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10-21-2007, 02:21 AM
mudling's Avatar
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OOC: Have you posted a copy in the W@RF profile thread?
and Welcome to W@RF!
And yes, I'll be contining Charlie and Jakka's storie in a bit.

10-23-2007, 11:45 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Isn't a bit redundant asking that when you could just go into said thread and see for yourself?

I can't really think of anything IC at the moment so I'll post it another time.

10-24-2007, 02:04 AM
mudling's Avatar
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OOC: Well I was pretty sure he hadn't, I was being polite, that, and to avoid using the downloads on my internet, which is my parents.
Yeah, still nothing to right, school is getting hard so I'll be slow for a while.

10-26-2007, 05:12 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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Here is my charactor
Name: Jerr (JE-air)
Species: Slig
Age:23 (I don't know much about slig years)
Appearance: Jerr has a blue tinted mask,some normal pants, and a small shotgun. He is somewhat small and short. He is almost always clean.
Personality: He cares about who he works for and what he does. He will complain for some time if he doesn't get what he wants. There is only one way to get hime to stop: Threatening. He will stop doing anything wrong if he feels like someone bigger and better than him might files a complaint to the slig queen. He may have a very bendable will but he is smarter than a normal slig just only slighter. He is not too strong or lazy. He is extremly hot tempered but can stand alot of insults if he is ordered to. He loves cleaning himself and anything else.
Biography: He started as a worker in a small meep farm. He was fired after working there for a short amount of time. He wandered around for quite a bit of his life until he found somebody willing to give him some work. He was fired from there too not long before the company went bankrupt. There he was granted a small amount of money for catching a small time criminal. He used up his money on poker and the other things sligs usually spend money on. Not long after he looked for some more work. Here he found Rupture Farms.

IC:Jerr stepped out from the train into Rupture Farms. This place looks pretty expensive.thought Jerr as the train left him in the dark. "Is anybody there? I would like to apply for a job." said Jerr. His voice echoed across the walls.This place is pretty creepy at the moment. I hope I don't have to wait very long.thought Jerr.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

Last edited by Splat; 10-26-2007 at 01:29 PM..
10-26-2007, 05:57 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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Char #2!

Name: Beatlroot (beetle-root)
Species: Paramite
Age: Do paramites even know how old they are?
Appearance: typical paramite all round beside the deep red slice across his back.
History: Beatlroot was born inside the tunnels of the rupture farm railway station and has lived there for as long as he can remember. Due to a mental disability, Beatlroot has very little vocabulary and has difficulty judging distance.

IC: (train station lvl 2)
Beatlroot was sleeping comfortably until a load noise awoke him from his sleep. He awoke and lifted himself to make out the noise. It seemed that a passenger from the recently departed train was shouting. What he was shouting however, Beatlroot couldn't make out. So, to regain quiet and just as Beatlroots nature intended, he lined himself up and pounced at the slig... But, as many times before, missed and hit the floor with his jaw a whole meter away from his target.

10-26-2007, 07:21 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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IC:As Jerr thought he was interupted by a loud noise and a sudden movement."What was that?" He screamed. As he turned to look he saw it was a paramite. "Oh no." He said quitely.'This is the end' he thought,as he closed his eyes waiting for the impact, when he remembered something. It was just one and it had missed him by quite a distance. Even a slig knew that a paramite could jump very acurately onto its target. And paramites didn't attack unless cornered alone. He lowered his arms as he properly studied the paramite. It was a completely normal one. He noticed it had something red on it. "What are you doing here?" He asked aloud knowing the paramite probrably couldn't understand him.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

Last edited by Oddey; 10-26-2007 at 07:26 AM..
10-26-2007, 07:28 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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Beatlroot looked up to see that the slig he had so unfortunately missed had its eyes closed and seemed to be cowering. "Good," he thought, "That means he didn't see me miss." Beetlroot crouched down and began to growl in attempt to flush out the slig's gun. It's fun when they use guns.

Nothing from Krett, nothing much has happened in Dex's lab.

10-26-2007, 07:36 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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Jerr decided to run away. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" He screamed as soon as he heard the paramite growling. He was well on his way when he rememebered he had a gun. He felt completely stupid but decided runing would be better. He had not run very far bfore he came to a dead end with only a ledge. He knew now he was doomed. "Wait a minute.My gun!" He remembered. He would just shoot it how stupid could he get. He pulled out his small looking shotgun as he turned around ready to shoot his most likely pursuer.

Occ: How is my RPGing?

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

10-26-2007, 07:53 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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How is my RPGing?
It's ok... better then mine was. But I don't see any dead-ends near the visitor train station on the map. Unless you've ran to the end of the platform and are still in the station... Let's go with that, that works.
If you didn't know there was a map there's a link to it on the first post.

Beetlroot pursued the fleeing slig right up to a wall, happy that his prey had now armed itself. He jumped at the slig, but only to trip mid-air and fall flat on his face. Beetlroot began to get up when he felt a painful sting in his back. At first he thought that he had been shot but after not long it became apparent that the two recent floor-collisions he had taken had severed his old wound open. Beetlroot dropped to the ground allowing blood to flood out all over the floor. It was agonizing and Beetlroot took every opportunity he could to exaggerate that. He thought that maybe if he he could draw enough sympathy from the slig it may spare his life.

10-26-2007, 10:30 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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Looking at the bleeding paramite Jerr felt very confused. He hadn't taken a single shot but the paramite seemed to be dying or at least was in alot of pain. 'But where did it all come from?' Jerr wondered. While pondering he noticed a scar that seemed to have reopened. 'It must have been because of the fall but that would have to have been a bigger fall and...'"Argh, I hate thinking so hard!" He shouted to nobody. When he finnaly remembered the paramite was still there he knew that most sligs would never do this but he began to clean the blood and the paramite. 'I'm a slig not a vykker so I will need some help on that cut' Jerr thought. Whilst cleaning up he wondered why the creature was there anyway. 'My first day at work and I've nearly been eaten by a paramite and tried to help it. Strange.' Jerr thought. "Well that should do it but we really need that gash closed up."said Jerr aloud 'Which way to go? Oh it says restroom on that sign better go there' But Jerr got lost anyway and was slown down greatly because he had to drag the paramite around. When he finnaly found the restroom he colapsed onto the ground after saying"Take care of this paramite."
occ: Thank you for pointing that out Carnix.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

10-27-2007, 02:52 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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OOC: I'm not entirely sure where the "restroom" is or what it is because I can't see it on the map. All I can get from it is the toilets, but I'm not sure that's what you mean. Could you maybe help me out? Where exactly has Jerr taken Beetlroot?

Due to an increasing amount of blood loss Beetlroot fell unconscious very quickly and when he awoke he found himself in a different room with the slig sprawled out beside him. Beetlroot looked around but saw no-one and only succeeded in causing himself more pain. He screeched out in agony and then wished he hadn't. "Damn! a paramites bloodcurdling screech isn't going to attract help! It's going to attract security!" he thought very nearly out-loud. Beetlroot picked himself up and started to drag himself to the door to find a safer place to rest.

(Dex's Lab)
It must have been some minutes before someone broke the confused silence. "Um, meech in wheelchair thing," Krett spoke slowly, aware that sudden sounds and movements might make the slig react in unexpected and unwanted ways. "You interested in helping calm a psychopathic athletic unarmed slig?"

Last edited by Carnix; 10-27-2007 at 03:28 AM..
10-27-2007, 03:19 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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OCC:restroom is the R+R room i think. I can't really think of any IC at the moment as my slig is unconscious.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

10-27-2007, 08:55 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Where'd everyone else go?

IC: The Vykker seemed busy, and maybe hadn't heard. He was about to repeat the question when a Slig (Krett) addressed him. He turned to him "Not in my condition....no." Sturg then wheeled to the door...the Slig hadn't acted aggressively or anything. How long had he been out? Did other people here now know of him? Was he safe here? Well, only one way to find out...he went to the door and reached for the switch with his jaws, and flicked it, then heard a horrendous Paramite scream, some distance off in the factory. He stopped. There wasn't another fight like yesterday (presumably yesterday) already, surely?

Slash finished off his Scrab Leg, and returned the plate to the kitchen, before hearing a Paramite screech from elsewhere in the factory. He stopped, and looked around. He got out his shotgun in readiness. Hopefully this wouldn't be a fiasco like last night...he looked at the others in the cafeteria, to see if they would come to investigate.

OOC: Character being moved from the now presumably deceased Frakture Falls thread:

Name: Silph Stelon
Gender: Male
Species: Luskan Marauder
Age: 32
Appearance: Fairly typical Luskan, some scratches/scars in his carapace.
Personality: Like most Luskans, is usually very selfish and will not help others at all, even with simple questions. However, he dislikes pure, non-based cruelty and sometimes gets in fights and arguments, though tries to make out he still doesn't give a damn for whoever's ass he saved.
Weapons/equipment: Some weight-lifting gear he 'acquired'.
Backstory: After being abandoned by his selfish mother almost at birth, he's had to make his own living. Was adopted by a Slig with some mental problems in the streets, whom though rather insane, still cared for him in his young life. His adoptive father often got attacked, not being able to resist and being a target of ridicule, but when he got big enough to do something for his caring adoptive father, he fought back. Aggressively. He almost killed pathetic gang, but then had to flee after town security got word of his attack from them. Despite his best efforts, he was eventually captured. They decided to sentence him to the Vykkers for experimentation. So that's where he was sent. However, most Vykkers onboard were preoccupied with modifying Gloktigi for security at a facility up on the Mongo River, and he was shut in a cage. A rusty, flimsy cage, and he broke out of it and escaped when the lab stopped off at the Mongo River to deliver the Gloktigi. He had travelled down the Mongo River (with some stolen goods in a sack), and recently come across Frakture Falls. After a (very) short stay there, he went to the train station, and headed for a hopefully better life (not a better job, he wants to avoid all work possible) at Rupture Farms.
10-28-2007, 01:42 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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IC: Jerr swoke up. 'Where am I?' Jerr wondered. Straining to pull himself up he saw that there was alot of blood next to him.'Am i dead?' He thought horribly. It was here that he remembered where he had last been and what he had done.'I'll make it a little more heroic when i tell it to the boss.' He thought happily. Then he wondered where the paramite had gone. If it was loose in the factory then everyone here was in trouble. Hastily Jerr grabbed his shotgun from the floor and ran out of the R+R room. 'Wait a minute. I'll just get lost again and I won't be any help at all. Better just stay here' he said to himself. Fully armed he stood by the door readying his gun. He noticed it was stained with blood. "I'll clean it later" he said but couldn't reistit scrubing it all off.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

Last edited by Oddey; 10-28-2007 at 04:18 AM..
10-28-2007, 11:56 PM
Carnix's Avatar
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IC: Damn, where's everyone gone? it's like the whole factory just dropped dead. Oh well, I'm sure they'll be back.
You know I just noticed the amount of trouble Beetlroot is now in...

(Dex's Lab)
The fleech flicked the switch with it's jaw and, simultaneously, a loud screech echoed through the entire factory. "Please tell me the switch made that noise... it made the loud horrible noise right?.. right?" Krett stumbled backward, he knew the noise all too well. After being attacked by a paramite once it isn't a sound you usually forget. Krett backed to the far wall, unconcerned about the slig. He saw a bloodied something drag itself near to the door and fell to the floor, unconscious.

(First Floor Corridors)
Beetlroot turned right after exiting the R+R and dragged himself a while, turning right again at the next corner. He saw a door and wearily decided to go in. He got about half way through it before passing out, too tired to go on with so very little blood.

10-29-2007, 09:14 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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Jerr stood by the door with his shotgun in his arms. 'This is pointless' he thought as he heard a small thud. 'What could that have been?' he pondered. 'I better check it out. It's got to be better than sitting here.' Jerr thought. As he walked around he spotted a doorway with somehing lying in it. After a closer inspection he saw it was the paramite he had gone to so much trouble to save. When he looked in the room he saw it was a lab. At least that's what he thought. Jerr wouldn't have known anything about labs or medical facilities. If anything is in there I'd better let them know there is a paramite here.' He thought as he quickly walked in.
OCC: I'm not exactly sure who is in the lab so could I have some help there?

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

10-29-2007, 09:17 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
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OOC: Just saying I'm not posting out of fear of doing some of Venks' peoples out of character, and I'm waiting for Patrick, Skillyaslig ad maybe some others to reply. I suppose I can do 9 for Splat.

#9 the teenage yellow skinned slig, holding Agent 80085's gun tightly, walked glumly into the cafeteria and sat down. He put his head in his hands and sighed. Things were already looking ugly for this girl slig. She could of already been dead, mutilated or dying somewhere and he didn't know about it.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

10-29-2007, 02:31 PM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: MOM new reports delayed absense from most of the W@RF main cast. Officials request that people just post with any characters who aren't waiting for anyone else.

"Uhuh, whatever," Dionysia answered distractedly and took the leg as it was offered to her. She glanced over Rick's shoulder and said, fishing for random conversation, "So you get on well with the boss, huh?"


Anni paused in her eating, staring across the room at the slig who had just sat down outside the kitchen. That's the one who shot you.
She didn't know how she knew; before she was shot she had been looking in the other direction, and after she had been shot she had been too busy being shot to notice the slig who had done it, yet somehow she knew, and she knew that it was right. It was as if a voice in her head had said-
'Oh no.'
Nova's voice hissed in her mind. That's the one who shot you, who tried to kill you.
'He didn't try to kill me,' She retorted, 'He hit me by accident.'
And did he care? Did he try and help you afterwards?
'It was an accident. It doesn't matter!'
It DOES matter! She jerked when Nova shouted at her and Jim glanced at her.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
She looked at him, almost surprised. "Fine, I have a headache," She muttered. The scrab leg dropped to her plate and she rested her forehead in her hands.
He's a slig, Nova's voice continued to taunt and she winced.
'Go way, please!'
Filth like him kill hundreds of our people every day and none of them care! They're monsters, like Stivik. They'd kill us all! They deserve to die!
Yes! Starting with that one! Her eyes came up of their own accord and pointed at #9. You must kill him!
Kill him!
'I can't! Even if I wanted to, he has a gun. He could shoot me from here.'
Don't be so stupid! I can help you! You remember what I did when the vykker strapped you down? When the scrab tried to kill you? I told you, there's much more than that. You've seen only the tiniest fragment of my power! Kill him!
'No! I won't!'
Anni jerked to her feet, so quickly that the chair she had been sitting in fell over. "I have to go!" She squeaked and ran from the cafeteria as fast as she could, while the voice in her head hissed, You can't run forever...

oocEDIT: Two helpings of Anni and Nova goodness in one day! That's right, I've just updated The Despicable!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 10-29-2007 at 04:26 PM..
10-30-2007, 12:14 AM
WaterMelody's Avatar
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Scri sighed. Doe still hadnt replied to her. She took this as a message to shove off, which she did. Whilst on her way to exit the cafateria, she glimpsed thst dark skinned mudokon AGAIN. Now scri was certain that she was tailing either her or Doe. she seemed occupied, talking to another mudokon. Scri casually walked over to the duo, she really wanted to find out about this mysterious mudokon, and to size her up herself. Scri reached her destination, and waited for them to notice her. Failing that, Scri cleared her throat loudly, hoping to aquire thair attention.

OOC: if all else fails, make a nice plotcake. delicious.
Again, i'm still not dead! I'm like a final boss!

10-30-2007, 08:13 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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if all else fails, make a nice plotcake. delicious.
It seems few have noticed the paramite screech then... sigh...

10-30-2007, 08:15 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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Occ: I would write some Ic but I'm not quite sure exactly who is in the Deks Lab. So any help on that would be greatly appreciated.Edit:Thank you Carnix. Now that I know who is in the lab I can write some Ic.
Ic:Jerr paused to look at who was in the lab. A vykker,a mudokon,a slig, and a meech. He studied each of them in turn. The vykker seemed busy. The mudokon was unconsious. The slig had a sleevless black shirt. And the meech Jerr pondered mostly over.'Didn't all of those get chopped up into Meech Munchies?Mmmm Meech Munchies.' Jerr thought. This meech was in a wheelchair but why he wondered. He seemed to also be trying to talk to the vykker.'That would have been a great extra Meech Munchy.' Jerr said to himself. Then he noticed how weird this situation looked: a slig, a vykker, a mudokon, a meech, and a paramite in the doorway.'Some weird factory.' He thought.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

Last edited by Oddey; 10-30-2007 at 08:53 AM.. : Carnix told me who was in the lab
10-30-2007, 08:19 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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I'm not quite sure exactly who is in the Deks Lab. So any help on that would be greatly appreciated.
-Krett, mudokon (unconscious)
-Cris, vykker
-Agent, slig (unstable- mentally)
-Beetlroot, paramite (unconscious)
-and there's a meech in a wheelchair but his name slips my mind.

10-30-2007, 10:39 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Meech=Sturg

IC: Sturg looked at the newcomer, before moving out into the corridor. He was hungry. He smelled food, from the cafeteria from last night. Was it safe though, from the inhabitants in there? Should be. Most of them generally didn't attack at first, and his reputation as an allegedly extinct species tended to help too. He moved off for the cafeteria, then noticed a badly wounded Paramite sitting outside the lab. He didn't know what that was about. This wasn't an animal hospital or anything now, to his knowledge. There wasn't alot he could do in the wheelchair anyway, so he carried on.

Slash looked around "Are you deaf? Some hideous creature just screeched from over there. You all going to ignore it? I would like some backup."

Silph's train arrived. He got off with his sack, and looked around. There was some blood stains on the floor. This surely couldn't be good thing? He hadn't even seen anyone yet and already, blood. Might as well find out. He went in. Clean. No gunshots on the walls or anything. Just the blood trail. That was odd, unless someone got stabbed with a knife and dragged inside...but surely, a murdered like that wouldn't make it so obvious? He crept deeper inside...he heard conversation from up ahead. He stalked up to the door, and put his head round. Various inhabitants were inside. None of them seemed to behave in any way out of the ordinary, but such a large amount would have noticed a murder or something. What could have caused that? He went back to the pale trail, and followed it. It went up to the door of the R+R room. A larger blotch was here, before it carried on. No one seemed to be inside, so he went in, to claim his own patch.

Last edited by Zerox; 10-30-2007 at 11:19 PM..
10-30-2007, 10:52 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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Ooc: Jerr didn't mention meech munchies but he thought of them.
Ic: Jerr saw the Meech goout the door past the paramite. Had he noticed it? The meech was headed towards the cafeteria. He wondered why nobody had paused to care for the paramite. "Hey vykker? Shouldn't you help this paramite out a bit?" He looked at the poor paramite. Jerr decided that he xould move it closer for the vykker to examine. Surely a vykker wouldn't pass an opportunity to perform surgery or other crazy things? When he had hauled the paramite beside the vykker he noticed how bad the condition of the paramite was.'That is might look good in my report' He thought happily. But his joy quickly ceased.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

10-30-2007, 10:27 PM
mudling's Avatar
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OOC: Confusing much.
Sorry I want to rejoin but it seems with rowing i'll slip behind again.

10-30-2007, 11:17 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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OOC: Rowing? What rowing?
Oddey, "Said to himself" suggests speaking out loud. You should have otherwise used "Thinking to himself".
10-31-2007, 12:01 AM
Carnix's Avatar
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Yes, quite.
"Are you deaf? Some hideous creature just screeched from over there. You all going to ignore it? I would like some backup."

(Dex's Lab)
Beetlroot came to for a brief moment and found that somehow he had moved from outside the room to inside it. Confused, Beetlroot began to lift himself, soon finding that he still had a gash right the way down his back. He dropped to the floor and began to look around. Beetlroot soon spotted the slig he had attacked earlier. "Awww, he helped me, so kind," He thought to himself, "I just can't wait to eat him". Beetlroot pondered lurching at the slig again but decided against it. After scanning the room again he noticed a mudokon in the corner of the room, seemingly sleeping, and a vykker. Beetlroot had never seen a vykker before but cave drawings on the walls of the station tunnel had taut him of their evil toward paramite kind. Beetlroot panicked and starting screaming as loud as he could hoping to scare of the vykker. But this simply resulted in sending another screech through rupture farms and using up all of beetlroot's energy. So, without warning, the screaming ceased and the paramite sank back out of consciousness.

OOC: Nothing about Krett, he's still out cold from the fright.

10-31-2007, 04:29 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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"Ahhhhhh!" Jerr screamed as sprinted out the door and ran quite a distance before getting his bearings."That paramite is really nasty" he panted. The cafeteria would have somebody in it and then they could subdue the paramite. He walked to the cafeteria to see that several creatures were there. He spotted a slig (Slash) and ran to him. "There is a paramite out in the factory! The last time I saw it it was in a lab of some sort. We need to subdue it!" He said sounding quite panicky.

OCC: Oh now I get it. Well I was kind of reffering to quitely saying it but it's fine because I can see the fault. Thank you for pointing it out Zerox.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

10-31-2007, 02:47 PM
Venks's Avatar
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OOC: First off much love to Liane(Zozo) who has been controlling my chars while I've been away. It is very much appreciated. If you were here right now I'd give you a super-uber-omega-epic hug. Maybe a little tickling and cuddling after words who knows. ;P
Anyways I'm returning to my posting duties. Though I won't be posting as Chris just yet as I'm totally confused as to what is going on in Dek's lab and I don't know who all is in there.
I think Liane did a marvelous job with #9 so I'm leaving that pretty much untouched. As for Doe acting oddly let's just say he had a lot on his mind.

@ Carnix&Oddey: Do we really need another animal scare in the factory? Moo.

IC: Doe stared at the ceiling while his mind wandered. He couldn't get rid of the images in his mind. Fire everywhere... metallic bodies burned alongside those of flesh. Doe remembered looking down at his own body covered in blood.. none of it his own. Someone was screaming in pain, but he didn't help them. All he remembered doing was laughing.
Snapping back into reality Doe noticed Scri walking over to Dionysia. A direct confrontation perhaps? What was his fellow Mudanchee up to? Regardless of what she was doing Doe decided he had to be by her side. She could be the only other Mudanchee alive for all he knew, they needed to stick together. Doe got up from his table and pushed his chair in. He walked over towards Scri with a well practiced country Mudokon walk. He stepped next to Scri and snorted up snot very loudly. He gave Dionysia a big country smile, "Good mornin to ya lil lady." Then Doe noticed Rick, Doe spit in his own hand and offered it, "Good mornin to ya to boy. Da names Nat. What be yours?"

#9 sat staring at the table in front of him. #10 had told him not to let Agent get hurt, but she was no where to be found and where ever she was she didn't have her gun. #9 blamed himself, anyone else probably would of saved her by now. Then again he never should of thought he could help anyone. He had always been a loser. Why would anything change now?
10-31-2007, 04:05 PM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: MM has disappeared again and PV hasn't posted here for a long while so I'm starting to worry about the lab.
And as Venks said, we do NOT need another animal rampage in the factory thank you very much.

Dionysia was about to make a distainful comment to Scri about interrupting people and eing patient and s on, but remembered in the nick of time that she was supposed to be acting like a bimbo, so she asked in a concerned voice, "Hey, is your throat ok? You got a cold or somethin'?"

At that point 'Nat' approached her and greeted her, "Heya, Nat!" She replied cheerfully, "You sleep well?"


Jim was taken by surprise by Anni's sudden departure and it was a moment before his mind caught up and he stood up and ran after her, out of the cafeteria and into the hall, where there was no sign of her. After a moment's hesitation, he hurried off in the vague direction of the grinders, thinking she might have gone upstairs to the R+R.


Anni had in fact run out of the main doors into the stockyards. She ran all the way to her garden where she threw herself down among the sparse trees. She had chosen this spot for the plants that grew there, but now as she looked around they all seemed ugly and dying. The burnt patch where Nova had forced her to kil a scrab stood out starkly from the dirt, and the old, rusty mechanical pump her friends had salvaged which stood next to the garden seemed only to draw her attention to the fact that she was a slave of the great machine.
Suddenly she felt she would rather be anywhere in the world but here. SHe felt Nova's presence in her mind again.
"Please, I don't want to hurt anyone!" She sobbed allowed.
Nova's voice, deeper, crueler, came from her mouth, "Do you want to be a slave all your life? If you want to get out, if you really want to, then you need me. Only I can free us!"
"Why do you hurt me like this?"
"Because you're pathetic! Because if I leave this up to you we'll be a slave forever!"
Anni broke down into tears. She dragged herself from her patch and slid into one of the crevices in the earth of the stockyards, hoping no one would find her. She was so scared, scared of Nova and what she would do if anyone found them.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

Last edited by Splat; 11-08-2007 at 02:47 PM..

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