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06-29-2006, 05:43 AM
Slig outlaw's Avatar
Slig outlaw
: Nov 2005
: Rebuliding Rupture Farms
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Slig outlaw  (10)

OOC: Oh sorry I musted of missed it sorry Zerox.

IC: Kore looked up and saw the Fleet wondering, if it can help him.

''Howdy names Kore I'm looking for someone maybe you can help me''
Invaders will be shot survivors will be shot again.

Stranger: Knock em good.

06-29-2006, 09:57 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

IC (Shryke): Shryke was worried about the other Walk men,3 of them had got the message who had been checking another hole entrance (the Fleeches had been cleared out though). Shryke climbed up onto some rock area above the cave and went along it.
They were coming only very slowly as they, of course, didn't really believe the other Slig. Shryke saw further on, that in a few minutes they would pass under a high risk area, with numerous rocks and boulders that could fall if disturbed too much. Shryke still wouldn't be able to move any on his own, another five Fleeches (at a stretch) would be able to move them enough for some to fall. Or with a few more Fleeches and running less risk of the boulders being noticed and dogded, they may be able to attack them themselves, with some extra ones hostages could be taken rather than just quickly try to kill them. Shryke galloped back and explained the current situation as best he could.
(Fleet) Fleet was relieved. The creature was certainly intelligent and not hostile towards him. He dropped down and said "Well, I don't know what creature yer may be, you seem alright. But what is it you want help with?"
Suddenly, a fast movement sped past in the shadows and gloom of the forest, follwoed by a few others. He then heard a few screeches and crackle like noises, then some quiet rustling, then silence and some slight, dissipating footsteps getting quieter and further away. Fleet was alarmed. Was something ambushing them? He brandished his whip as out came one creature. It was four legged with claws, and a large, savage looked fanged head. The creature slowly came closer, and Fleet took a step back and rbandished his whip. The creature then stopped, and took a small stutter back, and made some small crackly noises, then just stood there, slightly shuffling towards the direction it came from, as if it wanted to go that way.
It didn't seem too dangerous. But was it a trap? Fleet took a few slow steps forwards, and creature moved back. He then tried to whip it (only slowly, not very fast) and it dodged back, but then went back to where it was standing. He whispered "Kore, is this thing dangerous? I dunno what it could be"
06-29-2006, 02:56 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Zerox, what exactly is this fanged creature? Not Scrab, I'm supposing.

Also, I have been researching on antimatter and I don't think that Sindera's vaporizer uses antimatter. Antimatter apparently destories matter by making an reaction. It seems like that Sindera would have been killed by now if she was using her gun. So I will think that her gun is ran by vaporizer particles. PM if you want to know more about this idea.

IC: Slurp was rather disappointed by the sitution. But it was understandble that Shryke could not do his job of moving rocks was hard. He was smaller than a Mystical Walk man and the size of an average Walk man. Yet, he didn't have much Fleeches that could help. The Offense Fleeches were basicly dead, leaving them with over 200 Fleeches. Only ten of them were not in a depressed mood or severaly injured. Slurp thought that they could only use the boulders as weapons, since there wasn't enough that could fight the Walk men and survive.

So he screeched for some Fleeches to come, and sure enough, ten Fleeches came to him. He then screeched at Shryke, "It's probably best if we try to kill them of using rocks. We don't have enough Fleeches to kill off the Walk men and survive. Perhaps we can distract them by making a blockade first, then when they are clearing the blockade, we can destory them with the rest of the rocks."

After saying this, Slurp then explained the sitution. At first, the Fleeches didn't want to take orders form him, but when they saw Shryke, they agreed to help. Slurp was happy with their success, so he screeched, in his best Scrabish, "You lead the way" Yet at that same time, he sensed something coming much faster than the Walk men.

06-29-2006, 11:09 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
: Apr 2006
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magic9mushroom  (20)

OOC:What I was talking about was the "burning" stuff in the mine Slaveless.
IC(Gillik):Gillik arrived at the village in his pod, but did not get out. He surveyed the village from a height of 10 metres, and issued a hail on his phone.

"ALL UNITS REPORT FOR DUTY IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!! Bring all captives with you."
He then opened a private line to Sindera.
"Good idea Sindera, you sometime amaze me. Sorry to bother you, but could you report to my pod too? We need to talk."
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

06-30-2006, 01:06 AM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

Crap! i typed out a really long post and accidently deleted it! wah!

EDIT: Well, i guess i'm just gunna haf to do it over again

Key = orange=Sligs...green=Mudokons...blue=Shredder...

IC: "Hey! You there! Get out from behind that Scrab!" barked the Slig when he spotted the Mudokons behind Shredder, "what if we dun wanna!?" asked a Mudokon, "Then i'll make ya!" retorted the Slig, as he paced around Shredder. The Mudokons behind shredder moved around Shredder as not to be in firing range of the Slig, "What is this idiot doing!?" thought Shredder as the Slig paced around him, "That's it, i'm gunna kill you an' the Scrab right no..." his sentence was cut off my a message from Sindera, "Ok, never mind, you lucky scum, you're not gunna die, yet... You're all gunna come with me to the mine" growled the Slig "No we're not! And if you take one more step, we're gunna sic the Scrab onto yah!" called out a Mudokon, "Ah, but you see, i have received orders to kill this Scrab." replied the Slig, as he raised his metal rod to Shredder, "This is it, i can't stand this pathetic excuse for a being anymore!" thought Shredder as he let out a might roar, "Oh odd..." said the Slig as he knew what was coming next, and soon after, Shredders beak punctured through the Sligs chest, "Yippie-kie-ay! It's gotten a Slig!" shouted a Mudokon, "It sure has, but, you must remember, this is just one Slig, whattabout the others?" said an anxious Mudokon, "By the looks of their faces, it seems they think that i can't take down all the other Creatures!"
Thought Shredder as he looked upon his Mudokon friends, "Guys, guys, what are we saying? This is a Scrab for Odds sake! It can take down anything!" said another Mud "Oh yeah, forgot about that..." said one, "But look! All the Sligs are leaving with our buddies!" exclaimed an excited Mudokon, "Lucky we had this Scrab here, or we'd be joining them!" said another, "Now that's just selfish! We've gotta go save them somehow!" said a Mudokon, (OOC: in total, there we're three (3) Muds hiding behind Shredder, very sorry for not mentioning this earlier...) "Yes, but how, pray tell, are we gunna do that!" said one Mud, "With our secret weopon."
said another while grinning, "What weapon?" asked a Mudokon, "The Scrab! Boy, you sure are an idiot at times, Greg." accused one, "Takes one to know one, Jeff!" Said Greg, "Guys, shut yer traps! We need to devise a plan!" said the one without a name, "Why don't you shut up, Matthew!" yelled Jeff, "Looks like it's time to step in!" thought an agitated Shredder, as he growled menacingly, "Now yu'v dunnit, Jeff! Yuh made the Scrab angry!" said Matt, who was apparantly the smarter of the three, "Me?ME?! It's all you're fault!" said Jeff as he punched Matt to the ground, "Oh for the love of..."
thought an angry Shredder as he roared, this time, at the fighting Mudokons, "Hey! You two! Shaddap or yuh'll get us all killed!" said Greg, "Okay, Okay... So anyways, how are we 'sposed to free our buddys?" said Jeff, "Oh Odd... That's what we're trying to figure out, dummy!" retorted Matt...

OOC: Next post i'll try to make each one have their own colour for speaking .
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

Last edited by E'l Scrabino; 06-30-2006 at 01:54 AM.. : Coz I deleted the story accidently...:fuzemb:
06-30-2006, 02:11 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Fanged creature-Paramite. Can't really do much of an IC, though...

IC: Shryke understood the plan well. This many Fleeches should hopefully be enough to move the boulders quickly onto the Walk men. He leapt up ontop of the caves, then heard Slurps distress call of a fast approaching enemy. Shryke leapt down and attempted to hide behind a bush to see what would happen next...
06-30-2006, 05:42 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Actually, that isn't antimatter. It's explosive chemicals.

IC: Sindera liked how this Glukkon was so open to her ideas, but it almost seemed like that she was his favorite solider. A little too much of a favorite.

But still, she replied, "Will do sir." She next grabbed her walkie talkie and said into it, "OK, you all. Boss says to also imprison any Steef you come across. That's an order. If you kill them, I will find out and kill you men. Wait, you all aren't men. You're dweebs. Wannabes. Nothing but selfish brats, whose mother hates you all. So if you want respect, you will need it from me." She finally turned off her walkie talkie. That was very harsh, but that was the only way she could order them around.

Sindera at last reached the village. Her Mug started to shoot down the walls, so the villagers wouldn't get out. She looked around her, seeing many broken trees, dead bodies of Mudokons, and partly crushed walls. Also, many Sligs were still shooting. Not to kill, but to terroize. At least the Sligs had some brains.

She exited her office, knowing that her Mug could take care of himself. She pulled out her vaporizer, which intimidated the Mudokons. She carefully walked across a plank of wood that had fell during the battle. As she went in, she saw Gillik's pod, knowing her destination. She ran towards the conspicous area, vaporizing only two Mettles on the way. At last, when Sindera reached the pod, she opened the doors of the pod, and walked in. She finally looked at Gillik and said, "So, what did ya want to talk about?"

Slurp wanted to follow Shryke, but he sensed something unnatural. Something was coming from the air. He tried to sense something, but when he sensed what this something was, he screeched, "Flying men are coming!! Slither!!"

These Flying men were like Walk men, but much worse. You couldn't get your tounges on them if you wanted to, and they could kill more accurently. All the Fleeches decided to hide in bushes, including Slurp. There were two Flying men, who were having a conversation. He couldn't hear what, but he knew that this was a bad sitution. They couldn't get close enough to kill them, but if they didn't try, the Walk men from the cave would get them. What to do now?

06-30-2006, 04:10 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
: Apr 2006
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magic9mushroom  (20)

"Well, Sindera, the hard part is over. All we have to do now is clean up, both the tribe and the mine. Since my pod is more mobile than any of your vehicles, I was thinking that I should probably hunt down more escaped Mudokons, while you supervise rebuilding of the mine. That way, you can take all the army with you, as they won't be able to keep up with me and I don't need them anyway. Is there anything you wish to talk about...as Mudokons take a while to chase, and even longer with a head start."
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

06-30-2006, 04:57 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

Sindera rose a brow when she heard this. This assumation was a little silly. She placed her hand on her hip and said, "Sir, with all due respect, this isn't all that easy. The village may be in smokes, but there is still a battle. I had to run through the village, not because I wanted to see you, but to prevent myself from being shot. There was some Sligs dead out there, with some surviors from this current battle. Some of the Sligs are still trying to call back Slogs.

Plus, only about 100 troops are actually trying to clear the forest of wildlife. Of course, I might do better than them, but let's think. What do you think the Fleeches are doing now? They probably know of that hole you made in their home. They could just be preparing for an attack on us. Who knows? Our troops could be under attack right now. But right now, we will have to deal with this. Now, I will go. You take care of yourself, big guy."

She patted his cheek, and left him to do her business. She opened the doors to get out, and saw Brtus. He was holding two Mudokons by their necks and said to Sindera, "Mad'm, I got us some racals. What sha my troops do now?"

She thought about this, and said, "Take the rest of the Mudokons in the village, and send some Sligs into the forest to search for some more. Then, go and finish off the rest of the wildlife here. That should keep your hands busy."

She saw a threesome of Mudokons and a Scrab and grabbed her vaporizer. She aimed at them and said to them, "You boys have ten seconds to get away from that damned Scrab, or I will have to use actual force to kill that Scrab."

06-30-2006, 09:55 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

OOC: Oh gawd, to be (vapourised) or not to be (vapourised), that, is the question...

IC: "You here that? Boy are we in trouble..." Said Matt, "This Scrabs dead whatever we do ." said a glum Greg, "Well this sucks... Hey, waitta minute, if this Scrab can listen to us, maybe we can tell it to get away!" whispered Jeff, "Good thinking, Jeff! Hey, Scrab, get outta here before you git killed! Go!" whispered Matt to the Scrab, "From what i can make out, it seems they want me to leave before i get hurt! I must come back for these unselfish doomed Muds!" thought Shredder, as he took a step away from the Mudokons, "It heard us! Now we won't be killed! Yay!" said Jeff, "Ok, now youse Muds come with me! That's an order, Scrubs!" barked Sindera, as she pointed her vapouriser at Shredder, "Time to die, stupid beast!" "I'd better go now, before i get hit!" thought Shredder, as he turned an run as fast as he possibly could to get away from the gun weilding Sindera, "You can't get away that easy!" yelled Sindera as she shot at Shredder, "Hahahahahah! Now i just gotta go behind a green creature!(slig)" thought Shredder, as he ran behind a few Sligs, and just like he hoped, Sindera fired, and got a Slig, "Odd dammit!" yelled Sindera, "That stupid beast isn't as stupid as it looks!"
and firing a couple more shot at the Scrab, she gave up shooting, "Woo! Go Eddy!" said Greg, "Who's Eddy?" asked Matt, "That's what i named the Scrab." replied Greg, "Shut yer traps before i vapourise ya!" shouted Sindera...

Back inside Shredders' cave: "It seems that the Slogs and Fleeches have left my home, thank Odd." Thought Shredder, "Hel-looo!?" said Shredder in Scrab language, "Oh, it's you, after i saw you drag my brother away i don't think i'll mess with ya, but is it ok if i be your roomie?" replied a Slog, "How can you understand Scrab?" "How can you understand Slog?" replied the Slog, "OK, Ok, you can stay here, just don't invite any of your friends." "Friends? All of my friends perished in the fight... So really there's no one to invite anyways..." "OK then, glad we got that settled, the end you and the Fleeches were fighting on is the dining room, because of all the food. You can sleep anywhere you wish, but not within 5 metres of me, got that?" "Got it." replied the Slog...

OOC: I made it out alive! Yays!

EDIT: If you can't see what Jeff says, (dark green) highlight the writing.
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

Last edited by E'l Scrabino; 06-30-2006 at 10:01 PM..
07-01-2006, 03:05 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Oh man, E'l Scrabino, one of the rules of RP is that you cannot control other people's characters. Sindera is one of my characters. Besides, wouldn't she act fast enough by shooting a little higher up of the Slig's head? So, maybe you should edit, E'l Scrabino. Or I should just deal with it.

Edit: Yeah, I will deal. It isn't so bad.

IC: Sindera got pissed, not because of the Mudokons or she not killing the Scrab, but that she forgot to change her weapon to fit moving targets. And those Mudokons only making it worse. She went over to them and barked, "You damn excuses for fresh Scrubs are not useful. Blabbing, blabbing, and blabbing. That's why you are gonna work my way. Understand!!!!???"

The Mudokons looked down, and said in unison, "Yes." Sindera nodded in appeal and shouted, "I want any minor officer unit here, NOW!!!"

One came, and he was just a simple Big Bro. He reported himself, and then Sindera said cooly, "Take these three nimrods to where the rest of the Mudokons are going. I'm going to kill that Scrab, if it's the last thing I will do."

As the Big Bro grabbed the Mudokons, one of them said, "You will never kill Eddy!! You tried to kill him once, but.... YEOW!"

Sindera had broke one of the fingers of the Mudokon who was speaking. She decided to take a different approuch this time. This time, she grabbed a long chain on the ground, and thought of the things she could do with it. She hissed, "This time I will." And next, she ran off into the forest, following Shredder's footsteps.

At last, she found a cave, quite dark, but she could see something. Something low on the ground. She pulled out her gun and aimed at what she didn't know, which was the Slog. She aimed, and fired at the Slog. The Slog disappearing form became seen, and she cursed under her breath, "Odd damn it! The Scrab is still in there! It's smarter than it looks!"

Last edited by Slaveless; 07-01-2006 at 03:29 AM..
07-01-2006, 03:21 AM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

OOC: OH crap, crap crap crap. sorry bout that mate, forgot bout. Now i feel really stupid, sorry .
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

07-01-2006, 03:30 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: No problem. Just remember others may not like it. See, I delt with it. I edited my post above.

07-01-2006, 03:42 AM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

OOC: Thanks, Slaveless, i vow not to be stupid again! (until my next post .)
And may i ask, can i be one of the Muds as my second char? I'd like to be Matt. But i won't post his bio until i get the all-clear from someone...

IC: Shredder heard a zap, and he didn't like what he saw happen to the Slog either! "That other creature appears to have followed me! And if it finds me, i'm dead meat! Poor Slog, what time we spent toghether was good..." thought Shredder, "I must find a way to kill this creature, as it shows no sign what-so-ever of giving up chasing me... Whadda i do? whadda i do!? I have no choice but to make my presence seen, or i could slink away, but the last idea will be really hard to pull off, i gotta get out somehow!"

OOC: Is it ok if i make another char?
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

07-01-2006, 04:13 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Sure it is! As long it is supporting the story line.

IC: Sindera searched for 'Eddy', by hearing for movement. She aimed with her vaporizer and shot at that Scrab.

Slurp 2 awoke in a much different environment than he had been in. He sensed that there was another creature in the room, which had many limbs, and a very big head. There were many things in the room, such as knives, a light bulb that was above his head. There was also a hallway exiting the room.

Slurp 2 also sensed that there was some mineral substance now stuck on him. Also, there was something going into his head. He didn't feel very comfortable.

Slurp 2 knew that he was in prison. He got up onto his feet, and started to bark at the unknown creature. The creature seemed to have something in his hand and he activated it. Suddenly, something in his head told him to not to move and to fall back to asleep. He tried to fight this force, but he was already laying on the counter he was on. Before he fell asleep again, he heard, "At last! The first controlable Sleg!"

07-01-2006, 04:35 AM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
: 726
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Rep Power: 19
E'l Scrabino  (94)

OOC: Yee-haw! bio on its way!

Biography of the Mudokon, Matthew-Orluhn-Myx (pronouned= mykes):
Full name: read above
Specie: read above
Sex(): Male
Bio: Matt is a Mudokon of a native village in Mudos, his mothers name was Sam (duh) and recently he was taught to posses by a wise old Shaman of the village, whose name was Carl VanBounce, who could use his powers to make himself bounce every where. He has two (2) new friends call Jeff and Greg, and they are currently being headed to work in a mine...

Shredder: Shredder dodged the vapourising bullet, but it was following him, much to his surprise, "Uh-oh, this thing has a rod that shoots homeing bullets! Now i must, at all costs, get outta here before i end up liek the Slog! I can feel my rage rising...Must...Release...Shred power!" thought Shredder, "RRRAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!" came Shredders roar, as he charged towards the beast that was attacking him...

Matthew: "Maybe you shouldn't of said anything about Eddy, Greg, that broken finger must really hurt..." whispered Matt to Greg, "Maybe we both should shut up before that BigBro pounds us into a pulp!" hissed Greg, "Shut up!" said the BigBro as it smacked Greg then Matt over their heads, "Don't hurt them! I'm warning you!" said the short-tempered Jeff, "Oh odd..." muttered Matt, "You should consider yourselves lucky, not having to clear out the mine of Fleeches!" barked the BigBro, "How come he doesn't get hit when we do!?" exclaimed Greg, "Oh, right." said the BigBro as it punched, not hit, Jeff in the head, Jeff fell down to the ground, unconsious, "Oops, ah well, he's just a Scrub, youse two drag him along. DO IT!" shouted the BigBro, "Fine, fine, stupid excuse for a Slig..." "Do you wanna end up like him!?" yelled the BigBro...

OOC: All my chars are in danger . Yippie![/sarcasm]

By the way, am i the only one who will use colours for my chars?
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

Last edited by E'l Scrabino; 07-01-2006 at 04:38 AM..
07-01-2006, 04:58 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Sort of. Maybe I will do it. But not right now.

IC: Sindera jumped up and grabbed a hold onto the cave's enterance ceiling and pulled up. She dropped the chain with both hands on each end. Being the chain being so long, she dropped it low, so that when the Scrab came out of the cave, it's head would go into it. All she had to do was wait.

07-01-2006, 12:29 PM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Fleet is still waiting for another reply or something. I'll pretend he never met or saw Kore at this rate...

IC: Shryke was worreid about the flying things, but also confused. They were very odd. They could fly, which was something new to Shryke, so he forgot to hide. One saw him, and dropped something small, and shiny. He didn't like teh shine, so he got a distance away from it. Not quite far enough though...BOOM. Shryke was sent flying head first towards the boulders...KER-SMACK. He fell with the boulders. At least the Sligs were sorted, but...everything slowly went black as his head ached heavily...

OOC: YAY! Slurp 2-ness!
07-01-2006, 01:01 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Yeah, Slurp 2 is back. He might come back another time, but not right now.

IC: Slurp watched helplessly as his friend was sent into the air, above the cave. He heard some boulders fall as well. SLurp had realized what happened. His friend was crushe by the boulders.

Suddenly, he was overcome with rage. Someone had killed friend just for fun. He could hear the Flying men laughing right now, at their kill. Everyone he loved was hurt by these heartless men. His home was destoried, his brothers and sisters were hurt and depressed, Slurp 2 was lost and most likely dead, and Shryke was crushed by rocks. His next actions were going to cost him.

Slurp got angry enough to climb on of the trees that Slurp was near. He climbed higher, and higher, until he reached the top. He screeched many curses, then flew his tounge at one of the Flying men and wrapped it around his arm. The Flying man screamed in horror and told his buddy, "Odd **** you Fleech!!! Gerg, thorw me that ******' knife you have!!!"

The Flying man did as his buddy told him, and the Slurp target Flying man sliced off Slurp's tounge. Slurp screamed in pain, as he fell all the way down onto the tree. Slurp just layed there on a branch and waited for his final rest came.

Slurp 2, in his sleep, tried to awake in pain, when Slurp 1's pain came, but for some reason, he couldn't awake. He just had to lay there, as if nothing happened.

OOC: Okay guys, I will tell you. I won't be on the forums for a while now. Or at least as often. But just for a few days. So don't go crazy.

Last edited by Slaveless; 07-01-2006 at 04:12 PM..
07-01-2006, 05:37 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

OOC:*goes crazy anyway* Anyhoo, let's just hope Matt and his friends don't get killed then, shall we?


Shredder: Shredder saw the creature grab onto the roof of the cave and drop a shiny, apparantly metal thing, to leave it hanging there waiting for Shredder to become decapitated or something, "Does this beast honestly know how much power Shred Power has? Looks like it doesn't..." thought Shredder as he ran closer to the metal rings linked to eachother, "Time to show how much power i have!" thought Shredder as he unleashed holy hell unto the metal links, scattering them everywhere, "Time to leave now, also." thought Shredder as he left his cave, heading towards the path on which he met the Sleg...

Matthew: "Looks like we're screwed then..." said Matt to Greg, "I know, but what do the industrialists want with our village?" replied Greg, "They want nothing to do with the village itself, they want what's inside the village, which is us." said Matt, "Why does my head hurt?" said the waking Jeff, "Never mess with a BigBro again, ol' chum...p." said Greg, "Aww, shaddap Greg!" shouted Jeff, "Youse guys better shut up before i hit ya upside the heads!" threatened the BigBro, "Like you could, stupid Slig!"
"That's it! I'mma gonna kil ya!" Said THE BigBro as it raised its gun to Jeff, "Don't do it! Think about what'll happen to you if you kill a worker!" said Matt,
"Grrr... "......

OOC: What shall happen to Shredder now? Stay tuned for the next episode of, The Albino Scrab!
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

07-02-2006, 07:38 AM
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Slaveless, I hope you didn't think Shryke died completely there. He only fell unconcious. Can't quite tell...

IC: Shryke slowly came to again, but in a lot of pain. One of the medium or so sized boulders lay on him. Another small boulder rolled down and bumped it slightly. Shryke strained incredibly hard with his arms and some legs, and it rolled of to the side. While the creatures above were distracted by Slurp, he limped slowly back to the cave entrance and into the Spooce patch, hopefully away deep enough to avoid being seen. He then just slowly sat down, not thinking about anything inparticular, and just rested calmly as some blood dripped to the floor around him. Shryke then heard a thud and looked up. Slurp had fell onto a low branch, hard. Shryke stood up twitched the branch enough to dislodge him. He then moved him across and lay him on a large Spooce lump, then sat down again and rested quietly.

OOC: I'll involve Fleet again if Kore hasn't acted by the next post I make.
07-02-2006, 08:07 AM
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OOC: 200 posts, yahoo!

Anyway, I knew that Shryke really didn't die. Slurp just thought he did, because he didn't hear a scream or mumble that Shryke was hurt. He figured he was crushed. I will post later.

Also, Sindera, had a back up plan. She won't stop there.

07-02-2006, 11:23 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
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OOC: Dang, i just wanna live without that plan... Will wait 'till the backup plan, and don't forget, that 200th post was mine! All mine! Muhuwahahahahahahahahahahaha*cough**cough*...
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

07-03-2006, 12:41 PM
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OOC: Kay, I'm getting fed up, lets pretend Fleet didn't meet Kore...

IC: fleet had been exploring the forest for a while now. He then noticed that the forest was slwoly thinning out. He then heard loud banging noises and screams etc. form up ahead. He crept down behind a bush and observed...
It was a village of his own kind. Hadn't seen others for so long...but they were being attacked. Some could at least help him learn about the area, plus it was rather aggravating that actually seeing his own kind for so long, and they were being attacked, barely trying to defend themselves, ecxept some of the obviously higher ranking elders...
He then looked for a close target. Slowly came past three Mudokons, arguing, being led by a large, muscular creature. A hideous creature...
Fleet watched for a weak point. It had alot of mass at the top, and stubby legs...should be easy to trip up. Slowly, Fleet drew his whip, and waited for them to slowly go past a bit...he then moved close to behind them, leapt forward and grabbed a leg with his whip and pulled hard and, as he had thought, the brute came crashing to the ground. Those arms could helkp it get up again though, so they would have to hurry. Fleet yelled to the Mudokons "Come on, quickly!" then dashed into the forest, watching his back to make sure they were following...
07-03-2006, 10:24 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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Gillik's pod slowly lifted off. He would first check the village. Suddenly he saw three scrubs arguing with one of his BigBros. He sent a message to the BigBro in question.

"If you have to kill one to get the other two cooperative, I wouldn't mind." he said.

"Right on it boss" replied the Slig.

OOC: sorry for the short post.
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

07-04-2006, 12:29 AM
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Gillik's pod slowly lifted off. He would first check the village. Suddenly he saw three scrubs arguing with one of his BigBros. He sent a message to the BigBro in question.

"If you have to kill one to get the other two cooperative, I wouldn't mind." he said.

"Right on it boss" replied the Slig.

OOC: sorry for the short post.
OOC: Is that the Big Bro I just tripped up? Maybe you could have said he said that, then turned round to realise they had gone, or something. Just read the post above yours, presuming you didn't...
07-04-2006, 12:49 AM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
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As they were walking towards the mine, a Mudokon come out of the forest, and pulled out a whip and whipped it at the BigBros leg, sending it crashing down. The Mudokon with the whip said, "Come on, quickly!" and then dashed off into the forest, with Greg, Jeff and Matt behind him, "Yes! We're free!" said Matt, "Hey, fellow shcmuck, can we go look for Eddy now?" said Greg, "For once i agree with ya." said Jeff...

OOC: w00t!
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

07-04-2006, 05:37 AM
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OOC: I'm on here too much...

IC: Fleet continued into the forest for a few minutes before stopping, then checking everyone was there.
"Okay, I presume you're all well and good. I'll stay with you for a while at least, since I'm new here and know little about the area for now, but...do you have any idea what the heck is goin' on here??? Complete carnage out there...also, do you have any particular destination for now, or what?"
07-04-2006, 03:25 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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OOC: Sorry Zerox I didn't see your post just assume mine was before yours.
IC(Gillik): Gillik suddenly saw a native whip the legs out from under the BigBro. Ignoring the BigBro, he turned on infrared sensors, then swooped down on the four Mudokons.
"Stop right there, scrubs, you are not going anywhere."

He then jettisoned a net on the four mudokons.

EDIT: new character bio!

Race:Vykker(read below)
Sex: Female
Bio:Angela was the result of a Vykker experiment to interface sentient beings with computers. She is permanently integrated into a computer, which is implanted in her head. The experiments wiped her memory. She is now assigned to train a Sleg (Slurp 2).

IC(Angela): Angela was happy at her mental control of the Sleg. She sent a message through her implant to it, telling it to wake up.

EDIT: Angela did actually exist as a Vykker first, before the experiments.
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

Last edited by magic9mushroom; 07-04-2006 at 08:46 PM..
07-05-2006, 02:13 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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IC: Before teh other Mudokons had time to answer, the net clamped down on them. The other Mudokons just got frightened and panicked. But Fleet thought more...this net had only fallen on them, so Fleet, after untangling himself quickly, yelled to the other Mudokons before leaping nito a tree and hiding among the leaves, waiting to see what would happen...

OOC: I still sorta need Slurp to wake up...Slurp 1 thing...etc.

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