Just to point out that I love all the ongoing developments of the dream. So thank you Aji for working on this. It must have been, perhaps not coincidentally, a dream of yours to fashion your own little world like this. Thanks also to Fuzzle Guy for supporting it while Aji was busy, and all the folks who have contributed to it. If I weren’t so eternally preoccupied I’d have leant more assistance of my own.
UPDATE: I have been mapping the factory to see how it fits together. Some people may be surprised to learn that it doesn’t! Dimensions are off, rooms overlap, doors don’t connect, and it’s all very magical. This is by no means a complaint: there are very practical reasons not to have things geometrically accurate. However, if the Dream Makers
want to smooth some of the edges a little, I have a couple of ideas.
Here’s my map of the lower floor. Click on it to see the full-size version. Circles show Voicelocks (or Cryogenic tubes in the lab); squared Ls show Slig Lockers, and squared Vs show Vendos. The little things that look like zebra crossings with an arrow show flights of steps, the arrow pointing upstairs.
Dotted lines show walls that are impossible. Thin green lines connect some parts that should be joined. Doors are not marked, but are the holes in walls. Maximum dimensions of each room are given (length×height as viewed). Numbers correspond to notes below.
- Annoying as crossing the slaughterhouse can be, and creepy as the unexpected animal sounds are, I do love this room, but it juts into the right edge of the factory floor. Am I right in thinking the inaccessible parts of the factory will be turned into heavy machinery? If not, perhaps the main floor can be shortened—it would make the catwalk shorter! Also, what are those fake doors meant to lead to?
- The stockyards also jut into the factory floor, but they have (geometrically at least) room to be stretched. The result would be longer and thinner, but not so nonsensical.
- Quite why the lab has such an odd shape I don’t know, but as it is it sticks into the factory floor. Perhaps it can be given a more regular configuration. Not to make it less boring, but maybe a little less queer.
- The stairs actually go into the meat grinder, which is quite amusing. If the lab keeps a little indentation in its west corner, the staircase can be shifted here. Once you see the upper floor, you see that they don’t line up at all. Maybe the tiny stair section can be given a longer landing.
- This is my most sincere recommendation. The canteen is huge, and can very easily be shortened two squares by making those longer tables two squares shorter. This would not only prevent the train station and canteen from colliding, but would align the canteen door and serving hatch with the kitchen—which itself can be made a wee bit bigger to join the walls to the canteen or occupy the vacant space between it and the factory floor.
I realize this is all pedantic, pointless, not called for, and may not even by possible given the way Furc slots rooms together, but I’ve had fun doing this all day.