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04-24-2004, 11:43 PM
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Grubb Fisherman
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Nig: *to Drake* "I wonder why Cursuv didn't detect the sligs..."

*hears leaves rustling ahead*
Nig: *adjusts grip on staff* "And what's this?

Rope?! What's wrong?"
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04-24-2004, 11:53 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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(Ooc: Wow, that was quick! You posted just two minutes after me!
As for my character not detecting the sligs... we'll call it lack of concentration, for now, as he was concentrating on rope and without concentrating can't detect things too far away. But for future reference, if you want him to detect things, PM me.)
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04-25-2004, 05:50 AM
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Rope tumbles into Nig and Drakes hiding place.
Rope: Guys! Keep quiet! There are sligs marching right towards us! We need to get moving and find another way into the factory!

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04-25-2004, 11:07 AM
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drake pulls out a map and starts looking at it.

drake:ah..ha i found it if we go west and set up a trap for them they wont know what hit them....and i know the perfect bait for the trap*looks at the tied up slig behind him*

the three head west and reach a small bushy area with lots of the trees...drake ties the slig onto on of the tree branches and stuffes his mouth full of cloth.

drake:you guys go and find as many rocks as you can and find a good stop on the tree....when i say fire start throwing the rocks at the sligs...aim for the mask...im gonna stay done here in the bushes...i hear something get ready guys.

Whats stopping you?

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04-25-2004, 01:24 PM
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Rope quickly glances around to recall where he is. It was, afterall, his land. He had the area catalogued pretty well. It took about four seconds to remember where he was. Then it came to him.
Rope: Nig, I know where there are rocks. About forty feet that way (points directly past Drake's head and further into the underbrush), I keep a rock sack hanging from a tree shaped like a hand. Let's get moving, but stay low and stay quiet! I can hear it (ooc: what drake hears), too! Follow me!
Rope crawls into the bushes at an alarming speed, but is eerily silent.

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04-26-2004, 04:00 AM
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Grubb Fisherman
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Nig: "I think this is why Pyre doesn't like Drake, he seems to rush into things."
*picks up around 8 rocks*
Nig: "I wonder if this will work. Rocks don't seem all that effective *looks at staff*... and this thing's now a little too short.
*sigh* When we get a chance, remind me to ask you where to find a decent tree"
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04-26-2004, 11:24 AM
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drake notices a vine above his head and decides to climb up the tree.drake grabs the vine and hides behind a branch.

drake:"there coming get ready guys"then suddenly all the sligs had arrived and had taken the bait"ok on my signal....FIRE!!"

the two mudokens started throwing rocks at the sligs knocking out half of them
drake tightly held the vine and swung down knocking down the other half

drake:"so.....what should we do with them???"

Whats stopping you?

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04-26-2004, 03:01 PM
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Rope: Well, duh. We can't leave them here, because they'll have slogs out any second. And reinforcements. I don't know how we can move all the bodies, but I can mask the scent, so that the slogs won't be able to track us. Tell you what, you guys work on the bodies, and I'll disperse our scent.
Rope set to work, doing an eerie little jig, moving erratically, appearing at odd places around the scene. His motion between spots was very hard to see, but it wasn't entirely unnoticeable.
As he worked, he waited for Nig and Drake to dispose of the bodies.

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04-27-2004, 07:37 AM
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Grubb Fisherman
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Nig: "C'mon, Drake. Work to do"
*picks up a slig*
Nig: "Uh... we need a pit, or something... Remember Drake, if you draw blood, nothing'll stop those Slogs, so just beat them a little if you're angry"
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04-27-2004, 11:12 AM
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drake:"huh...whats going on i couldnt hear you cause i was beating this slig"

drake picks two sligs one over each shoulder and takes them into the bushes and drops them.

drake:"ok...so how are we supposed to dig a pit...with our bare hands???"

Whats stopping you?

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04-27-2004, 11:36 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Cursuv: (From his hiding place) Mutters "Great, real stealthy"
*To the part of the team with him* "Well, there's a bunch of sligs with-" *hesitates, then decides to exclude Rope* "...with Drake and Nig, about half a dozen. The're not dead, but I don't think that the're attacking eachother. One part or the other are probably unconcious or something... wait, Nig and Drake are moving, the sligs are unconcious... and being tossed around."
"Well, there was a group of sligs following us after all. We should congratulate Drake for his amazing powers of foresight. Now what? Should we wait? Should we go to them?"
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04-28-2004, 11:10 AM
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drake:"im gonna go back to the group and get help"

drake runs off into the distance and reaches up to the group.

drake:*to everyone*"come on guys we need your help disposeing of the sligs.

drake leads the rest of the group to the sligs and eveyone starts picking up bodys and hiding them.

Whats stopping you?

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04-28-2004, 11:17 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Nig's busy hiding sligs, when he gets another vision.
Forest... nearby... soon.

"Pyre, what's wrong"
"Help them, we-"
"Blood everywhere! Nig, h-"

Nig: *voice shakeing slightly* "Uh... guys... We've got to go, now.
*to Drake* Ignore the sligs, we need to go, NOW! Trust me, Drake. No time. Uh...

Rope! How many socks have you got ready, pass them around. We need to leave this entire area... get away from the forest... go anywhere! No trees, there musn't be trees... any ideas, Rope?"
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04-29-2004, 10:55 AM
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the brew master
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drake drops his slig and walks upto nig

drake:"what the fuzzles has got into you???

Whats stopping you?

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04-29-2004, 11:04 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Nig: *still paniced*"Drake, there's no time. Unless you want to risk the entire party, we need to get out of here now!

Rope, what's the quickest way out of the forest, or away from the factoy?"
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04-29-2004, 11:11 AM
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the brew master
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drake:"......wait a minute....AWAY FROM THE FACTORY!!......have you lost your mind after all this all you have to say is lets leave......you guys go im gonna finish the mission....nig take the people who want to leave"

Whats stopping you?

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04-29-2004, 11:22 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Nig: "Drake, there's no time! Unless you want to get killed, I sugest you follow me, this isn't a joke!

There's no time. You want to know why? Someone gets seriously hurt, and I think it's Brooke. We can't stay here. Trees and blood, that's what I saw, and trust me, I'm right about these things."
*stands in from of Drake, eye to eye*
Nig: *trying to keep his voice calm* "We need to go... now."
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04-29-2004, 11:33 AM
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drake:i dont know whats gotten into you but im not going !ANYWHERE!....now move or ill make you move!!!"

Whats stopping you?

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05-01-2004, 02:46 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Cursuv: "Wait! Drake, why were you selected above other muds by the shamans to go on this mission? Because you have powers! You can do all those funny things with ice and that sword! And you aren't the only one! I have detection powers! Brooke healed you! Pyre can handle fire! Do you see a pattern here? I doubt that Nig would be a run-of-the-mill mud! If he thinks that we should keep away from the factor-"
*Gasps for breath*
"- From the factory, I agree with him."
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05-01-2004, 04:22 AM
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Rope, just now noticing (ooc: my browser has been a bit fussy lately, sorry) he was being called upon, quikcly handed a pair of his Sneaking Socks--Sneekers, he called them--to everyone.

Rope: Out of the forest? Well, uhh ... (plots a route mentally) ... I guess it'd be about a twenty minute walk north of northeast. Any particular place you want to go, or is outall that counts? And maybe, Nig, you could explain what it is you saw?

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05-01-2004, 05:39 AM
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Grubb Fisherman
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Nig *still facing Drake* "Fine... I'll try to explain"

*turns around to face Rope, while raising staff carefuly to catch Drake on the neck*
*catches Drake before he falls, unconcious, to the ground*
Nig: *putting Drake over his shoulders to carry him* "At least now all of us can stay together."
*looks at the rest of the group*
Nig: "Everyone follow Rope, the quickest route the better.
I'm not too sure what I saw. All I know is that Pyre get's angry and I feel responsible. There was blood everywhere, possible broken up bodies...
just... it was too much to take...
...but I can't be sure where it happens. All I know is that trees aren't safe now. Besides, Cursuv and Rope both know that there are sligs pouring into the forest now, we need to regroup and replan our actions

*to Rope* Are there any... hidden caves, or sheltered areas that the sligs mighn't know about? Anywhere you think we'll be safe that isn't near trees"

Last edited by Adder; 05-01-2004 at 05:42 AM.. : just noticed Rope's action
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05-01-2004, 09:44 AM
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Rope grins.
Rope: Don't I know it. I have a little underground hideaway we could hang out in for a while ... but it's going to be a long walk.
But, didn't you want to get out of the woods? Sure, I can still take you; it won't bother me either way. If we were to leave, like, right now, and we don't stop for anything, we could stay about two minutes ahead of the sligs the whole time, and make it into my shelter before they knew what we were up to.
So somebody call it--I'm just playing Tour Guide.

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05-01-2004, 10:32 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Nig: *hearing Drake groan and stir on his shoulders* "Fine, you lead. At least with this guy out of it for a while, we'll keep making ground. Uh... I don't know about underground, but if it's the closest and you're sure it's safe, then I guess it's the best"
Nig starets to think:
Two minutes ahead... that should be enough...
underground... maybe, but can I risk it?
I need to get these guys away from wherever that vision was... can't risk another injury... now to work out what to say to Drake when he comes around
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05-01-2004, 10:36 AM
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Rope shrugs. He decides that if they stay off the path, it'd be a shorter walk to his cavern.
Rope: Okay. Allaya, follow me.
Rope turns around and starts to jog off the path and into the underbrush. The only sound heard when he enters is a brief rustle of leaves.

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05-01-2004, 11:42 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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drake wakes up
drake:"*sigh*you better have an good explanation......"
drake grabs his sword his sword and holds it over his back
drake:"ahhhhhh....nice and cold.....but its getting hotter everyday"

Whats stopping you?

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05-01-2004, 09:34 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Cursuv: (To Drake): "Ah, you're up. I don't know if you remember it, but I resent my great speech being turned into a simple distraction. Mind you, it got the job done."
*Updates Drake on the situation*
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05-02-2004, 07:03 AM
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Rope calls back at the group from twenty yards away.
Rope: I said "Follow me!" Now come on!

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05-02-2004, 09:44 AM
Adder's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Adder  (11)

Nig: "Alright, everyone follow Rope... and try to think of some plans for our next move on the way. Best to keep quiet, but above all keep moving."
Thinks: Great, Drake's woke too early... still, he might find the physical aproach harder to ignore or retaliate against... or else he's waiting till my back's exposed!
NO... don't get paranoid.
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05-02-2004, 11:22 AM
the brew master's Avatar
the brew master
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drake:"sigh.....why is it whenever we travel im on someguys shoulder.....next time can i be in a strecher at least"

drake hops off nig's shoulder and starts walking with the group

drake:"ahhh.....this feels much better...at least i dont have some guys shoulder stuck in my chest"

Whats stopping you?

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05-02-2004, 12:02 PM
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Rope leads the group along, quickly guiding them around his own personal traps (a guy's gotta eat, you know), and they make little to no noise, thanks to the sneekers they all wore.
The walk was rather uneventful, and went on without a hitch.
Until something alarming occurred to Rope.
What if the "generator" that Drake destroyed wsa some kind of decoy?
Rope thinks to himself, No time to worry about that now ... I'll ask him about the thing when we get to the Grotto ...

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