Well, my point was mainly to show that Nespotic is stupid for thinking other people are stupid for fearing death,
I'm not saying people are stupid for fearing death, it's instinct to be afraid of it, its hard-wired into our systems, I say I don't fear it, some people on here say the same, but we all have some level of fear of it.
I was saying that it's completely irrational to fear having nothing around you, as you will be unconcious, actually, scratch that, you will have
no conciousness. that was why I was linking it to being asleep, in the way that you are not thinking.
Lol, a ginger sold his soul. Impossibru!
I sold mine about six or seven times for a quid when I was in school. Easiest money ever. I don't like the idea of souls, the very thought of it makes me feel like I'm just an animated husk ready to be thrown away when I become 'expired.' Beyond that, I have no idea what souls are meant to do once you die. The entire concept is just too vague to keep up with.
I believe that the concept of the "soul", has derived from ancient times, when humans wanted an explination of our "conciousness", or something like that. Thats probably why people say when you die, your soul leaves you, goes to heaven or hell or whatever.
But its basic human thinking, "Hmm, we can't think of an explination for this (evolution ect.), so lets just say its a huge guy who controls everything and sits on a cloud, sorted, what's next?"
Whereas now we have all the technology, that
proves theories like evolution. Yet all the die-hard christians still believe that this god made Adam out of some dust and went "oh, I need a bird. I know, I'll make one out of ya rib". And thats fine, each to their own and that, but don't be tryig to preach to me. Anyway I think I came off the topic a while back, I don't remember what my point was...