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02-21-2007, 04:57 PM
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Meh, sorry for not posting this yesterday. I'm becoming a total lazy slob.

Chapter 7: Impossibility Alert
"Ahhhhh. Home at last." Mitsur sighed as OWF's building came into view. He was speeding across the hot, dry desert ground in a hover car, surrounded by similar vehicles transporting everyone back. His hair blew back in the wind, and Jordan honked his horn, which played La Cucaracha.

Finally, the huge group of vehicles reached the building, and they all settled to the ground, kicking up a huge cloud of dust. He was temporarily blinded, as was everyone else. Eventually, though, it settled, and Mitsur got out of his car. He walked up to the front door, and tried the door. Locked.


By now, all the other members had reached the door.

"What's going on?" Snuzi asked.

"I dunno," Mitsur said, "The doors are usually open all the time."

"Weird..." Splat remarked.

"Wait," Arxryl said, pointing. "Who's that behind the glass?"

"Who?" Mitsur said, cupping his hands around his eyes to see into the
building better. He could vaguely make out a grinning figure, with a jester's cap on. He groaned.

"Oh, great." He muttered.

"Wait, is that...Bullet Magnet?" Slaveless said, incredulous.

"Yeah...he must have run out of dried frog spleen again..." Mitsur said.

"Wonderful..." Statikk muttered. "Someone go get Alcar. He'll get them open."

"On it!" Munch said, and dashed off, but not before slamming into a wall. Twice.

"So....what now?" Dripik asked.

"I dunno," Mitsur replied. "I guess we just wait."

And wait they did. Time stretched on. The sun fell to the horizon. Bullet was checked on repeatedly, until they saw that he had apparently passed out onto the carpet. Then, every five minutes or so, they would scout the horizon for Alcar, or at least Munch. Finally, Havoc got up, and brushed himself off.

"Screw this," Havoc said. "I'm gonna go find them myself."

"Whatever," Rexy said, still sore about her bikini. Mitsur noticed she still ad it on. He'd lost interest, however by the fifth jumping jack.

Havoc ran off, and they all settled down to wait. Mitsur leaned his head against one of the stone pillars, covered himself in a blanket, and fell asleep. Everyone else found a spot to curl up on.


Sunlight flooded Mitsur's eyelids.

"Hmmm? Is it morning already?" He muttered. He opened his eyes. Rexy's face, huge because of it's close proximity, looked at him with interest. Behind her, Skillya, Queen, Stranger's Maid, and Ambi looked around her shoulder at him.


"Oh, come on. It wasn't that scary." She said impatiently, still staring at him intensely.

"What happened while I was asleep? And why are you all staring at me? Is their something on my face? Did my intense good looks finally get through to you all? And why aren't the doors open already? Is Bullet dead? Why am I asking you all these questions?"

Rexy blinked.

"Nothing, really. Er...I'll get back to you on that one. No, their's nothing on your face. No, they were never there in the first place. That's what we're looking at you for. No, he's eating pancakes right now. Because you're confused, apparently because this is the first time you've seen a female face when you've woken up. Oooooo, buuuurn!" She said, simultaneously answering all of his questions.

"Riiiiiiiiiight. So what do you want?"

"We want you to go look for Havoc and Munch. We don't know where they are."

"Why me? Why not Splat, or Rich, or Jordan, or Arx-" He was cut off as Rexy put a hand over his mouth.

"Just shut up. I don't know why we're sending you, but some higher being is making us make you go. Don't question the Great Cheese Llama."

"Wait, that religion was a joke I made u-"

"Silence, you fool! Just go!"

"Fine, fine. Whatever." Mitsur pushed himself up. "But really, why are all the female members here?"

"We thought that you might be pressured to act all brave and heroic in front of women."

"Eh. That works for me. See you guy-uh, girls-later hopefully."

"Buh-bye. Now go find them so I can get inside and serve my food." Rexy
said, waving half-heartedly, and turning away.

"And so I can go make more pretty art!" SM yelled.

"So I can go do...uh....whatever I usually do!" Skillya said.

"So I can go back to petting SeaRex!" Ambi cried.

"To eat pancakes!"

"Peanut butter jelly time!"
Mitsur kept walking, and crested the first dune. He looked into the distance, and turned around.

"Hey guys!" He yelled.

"WHAT?" Everyone else yelled back.

"I found them!"


"Yeah, come see!"

Everyone stampeded up the dune, and crested it. Everyone groaned when they saw what had happened.

Munch sat in the sand, counting out a wad of Monopoly money, while Havoc moved a pewter car around a board game of Monopoly, making vroom noises with his mouth. Alcar shook his hands together, and everyone heard the dice inside.

"Come on, come on! Daddy needs a new car!" He said, and threw down his dice. He moved his piece, and landed on chance, and then picked up a card.

"Woohoo! I got a get out of jail free card! Take that, bitch!" He yelled, and looked up. Munch and Havoc looked up, as well.

"Oh, hey guys!" Havoc said brightly, "Wanna play?"


After the massive beating of Havoc, Munch, and even Alcar, the doors were opened, and everyone finally stumbled into their beds, but not before waking up Bullet Magnet, giving him his meds, and then punching him hard enough to knock him out cold again.

"Wow..." Mitsur sighed. "What a day..."

"You're telling me," Statikk said, appearing behind him. "But at least I found an easy button, even if it doesn't work."

"Really? I've never seen one up close. Pull it out." Snuzi said, coming out of nowhere.

Statikk obliged, and took out a small, red button. However, the letters that spelled out EASY were not on it.

"Weird," Splat said, also coming out of nowhere. "Press it, let's see what happens!"

"Sure," Statikk said. His finger plunged toward the button.


Statikk's finger froze.

"What was that?" He said, confused.

"I dunno," Mitsur said. "Just press the button."

Statikk shrugged, and his finger resumed moving toward it.


"Okay, now it's clos-" Statikk was cut off as Havoc jumped out of nowhere and tackled him. The button was thrown into the air, and spun.

"Someone catch it! Don't let it press down!" Havoc yelled desperately. No one moved.

The button hit the ground, face down, and the button was pushed with a small click.

Mitsur felt as if someone had punched him in the stomach, and doubled over. He closed his eyes from pain.


After staying still for a few moments, Mitsur looked back up, and opened his eyes, and screamed.

"Jesus, that hu- HOLY MANGO WAFFLES!"

Mitsur had been transported to his worst nightmare.

He had entered the Pink Bunny Planet.


Dun dun duuuuuuuuun.

And so, the nefarious powers of the Impossibility Button begin their work. Will they reign unchecked? Who knows!

Anyways, generic sorry-for-taking-so-long and generic mistakes typing.


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02-21-2007, 05:28 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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[insert generic "that's okay" remark]

Heh, funny chapter! Monopoly money... Can I be the ironer? I love that little peice!

ahem, anyways... awesome chapter! and what happened to the rest of us when the impossibility button was pressed? We'll just have to wait and find out... dun dun duuuuuun! [-insert suspense filled silence here-]

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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02-21-2007, 06:30 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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Man, I had a lot of catching up to do...Brilliant as usual, sir, keep writing
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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02-22-2007, 02:16 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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Awesome chapter! Man, this is so random, I like it!
I can't wait for more, and to see what happens on Pink Bunny planet.
Find in the next episode of Dragon Ball- Erm, the Untold legend of the OWF. *Hem*
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02-22-2007, 02:33 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Huh. Very weird indeed. But good, even if Jordan did steal my horn. Grr. And I haven't been mentioned again. This makes me angry. I do not accept inadequacy.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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02-22-2007, 03:29 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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All Hail the Great Cheese Llama~!! *Bows down*

- Rexy

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02-22-2007, 04:00 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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*Spits cheese out of mouth* Oops...
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02-22-2007, 04:40 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Oh, that was too funny. Going pretty great. But how will we know if the bunnies won't kill Mitsur with their cuteness? I need more!!!

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02-22-2007, 12:18 PM
Splat's Avatar
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Evil button...
I'm also intrigued, what did happen to the rest of us? I mean, I was there too! I have self-interest in this! I don't wanna get sent into my worst nightmare, whatever that may be...
Whatever, I'm sure you'll think of something funny. Good chapter.

Ooh, if it did teleport everyone present to their worst nightmare I wonder what Havoc will be wearing when he wakes up? Hehehehe, maybe our campaign wasn't a total failure after all.

EDIT: just had a really creepy thought. If all the members had gone to their beds what were Mitsur and Statikk doing in the same room?
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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02-22-2007, 01:05 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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When I asked you to put me on medication last night... man, you went the other way. I demand lucidity! It is my right as a fictional character!

If all the members had gone to their beds what were Mitsur and Statikk doing in the same room?
Shh! That's a new plot-twist. Let Mitsur play out his fantasies as a character insertion in peace!
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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02-22-2007, 08:07 PM
scrab queen's Avatar
scrab queen
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scrab queen  (85)

Damn. My concience keeps on telling me to complain to make this an RPG! get out of my head dairy bastard! I will not take orders from a cookie! I live off of randomness! I know the screaming intern! What a great story! Now pardon me while I burst into flames! wow that hurt! I love this show! metroid boogy doog! Pull my claw! the lord of the metroids: the two metroids! all anit-climaxis in plots welcome! a subsidiary of megadeathkill since two seconds ago! How many licks does it take to get to the center of a metroid?! I also hate pink bunny land, I think it's nickname is PBS kids! (continues to yell random things)
More story please. And more me diologue.

Last edited by Splat; 02-24-2007 at 09:14 AM..
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02-23-2007, 09:50 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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scrab queen, have you considered therapy?

Great chapter mitsur. First off, I was in it, woo me. Second, MONOPOLY! Yeah! Great, totally random thing to throw in to the chapter. Finally, pink bunny planet? I don't know whether to laugh or be terrified. I'm looking forward to the next chapter mitsur.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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02-24-2007, 09:15 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Actually that RPG thing is not at all a bad idea...

In fact, I think it's a... kinda... ace idea...
If people agree we could start an untold legend RPG in NOA&L.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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02-24-2007, 11:51 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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That sounds like a great idea splat! I'd join!
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02-24-2007, 12:20 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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I'd hit that- I mean, join that! Sounds great!

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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02-24-2007, 07:45 PM
scrab queen's Avatar
scrab queen
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Whoo yeah! whoo- wait. Crap. The dairy bastard and the talking cookie won! that means...OH NO! Holy cheese llama I have defiled you! Please forgive me! I shall now spontaniously combust into a pile of flaming cheese while I join the RPG. My keyboard will suffer a cheesy death.

Also, I have made a sketch of havoc in his normal clothes (instead of the tiger costume). I still need to finish it, cause I suck at hair and eyes.
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02-25-2007, 09:19 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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I'd be happy to see an RPG of this happen. Sounds a lot of fun.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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02-25-2007, 05:15 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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Don't we already live in it?
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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02-25-2007, 10:20 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
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I see references from discworld in there

Waffles was likely to be from me, but if it's not, which is prolly right, then i have misjudged your ability to say waffles.

Lol great chapter!
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

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02-27-2007, 06:18 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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Geez, I'm wiped today. My arm hurts, my back hurts, and it's about 8:30 right now.

I'm really sorry, but, like before, I'm going to have to delay even more. Expect a new chapter..uh...thursday? I have baseball tryouts on wensday, at 5:30, so I'll probably be tired, but I might be able to do this.

Note that I have not been lazy! I've been trying to figure out a way to make Evil Pink Bunny World justice, but nothing's really clicked yet.



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03-01-2007, 12:31 AM
Strike Witch's Avatar
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Can I be there for no apparent reason?

I'm erratic in my dimensional lucidity, you know.
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03-02-2007, 08:00 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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I realize I have overshot my goal. Again.

Ok, ok. Go ahead and launch the Cool-Whip cannons. I deserve it.

Lemme just get down to the chapter.

Now, prepare to enter:



Chapter 8: Not-So-Fantasy Land

"Hi! What's your name?"

Mitsur looked down, and saw a cute, pink, cartoony-looking rabbit. Horrified, he saw that it had a crimson ribbon in it's hair. Still, it seemed vaguely familiar-looking to him. Mitsur thought hard, but he couldn't come up with anything.

"U-uh. M-m-mitsur." He stuttered. Suddenly he realized where he had seen it before, and calmed. This place could actually end up awesome. "Do you have any friends?"

The rabbit smiled. "Of course I do, silly! I have lotsa friends! We even call ourselves a club name!"

"What name would that be?" He inquired.

"Happy tree friends!" It said, giggling. "Although we do get hurt a lot, it's very fun! We want you to play with us!"

Mitsur's blood went cold. Things could get very ugly, very fast.

"Uh, I'll have to pa-" He started, but was cut off as the bunny, still smiling, took out an AK-47 and aimed it at his heart with one hand.

"Pwese. I insist. We insist." The sinister evil rabbit said, still looking cute and adorable. Mitsur stood perfectly still.

Holy shit. They can make an awesome thing into my worst nightmare. That button must be strong. At least as strong as Chuck Norris. Mitsur thought distantly, as he was dragged along by what looking like an adorable bunny, but was actually Satan incarnate. The AK-47 was still aimed at his heart, and Mitsur realized he had to do something before he met Flippy.

"Hey, look! Cake!" Mitsur shouted, and flung out an arm. The bunny quickly turned, but it was not quick enough. Mitsur lunged for the gun, and wrapped both his arms around it, and gave a mighty tug.

The bunny, incredibly, hung on. They rolled, wrestling for the gun. Both resorted to kicking and biting.

"Shit, you're strong," Mitsur panted. "How'd you get this tough by dying all the time?"

The bunny didn't answer. She grabbed the gun, and with a titanic effort, wrenched it from Mitsur's hands.

Mitsur felt cold fear come on as the bunny cocked the AK-47. He desperately searched his mind for a way out, and he realized he could use his knowledge of them to win.

"Wait!" He said, holding up a hand. "I just have one more request!"

The bunny didn't lower the gun, but stopped all the same. "What?"

"I...I need you to mail this letter to my mom for me." Mitsur dug in his pockets, and a envelope spontaneously appeared. He dug out a piece of old homework, pretended to sign his name on it with a stub of pencil he also had, and stuffed it into the envelope.

"Please, seal it and send it when you can," He said desperately. The bunny nodded, and put the edge of the envelope near her tongue, and swiped.

Silence reigned for a few moments. Time stood still.

"Oh, you bahtud." The bunny said, and her tongue fell to the ground, sliced in half.

Blood began to gush, horribly graphic. Mitsur tugged the gun away from the already paling rabbit, and turned away, shivering with a mix of disgust and awful glee he always felt watching the videos.

The rabbit's tongue hit the ground, still bleeding horribly. She was dead. Mitsur shot her in the head, to make sure. He checked the clip, and, satisfied it was full, moved toward the area the bunny had been dragging him.

He moved slowly, but still quickly arrived at a copse of tree around a camp fire. Around it were gathered the Cult of Happy Tree Friends.

Mitsur took a deep breath, ad raised the gun. His aim settled on the green squirrel first, because he had seen what could happen when battle began around it.

He tensed on the trigger, and fired as a deafening explosion rocked the trees.

A three round burst caught the green squirrel in the face, and it flew back, twenty feet, before the rest could jump to their feet.

Mitsur looked up, his face a mix of disbelief as the sky seemed to rip in two.

Splat, Havoc, Al, and Ghost jumped through the hole. Mitsur saw what looked vaguely like a Star Craft map in the hole before it healed over itself.

Splat wore his trench coat, Havoc a black and orange striped shirt, Al with regular clothes, and Ghost with a Star Craft-type outfit.

The four landed square in the middle of the creatures, and opened fire with pistols, Uzis, and even a flachette rifle.

The cute animals were dead in seconds, cartoony gore and blood everywhere. Mitsur slowly walked out of the trees, the AK-47 unused.

"Where the hell did you guys come from?" Mitsur asked, shouldering his weapon. Havoc jogged up, Splat, Ghost, and Al close behind.

"Glad to see you're still alive. Icono was dead when we found him. Shame. He could've been a good member." Havoc said, shaking his head slightly. Ghost spoke.

"We've been going through this paradise-nightmares, looking for people. At least, that's what Havoc calls them. He says that the impossibility button- that's what that red button was- sent everyone in range into these paradise-nightmares."

"The problem is," Splat added, "Is that we don't know what the range is. It could be the whole forum, a hallway, or maybe only your room. So we have to keep breaking though and saving people."

"How are you breaking through, anyway?" Mitsur asked.

"I made it. My paradise-nightmare included a tech lab. I started building the breaker as soon as my female friends kept showing hairy legs and armpits. It had to be fake; they're hot in real life." Al replied.

Mitsur nodded. College girls were always either beautiful or an agony to look at. At least, that's what his friends told him.

"Let's get going," Mitsur said. He gestured to the dead bodies of the animals. "Strip them for gear first. These things were planning to kill me. They must have something serious on them."

They searched what was left of the bodies, and found a pair of grenades, a machete, and some assorted pistols. Mitsur strapped some of the weapons on, and Ghost forgo-ed it all for the machete. He just smiled when they asked what use a machete would be.

"Open it up, Al." Splat said. Al took out a small, metal ball. He aimed it at the sky, and depressed a small button at the top.

The ball instantly changed into what looked like a Sentinel Gun from Halo 2, transformers-style. It fired a blue beam at the sky, and it ripped apart.

All five jumped through without hesitation.

"Wait a sec," Mitsur said as they sprung more than twenty stories up. "Aren't we defying physics by jumping this high? And how come Al was able to make a dimension shearing machine in a tech la-"

"Shut up. It's called artistic license." Al said, elbowing him.

They flew through the rip in the sky, and landed neatly on the other side.

Blue skys, sunlight, and green grass greeted them. OWF stood shining magnificently in the sun.

"We made it out! Good job, guys!" Splat said, turning for high-fives.

"I don't think so," Ghost said, pointing. "How do you explain those guys?"

A vast mass of fat, pimply, drooling boys surrounded someone in the middle of the crowd. Each of them were moaning, and it sounded sinister.

"What are they crowding around?" Al said, standing on tip-toes and trying to look over the crowd.

"I think..." Havoc began, then he went white. He turned to Ghost, who was already fading out. Mitsur realized with chilling certainty what the machete was for.

A slight gap appeared in the sweaty mass of men, and quickly closed over as Ghost made his way to the center. They waited for a few moment, and screams came from the center as the boys were hacked back.

Havoc, Splat, Mitsur, and Al quickly pushed, elbowed, and even kicked their way to the middle.

Ghost stood, a wild look in his eyes as he brandished a bloody machete to the fatties, with some laying at his feet, dead.

He was protecting a very frightened-looking Skillya, who apparently had been forced into wearing a sheer cocktail dress.

"So that's what they were drooling over." Al said. "Understandable."

Mitsur came forward, and held out his hand. "Come on," he said. "Let's get you out of here."

Havoc rolled his eyes at the obvious attempt at being heroic, which was further diluted by Skillya smacking Mitsur on the face.

"Let Ghost do it. He saved me."

Ghost took Skillya's arm, and they retreated into the building. Mitsur and Co. backed slowly away into the building, watching the fat people groan in disappointment. They securely shut the doors behind them, and shivered as the fatties quickly pushed against the glass.

Mitsur pulled up a few chairs, and the next few minutes were used to tell Skillya everything that had happened.

"Well, you go get changed," Splat said. "I'll go find some stu-"

"No need," Havoc said, standing up, arms outstretched. He grasped the collar of the cocktail dress, and pulled.

Mitsur gasped, and turned around, covering his eyes to protect Skillya's modesty, while secretly taking a picture with his cell phone. But Skillya, while at first giving out a squeak, didn't say otherwise.

Mitsur slowly turned around, and saw that Skillya had a T-shirt and jeans on. Mitsur looked stupidly at her.

"How'd that work?" He said, still stupidly.

"Well, I figured it out that you can't take your clothes off in paradise-nightmare land." Havoc said.

"Dare I ask you how you figured this out?" Splat asked.

"Uh, best not to talk about. Let me just say that my....inability to remove my clothes in a zoo convinced me it was a nightmare, instead of a paradise." Havoc said, blushing.

"Well," Al said, "Let's get going. I dunno how many more people we have to save, so we better go quick."

Ghost looked disappointed to have to stop holding Skillya's hand, but stood up all the same.

Al aimed the dimension-shredder, ripped a hole, and they all jumped through....

...And landed straight into the middle of a white room with TV monitors all around them, displaying various angles of them.

Splat went pale.

"Al, fire it up again. We're in my paradise-nightmare again. We have to leave, now."

"I can't!" Al said, frustrated. He shook the device. "It still has to cool down!"

"What? What's happening?" Mitsur said, looking back and forth desperately.

"Have you ever seen the last Matrix movie?" Havoc asked him, raising his gun and aiming all around.

"Yeah, it was total shit, with all the Agent Smi-"

"Oh." Skillya said in small voice.

"Damn." Ghost said.

Splat slapped a pistol into Skillya's hand, along with a few clips.

"You might need these." He said. "I don't know how long Al will take."

Skillya nodded, and loaded it as if she had used one her whole life.

The walls started to shake. A few TVs fell to the ground and broke.

"Hold on a sec," Havoc said. "How come we're in a Matrix paradise-nightmare? I thought you were obsessed with 007."

"Uh," Splat said. "I kinda lost interest. I started to like-"

"No way," Mitsur said. He ripped off Splat's trench coat, and saw the leather and spandex clothes.

"Great..." Al said, still fiddling with the dimension-shredder. The walls kept shaking, and they began to break inward. A hand clawed through the gap. More TVs broke.

"Come on, you have to make that go faster, Al!" Mitsur said, firing at the hand. It was pulled back. "We can't fight off Smiths, we're not some stupid Kung-Fu Keanu Reeves!"

"I've got it!" Al yelled, and fired. The hole appeared, and they ran for it as the walls broke and thousands of Agents poured into the room.

They jumped, and landed hard onto the ground.

"Oof." They all grunted. They pulled themselves up, as the tear began to heal.

"Nnnnn!" Mitsur pulled a face at the Smiths. Havoc turned around and bent over, and Splat flipped the bird.

"Sooooo....where are we, exactly?" Skillya asked behind them.

Mitsur turned around. He was dumbfounded.

"I'm...not really sure."

In front of them, OWF stretched on infinitively, and was made of solid gold. A diamond pyramid stood in the back, and everything was made of valuable gems and metals.

"I think this is a forum's admin's wet dream." Splat said distantly.

"That means one person, you know. And it can't be her. She's gone." Ghost said, fading back in.

They all looked at each other.



Oooo, suspense!

Well, there will be only one more chapter in this OWF - The Untold Legend installment.

What will happen? Even I don't know!


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03-02-2007, 10:50 PM
Clakker Store Clerk
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Darn you with your little cliff hangers!
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03-03-2007, 12:40 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Paradise-nightmare, hey? Hmm...
Halo 2... on legendary... in a hallway covered by sniper-jackals... with only an SMG...
An interesting concept, to be sure. Real funny, too.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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03-03-2007, 12:49 AM
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Ooh, big gold OWF...
Wierd, I never actually saw the third Matrix. I just got bored of the thing after they gave up on the plot and filled in the space with explosions and guns and the like.
Ah well, a fairly good chapter, though I thought myself that it lacked in humour and went a bit over the top with all the violence and blood and stuff.

I can see some interesting possibilities with n00bs...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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03-03-2007, 01:03 AM
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Uh...I'm not into Starcraft. Or Machetes..or ghosts...

XP I'm more of a Transformers guy.

But that was still hella cool.
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03-03-2007, 02:34 AM
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Happy tree friends!! I love that so much! Nice cameo Mitsur!
Ooh, I wonder what that golden OWF is all about? Maybe we'll all start living a rich life? Or maybe it's secretely an enemy base of n00bs?
Great suspence there, I can't wait for the final chapter!
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03-03-2007, 10:41 AM
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Awesome! Great chapter! I cannot wait to read more of this.... I wonder what my paradise nightmare would be.... Oh wait. I know...

I thought that all the action was a good addition! very intruiging!

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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03-03-2007, 11:36 AM
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Very action-packed chapter, which makes a nice change. I liked the HTF and Matrix references. I actually enjoyed the 3rd Matrix film, even though it was the weakest of the 3 and kind of convoluted some of the plot. Good chapter, and good cliffhanger. More. Now.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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03-04-2007, 09:28 AM
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What the other guy said. And make my armor black for godsakes, I hate pink.
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