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01-25-2002, 08:34 PM
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"I'd look for it, but look. . ." Blue goes over to Dementas body. "Am I seeing things, or is Dementa moving again?" She crouches down next to her. "Dementa?"
- DH

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01-25-2002, 10:22 PM
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At first there was no response. But then there was a faint moan and Dementa moved.
She sat up in a kneeling postion, groggy and mildly disoriented. She looked like she was just waking up from a long nap rather then raising from the dead.
Dementa shook her head and took a deep breath, getting used to having all her senses again.
"Morning." she said with a smile, "Did I miss anything?" She saw a bunch of surprised faces. "What? I said I would be back..." She shrugged, sheepishly. Then took Svag's cloak and handed it back to him.
"This is yours I believe..."
It was then that they all noticed...her injuried were completely healed and not even a scar was left...

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01-26-2002, 01:39 AM
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Svag nodded as he took back his cloak. It was unbelievable. Dementa was back, and in perfect condition; not even a scratch. It was almost as if this was an entirley different drakkic. Something did seem different about her, though. But Svag couldn't put his finger on it.

Svag dcided to go back up to where he found the Veltronix carcass with Raznet's mask to look for his armor. Why would the Veltronix take Raznet's armor, but leave him unharmed? Svag wondered as he followed the smell of rotting flesh to the bodies.
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01-26-2002, 08:36 PM
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"Wow." Blue said. "So thats what you meant." Blue looks over to Svag, who had just walked off. Maybe we ought to go help him. The Veltronix took the cyborgs armour, and we have to find it.
- DH

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01-28-2002, 08:49 PM
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"ah...yes prefect"kishkol wispered to himself after he had gotten raznets amour into a cave"this will work exlently now all i need is for a pod to come pick me up"he wispered. he took ou his cell phone and dialed.*ring* *ring*"hello vikker labs who is this?"a scrub said"this is kishkol may i speek to rag the capten of the lander crew"he said"just a moment"said the scrub.rag got on"hello"he said"i found him"kishkol said"great did you kill him"rag said"no,not yet i have his amour but i lost the mask to a critter that was around raznet when i tryed to get it,can you send a pod to pick me up?"kish said"sure,uh...were are you anyway?"rag asked"in the forest ill set up a becon so you can find me easyer"he said"ok thaks im preping a pod right now"he said"bye"
"bye" kish turned the phone off and sliped it into his poket this is going great! he thought now all i need to do is get out of this odd forsaken forest and the 500,000 moolah is mine! .....
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01-29-2002, 11:34 PM
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oddite4456  (10)

(OOC- Sorry, guys, I'm grounded and won't be able to get online the rest of this week. Let's have Svag wonder off or something, alright?)
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01-30-2002, 12:00 AM
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(ooc: sorry to hear that dude...Fraid I am a bit RP dead on this one anyway...*sigh*)

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01-30-2002, 08:47 PM
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(OOC: What were you grounded for? Oh well, my sympathies are with you. I might have to get Blue out of this scene soon.)
- DH

[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: Dark Hood ]

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01-31-2002, 06:37 PM
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(er....i dont know what to do! i need some one to post some'm so i can make the next move becuse i will never post twice in a row in rp!)
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02-04-2002, 01:13 AM
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(OOC DH-My friend missed his bus so I let him ride mine home; but my mom thought I planned it! In any case, I'm back on.)

Svag walked farther and farther, vigourusly searching for Raznet's armor. As hard as he looked, he could not locate the cyborg's armor anywhere. He felt a strange jostle from his mechanical pants ang glanced at the gauge to see that he was very low on fuel. Crap!, he thought as he saw that he was a considerable distance from the rest of the group. I hope I have enough gas to get back on, he said to himself as he turned to walk back to the others; trying as hard as he could to conserve motion...
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02-04-2002, 07:49 PM
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(yah time to cont.)

raznet was resting when he herd the sounds of jets.then he saw a black dot land out some werevikkers with a pod better go check it out....wait i dont have any weapons he looked around he saw a assult rifle in one of the sligs hands this will have to do he ran over and grabed it a started off twards were it had landed


the pod landed near kishkol"great now i can get out of here." raznet got down in the bushes to see what they were doing kishkol? he thought whats he doing here and why dos he have MY amour? kishkol begain to bord the craft not so fast! he jumped out and begain opening fire at kish and the pod "ahh!" kish yelled as a bullit almost hit him in the head"take off take off!"he jumped on but droped raznets amour"CRAP!!"raznet ran over and grabed it now to get back to camp he ran a good speed and got back "well that sloves that problem" then he heard the sound of rustling bushes behind him.....
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02-10-2002, 07:14 PM
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Camo *grin*

What was that? Dementa thought as she heard gun shots echo through the forest. She was about to go investagate when something caught her eye. She turned around and gasped.
There in a tree, an evil malicious grin on its face, was what looked like another drakkic...only there were things wrong...things that didn't seem right with it. It was blood red in color...and had rows of spines down its back.
There is no such thing as a red drakkic...or a drakkic with spines! she thought, angry.
"What sort of mockery is this!" Dementa growled, "Who are you! And why do have a shape that mocks my people!"
"Me? Mock?" the creature said, slyly, "I do apologize...I don't believe my creator had to intention of mocking your 'people'...."
Dementa didn't say anything...she just growled, her tail tip twitching.
"Mad are we? " the creature said, amused, "So sorry...you really should control your temper...you know what they say about anger clouding the mind..."
"Who are you..." Dementa asked again, still growling, "Why were you created to mock the appearence of my people!?"
The creature chuckled, "To find out...you would have to ask my creator...but there is one problem...he's dead...and I killed him." He laughed, "as for my name...they call me Malice... What about you?"
"I will not give my name to the likes of you..."
"Humph...so..you say I mock your people...yet I hardly look anything like you...save for our heads..."
"That's because I no longer look like what I once was..." Dementa sneered, "I was cursed by a sorceress years ago."
"Oooo nasty..." Malice said sarcasticly, "Perhaps I can..relieve you of your curse..." Malice grinned again, his eyes narrowed and full of malicious intent.
"Try it..." Dementa growled, going into a threatening posture, "Just try it..."
Malice looked like he was ready to pouce..but he looked up sharply and bolted, disappearing into the forest.
"COWARD!!!!" Dementa howled after him, but kept herself from chasing him....

(ooc: Mal ain't coming back into this topic...so don't bother trying to 'kill' him...just could resist putting him in here for a post. *grin*)

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02-22-2002, 07:40 PM
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back form va ca

Raznet heard some one yell someting "huh?" he cocked the gun and went in the direction of the sound he turned the corner and found the drikkin(its dem i cant spell her name) "hey why do you look so angry?" he said..........
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02-25-2002, 05:40 PM
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Dementa glanced back at the cyborg briefly before staring back at where Malice was.
"Met a mockery...A MOCKERY of my people!" she growled, her whole body tense with rage and her tail tip twitch, "A crossbreed that looks like as I once was!"

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03-05-2002, 01:00 AM
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oddite4456  (10)

OOC-(Ok, I'm really sorry I've been gone so long, my computer messed up BAD. My Uncle got me some cheap, substandard parts to use for now. It's running really slow now but at least it's running. I'm getting a new computer soon, anyway.)

(Svag has passed out for a while)

Svag got up from the ground. The air around him seemed unusually cold. He felt unsure on his legs, as if he was learning to use his mechanical pants all over again. He thought he heard voices from somewhere in the distance, so he went toward them. As he approached the area, he saw what appeared to be Dementa, but before he could walk over to her A tremendous pain in his head made him bend over in agony. As he hunched over, what he saw made him stare in horror. In place of his mechanical legs were two organic legs. They were n the same shape as his artificial legs, but were thicker, and covered in a coarse, brown hair. At the ends of his legs were onyx black hooves.

His head still hurt. Svag stuggled to try and keep his sense of direction, but it raveled out of reach and he could not tell if he was spinning at 1,000 kph or being pefectly still. His confusion was quickly ended as his consciousness eluded him, as well...
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03-05-2002, 01:08 PM
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OOC: I am guessing Svag really did grow new legs...then went unconscious. If I am wrong let me know and I'll edit this...

Dementa was still fuming about the red crossbreed and she was trying to calm herself down, but it was hard. She wanted to kill that crossbreed, that mockery of her race. Never before had she wanted to kill someone so badly (other then the one that cursed her...).
I should have gone after that bastard...I should have...eh? Dementa suddenly snapped out of her rage and looked behind her. A breeze had come up, faint but there, and it carried a familiar scent. Svag?
She sniffed the air curiously, the scent was very much like Svag's...but it had lost the normal industrial 'aftertaste' she was used to detecting off of sligs.
He must have lost his pants somehow... she thought as she set off, following the scent. And like most sligs I've known...he'll be helpless without them. Remembering the Raznet she stopped and turned toward him.
"Come on...Svag needs help." she said before starting off again.

It didn't take long to find him, and Dementa was shocked at what she saw.
What the...how the heck did he grow new legs!? she thought puzzled as she knelt down beside him. He was unconscious, most likely due to the pain from growing the legs she guessed. Taking off her cape, she wrapped Svag up in it and gently lifted him up in her arms.
"Let's get back to camp Raznet." she said and start off again.

OOC: Hey DH you lazy bum! When are you going to get back in here!?
Also...since the Malice plot is almost over (finally), I'll be needing to take Dementa out of this one soon, you are all welcome to join into the new plot.

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03-05-2002, 05:55 PM
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"hmm this is strage......i've never seen something evolve over a preiod of time so quickly.......well exsept for my slef" he looked over at dementa "are you ok?" he said "becuse the "mockery you speak of i have plenty of me" she looked at him stragely as if to say "theres more of you?" he looked back and replied " oh yes the vikkers have been makeing copies of me since i escaped..well the copies of me are loyal to the vikkers" he paused "well there was one who was created as my brother.....his name was Necross sort of a evil twin" he looked up into the sky for a moment then back at Dementa "i quite hungry....once i'm done finding the source of the legs mabey we could find some thing to eat....altho i dont totaly remeber how to eat....snice i escaped the vikkers the food suply in my amuor has been keeping me alive"......

(sory ive been sic traked lately and forgot about the topic)
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03-05-2002, 08:27 PM
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(OOC: Sorry, I've kind of lost track of the situation. I have been keeping tack of the plotline, but it's hard to actually know whats going on. Dunno why.)

Blue has been following Dementa, Svag and Raznet back to camp, after standing around for ages watching everything, like she sometimes does (OOC: yeah, right. No other explanation. One things for sure, I'm not gonna let something like this happen again. Or at least I'll try. Lack of plotline is sometimes unavoidable). "So, you need food, eh? I've got a few apples and other stuff left over in my pocket. . . And if you find a stream, I'll go fish for ya all. . ." She pulls out a large apple and bites into it. "BTW, with all this stuff been going on lately, I'm kind of freaked out. I know I shouldn't be, since lots of strange things go on in Pyke, but not this many strange things all at once." She takes another bite out of her apple and carries on following the group.
- DH

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03-05-2002, 09:26 PM
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OOC: Gonna start working on getting Dementa into the main plotline...

"What sort of strange things?" Dementa asked as she started a fire to cook the scrab she had killed earlier (much much earlier...like maybe 2 pages ago...). She glanced over at Svag and sighed worryingly. "I hope he wakes up soon...he would be the best one to tell us how he got those legs...."

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03-05-2002, 11:16 PM
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he sat down were they had put savg and he exsamend the legs he had grew "hmm interesting" he took out a few medical tools and begain anilizing it"this is amazeing his gene compostion is like a snake vine but growing faster!" he herd some thing over head.He looked up "every one look out!" he yelled as Necross landed "Fancy meeting you here brother" Necross said in a meatilc voice"same" said raznet.Necross craged raznet with his ax out. raznet lept into the air and brought his fist upon necrosses head. necross noticed the others and glared at them...
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03-05-2002, 11:26 PM
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Dementa glared back that this newcomer, at once she didn't like him.
"What is your business here?" seh said, growling slightly.

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03-06-2002, 01:00 AM
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(OOC: This never happend officailly. Bladewing will visit Pyke in my fanfic, but thats a different story, non-related to the RPG.)

"Yes. Well, anyway, a few months ago, we had an alien come through here. Came down in this HUGE sleek looking Space Ship. He was black and yellow, mudokon like, with two arms and two legs, but had five fingers instead of three. . . A really weird creature. He spoke in the same langauge as us as well. Anyway, he asked me where he was, so I told him. He then said that he'd picked the wrong planet with the wrong time zone, went back in his Space Ship and flew off with an almighty roar. I watched the ship fly away into the distance, and it kind of dissapeared in a ball of light."

Dementa and Raznet look at her, interested. Blue continues her stories.

"A couple of months after the Alien vist, a few months infact, a few strange crossbreeds came through here. Large lizard type creatures. Very intelligent."

"Uh-huh." Dementa nods her head. Blue continues.

"They tried to invade and destroy Pyke. But Spider came in there and stopped them, almost single handedly. He became a local hero, and the whole village held a banquet. Thats where I first saw him. I also made friends with this big bro slig who had organic legs called Magar the Hunter. Dunno whats happend to him now, but anyway, after that, there was another strange creature which resembled a small, flying drakkic, called a Wyvern. It killed a few villagers, and actually injured Spider at some point. There was another villan roaming around at that time, too. But that's another story. Shall I tell it to you?"

"Yes please. I suppose I would like to find out a few of the things that have been going on here lately." Dementa says.

"Okay. Because Spider was injured, he went to the sickbay in town. It was there that he got kidnapped by that very villan. This villans name was Lanar, a grey big bro slig who was a currupt bounty hunter, and wanted to get money from the cartel for Spiders capture."

Dementa releases a growl. Blue pauses, and continues.

"He hid out in a shed somewhere in this wood. It was there that I discoverd him, and the kidnapped Spider, who was being looked after by a blind mudokon called Teb, who was helping Lanar for reason I do not know. I went to get help, and found the organic legged big bro slig named Magar the Hunter whom I met at the banquet, and the strange Wyvern creature who was attacking everyone earlier. Apparently, since the Wyvern attacked Spider, it then knew who he was: Another drakkic. It also figured out that it needed to help Spider."

"Why was it with Magar the Hunter?" Dementa asked.

"I'm not sure, but it somehow found out that Hunter was Spider's friend, and was out to help him." Blue replies.

"Oh." Says Dementa.

Blue continues. "Anyway, I lead them back towards the hut. We had a fight with Lanar. He shot Hunter in the shoulder, and then I shot him in the hand with a big stun beam, knocking his gun away from him. He then got out his dagger, and knocked my staff away. Then he got a net down from the ceiling and trapped the Wyvern. He was about to kill us all with the gun, but Teb injected Lanar with air, and he died. It turned out that Spider had awoken and talked to Teb, and he finally came to a conclusion after hearing all the fighting."

(OOC: Blue might tell more stories later, but thats as much RPG history I'm prepared to dig up for tonight. Night all.)

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03-06-2002, 12:49 PM
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"Seems like this Spider is a very importent individual..." Dementa said idlely, then suddenly snapped her head up, a look of shock on her face. "Wait a mo...you said 'drakkic' several times in those stories..."
"Yeah...." Blue said.
"So you are saying there are other drakkics about."
"THAT CAN'T BE!" Dementa suddenly screeched, "I AM THE ONLY ONE LEFT!!!! All the others were killed by the Cartel 300 years ago!" Dementa stood there a moment, breathing hard, her eyes crushed closed, and her body tense.
"Unless..." She said finally, "this 'Spider' is a mockery like that one I met a while ago...a creation by the Cartel. What do you know about this Spider?" Dementa said with a growl, "Tell me everything you know about him!"

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03-06-2002, 07:04 PM
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"I. . . I don't know exactly where he comes from. But what I do know is, he's got a new type of Big Bro pants that never came out offcailly. 8 legs, very fast. I think that's why they called him Spider. But I guess he escaped from some cartel owned lab. I know nothing about his history, though."
- DH

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03-06-2002, 09:06 PM
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Dementa snorted, frustrated.
"Alright...looks like I'll have to go talk to him myself." She grumbled, "he is in Pyke you said...how far is Pyke from here?"

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03-06-2002, 10:21 PM
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Blue thinks for a moment. "Not too far, although it'll take you a while to walk there, especailly carrying him." She points to Svag. Dementa nods. Blue continues. "I could give you two a lift in my newly aquired pod, though." She looks at Raznet and the newcommer. "Not you two, though. There won't be enough room." She turns back to Dementa. "So, shall I give you a lift or do you want to walk to Pyke?"
- DH

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03-06-2002, 10:33 PM
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"It has been awhile since I have traveled any other way other then using my own two feet." Dementa said, "Besides...an inn or something would be better for Svag's recovery. So I'll accept the ride."

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03-06-2002, 10:47 PM
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"Exellent. You'll be glad you did." Blue grins and walks over to the pod. She then opens it using a keycard which she nabbed off one of the dead Vykkers. Stuffing the keycard back into her pocket, she climbs in the pod and awaits for Dementa.

(OOC: Don't forget Svag!)
- DH

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03-06-2002, 10:53 PM
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Dementa nodded and carefully picked Svag back up, then looked at Raznet and the other.
"Gotta see about something...you two behave yourselves" she said with a grin as she got into Blue's pod.

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03-06-2002, 11:13 PM
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As soon as Dementa climbs in with Svag, the pod's glass cockpit window slowly lowers shut over them.

"Hope you aren't clostrophobic." Blue says. "Nope." Replies Dementa. "Good." Says Blue. "We may be inside this thing for a bit."

A click is heard as Blue presses a green button on the dashboard, and the pod springs into life. The dashboard bleeps and and flashes as everythign turns on, but the bleeping and flashing seems to stop after a bit. A green light labeld 'Ready for Use' comes on.

"Great! I guess everything checks out." Blue says.

She then grabs the joystick, and the pod begins to acend upwards, slowly and smoothly. Blue then presses the joystick forward, and the Pod begins to move at quite a speed above the treeline. The large village of Pyke can be seen ahead, a small cluster of buildings which aren't so far away. Beyond Pyke is a seemly never ending desert, stretching off as far as the eye can see. On the the left, forest streches a long way until it meets a large city on the Horizon. Neverending forest can be seen behind them and to the right of them. A few clearings and other villages can be seen in this dence forest as the pod climbs higher.

"You're lucky it's a clear day today." Blue says. "It's a shame Svag is asleep missing all this, but oh well, I can take him for another ride if he wants. . . Fuel shouldn't be hard to find if you know where to get it."
- DH

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