Okay, Mitsur, I've changed my mind. I've decided that I don't want my OddjobAbe signature to be a cheesy looking piece of crap as I and God intended - I want it to look good. No-one seems to like crap attempts that are supposed to look shite anymore, so I need
you *points* to fix it. Okay, here we go:
Type: Signature
Main text: OddjobAbe
Subtext: He who knows all and best
Font (main text): Oddfont (light green)
Font (subtext): Oddfont. (Red) Please place below the main text. Please make it a lot smaller than the main text, but readable.
http://www.cf-network.com/cfan/IMG/arton88.jpg (to the right)
http://www.gameland.ru/magazine/si/2...nchCG-path.jpg (to the left) But crop it so that only Abe's torso and head is visible.
In the middle, I would like:
http://www.straipsniai.lt/news/image...tants_logo.jpg Please remove the black if you can.
Theme: None in particular
Additional effects: Please add a sort of 'white light' in the middle to bridge the gap between Abe and Munch, and to distinguish the OWI logo, a bit like you did with the 'SamBeckett94' sig, that bit of white light that kept the whole image in tact (by the way, that was great).
If this is too hard to make, simplify it for yourself so it's not too hard to make. Don't want to gove you somthing impossible!
Please tell me if my instructions are too complex or if I'm babbling in the instructions.
Would be appreciated. Thank you.