Today I finally fought my first lich and it completely obliterated me. It was barely a fight. Although it didn't exactly help that right before meeting the lich, I got the shit beaten out of me by a Draugr Overlord. I'm starting to think that maybe using one-handed weapons and restoration is a bad idea since I'm not able to block.
Two handed weapons won't get you much luck either, it's pretty much hide behind a rock and smack it til it dies if you're having difficulty. My boyfriend's playing two-handed (unfortunately with no silly sneak-attacking orcs with battleaxes stuff like in the previous games!). He got his ass kicked by his first lich plenty... Though he had the misfortune of having a dragon to fight as well, getting blinded by its breath then having a 15 foot wide powered fireball to dodge.
I haven't had much chance to play because my boyfriend's playing lots, but I'm enjoying watching and he's loving it. I'm playing an Archer/Sword-n'-Board Khajiit, with a little bit of sneaky. He's playing a Nordic Tank, essentially. Heavy armour and big weapons and all. I envied his choice in doing this when I saw his character hop on the neck of a dragon and smash its brains in...
The scenery is amazing, and wandering isn't nearly as painful as it was from the little I experienced in Oblivion (which unfortunately killed my hard drive when I was just about to start playing through it properly). All of the player races look great except for the wood elves IMO.