Roland: "It's none of your concern what I would do."
Silvia:"Friendly type, aren't you? But then, fast guns, or gunslingers, or whatever you like to be called, generally aren't."
Pseok: "Personally I would mind my own business. Sticking you nose in other people's business has a habit of leading to trouble. Sort of like the kind you're in now."
Silvia:"Well, master know-it-all, trouble is not something I'm unfamiliar with. And I make it my business to investigate anything unusual."
She glanced at Roland, then back at Pseok.
Silvia:"Believe it or not, a human riding an eagle is unusual! But more to the point, what are you going to do now? You have the upper hand for now."
OOC: I don't know why, but I always seem to go to type Ronald instead of Roland.
Luckily I've never actually
done it so far.