I'm not sure if this has been posted or not, and I'm too angry to actually read through the thread, so I apologize if I'm late on this.
So back in May, Lamar Smith wrote another shitty bill, that essentially
requires all ISPs to record all of your internet usage, keep tabs on things like your name, address, bank account information, credit card numbers, and IP addresses. They then have to save all of that data for 18 months.
If you're then merely a suspect of any crime, the police have the right to access any and all information regarding
everything you've done involving the internet for the past 18 months. Doesn't matter if they don't have a warrant. Doesn't even matter if they don't have probable cause. If you're suspected, they can look at all of those raunchy messages you sent your girlfriend on Facebook, or anything else they want.
And the best part? He's exploiting children who have been sexually abused in order to get it passed! Hooray for Lamar Smith, who has the balls to try and get something so thinly veiled passed under the radar.
I present to you, H.R. 1981.