It seems a lot of you are dismissing his arguments out of hand, which worries me slightly. You see, i wouldn't necessarily have a problem if you knew what he was saying and then countered with an argument suitably well crafted, but none of you are doing that (or at least the posts that i'm reading).
You're all seemingly jumping on the Pro-Muslim bandwagon, not dissimilar to the c*nts who marched through London waving banners saying 'We're all Hezbollah now!'.
Saying that, however, i haven't read the Koran, and thus know that any argument i put across isn't an informed one.
But, i have a few Muslim friends, and quite a few of them say Homosexuality isn't mentioned in the Koran as a bad thing that is punishable by death.
Still, interpretations and all.
"WWII isn't a joking matter"
How much money are you willing to put on that?
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.
"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud