveless or MM, if you prefer I don't more Kix and Dean tell me and I'll edit it.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-18-2006, 09:22 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Sturg saw Somi in trouble. never before had he known another species to actively try to help him, even only slightly...he couldn't just leave now.
Sturg loudly growled "Run!" and then lunged straight for the Slig who was threatening them.

OOC: Goresplatter decides what happens next.
11-18-2006, 01:08 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre replied to his superior;
"I know sir. It's just that the "wakey wakey" didn't work, and I felt like motivating him a little. After all, he might actually want to die. I can't take that chance, so I'm trying to get him to see the positive side of living. Although.."
Praetyre moved a little closer to his superior.
"My race of Vykkers are known for our.. unusualness. We Teknokeyraits can live to 200, are shorter, have a blue tinge, and even dislike inflicting pain. But we also suffer from bone defects, liver disease, and are cursed with an infertility gene that infects one in five of us. Of course, that came about as the result of nanites in our water supply, but we are capable of cloning ourselves. We're also big fans of cybernetics, as you'd expect."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

11-19-2006, 10:53 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOc: Good to xsee you back Gretin. Although your old characters could always be re-written into the story.
True, but like I said, I'd like to have a fresh start anyway, and also I think it's probably more realistic to just stick to one character this time - that way I don't have to think about what 3 different characters are going to do and it also means if I'm unable to post for any reason I won't hold up the RPG so much as with three. And it will be easier to withdraw one character if need be, so... yeah Anyway, I have some spare time right now so I'll see about making an entrance for my new character.


A noisy black train, the engine shaped after the head of the glukkons it was built to serve, rumbled along a track on the way to Rupture Farms, spewing black smoke and pollution everywhere in its wake - coincidentally resembling the glukkons in another way. On board were various items of interest, crates of machinery, weapons, tools - this train wasn't just going to Rupture Farms - and critters for Rupture Farms' meat processing. Then, of course, there were the inevitable mudokon slaves being shipped to various factories in the Magog Cartel. Most of these mudokons were huddled together, shivering in the corners of what little room they had on the train, but one particular dark blue skinned mudokon seemed to be enjoying the fact that his car in the train had no roof as he hung with his arms crossed over the edge of the walls. His head rested on his crossed arms as he gazed out across the vast landscapes the train was hurtling through at an incredible speed. Even going by at such a rate, Ralph's eyes took in everything, every small detail in the landscape from the most insignificant bush to the mightiest mountain, and stashed it away in his mind for future viewing. You could never know when such knowledge might come in useful, and Ralph preferred to be prepared for something that might not be necessary than to be unprepared for something that will be necessary.

Through the whole journey Ralph had stayed silently in this position, only moving his head every now and then to look off in different directions. But finally, the train started to slow down as it came under the big sign bearing the familiar symbol of the Magog Cartel - the glukkon's face - and the words "Rupture Farms."

"So this is Rupture Farms," Ralph mused, "doesn't look like much, but I suppose I should wait to see it from the inside before I jump to conclusions..."

The train pulled to a stop in the station, and a slig jumped out of the engine and looked around (I don't think anyone's at the station... if I'm wrong tell me and I'll edit). "Dang, not again! Why is there never anyone around to do the danged work!" The slig went back to the train and started searching for the crates of critters. He chuckled to himself slightly as an idea came to his mind... these critters were just being dumped here because they weren't wanted anywhere else nearby, so if no one was around to help, why not literally dump them off?

Ralph watched the slig grumbling to itself as it went back to the train and heard the low chuckle from inside. He couldn't be bothered waiting for the slig to get to his truck (if the slig was even going to do so), so he lifted himself easily over the top of the wall and jumped down onto the platform.
He walked straight through an open door into the production lines, had a quick look around, and decided on the door to his left, which happened to lead straight into the grinding area.

He looked around and noticed all the new grinding apparatus - new equipment, that was a first in any factory he'd worked in! He also noticed a group of mudokons who seemed to be working around the area, but he took no notice of them; he was here for a job, and it was obvious that to get that he would need to see whoever was in charge around here...
A rumble sounded, as the train started to move off from the station, leaving a few crates of critters carelessly dumped on the platform. That slig certainly hadn't wasted any time!

OOC: Sorry about the little bit of random character use, I figured it was most logical.

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