Plush live ammo keychains. A hat that looks like Munch's head complete with sonar. An oddworld book that gives you all the information you need, like a guide with tons of juicy never-before-seen images. Every time a new game comes out, they release a new volume. It will have:
Species: For example, First page is glukkons. Shows biology and main description of glukkon species. Then goes to glukkon classes with images, and then pages for every glukkon we've seen. Half pages for unimportant ones like Tex, unless they want to add backstory, which would be nice.
Companies and products and tech: Vykkers Labs as an example. Gives description of vykkers labs with logo, and then gives half a page for every product.
Locations:Example would be New Yolk City. Includes map, some pictures of the buildings, description, and residents.
Plantlife: Pretty self explanatory
I would buy that in a heart beat.