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10-29-2006, 12:19 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Sturg heard the Paramite. He quickly rolled it up and went over to the Paramite "Hmm? I was trying to get this guy to tell me about this poster. I presumed he know's something. I tried to get him to trust me so he'd say something, but I guess it was all a bit pear shapen. Not that he's concentrating enough to hit me with that thing. But anyway, since you seem to be of intelligence and willing to listen, is this really true?" Sturg unrolled the poster "It says we're extinct or something. I haven't met any other Meeches for shrykull knows, but I figured maybe we weren't often used in this facility, and I was possibly accidental. But this poster seems to have raised many questions. Any ideas?"
10-29-2006, 12:32 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Actually, (not to be a know-it-all or anything) the attack was done in version 1, Somi was introduced I believe in version two. I'm still reading through, and it has been a long time since I read the orginals. If only we could make great stories like them.

Anyway, I plan to introduce a few new Mudokons. And this time without an extermily pitiful past. I wonder what I should do with Bonty though.

IC: Kix shrugged as Anni spoke. She said hopingly, "Well, if Abe can go through the Stockyards without being shot, so can we." Kix took Anni's hand and nudged her to go.

Gappiqu looked at the door Dionysia was pointing at and looked at it curiousily. He might as well escape from there, being that he himself didn't want to be near the Intern. He was really smart and a good one when it comes to making you spit. You just can't lie easily in front of him! Gappiqu grumbled, "Yeah, I goin' with Dionysia with this one. That Intern is not going to let me off the hook, sa let's go into that lift."

Gappiqu remembered about the attack thing Dionysia mentioned about, so he pulled out a grenade, just in case. He didn't want to lose his life so easily. Gappiqu looked at and thought sigh like, "If I'm not going to carry a gun around, I should at least have a Slog with me." That got some gears rolling, but he decided to do nothing about it.

OOC: I have a bad idea where Sturg is going to end up in.

10-29-2006, 01:33 PM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Gore looked at Dionysia like she was a mad person, then looked back at his gun.
"Aww, Odd Damnit!"
He took his gun back to his eye and led off into the shadows. He was incredibly jittery, shaking all over and continuously squeaking to himself. He was about to set a pace, when a rumble of a nearby pipe made him squeal and discharge a few shots from his gun. The shots echoed down into the darkness, along with his squeal. Every time his squeal echoed, he winced and shrank into his shoulders. He inspected the pipe. It had very minor damage, with a tiny dripping leak of hot water and a dent in the panel.
"That's connected to the boiler right?" he shuddered, "Better not be too much damage there..." He pulled a cigar out of his hip pouch and lit it with a lighter from his other pouch. He inhaled deeply, and calmed a bit.
"C'mon guys, stick close, if I'm gettin' eaten by Paramites, I'm gonna make sure the whole lotta' you are too..." he said sarcastically, then chuckled to himself.
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10-30-2006, 02:38 AM
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Arthur continued trudging along to the security office. He walked in and opened the door, seeing #7 Slig. " Hey Numbers, what is it I need doin' then? Some kind've unit? Hurry up, I wanna go eat."
Dek continued at a quick pace, going in to his old Lab. He noticed Slap standing at a lift doorway on his way there. "Oh, Slap. Tell me, how have things been going without me?" We must catch up some time, but I need to do a bit of re-organising first."
He continued in to the Lab, where he saw a vykker operating on a mudokon. It appeared to be forcing a lightning rod onto his chest. Dek was taken offguard. "What is going on here! Why are you in my lab, I'm the only vykker in the factory, we don't need another one!"

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

10-30-2006, 03:17 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Slap continued to stay by the lift's doorway, until he heard a Vykker's voice. For a second he thought it was another Vykker, but when he turned around he saw Dek instead. He became relieved and started to type down, "Ah, good you're back. And sir, a lot of changes of happened. Well for one, Gappiqu blew up a few of your lights and let Molt go crazy. Well, actually, Molt told me that an old boss of his promises to take over this factory if we fire him, so that's not good on Arnie's part. But Gappiqu and Dionysia escaped from this lab using the lift. On a nice part, Goresplatter came back is now trying to find those little brats. Also, sir....."

He started to hear Dek shout at the other Vykker. That was something unexcpected, being that Slap thought he might be happy. Slap went over to Dek hastily to explain. Slap wrote down, "Sir, while you were gone, a Vykker came and got hired by our very own Otto. Now, think about this positively. You always needed a little assistance around here. I can tell, you had glass shards everywhere when I got here. He is only here for help, not to drive you out of business.

But I must say, I am quite frigthened by this Vykker, since he appears to be using a lightning rod on very weak Mudokon. It simply would do more damage than it would be helping." He hoped that this would relax Dek, since he couldn't take anymore drama.

Gappiqu grew scared, mainly due to the fact Goresplatter was shooting out of control. He didn't know how staying close could help, if the one who was helping him was scared like crap.

And to see that there was a leak from Goresplatter's shoots, made him feel a little disappointed. He knew that there couldn't be much damage now, but he would have to fix it for future reference. He let himself focus on the door in front of him, and he quietly walked forward. But suddenly, he heard a screech, and saw a Paramite in front of him, screeching for others. Curses couldn't describe his anger.

10-30-2006, 04:03 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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Wash was on his own in the ward. The Vykker and Slap had left with Linc, all there was left were other patients in the beds. He fought back the tears. This ordeal on top of the rest was too much...
Then he heard shouting from the theatre they had taken Linc to. High pitched, Vykker voices. Wash ran to the door and hammered on it.
"Hey! HEY! Let me in! What are you doing to him?!"


Linc was vaguely aware of pain, but it felt distant, far away. He was also aware of various devices being hooked up to his body, and stressed voices arguing. It was all drowned out by a bright light that sparked into existence miles away, in the the blackness of the world. It grew brighter and was so inviting, Linc just wanted to run to it...
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10-30-2006, 07:40 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Krik cursed loudly as the meech ran off, and through the stupid gun away. Of all the moments for it to break, it had to be when he was about to make the biggest catch of his career.

Meanwhile, Somi led Sturg away and down some old broken tunnels into the uninhabited parts of the factory. When she thought they'd be safe, she stopped and spoke to the meech in animal language. "You should be careful. I haven't seen any other meeches for a long time, so I think they'll try to catch you if they see you. Around here you'll be safer: lots of animals live down here now, and no one from the factory comes. You want to know about the poster? Well, there is one mudokon who is nice: I could try to find her and ask her about the poster." Somi looked up suddenly. "Do you hear that? There's someone calling for help. Maybe you should hide and I'll go and see what it is."
She waited for the meech's reply.


Anni and Kix headed towards the factory and found the vykker still outside and looking very angry. They crept past and into the factory while he was distracted. "Now I guess we should go to the kitchen and get some water." Said Anni, pleased that they'd managed to sneak inside.


Dion almost jumped out of the skin when Goresplatter yelped and fired a shot from his gun. She stood, frozen, as the noise echoed around. Barely managing to contain her rage and stop herself from shouting insults at Goresplatter till his ears bled, she confined herself to give him her most evil look.
She spun around quickly, however, when she heard the paramite speaking. She didn't know much about animals, or she might have suggested they run: paramites are pretty safe when there's only one. Instead she hissed at Goresplatter, "What are you waiting for idiot? Shoot it!"
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

10-30-2006, 10:31 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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IC: "Well, actually, I've been hanging out nearish, in the outer unused Stockyrads for some time now. years and years. I came up here partly just to explore. I'm bored. If there's someone calling for help, maybe I can be of assistance? Something to do, among others. Afterwards, maybe you could give me a rough idea of this Mudokon's appearance? As well as looking for an individual, I'm pretty worn thin of what they even look like, it's been so long since I've seen one."
10-30-2006, 10:49 AM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre ceased shocking the Mudokon, to find he was drifting away. Luckily, the blood pressure had been solved, but the Mudokon seemed to be dying. Praetyre pressed down on the Mudokons heart, trying to start the heart less painfully.
He then heard a Mudokon desperately banging against the door, trying to get in. To avoid physical attacks, Praetyre replied to the other Mudokon via a microphone in the lab connecting to a speaker outside it. It was normally used for paging Interns and Vykkers, but he thought the situation warranted using it to talk to the Mudokon. He also heard Slap and a Vykker talking, with Slap seeming quite worried. To calm him, the other Vykker, and the Mudokon down, he had to act fast.
"Dear Mudokon outside the lab, and also to Slap and whoever else is talking about this, your friend here had a brush with death. The sheer internal pressure around the bandaged area, coupled with his slowed heart rate from the morphine my colleague gave him to prevent him hyperventilating, would of caused many blood vessels to literally implode. That would of caused him absolutely agonising pain and horrific death. So I took the only option I could. A regular heartstarter was not strong enough. The beat had to be stabilized in ten minutes. So I either had the choice of letting him die, or giving him a big shock. Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. It should of restarted his heart and fixed the pressure, but it only caused it to pump for 3 seconds. This fixed the pressure, but right now this Mudokon is dying. I am trying to bring him back with hand to chest pushes."
Praetyre then quickly ran back and started pushing the Mudokon 's chest again, in an attempt to get him to wake up.
" Don't die on me, don't die on me. Come back to this world. Your time has not come"
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 10-30-2006 at 12:21 PM..
10-30-2006, 01:19 PM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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: Feb 2006
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Gore span, gun back to his eye.
"Skillya, I'm too old for this..."
He unloaded all the clip into the Paramite, then behind it just in case it's help had arrived. Smoke was beginning to fill the area from his gun, and shells littered the floor. After a few clicks, he reloaded, then peered through the sights where the Paramite was again.
"I don't like Paramites... nasty little things. Everyone get behind me, make sure there's nothin' behind or to the sides. I better make sure none of the things over here get back up to say hello..."
He stared at the point intently, now steady rather than quivering. It was all business now. He would rather be in an open firefight than creeping along, preparing to be sprung up on by a Paramite.
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10-31-2006, 02:24 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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Dek listened to Slap, responding "So he's only going to be my assistant, he's not repalced me? That's fine then." Vykkers were such territorial creatures, and rarely tolerant of other Vykkers.
dek opened the door, poked his head out to look at Wash, and said "Go away. We're busy operating on our friend and don't need any distractions. If you want to know how he is, wait in the cafeteria and someone will fetch you when it's over." Dek was also intolerant of most people in general today, due to his heavy workload recently.
He hurried over to Praetyre "His heart's stopped? Your pumping doesn't seem to be doing much, perhaps we should use a piece pf equipment. Do you happen to have a pacemaker-type device with you anywhere?"
Dek himself began to hurry into the back room, where the more specialised equipment was. If he could find a pacemaker and insert the device down into the mjudokon's heart, and then expand and compress it, he hoped to start the heart going again. Or it could make the arteries too wide and the mudokon would bleed to death internally, but Dek felt he had to take the risk.
Arthur walked up to #7 Slig and tapped him on the shoulder. "Er, hello? Oddworld to #7?"
OOC: BM, do you actually want Linc to die or be saved?

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

10-31-2006, 07:52 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
Right Wing Wanker
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Praetyre stood by the monitor, watching the Mudokons heartbeat. As he could not afford to move away and miss a possible phenomena, he simply yelled to the other Vykker in the storage room.
"Sir! I think this will be a two Inhabitant job! The surgeon will be too busy operating to glance at the monitor, and it requires constant interfacing to provide enough information for an operation this complicated. No offense sir, but I think maybe I should do the surgery. I possess a Masters degree, and you seem to me like you might be stressed or overworked. But we'll still need someone to monitor the Mudokon, and Slap is going to inform the boss about recent and very important events. So that just leaves you and me. So, once you get the pacemaker, just pass it to me and man the monitoring station. Direct me if I'm causing anything wrong during the operation. Its been a couple of years since I performed one, and that was on an injured Meep."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

11-01-2006, 12:46 AM
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RG-49 just stood in a corner of the Labs, watching the proceedings. "Another drawback of being an organic... Once the central motivator shuts down, you can't bring him back to life." he noticed hideously.

He froze for a moment, then spoke. "My aural sensors tell me that shots have been fired in the factory. My bet would be on those organics who left the Labs recently and went down with the elevator in the Lab's storage room. Since I'm not a qualified organic surgeon, and there are no signs of danger up here, I am going to check the source of the distraction."

He went into the storage and stood on the edge of the elevator shaft. He looked down and saw a part of the dimly lit basement, occasionaly illuminated by muzzle fire. "Do you need assistance down there? I would be happy to help of there are some wildlife organics to shoot." he shouted down the shaft.


#7 Slig was startled for a moment, then he noticed that it was just Arthur. "Oh, right. Haven't seen you for a time, where have you been? Anyways, check the box on the table." he turned around in his chair and pointed at the case on a desk. "Install an SCU in your pants, it will help communication between you and the other Sligs."


Arnie and Otto were walking on the corridors of the ground floor.

"So, everything OK now?" asked Otto.

"Well, it got a bit better with this order. I've just made a deal with Choker's Mess Hall 'n' Diner, a train is going to arrive in the afternoon." said Arnie.

"What about production? I can't hear any machinery working." said Otto, looking behind over his shoulder. "The pipes over the Grinding Station are still not fixed."

"I hope they will fix it soon, or we will have to fill the boxes with bones if a new order comes in." said Arnie thoughtfully. They made their way into the Cafeteria.

11-01-2006, 03:20 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Slap was rather baffled by this. He could preform the surgery, since he commonly worked wiithout sleep, and with much stress building up inside. But he guessed that Vykkers couldn't do that very well. But being that he had to tell the boss the news, he had to go away. Yet, he felt like turning away from the Lab to tell the boss things they already know, or simply things they won't care about, was wrong beyond level. The surgery was the most important to him, and letting two Vykkers do the job for him, when his brain could work like both of them, was ridiculous. But he was under orders, so he had to listen to Praetyre.

He simply decided to leave, before going to RG first. He went up to him and typed, "Sir, may I remind that two out of the three down there have committed crimes? I sent another one down there to arrest them both, so I could lock them up, but obviousily there isn't too much happening. Now, the gunshots have been shot maybe to terrorify the two with guns, so I suggest to help Goresplatter do his job. Now, if something happens up here, alert me immidently, for I don't won't to have to go through another blood loss surgery."

He left after that, and went down the empty corriders, fearing what today might bring.
OOC: I don't have time for posting as anyone else, so wait a little more for Kix and Gappiqu.

11-01-2006, 04:11 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Arthur walked over to the case, and opened it. there seemed to be strange things in it. He picked one up and attempted to attach it to his pants. After a few tries, he fund a palce to install it. He swithed the device on, and then turned back to #7. "I've beencooped up in an air vent for Odd knows how long. Don't ask why, it's to do with that gas leak from ages back."
he walked out of the Security Office and headed off to the cafeteria. with a bit of luck he'd be able to get a bite to eat, then he'd go back to his old post as Train Station Operator.
"I've got a master's degree! Let me do the operation, you can man the screen. Find me the pacemaker blah blah blah." Dek muttered to himself "Stupid newcomer, thinks he can take my job. I should each him a lesson. But first I have a patient to save." he found the pacemaker at last, and hurried back into the room.
Dek handed the pacemaker to Praetyre and kept his eye on the screen. He decided to see if he could find out anything about the Vykker. "So you have a Master's degree in surgery? Same with me, although I also possess a Bachelor's in Industry and Invention. Which Labs Installation did you work at before coming here, or were you freelance? also have you performed any major operations recently? I've done a cybernetic eye and cybernetic arm implant, and performed extensive lung medication on patients since I've been here." Vykkers were notorious and terrible for boasting. Get 2 vykkers in the same room and a bagging contest could go on all day, especially if they were stressed out.
OOC: I've not just made that education bit up about Dek, I did originally mention it back in v.5 so don't think I'm just trying to make him seem smart.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

Last edited by Munch's Master; 11-01-2006 at 04:13 AM..
11-01-2006, 05:02 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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Wash sat in the cafeteria, staring into space. He didn't feel like eating, and couldn't take his mind off his friend's condition.
The accident yesterday kept playing over in his mind. The loud noise that startled them and made them all knock the switches over, their temporary deafness, Linc hanging from the platform, the control lever jammed into position, and the meat saw's unstoppable march into the balcony, right where Linc was.
It was the noise's fault! None of this would have happened had that sonic screamer not been set off! Wash had to find out what caused it. But for now, he was happy to just feel exhausted.
The malfunctioning security orb was back, and staring at him. Wash didn't mind.
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11-01-2006, 08:12 AM
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ooc: It's a boasting contest Dek, they're allowed a little... artistic liscencing (ie. making things up). Hmm, what would happen if Krik walked in there?

"Forget the animals, Gore." Dionysia was resorting to her high and mighty attitude. "If hundreds of the things turn up, we're nothing but meat sacks to them. Let's find a lift and get out of here!" That said, she tossed her head back, sending her feathers shimmering down her back, and strode off down the corridor walking quickly, leaving the sligs to chase after her.
Truth be told, she was getting rather uneasy by this dark place where Odd-knew-what could be lurking in the shadows looking for an easy breakfast. Of course, she wouldn't ever admit that.


Krik made up his mind and strode inside the building, past Kix and Anni without so much as noticing them and headed for the lifts, intent on getting himself a hefty weapon and going meech-hunting in the stockyards.
Upon finding the main lifts broken, he cursed loudly and stalked off in search of another lift. A few minutes later he was hauling his way up the executive lifts, ignoring the signs saying the lift was for glukkons only. He stepped out on the first floor and stopped to ask himself where the armoury was in this scrap factory?


Anni stepped back out of Krik's way nervously as he strode past and shot an angry look at his retreating back, but didn't say anything. Instead, she headed into the cafeteria, which was empty except for one mudokon.

Jim (That's right, Jim's back! Hooray for me!) had left Frod outside the R+R after a short and rather confusing conversation, and after making sure none of the sligs or Bonty were around, had entered the cafeteria and after a few minutes hesitation, had decided to and managed to heat himself a scrab cake in the microwave and was now sitting at a table eating hungrily. He looked up nervously when he heard someone work in, but smiled to see Anni and her friend whose name he didn't quite remember. He smiled at them with his mouth full and spoke, "Heh Awwi, Weh..." He swallowed. "Hi Anni, where have you been? I thought you'd be really happy after Arnie let you off of what that slig said you'd been doing."
Anni, who realised she was looking rather uset after seeing that vykker, brought a smile back to her face. "Oh, I'm alright. Me and Kix were just going to get some water for the garden Arnie's let me have."
Jim grinned in reply and swallowed another mouthful of scrab-cake. "Great, want some me to help?" Feeling cheerful after seeing his friend, he got up and followed them into the kitchen, the scrab cake in his hand.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-01-2006, 08:38 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Gore, without warning, flew into a rage, exaggurating his movements with slight hand gestures.
"Well, if it's fine by you for Gappiqu to die, okay! If you're gonna just flutter away scared, it's your choice, but remember, Gappiqu is just a meat sack to Skillya. I swear, if you Mudokons want to not be beaten, maybe you should care for us, too, eh? If Gappiqu gets killed for this little escapade, I'll make sure you don't get away with it, mark my words. Stay here, or have him on your concience. Maybe you've never seen Skillya... but I'd rather face down a million Paramites with a spoon than her..." He shuddered slightly, recalling horrific images.
He spat out his cigar. His tentacles seemed to have a red plume to them, but just then, he heard a voice from the top of the lift, asking if they needed help. He shouted back up his loudest.
"Yeah, need backup!"
He calmed down slightly, a cloud of water vapour from his mouth - though the air around was not astoundingly cold, he had become quite literally hot-headed in his rage. He cooled down slightly.
"Don't try get away now, or I'll make sure that guy coming down gets you. Won't look very good, you jumping into the lift as soon as he touches down will it? Calm down. Backup's on it's way, we'll get out of here fine. No rash decisions."
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11-01-2006, 09:50 AM
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Dionysia's eyes flashed with annoyance when he suggested that he might dare beat her. Rage coursing through her and her fists balled, she replied in a voice that was perfectly level yet coursed with anger. It was a voice that could make a rabid slog wimper in terror. "Don't threaten me, Slurg. Give me reason and I'll make you realise you'd rather face ten of Skillya than one of me." Anyone who knew Skillya and was hearing Dionysia speak, but not seeing her, might mistake her voice for someone related to the slig queen. Despite her better judgement, she was sorely tempted to reveal some of her secret (and very much illegal) geneology. "As you seem to stupid to understand, I'll make this very simple. For some reason that Odd only knows, I was trying to save you both from getting eaten. But as you seem so intent on calling down the whole security force of the factory to come and catch your friend and drag him off to the trash you two call a mother, I won't be staying around. come on Gappiqu, unless you'd rather stay with this traitor."
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-01-2006, 11:55 AM
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OOC: Hmm, seems a little odd. Gappiqu's choices seem to have changed a lot of the people. For example, he seemed to have gotten Molt's arm blown off by letting Goresplatter have access to the gun. He also nearly allowed the whole grinders to be flooded by his laziness, plus he had caused Linc to go into surgery. My Odd, he is dangerous!

Anyway, I could've contributed to this little boasting by saying what exactly Slap knew and has done as well. But I guess he isn't the type to do boasting. Then if Krik came along.... There is a guarteed that Linc would die over lack of focus.

Gonna come up with a few Mudokons soon. Just you all wait.

IC: Gappiqu fearfully looked at Goresplatter and Dionysia at the same time. They both ironically viewed that he needed to be saved, but wanted to be done their way. And he couldn't side with anyone, since both choices would let tragedgy happen. His choice was valid, since he was the only one to decide.

Gappiqu suddenly started to realize something. They both had a fury of aggression in both of them, and wished anyone who disagreed, wrong. Goresplatter he could understand, but was there some sort of personality alteration when Dionysia was made? No Mudokon was that aggressive. Or could there be one?

He shook that off his mind and tried to figure out a way to solve this all. He didn't want hurt either of them. But then he figured he might as well tried to do something. He then firmly declared at both of them, "OK you two, can you each shut up before the security comes down to kill us all?! Look, you two are almost the same, except you each have a different problem. Goresplatter, Dionysia is right, the security will carry me to my grave since you just told them you needed help. Didn't you get that I am a wanted man??! But you Dionysia, that little pride of your's is the only thing keeping you alive and intimidating. You claiming that you are worse than Skillya isn't intimidating Goresplatter. Molt scares me, you don't. And have you realized that Gore has a gun?! Your life could end in seconds, you know that!?! I know that, but for some reason, you don't!! And don't give me that crap that there will be Vykkers out to get him if you do die, because whose going to find out?! Arnie? Arnie won't back you up. Besides, Goresplatter could always hide your body somewhere and say that Paramites killed you. Now that I have yelled at you two...."

He silently walked over to the lift nearby, and clenched his fists around the rope and continued, "If you two won't settle your differences and agrue, I will leave you both here for some time, until I get the supplies to fix that dent. Now, will you come up or not?" He felt proud, since he wasn't able to do such a thing for a while.

Slap carefully walked over to Arnie's office, being curious if he made the right choice. He wondered if he could have done the surgery himself, but he decided that this was going to be a quick one. Being off-duty made him nervous, since he knew there was trouble, and it made him fearful that he let two other competive Vykkers decide who was to do the surgery. He knew Vykkers long enough to say that having two Vykkers who compete for the same job in the same room, end with death.

He found the office he was looking for, with sweat dripping down his anxious face, he knocked the door. He couldn't let himself not respect his boss.

Kix at last found Anni in the cafeteria, only to find Jim talking to her. He was surprised to see him, since he thought he would be with his other friend. But she gave a little smile to Jim and said him politily, "Hey Jim. Are the Sligs still bugging ya? They are to me. Anyway, wanna come to the garden Anni made and help us water? We need someone to help us."

11-01-2006, 01:04 PM
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Praetyre replied "I have worked in lab #10, #11, #12, and even #13. I was one of the only survivors of that horrible incident. I had to watch Irwin eat his brothers corpse after my leg was turned gangrene by a piece of shrapnel. Half of Irwins skin had burned off, and you could actually see one of his capillaries. And there was this little fuzzle... Oh Odd... he bit one of the capillaries, causing Irwin to literally implode in a river of blood. I was vomiting for the next hour, then one of Irwins eyes fell out. Then, I had to run through a kilometer of burning steel to put it back so that I could bury him properly. I bet you've never seen a Vykker cry. Well I did. I couldn't take it anymore, the sheer stress of going to the bathroom one minute and in the next one finding that your aunt, your friends, and your boss just died before your eyes. As you'd expect, I now find it hard to look at Gabbits or Fuzzles anymore. I know that we weren't saints, but couldn't he of just taken the Gabbiar and stopped the fuzzles from murdering my friends and family? That made him just as bad as some of us, just as cold and unforgiving. Anyway, sorry about the sentimentality. Lets roll."

Praetyre took the surgical tools from his suit's carry compartments like an Outlaw taking his guns. He walked towards the Mudokon, putting the laughing gas mask on him firmly and switching it on, and in mere seconds the Mudokon was knocked out. He then made an incision in the chest, making sure there was no bleeding. He activated his surgical scanner, showing that there was an indent beneath a fat layer that could potentially store the pace generator. He cut through the fat, making sure again that bleeding was not occuring. He was about to put the pacemaker generator in, when he noticed something. The generators charger port had broken off, and therefore the generator couldn't be connected to the pacemaker.
"Damn it!" Praetyre swore, irritated at the conundrum he was now in; "Sir, it seemed that you didn't check the generator. The charger port's gone, and we can't wait much longer. Slap's away, we need someone to oversee the operation, and leaving this Mud like this is like leaving a virus sucking machine out in the toxin lab and connecting it up to Maggie's life support system. I'm gonna have to stitch this Mud up, and get a new generator from the storage room. I just hope he can stay on.."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

11-01-2006, 11:00 PM
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OOC: I haven't been forgotten, have I Splat? Just...checking in. Sorta.
11-02-2006, 10:18 AM
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ooc: No, Zerox, sorry. I just wanted to let the Gappiqu/Gore/Dion sory line move on a bit before bringing in the animals.

Despite her victory over Goresplatter, Dionysia was no less angry. "Well, if you're not too busy trying to seduse me, lets get out of here," She hissed at Gappiqu and got onto the lift.


Somi stopped when the paramite he was heading towards stopped calling, but after a pause, headed to where he thought the noise had been coming from. Half way she met a group of other paramites looking worried. "Hey, what happened?" She asked in paramite.
The others looked angry. "Sligs killed one of our pack!" One hissed.
"We should go down there and get revenge! Kill one of them!"
Somi looked worried. "I don't know if that's a good idea..." These paramites looked angry, and she didn't think she could stop them, except by stalling them until the sligs left. She wondered how the meech would react.


Jim looked a little nervous at her mention of sligs, but answered quickly. "I haven't met any since I left the R+R." He changed the subject quickly. "I just told Anni I'd help her; come on."

Anni was already in the kitchen looking for some buckets or a hose or something when Kix and Jim walked in.


Krik heard some vykkers talking and decided to head in that direction. He simply ignored the intern he passed, and stepped into the lab and looked around. "Open heart surgery?" He examined the two younger vykkers clinically. "Are you sure you two are experienced enough to be doing that? Or are you just working on the mud for fun?"
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 11-02-2006 at 10:20 AM..
11-02-2006, 11:04 AM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
Patrick Vykkers
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Yet another Vykker walked in. Praetyre was both pleased and displeased to see another. Pleased because it meant there would be some people to talk to besides Slap and Praetyre very busy Glukkon bosses that wouldn't treat him like the Anti Odd. He was even more pleased that he had seen little to no Fuzzles. He was displeased because he was in the middle of an operation, and the Vykker was interrupting him just after a vital moment.

He ordered his suit to release its toolbox, and it complied. He picked out a device known as the Eyestitch Mini. It was, as its name suggested, normally used for stitching Mudokon eyelids, but in this case, he would use it to quickly stitch up the wound. He put it near the hole like a screwdriver, and it skillfully joined it up in only one minute. He then walked towards the storage area. But before he went, he spoke to the older Vykker.

"My elderly friend, and presumed fellow employee. Both of us here possess Masters degrees in Surgery. I am stitching this Mudokon up only temporarily, so that I can find the charger port for the pacemaker generator. This Mudokon needs a pacemaker, apparently, and he needs it now. The reason I'm doing this myself and leaving the Mudokon for a bit is because Slap, the resident Intern here, has been sent by me to tell the boss about the weird things going on. Half naked Sligs crawling out of air ducts, Mudokons bursting doors and bandages, grenades exploding, and psychotic Sligs nearly murdering me. So, here I go, and here I go."

He went through to the storage area, turning on the light as he went. He gazed at the many contraptions, boxes, and even specimens on the walls, until finding a white box marked "Pacemakers". He opened the box, rummaging through it, until finding that there were no more generators, only a broken off charger port. He took it, going back through to the lab. He then picked up the pacemaker generator, desperately trying to unite the two. It was uncertain that he would do it, and it would take several minutes to do in any case. And after that, he needed to restart the mechanism with a jolt of power, and the jolt requires would cause the whole room to black out, including the beds. He then spoke;
"Sir, is he still alive? I was gone for several minutes there. And to you, my elderly colleague, do you know of any nearby, ready, and large power supplies? It may be necessary to save this Mudokons life."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

11-02-2006, 11:32 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Dek swivelled to see a 3rd Vykker. What had Arnie been doing, hiring all these vykkers while he was gone!
"Inexperienced? he turned to see Praetyre return with a generator port. "yes, he's still alive, hanging in there. And I'd sugest you just weld the 2 parts together. welding works wonders, I always say."
Dek hurried over to a table and picked up his welder's tool, something he had used so many times already at Rupture Farms he was worried it eould pack in. he handed it to Praetyre. "And a good power source is the stasis tanks in the room over there," he poited to the room "we kept a scrab in one and it broke out, but there should still be enough of a supply."
He rounded on Krik once more. "Shoo old guy! Shoo"!"
Arthur entered the cafeteria just in time to hear Jim saying something about Sligs. "Hiya Kix. Hiya Jim, you not still scared of me are ya? I may look like a nasty Slig, but I'm as cuddly as a Meep really." He grinned and winked at Jim, patting him on the shoulder and walking over to the canteen. He noticed the boss, Arnie, and Otto, and performed a gesture of respect to them, continuing to the canteen. "Right, what's for grub? not Scrab Legs again?" he called into the kitchen, where he could here someone fiddling around with something, possibly a bucket.
OOC: Slap ,I know I'm allowed a little creative license, I just don't want to over-exaggerate just yet. Wait 'till the real quarrelling begins .

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

11-02-2006, 01:26 PM
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Patrick Vykkers
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Praetyre took the tool. "Thank you. This will save me a lot of time.". He triggered the suits spark shielding software, then a further layer of metal slid down on the eye sockets in his helmet. He then walked towards the surgical table, and set the welder to a medium setting. It blew a little more than expected, but it got the job done within 30 seconds. The generator was complete. All it needed was a restart. After deactivating the spark shield, Praetyre walked over into the stasis tank room, noticing the broken tank. He could feel the electric fields even 3 metres away, and ordered the suit computer to activate the electromagnetic dampeners. He then inserted the pacemaker generators charger port into the power slot.

For a moment, Praetyre felt nothing. Then it came. The surge of power was so great that he started whole body vibrating. But it had not even reached quarter power. Praetyre told himself to let go, but it seemed his body would not listen. The vibration stopped after a minute, then Praetyre relaxed. But a split second after he relaxed, a massive surge came over him like a tsunami. It had restarted the generator, that he could tell, but right now, he and the generator were getting blown back into the lab at the speed of a rabid Scrab. He nearly hit the surgical table, but he just managed to, at the last second, use his back leg to stop hitting it and getting impaled by all the armour piercing, flesh hacking knives. But this saving of life came at a price. He snapped several tendons in the leg, and dislodged a kneecap. But he ignored the pain. There was a far more urgent matter at hand. He had let go while stopping and the generator had flung up into the air like an Opple in a throwing contest. He managed to catch it, 20 cm above the ground. He then got up and apologized;
"Sorry about.. OUCH! that. I didn't mean to.. URGH! smash into the table. Now lets.. OW! get.. OW! back to business.. OOH!"
He grabbed his surgical tools, opening up the Mudokons stiches. The holes in the fat were still there, and he inserted the generator, after connecting it to the pacemaker. That was the relatively easy part. Now he had to take out the natural pacemaker and replace it.
"My elderly colleague, I must ask that you leave this room or get a suit. Sir, I advise you get a surgical mask, to avoid risking infecting this Mudokon. They normally store them under the heart monitor and over the temperature monitor. Its a little black CD drive shaped object."
Economic Left/Right: 8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 11-02-2006 at 04:15 PM..
11-02-2006, 04:58 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Gappiqu grew a small rage within him against Dionysia, mainly due to the fact she was trying to hurt everyone. Just like the rage he held against Skillya. He decided to release it this time by saying quietly, ignoring everything else around him, "You know what Dionysia, you are just like all of the Sligs I have known in my years of mechanicery. You can't accept that there is someone and something out there that is more important than you. Nor can you accept that there are people trying to help you. I have always been helping you since I met you. I carried you to the lab when you couldn't do it yourself, I am right now making sure that both of us won't get arrested for treason, but you still insist in treating me like a dirty Slurg. What is up with that!? Would you rather deal with the guy that doesn't care a bloody sh** that your an experiment and would love to make your head into a necklace?!? Well? Do ya!?! Because I could just let all of my grenades out and kill all of us in seconds. And nothing will happen to me. I will just die in feeling that I killed a suck up. And oh, I would feel proud if I hadn't loved ya like I love a myself!! So shut that pothole of your's and just be grateful for once!!"

Once he was heaving in the anger he possessed, he growled to Goresplatter, "You coming?"

Kix saw that Jim took that joke seriousily and hastily added before he fell in fear, "Sorry about that joke."

She walked around looking for a bucket that Anni could use, while thinking about how she didn't see a whole lot of Mudokons anymore. It seemed like Sligs did all the work lately. She wondered where the rest went.

Kix at last found a small bucket by a table, which looked like it was to remind Mudokons of their work at Rupture Farms was their job. She joyfully grabbed it and rushed over to look for a hose. She tried looking along the walls, since she thought there might be one in case of a fire. She finally began to look around serving counters, since she thought one could be around for serving water. There happened to be one right next to microwaves and felt proud. She found one while the rest could not.

She poked her head and proclaimed, "Found one!" She was to be surprised that Arnie, Otto, and Arthur to be there. She flushed and said quietly, "Well, a hose for the garden. That's all." She hoped that she didn't embrass herself.

Kix brushed her feelings away and said, "Hey Arthur. How's security? I saw you at the grinders yesterday, then you left. What happened?"

A train screeched to a halt in front of the loading deck, stopping the small cargo behind it. The smoke stopped filling the air and revealed a Slig getting off. The Slig approuched the one few doors on the train and slammed the open button against the inside angryily. He brought a big cigaritte to his mouth and hastily proclaimed, "Hey y'all! Come out ya dirty Slurgs!!"

Labor Force #451 stepped out of the deep shadows into the dark factory. All eight Mudokons, (Mark, Noel, Matthew, Sam, Anthony, Mike, Isaac, and Jacob) in chains tried to look the least bit interested in the factory, but they were indeed amazed. They looked at all of the designs and the building around them and gasped at every bit. They whispered all sorts of 'amazed' words, such as, "So this is the world's biggest meat plant.", "Wowww.", and "Crap that is big."

The Slig in front of them spat tabacco at the ground and grabbed a straight key of his. He slid his key into the lock of there's and shouted, "Now I can finally leave ya bitc*** back where ya belong. At a Ratz hole!" He started to rudily laugh while he brought himself back into the train. The train started back up noisingly flashed away from Rupture Farms.

The eight Mudokons shook their aching chains off and began to wonder what that Slig meant by Ratz hole. They shook their confusion off while Mark declared, "Well guys, let us find where we should go."

The rest nodded in agreement as ventured through out the train station. They all were amazed by the dark, enormous factory, while realizing that there wasn't too many people there. There was no one there at the station, while they expected all kinds of trains docking and letting huge crates of food onto the train. But there was not one there. Nor was there even a Greeter telling them of the current success of Rupture Farms or giving them a tour around the factory. So far, they felt that employee success was pretty dim.

At last, Mark found a directory of the factory, finally finding out where to go. He was relieved, since he was excited to find out where to go. He shouted to the rest happily, "Hey ya'all, here's a map!"

The other seven ran rather hurringly and all piled up to look at the map. It was pretty well done, since they finally found out that there were on the first level. Then, Noah proclaimed, "Maybe we should go to the grinders. We could find some people to assign us jobs."

Mike shook his head and replied, "Nah, Sligs are found sleeping there. We should go to the cafeteria where they would be smoking."

Anthony commented eagerly, "But what if there is a higher unit there? What happens then?"

Matthew said quietly, "Maybe we should split off. Me, Mark, Noah, and Sam could go off to the cafeteria while the rest goes to the grinders. And we will meet back at the place that had one, by knowing that one failed."

The rest mummered in their opinions and said in agreement, "OK."

The eight split off into four's and went through the hallways to find their destination. Although Sam lackd to see logic in that, he went with his brothers to the cafeteria.

11-03-2006, 08:06 AM
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Gore breathed heavily for ten seconds. It was something he was taught by a friend in Slig Barracks, which he took to heart. Well, actually the advice had been along the lines of 'If you're annoyed, shoot what's annoying you. If it's a Glukkon, breathe deep for a few seconds...', but, however much he dearly desired to shoot the rowdy Mudokon, he decided against it.
"OK, Gappiqu, that security will probably be down any moment. We need a story, or something. Reckon that robot knows what's really goin' on? You may be a wanted Slig, but surely not everyone knows yet - Odd, not even Arnie knows yet. But we need out. We could go through to another way out, and if we're asked about it, we could say we were worried backup might not have gotten here in time. That could buy us some time on discovery by Slap. But you're a mechanic, you're better at thinking than me. I'm just a gun with legs..." he added a little extra venom and aimed the comment in the direction of Dionysia, "... with no feelings or anything..." he returned in his normal speech to Gappiqu, "So what do you think? Ultimately, no choice here. Sorry about the backup calling, made it more difficult, but just saying 'No, we're just fine here shooting, thanks' would have sounded off the mark, I had to say something. That reminds me, do you have a map around?"
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11-03-2006, 08:49 AM
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IC: "Hey, if you ask me, they kind of have firepower, and you don't have any back armour like me. It would be pretty risky if you were to try it, you know. I'm not stopping you, though."
11-03-2006, 10:27 AM
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RG-49 noticed that two figures got on the elevator, and they seemed to be waiting for someone. Recalling what Slap said - written, that is - about the Slig organic Goresplatter arresting two other workers, he had to think fast. The two figures were on the same terms, to a certain extent at least. "This means that the arresting is not going as planned." thought RG-49.

He went back to the Labs' main area, looking for Slap. He looked around, but he only saw three Vykkers and a Mudokon on an table, being operated. He hurried back to the storage and noticed that the elevator is still down with the arguing workers. He had to find out what's going on. He closed the door behind him and opened the cover of the door's terminal. A metal rod popped out from his index finger and he adjusted the door's control system, so the door couldn't be opened from either side.

He pulled his rifle from his back, reloaded it with a full round and stood with his back to the closed door, waiting for the elevator to ascend.


Arnie and Otto proceeded to the counter. Otto examined the Scrab Legs. "Aw, that's from yesterday. No chance to have a fresh meal around here." he said plaintively.

"No chance to shut your mouth up for good, more like. You're never satisfied with the stuff you have, aren't you? You're the Flak Clerk around here, you don't have to make more complaints than you already have." said Arnie.

Otto was about to retort, but he was interrupted by Kix, who shouted out holding a hose, then mumbled an apology.

"Oh yeah, the garden. Good luck with that." said Arnie.


Rick wandered around the Grinding Station, checking the machinery. He didn't want to start the boilers until it is safe.

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