Its 3D now, so conveyors could be coming towards the screen with meat on, and Abe has to cross them (and get past the saw)
I really like this idea- the conveyors could be operated by levers similar to what you see in the opening FMV (with Mudokons pulling levers to move along the production line).
It would be crazy to cross the line without stopping it! If you reach a group of Muds pulling levers to operate a line you need to cross, get them to stop and follow you across with the conveyor halted. If you reach a moving conveyor, there could be new puzzles in finding the shut-off lever (like the electric fences). Early on, some might be halted to just practice getting under the grinders.
The levers in the game already that shut off the grinders should shut off the conveyor too. Having conveyor belts carrying meat around would definitely give purpose to the grinders.
Remember when Abe gets knocked by the swinging spikes in the Paramonian temples, and he flies towards the screen before falling and dying? Imagine if you try to roll/run under the grinder without stopping the conveyor, and Abe falls and is shot towards the screen (like people falling on a treadmill)?
To justify him falling off screen, you could always end the conveyors a short distance in front of the walkways as if the crushed meat falls down to the next part of the line.