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08-10-2010, 06:33 AM
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OOC@ Yey finally some posting, I wanted to wait Alex to see if anyone else would post.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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08-13-2010, 06:28 PM
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Latamire Munch
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Personality:Hallona has a strong sense of justice but she has to take risks to in order to gain anything in life, she is different for a Slig though still has the stamina and patients of a regular working-class Slig
Appearance:Hallona is a light green and wears a mask around her eyes. Hallona's legs are rusted and they creak whenever she walks they are falling to pieces and they could snap and break at any minute.
Equipment(Optional):Hallona carries a outlaw rifle in her right hand at all times (which rarely ever carries any bullets). Hallona has a small brown bag she carries with her where ever she goes, all she carries in the bag is a slig toy which she found and she keeps it in the bag to avoid embaressment.
History:Hallona was born around the destruction of Rupture Farms, this means that she is an orphan and had no one to care for her, Hallona had to live in the destroyed Rupture Farms by her self and she had to eat anything she finds and this was a difficult job with no legs. When Hallona reached the age of 11 she discovered a broken Slig doll in a small brown bag along with some legs that are not in good shape at all. When Hallona reached 13 she started wandering from the wreckage she used to call home, Hallona visited a small town and witnessed a robbery involving some outlaws and bandits, Hallona didn't want to help the robbers but if she wanted something to live for and people to like her she needed to. At age sixteen Hallona survives with all the outlaws but she is still not respected but she has to be thankful for the outlaws at least feeding herand taking her in and giving her a weapon, despite it hardly ever containing any ammunition.
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08-14-2010, 12:19 AM
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OOC: I think we need some IC responses from Chronicler and Scrabtrapman.

I stream games and art now!

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08-14-2010, 11:39 AM
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Latamire Munch
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Hallona strolled her way in to the restaurant, she could see some strange characters in there though she thought they were not quite as strange as herself. Hallona sighed and then trudged to a small corner table which was darkly lit. Hallona placed her brown bag under the table, after that she picked up the restraunt menu and started to read it.
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08-15-2010, 05:27 AM
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OOC: I don't know Alex, I don't see the point, this'n here thread has pretty much fizzled out.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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08-17-2010, 11:10 PM
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OOC: But what happened? We were having some fun with traps and magic, then we went to a restaurant and suddenly everything stopped. I'm not giving up.

Let's just fast forward to after our meal.

IC: Athena smiled, her food was excellent and she had a really nice time. "Come on guys, let's go and show those outlaws who's boss!" Athena stood up and waited for the others to leave the restaurant.

As soon as they left, they heard a public service announcement about outlaws appearing on the horizon. "Excellent", Athena said.

I stream games and art now!

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08-19-2010, 03:03 PM
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Koimo leaned back on his chair after finishing his meal and gave a small groan. "Wow that was a lot of food" he said rubbing his stomach, there was so much food served on his plate that he had just barely managed to eat it all. "Y-yeah, we can't let them ruin this town too."He said in reply to Athena. Koimo of course was still doubtfull that he could be of much help, since a Grubb doesn't really stand a chance against a single Outlaw, Let alone a gang.

Koimo began to make his way with everyone else out of the restaurant when he noticed a Slig sitting alone in a corner. He gave a smile and a nod of his hat out of politeness and left.

The announcement sounded warning that the Outlaws were approaching. Koimo then realised that now the real danger was coming but this time he wasn't going to run away.

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08-20-2010, 10:32 AM
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OOC: Well if it has perked up, why the hell not.

IC: Carbide smiled under his tentacles and groaned as the full extent of what he had eaten affected him. He felt heavier than he did before. Damn that was good. He noticed the distaste about the outlaws, God, these grubbs didn't like any industrialists did they. then he realised his link with the mines. Maybe he could put himself to good use as a force of goodness.
"You need weapons? I got weapons enough to blow this whole area the fuck up!"
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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08-20-2010, 02:06 PM
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Latamire Munch
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Hallona smiled softly Moimo tipped his hat. After that Hallona overheared a conversation of weapons then wondered wheather or not she should ask for rifle ammo since her weapon never contains any.

OOC: Sorry about the short reply
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08-27-2010, 01:56 PM
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slig# 5719
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Chronicler, where art thou?

Koimo stood beside the others outside the restaurant. "I don't know anything about weapons" he admitted. "If we resist now...the Outlaws will probably..." he sighed and tried to keep his voice calm, the sight of his burning village was stuck in his mind. "This might be "it" as the say, I suppose I don't need to tell you I'm scared." he said and paused for a moment, he looked at his right hand and clicked his fingers releasing a very small amount of blue smoke "I may be new at this stuff, but I'll do my best."

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Last edited by slig# 5719; 08-27-2010 at 03:35 PM..
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08-31-2010, 12:08 PM
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IC: Athena looked around and found a suitably large metallic crate. She stood behind it and used it as a hidey-hole. "Perfect, I can take some good shots from this location and remain safe"

I stream games and art now!

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09-28-2010, 07:21 PM
pointblanc-slig's Avatar
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Name: Zed
Species: Slig
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Position: Outlaw
Personality: quiet, armed and deadly
Appearance: A bit skinny then most sligs and got his legs changed so it doesen't make the whirring noise when he walks he is also always covered in dark shadowy clothes
Equipment: His lucky knife, needles, a small gun and his dark shadowy cloak
History: (this is going to work with my fanfiction so ignore it) After the meat grinder accident with his dad he went evil and joined a group of outlaws

Please read my fanfiction Boddy cream
And check out drawings in "some art" in non oddworld art and literature


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10-11-2010, 02:54 PM
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That was fun

I stream games and art now!

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11-10-2010, 01:24 PM
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I'm bringing this thread back alive.

Name: Crox
Species: Mudokon
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Position: Outlaw, Rogue Mudokon
Personality: Crox is mad about his family dead, he is never happy anymore. He kills anything that opposes him. Even his own kind.
Appearance: Grey, but is not blind. Red streak of hair, and
Equipment(Optional): Crox carries a soulstorm brew baton (or rather a regular baton, but is pasted with a soulstorm brew sticker.) a backpack carrying his food and a slingshot.
History: Crox was born in a tribal family. The industrial glukkons raided their tribe, Arroya. Crox was young, he doesn't remember much. Crox grew up to be a slave. With some of his tribal heritage. Crox left Rupture Farms before it exploded. Crox seeked out his tribe, looking for any survivors. The only thing he found was a staff. Crox went back to Rupture Farms, not knowing the explosion. When he got there, he was upset that he could not avenge his family and tribe. He infiltrated Soulstorm Brew, hoping that he would destroy Soulstorm Brew himself. Though it was too late. When he reached FeeCo. Depot. It was destroyed by Abe already. Being even more upset, he went rogue, he went to the mountains and made a living out of it. Though he never forgets his quest to get revenge.
War....war never changes...

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11-10-2010, 03:38 PM
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You can't just bring back a dead RP. This thread has been dead for a long time, it's not coming back. Also without Chroniclar, the story won't go very far.

Last edited by mr.odd; 11-10-2010 at 03:55 PM..
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11-10-2010, 05:40 PM
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The Master
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Well, I was lookin forward to RPing...I've been doing it in a few forums. Oddworld appears much more to me though. I'm off to another thread.
War....war never changes...

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