My dad, sis and myself have taken a break from playing Diablo 3, as much as it upsets me. I'm hoping we'll all get back and play it together soon though.
Anyway. It wasn't until recently that my sister stumbled upon Assassin's Creed 3, which I didn't even know we had. I've been watching her play, and it looks really interesting; even though I know nothing of the AC series. It wasn't until just a few hours ago that I made myself a save file on my own Ps3 account (She has her own file on another acc on my Ps3), and I'm totally addicted to the game now! ;P
I love silently killing red coats on the roofs and jumping down at them in slow-motion. It's epic. I just have a question for those that have played through the series, (X-box or ps3, doesn't matter): does it matter that I start playing through AC3 and not from the very first game? Am I missing information from the previous games by cutting straight to the third? I'm liking the story so far, even though I don't know anything about the Assassins and such. (Yes, I know, stupid right?)