Slogann had blackened out when the creature nabed her. When she woke up, she was inside a large metal cage, barred up so she couldn't escape. She was terrified when the same creature that grabbed her came closer to her entrapment. She whined in her head, but growled outside. The creature looked at her with bright-green eyes. It's face was furry, with menacing teeth baring right down at her. "W-who are you?" Slogann asked. The creature smirked gently. "The name's, Stranger," it said in a gruff voice. She heard of him before. He was the big bad-ass bounty hunter that had a certain problem. A Vykker named Doc ripped him off of an important operation that costed 20 grand, which left him trampled in the dust. But he didn't give up. Instead, he dedicated his life for capturing out-laws for moolah to save up on that operation. But in the news, she heard, the Doc got hanged by the one named The Looten Duke. That shattered him to pieces, giving his thought right at that moment that he would never get the operation that would save his life. He had a great reputation around Oddworld that facinated her, but really didn;t give it a thought that she would actually meet the great bad-ass bounty hunter in Oddworld. So, she gathered her courage, and spoke. "You-you're that bounty hunter, that bagged all those out-laws like Blisterz and Boilz Booty?" Slogann asked. Stranger nodded, kneeling down beside her cage. "and.... Jo Mamma, Filthy-hands Floyd, Packrat Palooka, Measely McGraw and Tiny, Flint X'plosives McGee, Fatty McBoomBoom, Looten Duke, Elboze Freely, Lefty Lugnutz, and saved that smart-ass Clakkerz Eugene Ius?" Slogann raised an ear. He nodded at everyone she had mentioned. 'Wow! This IS the exact Stranger I've heard about!' Slogann thought happily. "I'm Slogann, and I'm a bio-engineered enhanced Slog, a perfect version," Slogann introduced. Stranger smirked at her. "I's heard. You's were, attacked by them, evil-lookin' slogs, out in teh, forest," Stranger said. He smiled slightly, and lifted a lock on her cage, and setted her free. She was very grateful at this point, because she was free, but not exactly free.