It is quite interesting to think about how vast RuptureFarms actually is.
At the starting cutscene, the industrial area seems to span out for miles.
Despite there being only a limited amount of screens in RuptureFarms, there are many 'Condemed' areas in the secrets, which I hope are opened sometime soon so Abe can explore them!
Although, the starting video takes place near The Boardroom, where you would think the heart of RuptureFarms would be, but it is only 20-30 screens away from the Stockyards.
In conclusion, it is hard to tell how big RuptureFarms is; for all we know it could be the size of a pinhead, and Mudokons may be the size of bacteria and other microbes, and Oddworld the size of a football. Who knows.
I am interested to hear other people's opinions and look forward to perhaps a few replys.
Thank you for reading.