And by "you can do more" you mean "you can do less", and that's true for modern FPSes. Great comparison is Duke Nukem 3D to any modern Call of Duty single player.
Most RPGs devolved to please more 'casual' players (I like to call those people "people who don't give a shit about games"), in gameplay, sometimes in story.
jRPGs? Well obviously Final Fantasy XIII is better than the older games because it's got more technology and stuff. What it misses is level design (it's got only corridors), story that makes sense, and gameplay that actually requires anything from you (it's a kind of auto mode)
Point'n'click games? Say what? We don't really have those anymore.
Remember having good platformer games, with relatively big budget, like Oddworld (or whatever it was called)? Nowadays we just have those shitty indie platformers, because no real company gives a shit.
They replaced the hexagon grid in Heroes 5, because 6 sides is definitely too hard to comprehend by modern gamer (who probably can't count to 6 very fast). Now it's in consumer-friendly square grid.
F2P games. P2W games. Game franchises leaning into F2P system, which they didn't use before. MGSV being released too early and cut because the CEO of the company realized he can make stupid amount of money by making stupid mobile F2P games for stupid people.
Heavy Metal reduced to what basically is either death metal or a hardcore genre
(downtuned, shitty guitars, easy riffs, vocals growled and/or screamed because it takes too much effort learning to sing). No more ambitious vocals like Dio or Iron Maiden. No more unique heavy metal albums like Ride to Lightning, Master of Puppets, Holy Diver, Painkiller, Rainbow Rising, The Ritual (by Testament) etc.
Rock music reduced to indie rock, because making more ambitious music is clearly overrated and expensive. Bye bye bands like Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd. We don't need you anymore.
Don't get me started on pop.
We live in truly the best of times.
EDIT: Crash was faster. Stop being faster, what are you? Sonic the Hedgehog?