Thank you all for using my cheat!
For Alex only...you wont understand this...only wierd and odd ppl like us can understand : Ba frate , nu te mai tot da asa mare ca nu tu ai cautat -ddcheat-ul in hex. ...si noi stim sa folosim google asa ca stai calm...deaia nu te place Jordan_Boi , faci prea mult SPAM...whatever , take care !
It seems that AO has another command line named "-it_is_me_your_father". I have NO IDEA what it does, but you can find it after hex editing oddysee.exe.
Well ...it gives me a theory...but nvm...
oops... I dont know why, but I still thought you were talking about exoddus Im stupid..
I found it (offset 0CD908). I'm gonna test it in the nearest future.
So...what does it do anyway?
Yes, it does. There are areas near the exit to the Stockyard that were cut and someone found them and posted screenshots. It was really interesting actually.
Can you give us the link to the screenshots , Jordan?
Now this is cool...thanks for posting it ! I will be on my way soon the test that on the game
That kind of Movie will take ages to load and see!
If you have a bad internet connection , yes...but if you mean all the game? In case you dint knew...YouTube is only allowing 10:00 Mins * at least thats what the rules said* and you can make the walkthrough in parts...and if you ment that the movie will take alot of time becaus of the gameplay? Be sure to check the AO walkthrough and you will see that people are only showing the secret area map...and then he kills himself >:3
P.S ...-ddcheat helps...but be sure to stop the SPAM alright? Your kind of annoying ! Take care guys and stay ODD X3