Yeah, I knew I was reading too much into it. I just wanted to see the explanations you came up with. I looked like an idiot, but it was worth it. Violently spitting the darts... that's a mental picture I don't think I'll ever forget
Do you remember the mudombie designs from the Art of OWI (mudokon zombies from Necrum)? What effect on the game (AE) do you think their inclusion would have been, and what would your attitude to Oddworld be then?
Sorry, I seem to be asking all the questions now. Somebody stop me, quick!
Back when I first heard of Mudombies, some time before the release of AE, I naturally assumed they'd be in the game. At the end of the AE demo, there were screenshots of the full game. There's one part of FeeCo Depot (I think&hellip where you have to run between electric walls as angry Mudokons pull levers and slap each other silly.
Not understanding that Mudokons changed colour, I thought the red Muds were Mudombies.
Not such an incredible story, but I did create names for the dead versions of all the other Inhabitants of the time. The only one I recall would be Skelumton.
Ha ha. A pun. I was thinking along the lines of Dawn of the Dead on Oddworld. A horrific thought. Of course, the mudombies would obviously be "Pawns of the dead".
You are not the only one who can pun. I think I see my next wave of hate mail on the horizon already.
sk-elum-ton. Everyone- does that sound like a pun to you?
I wasn't getting at you. I thought it was quite clever.
As for mudombies, zombies are my monster. The one that really scares me. Don't know why, its a combo of a few factors. I don't think mudombies would scare me, but peoples fan fiction starring mudombies would have, in an Oh-My-Odd-This-Is-Weird kind of scary.
That's not a pun. It's just a portmanteau, but I'm glad you like it. I liked it. It was my first Oddworld username.
I don't think Mudombies would have been enemies. Maybe they needed to be herded back to their resting places, led just like regular Mudokons, but with their own twist.
It has most of the film sequences from the first three games, the opening sequence and some promotional videos for Stranger's Wrath (a video of Lorne playing the game and commenting on it plus the ‘attract mode’), and a whole load of extras: cut Magog On the March news items and gameplay visualisations from Munch's Oddysee, CGI test footage, and one version of the Use Yur Imagination music video.
Ok, this might be a stupid question, but it boggles my mind. Who are Buddy and Maggie? I have no idea who they are. I have seen pics of Buddy, but that's it. Oh, and does anyone have the video of the Guardian Angel ending for Abe's Oddysee?
Owner of Grinder Farms
Scrab Cakes: Now with New Cherry Flavor!
Coming Soon: McFuzzles Resturant
Grinder Farms: If it aint' skwirmin at the beginnin', it ain't worth sellin' in the end!
Lady Maragaret is the queen Glukkon. Glukkons are a superspecies, meaning their entire population comes from a single female. She's the absolute head of the Magog Cartel.
Buddy is Alf's friend. He helped Alf to run the Rehab, but really came into the limelight when he made the Oddworld Map, and I rather cruelly drove him to Brew and binge eating by pointing out all the mistakes. Thankfully he's losing weight and gaining confidence thanks to the South Meech Diet.
Alf has hinted that Sam reproduces after being fertilised by drones, which is, strictly speaking, sexual reproduction. Whether that's true or not we can't say for certain, because it's Alf who told us.
Alf spoke of Buddy from time to time in Dear Alf and on the Forums. Then he started appearing in The Daily Deception Online a lot.
Sam is being held by the Vykkers to mass produce eggs. It'd be a bummer if she died, because she's the only Mudokon capable of giving birth.
Ok, so technically, Sam is Abe's mother right? And, wouldnt Abe and Munch have saved her from Vykkers labs in AO or MO? Oh, and does anyone have a clip or something of the Guardian Angel ending?
Owner of Grinder Farms
Scrab Cakes: Now with New Cherry Flavor!
Coming Soon: McFuzzles Resturant
Grinder Farms: If it aint' skwirmin at the beginnin', it ain't worth sellin' in the end!
The Guardian Angel movie is a tricky one. I don't think it is online anywhere. The only places you can find it are Abe's Oddysee for the PlayStation and the Movies of Oddworld DVD.
If you can rip it, I'd like to see it. But, if it takes up too much time or it can't be done, that's ok because im not gonna make someone do something. But, yeah, if you can rip it to see it, that would be great. But only if you have time.
Owner of Grinder Farms
Scrab Cakes: Now with New Cherry Flavor!
Coming Soon: McFuzzles Resturant
Grinder Farms: If it aint' skwirmin at the beginnin', it ain't worth sellin' in the end!
They were just one of the animals that resided in Oddworld's wilderness. Like paramites and scrabs, they were hunted and chopped into tasty treats.
Unfortunately, the demand for Meech Munchies was high, and they were hunted to extinction.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
I remember that thread. It scares me slightly that it looks so different. I never seen anything like it on OW, and it is the first thing you see when opening the game. Weird.