So is Deadpool getting an invincibility tag from Wesker or does the Iron Man super beam not hitbox directly in front of him?
I often wonder how people like that will feel about themselves when they reach old age. I tend to picture them possessing a wrinkled, remorseful face when confronted with material resembling the above.
EDIT: That last picture can't be that far removed from Ed Gein, surely. I know people are into some weird kind of shit, but I actually find that quite disturbing.
This genuinely interests me. Not to patronize, but I'm sure there was some stuff from your youth, behaviour or whatever, that you might feel a little embarrassed about now, but how could anything compare to:
'Oh, right. Those two or three years where I dressed up as a little girl's cartoon character and everyone thought I was a pedophile. GULP!' I don't look at everyone who participates in the 'fad' the same way, but people who go really far, the genuine pedophiles and creeps and stuff, are really unsettling. It makes the entire fad creepy and sinister in the absolute worst way because it's completely child-centric.