Yeah it's definitely an interesting debate.
On Muhammad, I think that many bad people can write good things, yeah. Hitler was a strong animal rights advocate so yeah, go Hitler!
The point is that the Quran has a lot of both, and when bad ideas are put with good ideas they cancel each other out.
This is what TAA's point was - the amount of terrorists and bombers that have the Quran in common is not a coincidence.
So once again you don't actually have a point or a perspective to form an opinion on so you've adopted the view of some e-celebrity who stuck a banana up his ass and poured boiling oil on his micropenis on camera.
I want the facts to stand: The Amazing Atheist is a fucking dummy who has done enough stupid shit to prove he can't regulate himself properly. That is your rhetoric. He is the unreliable narrator to his reliably humiliating lifestyle. If you want to continue sourcing facts from his stupidity, go ahead, but it will perpetually be retorted by the fact that he is a lazy fatty who stuck a banana up his ass and poured boiling oil on his micropenis on a stream. Hot oil, banana, live on camera. Only a fucking retard would let this happen to themselves. If you disagree, feel free to pour some boiling butt banana oil on yourself on the internet and see how seriously people take you then.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the majority of school shooters are cloistered, self involved atheistic young men. They definitely aren't Muslims!
I don't go to school and worry about muslims, I go to school and worry about lazy nerds with anger issues who can't accept that at some point the internet ends and beyond that the real world begins. I think the legion of assholes calling themselves 'redpilled' at 21 and acting like they have things figured out by ignoring the years of perspective offered previously is incredibly disconcerting. I worry about ignorance and hatred in my own culture before I start pointing fingers and finding fault in others.
The funny thing is instead of being forcefed religion from an early age you were just stuffed full of the perspective of people on the internet. It's okay, so was I. You see the irony right? I perceive you as some female-resenting nerd too lazy to absorb information with any effort, you perceive Muslims as secret agents trying to poison society from the inside and feminism as some secret club that doesn't do anything good for anyone.
I get your perspective Nep, I lived it. I'd just like to encourage you to grow the fuck up and stop acting like your opinions matter, because they don't.
More importantly, at the end of the day the fact that I like Muslims and don't think of Islam as a culture that produces suicide bombers like a factory is going to leave me a lot happier than the paranoid tinfoil hat perspective I get from you.
Antifeminism is fucking stupid. You want to talk about victim complexes? At which point can you avoid the fact that Antifeminists feel 'victimised' by feminism to the point where they just have to spout contrarian bullshit? It's the ultimate cop out to me, antifeminism. Antifeminism is not real, it is not legitimate. It's saying 'No,
I'm special.' with your own silly bullshit when you can't just step back and laugh at the silly heights feminism reaches.
Feminism serves a purpose; to empower women based on their feminity. If you're getting caught up in all of the youthful folly and ridiculousness that comes with young people finding an ideology that is your problem, not feminism's as a whole. You don't understand Feminism well enough to actually form an argument against it, so you pretend it's something it isn't to feel extra special yourself. Grow up.
What 'environment' and what 'sketchy text'? Again, you're presuming so much here. These same presumptions apply to any religion. You're demonizing Muslims because it's easy and you're lazy, that's all. What you're describing is a vague approximation of Wahabism which is widely accepted as the worst branch of Islam. Do you understand that? Muslims have words to describe their own crazies. They understand that there are branches of their religion that are toxic and actively create a dialogue to mend it. Then guys like you have to chime in with their 'If the branch is tainted then the tree must be cut down' fuckery. Seriously, start learning more about the things you're trying to discuss here.
The biggest threat to my lifestyle? Not Wahabists who blow each other up, halfway around the world, but self-serving conservative bumpkins who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about when they get political.
Of course you would like to bring up Charlie Hebdo, because you didn't understand you were wrong about Charlie Hebdo 20 months ago and obviously need to try to bring that horse to stable again.
Assuming you're alluding to the discussion had about Charlie Hebdo on OWF (otherwise why would you be bringing it up?)
No one said it was justified, but understanding how and why Charlie Hebdo presented their perspective was important before one decided to celebrate them. I respect the depth of their satire but as far as time and place goes? Maybe I'll give their brand of vitriol a try when arrogant fuckers aren't ready to politicize anything and everything for their own ends. It's just as disgusting for use the tragedy at Charlie Hebdo to express hatred and ignorance in regards to muslims as it would be to celebrate the savagery that took place.
No one was justifying killing them, we just wanted their apparent xenophobia to be acknowledged before people used it as an excuse to start shitting on Islam as a whole which was
exactly what you are doing.
Feminism has a use in today's society precisely to educate fucking bumpkins like you who are too lazy to comprehend the blatant reality: Women should get more money to raise their kids, because men will pop a baby in their belly and then fuck off. Now imagine a whole society structured around making this situation a-okay and typical. Single moms with little money=disenfranchised kids with little opportunity. It's not actually that fucking hard if you can get past the fact that the knowledgeable feminists are genuinely pissed off about it.
You can dress it up with how video games are being criticized by vocal young women with too much time on their hands and pretend that 'Feminism in the western world' is something you actually understand all you like, you're still pretending that this shit doesn't constantly happen and is at the root of so much bad culture. Why not make men more accountable for their offspring? Why not give single moms more financial stability to raise a child? If you think Feminism doesn't serve a purpose you probably don't understand what that purpose is anyway.
Also, if what you say is correct, doesn't that make Antifeminism twice as pointless and stupid? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but if it's already a defunct ideology are you not the ones waving a flag saying 'Look at me! I have OPINIONS!' for no constructive reason?
Regardless, Antifeminism is a useless appendage that contrarians with nothing better to do fill their time with. It's a label that's about as interchangeable as 'special snowflake.'
BTW, associating with antifeminism will get you put on a watchlist for hate groups, that's a fucking fact. It's considered detrimental to the point where people who support it need to be monitored.
You can espouse as much wank about Feminism being about 'equality' and 'gender roles' that you like. Both sides like to pretend those words are what's important, but I think breaking Feminism down to three essential components is the best way to look at it:
A) Being the single parent (typically mother) of a child is tough and requires all the advantages one can get.
B) No one wants their ass slapped at work, on the street or at Church.
C) Women have done plenty of awesome shit and putting a label on the historic perspective of awesome women is important.
Calling someone a bigot is easy. Being a bigot is even easier, because as a bigot you don't actually have to read into or understand things. As a bigot you can just be ignorant and pretend what you think is the case precisely because you don't see the value in being proven wrong once in awhile.
Bigotry implies something active, as if you're trying to work against something, when it's more
detrimental. Bigotry and Ignorance are the grime in the gears of society, they're not necessary opposing mechanisms but they aren't letting things run efficiently either. Antifeminism doesn't
do anything. They slow down the important discourse and essential dialogue simply by needing to play catch up, because they never understood the issues to begin with. There's no point in arguing for or against feminism with someone who doesn't actually comprehend what Feminism is, right?
It's also because often people don't comprehend that regardless of how carefully articulated or elaborately formed their opinion is, it's still lazy, self serving bigoted trash.
You choose to see the bad in these cultures and get pissed off about it and act like what's important is your ire when it's
not. You're not disadvantaged, you're not without opportunity. Did you not go to school to design fucking video games? What an amazing opportunity, learning to create interactive works of art--wow! It sounds like you had some arrogant young people who believed that the plight of victimized women in society was something that they had to deal with, when the ones who were
actually feminists, the ones with
real problems weren't able to attend because they're stuck raising a child for most of their young adult lives.
Do you see what I'm saying? Victims don't typically just appear and point themselves out. You need to pursue victimhood down to its most genuine to correct it. Getting annoyed with the ones who perceive themselves as victims is just the tip of the iceberg and using that as your sounding board is lazy.
I just struggle to see what possible reason you have to argue against feminism or Islam when they clearly don't have any role in your life besides being something you let yourself get pissed off about for the sake of being pissed off about it.
You're not an egalitarian. That word is thrown around by people who want to double up on their specialness to feel more special, so fucking drop it. You don't have to be a feminist, you don't have to acknowledge that the patriarchy is a highly politicized and poorly chosen term that is still extremely real and representative of how tough things can be for women and you can pretend that society is a big party and people are just choosing not to have fun, but you contradict yourself in describing yourself as an egalitrarian by then getting pissy about women-only television. All of these prejudices you cast as victimhood are reflected in your choice to perceive them as such. You, me and even ol' Crashpunk are just as guilty in feeling outrage at something we don't understand as the dummies you choose to characterize feminism through.
So what, all culture should be a homogenous, consumer friendly hodge-podge dumbed down for mass consumption? Either you take the good with the bad with subculture and elitism by celebrating the good and quietly acknowledging the bad or you get a cultural gruel that's safe for everybody and good for no one. If you just want to criticize everything you don't like down to a meaningless morass of labels go ahead, just understand no one is going to empathize with your arrogant, bitter outlook on things that are genuinely good and serve a purpose.
Maybe the reason culture is composed to exclude other people is because
culture is inherently exclusive and that's okay. 'Feminism' sojourning into the realm of gaming to establish its own niche portion of that subculture is fine and only an arrogant, self righteous dipshit would ever feel threatened by it because they're ignorant of the deeper function of that move in the first place. It's as subtle and broad as a tectonic shift but the only physical affectation would be cultural, and you can always make the decision
not to indulge that culture. If you don't, if you choose to observe and perceive things that piss you off just to continue being pissed off about them well, you're not really doing anything good for anyone.