Here's one. In MO, many Glukkon offices (like the windmill temple) had a dart board with a picture of Abe pinned to it, a nice touch, but the rooms always say "Private" or "no entry". How then did the darts get on the board? what possible use could a Glukkon have for a dart board?
Just because it says no entry, isn't to say Sligs weren't the ones who put the office together. Glukkons aren't capable of manual labor. Also, the glukkons could be violenty spitting the darts at Abe's mug.
Or, in a more likely endeavor, OWI added it for fun and didn't take the time to read into the complications of how a glukkon can throw darts - because it doesn't really matter. Just like the Meep Ranch, the Pud's chalk board clearly displayed the equation as to how Meeps make moolah (as well as a marginal message displaying his dislike of Munch). How did the Pud write with chalk? Who cares?