Not sure if these have been posted, but some personal favourites of mine I tell to the ladies when I'm on the prowl:
What does a blind, deaf, quadriplegic child get for christmas?
What did Helen Keller name her dog?
What is worse than a dead babie?
10 dead babies
Whats worse than 10 dead babies?
A semi truck full of dead babies.
Whats worse than that?
1 is alive at the bottom of the pile
what is worse than that??
Its trying to eat its way out
What is worse than that???
He gets bitten by a recluse spider on the way out.
what do you call a deer with no eyes?
no idea.
What do you call a frozen deer with no eyes?
still no idea.
What do you call a deer with no eyes on its period.
still no bloody idea.
Here are some pick up lines:
Nice shoes! they'd look good in my pants.
Are you from heaven? because i've got an erection.