This is exactly right. Crafting/Inventory opens up huge amounts of ways to play the game and every encounter in the game, and that naturally affects the way speedrunners will approach the game.
I can't give too much away, but I can (I think) say that whilst saving Mudokons (and Sligs) will be one way to do well at the game, there are plenty of other possibilities to get the most out of Soulstorm and we're very aware that speedrunners focus primarily on one thing: time.
This sounds awesome, but I do hope that there aren't situations where you do need a certain thing for a secret room or something, but you used it all up a while ago and if you go any further you can't come back. That would encourage people (at least me) to not use much at all "in case I need it", at least for the first playthrough.
Also, with whether or not the Shrykull will be in the game; Unless they re-tool it, it would be a bit annoying if you had this awesome power to kill everything on screen but you were actively encouraged
not to kill anything, for a "perfect" playthrough you wouldn't be able to use it. It would be sad to see it end up being a panic button or an automatic "evil" switch, so maybe it will have a different purpose or use, or let you choose a target so you can destroy what you want, such as mines or Greeters if they make it in.
That also makes me question too, if there are robot enemies in the game, would it be considered evil to kill them too? Or if Fleeches and Slurgs make it in, would simply stepping on a Slurg count toward bad quarma? I'm thinking too deep into this.