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05-24-2009, 01:22 AM
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IC: Typo decided he'd have to start somewhere, and pulled out one of the wires. The few lights that were on in the factory went right out. "Oops." Said Typo as he hurriedly plugged it back in. Looking to see if they had labells, he saw that the one he had pulled out was "Power 5". Some of the other wires had been severed. Typo grabbed two ends of one severed wire, and gently pushed them back together. Sparks flew out from them, and Typo let go in surprise. Noting the way they had been slashed, he wondered what could have done that. Suddenly, he felt even less secure, and gripped the pistol he had been given. Whatever it was that had done that, it had to be about as tall as a slig, with something sharp to slash with. The only thing he could think of was a scrab. 'Maybe whatever did it is long gone. It looks a bit like it could have been a scrab. Maybe that's why this place was abandoned. Too much wildlife.' Though Typo as he pulled out the same wires that he had been tampering with before.

This time, when he pushed them against one another, there wasno power to run through, and so no sparks. Carefully, he knotted each individual wire together with it's other part. When he was finished, he plugged it back in. A light humming sound proved that some power had been turned on. Yanking another severed wire out, he began to repeat the procces.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-24-2009, 12:06 PM
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Nimol walked around the corridors for a while. It wasn't until the fifth room that he saw another robot. This one was a blue colour, in contrast to the yellow robot that Nimol had already controlled. He aimed carefully at the GPS unit on top of the robot. He fired the EMP, he was slightly off target, but it wouldn't affect the robot much. The robot fell onto one leg but stopped moving shortly afterwards. A short fizzle and crackling noise was heard. "That makes two", the robot next to Nimol raised a hand, "Two?". Nimol sighed, "Come on".

Nimol finished programming the second robot. This was getting harder, his hands were starting to seize up from all the computer tinkery. 'Darn, I thought I'd given up all of this computer stuff'. Nimol released the mechanism, and the yellow robot stood up. "Waiting for orders". Nimol nodded, "Follow me".

He heard a noise nearby. A wild animal perhaps? Nimol took the two robots back the way he came, past the armory and headed back to the exit. He saw some of the lights flash on and off, seems like Typo's busy tinkering with the power. Nimol took out a remote control and attached it to a control port nearby. He was trying to hack into the security cameras.

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05-25-2009, 10:40 AM
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IC: The last wire had been knotted, and now that he had plugged it in, the whole place seemed much nicer. The lights, that previously were off, were on. The macines were making a nice humming, and off in the distance, some of the self operating machines had already started and were adding to the noise. Closing the circuit box, Typo looked around. This room looked like a junior office. There was an overturned computer on a slightly worn out looking table along with a chair. Straightening each out, he checked to see if the computer still worked. Amazingly it did. Although, that didn't help much, as Typo soon found out, you needed a password. Frowning, he wondered if Nimol knew how to do this kind of thing. It might somehow be helpful.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-25-2009, 12:07 PM
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Nimol punched in the last digit and the security camera was operational. He could see quite a lot of the factory. He turned the dial and it went from an empty corridor, to an empty room, to a factory floor. He turned the dial again to see Hydra, he turned the dial once more to see Agronack. He turned the dial a final time to see Typo at a computer. Typo seemed to be having trouble getting past the security.

Nimol pressed a button in front of him to get the loudspeakers operational. "Hi everyone, It's Nimol here. I got the camera system so I can see everything. Typo, if you don't know the password, just slam your fist on the keyboard. It should act as a security bypass and let you through the system. I managed to get two robots". He looked towards the blue and yellow robots, they were standing by waiting for orders.

"See if you can get a few more. If not, then we'll just head back with these. We shouldn't stay too long or it'll be dark. I'll give you guys 30 minutes to get your stuff and leave. If we stay we risk getting unwanted attention". He turned off the speaker and lay back on a chair and sighed.

Edit: Sorry Chronicler

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Last edited by AlexFili; 05-26-2009 at 11:38 AM..
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05-25-2009, 01:27 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: Alex, I seriously don't appreciate you controlling my character, and in that case, Agronack as well. I never said Hydra did any of that stuff. And did Agronack ever actualy chant at all yet? Do what you'd like, but stop controlling what doesn't belong to you. Thanks. I'll post IC in a different post later. I've got some bar-b-q to get goin' 8)
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05-26-2009, 02:53 PM
stonetooth's Avatar
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Sorry for not posting in awhile, I've been grounded from my computer and i'm sneaking on to my dads' atm. He should be back in five or six minutes, so i'll leave it at that. I'll try to post early tommorow, or at school.

Edit: Ok, screw it, i'm going to post anyways. It may be a little bit short, but i'm going to rush it. Here we go.


Flurgel walked over to Jurgo, who was sitting in a chair muttering too himself, and said, "Hey, buddy, let's go visit the chief. Maybe we can do something to make him feel better about letting us stay here?" he sort of said and asked.
"Or we could accidently do something to make him hate us to the point of him either beating me with a club or kicking us out..." he said quietly.
"What was that Jurgo?" Flurgel said, a bit more seriously.
"Oh, uh, er.....Nothing, nothing, let's do like you said. It sounds like a GREAT idea....." he said sarcasticly.
Flurgel grabbed Jurgo by the hand and lifted him up from the chair, and they both started walking away to where they saw was the chief.
They walked up to him as a pair and Flurgel started, "Hey sir, how ya doing? Anything we can do to sort of earn our way in as part of the community here?" he said with a grin.
"Yeah, what he said...what he said..." Jurgo said, starting to mutter to himself again, which was usual for him.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

Last edited by stonetooth; 05-26-2009 at 02:59 PM..
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05-26-2009, 04:44 PM
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IC: Agronack walked into what looked liked an Executive office. He walked over to a filing cabinet to see if he could find what was the purpose of this factory. Then Nimols voice came over the intercom system. Then Agronack pressed one on the desk. “Agronack here, don’t worry we are almost finished up here. Also one could scavenge some of the medical supplies for me.” Agronack then walked back over and began pulling out random files then placing them on the desk. A few files contained registration papers, sign up sheets, along with other legal papers. After searching through half the files, he came across blue prints of the whole building. Agronack also found some ID badges and terminal passwords, along with some employee records.

Finally Agronack found all that he needed from the files, now he just needed to check the terminal he found in the office. He sat down at the desk so he could rest his legs, then he took out a sheet full of passwords. *sigh* “looks like ill I’m going to be here awhile.
Fawkes opened the metal box. Insides was a cylinder shaped object, which Fawkes has never seen anything like it. Then two strangers came up to the chief, a mudokon and an outlaw, both of which Fawkes had never seen around here before.
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05-27-2009, 03:00 AM
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Great, more work to be done. Nimol sighed and walked towards the robots. Nimol cleared his throat and spoke, "Locate medical supplies". The robots stood up, "Command confirmed". They looked around for a minute and then replied, "Medical supplies located in medical room on the second floor".

Nimol nodded, "Lead me to the medical room". The robots started moving, Nimol was walking behind them, carrying his gun and looking for possible ambushers.

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05-27-2009, 03:37 AM
Oddey's Avatar
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IC: Typo looked up in surprise. 'Hit the keyboard?' Thought Typo, 'Who put that in?' He slammed the keyboard, and to his surprise, the computer logged him in. As the screen came up, he saw an icon called "Memo385". 'Looks like the latest one, maybe it says something about why this place was abandoned.' He thought as he clicked it. Instantly, a white screen with printing on it came up. The headline was "Abandon your posts." Reading on, Typo found that, wildlife had gotten too close for comfort, along with an accident which had blown a hole in the wall. After a lone scrab had taken out a lot of the power, it had been deemed to dangerous for glukkons. Not wanting to risk losing any employees, they had had everyone evacuated. 'Well... That means it isn't safe here. Probrably nothing else here. Guess they didn't care about the security bots.' Thought Typo, as clicked a different icon called "Top Secret!". To Typo's dismay, another password came up. Wondering if hitting the keyboard would work this time as well, he slammed it. It didn't work. Deciding that the password must have been written down somewhere, Typo started searching the drawers.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-29-2009, 10:16 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: Sorry for lateness.

IC: Hydra jumped in suprise when the ugly blanket of darkness around the whole factory was conquered by a sudden light. What's this? A spooky-looking factory that was once a place of machine burial grounds is now bright, up, and running? Well. Perhaps not completley up and running. Hydra hadn't seen any form of a dangerous security bot while she was here ..... She frightfully jumped again when Nimol's voice echoed through the place out of nowhere. It was at first speaking to everyone, but then he mentioned a password to Typo ...... So Nimol's started this place up already? Hmph. She then realized, Typo was nearby. The place may be lit up, but there are still shadows to hide herself from others' eyes .....

Hydra watched the slig dig through some drawers out of desperation. The grubb didn't know what was going on, in fact, she herself didn't know what to do. Perhaps she can get help from the slig. Well. Time to work her magic again. Hydra reached underneath her black sash and pulled out a small brown pouch. Inside the pouch was this purple powder. Teehee. She chucked a handfull of the powder right at the desk infront of Typo. The substance faded into a huge puff of purple smoke. The smoke swirled around like a purple tornado. It cleared away, revealing Hydra on top of the desk. She too was spinning 'round and 'round like the purple smoke. in her little ballerina spin. She stopped herself in a "ta-dah!" stance. "Hiya Typo! Did ya miss me?!"

Cheif Wapi failed to even show a glimmer of interest in whatever it was that Fawkes pulled out. Instead, her regrettably turned his attention towards the two newest .... newcomers. Why did he invite strangers into is village? The Bigbro groaned and gave the Outlaw and the Mudokon a mean look. He never really remembered their names, not like he cared. All Outlaws were the same to Wapi .....

The mudokon, and unenthusiastically, the Outlaw, wished to be a part of this group. Eh? Wapi laughed at their faces, coughing out his smoke-induced coughs. "Do what ye want! Time'll tell when I'll 'cept ye two bastards into me place!" Wapi turned to the mudokon girl, Fawkes. She had some cylindrical object in her hand. God .... this isn't another one of her chores for Agro, was it? "Fawkes! See to it that these two nimrods do some fishin'! I'm starvin'! "nd no food makes me ANGRIER."

Last edited by Chronicler; 05-29-2009 at 10:18 PM..
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05-29-2009, 10:30 PM
Oddey's Avatar
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IC: Typo fell off the chair as he heard Hydra teleporting in. If he hadn't known better, he would have told her not to do that again, but Hydra wouldn't have cared. Instead, Typo lifted himself off the ground and acted normal "Hi Hydra. I'm looking for the password into this top secret document. The old password didn't work, so now I'm trying to find- Aha!" Said Typo as triumphantly pulled out a scrap of paper with one word on it. Frantically, he typed it in. The computer gave him access. He then waited for the page to load. "So what have you been doing?" Asked Typo.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-30-2009, 03:05 AM
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Nimol was walking towards the medical facility when he noticed one of the robots had stopped moving, "Damage report". The yellow robot replied, "Failure in the legs mechanism". Nimol slapped a hand on his face, "Blue, repair damage to Yellow Robot". The blue robot shook his head, "Command cannot be awknowledged, robots aren't allowed to operate on other robots, it's the fourth law of robotics".

Nimol growled and pulled out his screwdriver, he went to the yellow robot and tried to fix the legs. He tried to restabilise the walking mechanism, but it still wouldn't walk. Nimol wiped a hand over his forehead, "Darn, this will take a while". He tried opening the leg circuit and work on the internal wires.

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05-30-2009, 08:29 AM
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IC: Agronack had to have been over 3 password sheets, but none of them were the right ones. Finally Agronack thought to himself, ‘if I were a glukkon, what would I put for a password?’ Agronack pondered the question for a moment before he made a guess.
Moolah, the computer did not except it. Then he tried: ME#1.the computer excepted it, Agronack was pleased yet not surprised that a glukkon would think so highly of him self.

This factory was a Magog research facility, and was shut down to recent wildlife attacks.
Which was a bit odd, All the time Agronack studied Scrabs and Paramites, He knew that “Swarms” of them would not just go and attack a factory for no reason. He also checked where the waste of this factory was coming from, he soon found a shut off command. Agronack activated it but the computer kept reading error, so Agronack pressed the inter com. “The Main sewage shut off valve is on the bottom floor, so Hydra if you could get to that please.” Agronack had a felling the Grubb would not respond kindly to his order, but hopefully she will see this will help the river.

Agronack gathered up all the files to look over when the got back to the village. Before he left the office he noticed a safe in the corner of the room. Agronack walked over and sat the files down so he could open the safe more easily. He raised his staff and chanted, a burst of lighting zapped off the door. Agronack saw the safe mostly contained Moolah, it also contained a small deck of cards, cigars, a bottle of whine, and pass card. Agronack took the pass card and the cards, but left every thing else knowing he would not need them.
Fawkes walked over to the strangers and handed the mudokon( Flurgel) the fishing pole.
“I will get more stuff when I return to the village, in the mean time you will just have to settle with this.” she walked off with the metal box. Before leaving she said “by the way my name is Fawkes.”
Khain awoke to the constant sound of animal chatter. He rubbed his eyes trying to wake him self up. Khain put on his pants and walked out of his hut to take in the sun light. When he did, he noticed that the village was pretty empty. Khain guessed Wapi took the village out to gather food. Khain thought he should get to work on the Scrab.
Khain pulled the Scrab onto a table in his hut, so he could begin to cook it.
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05-31-2009, 08:58 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: I'm not sure when I'll be posting again. It shouldn't be too long, but I'm not sure about this business I'm gonna take part in, just a heads up. So I'm gonna post now as Hydra. I can't rp Wapi right now since, well, there's not much he could do.

IC: Hydra snickered to herself when Typo fell off the chair. There's nothing funnier than getting people to do clumsy things to themselves. She doesn't want to be called evil .... or worse .... "selfish" .... but things like that are just so funny. She stopped her snickering and calmly sat down on the desk, answering Typo's question. "Oh. I'm not sure what it is I'm doing! Or what I'm supposed to do here! All I've been up to was exploring this creepy place." She said with some boredom, and maybe some rebellion in her. She noticed Typo tinkering with that computer. "I used to know some things about these types of comps ...." Hydra muttered. She looked curiously at the computer, and then fiendishly at Typo.

The grubb whispered to Typo. "Psst. Wanna see somethin' cool? Watch."

(OOC: lol. This next part looks weird, but it's based off a funny ad I saw on tv yesterday. I just HAD to put it in this situation.)

Hydra dusted her blue robe, letting out a deep breath ..... and she jumped! As if diving into a swimming pool, Hydra dived head-first into the computer. What?! She smooothly passed straight through the comp screen, quickly shrinking in size. The grubb was now doll-sized, and stood in the middle of the comp screen with a bubbly grin. Actually, Hydra didn't really jump into the computer. In mid-dive, she managed to hide herself somewhere else. (I'm not telling where she is tho) and she's now controlling a programmed comp version of herself, through communication and whatnot like chatting. The computer Hydra laughed. "I used to know alot about old comps like this. I can do things faster than you. So leave it to me!" she said with a friendly joke in her voice. "Um ..... but tell me what to do ..."
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05-31-2009, 12:59 PM
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IC: If Typo was surprised at Hydra jumping into the computer, he hid it well. 'That's how many tricks today? One more and I will tell her to stop it.' Thought Typo as he decided it was time to figure out just what was so top-secret. As the text came up, so did another box. This one had a huge warning sign in it saying "Sewage stopped. Re-activate?" Deciding it was best to click "no", he moved the mouse towards it.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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05-31-2009, 02:19 PM
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While Nimol was good with mechanics, this was one of those annoying little problems with no visible solution.

It wasn't until 5 minutes later that the robot spoke again. "Fuse blown". Nimol scowled, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!". He shoved a fuse in and closed the lid angrily. The blue robot pointed, "Medical room, 50 yards".

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06-03-2009, 07:46 PM
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Can i join?
Name: Eddie
Species: Outlaw
Age: 18 Outlaw years
Gender: Male
Appearance:Eddie is a Fat Outlaw Metal Head,with an Abe Head Tatoo on his arm (Kind of an Easter Egg) and an Hat with a Skull on it. Eddie has lost an eye,so he has an Eyepatch. Eddie's wearing Black Pants and an Brown Dirty Shirt.
Personality: Eddie is just an Normal Outlaw. Just much Stronger. But a bit Dumber. He's Very Agressive but can be a nice guy too.
History: Eddie once was Fighting an Steef Bounty Hunter (Strangerlol),and then he fell in a Waterfall. Eddie tried to "Climb" but then he fell. After a few Days he was found by The Natives and stayed at Akuafobeea.

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06-04-2009, 12:42 AM
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OOC: While it's nice to join, I think it's a bit late to join if you want to be considered as a "native villager", since no-one has mentioned your character even once since we started this game. It might be better if you just join as a newbie to the village (So that fall you mentioned can be the first thing you write about).

IC: The medical bay was quite cluttered. Nimol told the robots to guard the doorwar. He started searching through the shelves. He could see jars of strange liquid, syringes, scalpels and a variety of nasty looking doctor's tools. He started opening one of the drawers, but it just seemed to be full of paperwork.

He walked around the operating table, looking around for supplies. He saw some first-aid boxes. He picked them up and placed them in his backpack. He walked around to the end of the room to see a large container. He opened the container to see quite a few bags of Slig blood, Vykker blood and other types of blood. He closed the container. He then started searching through some more drawers in order to get some more supplies.

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06-04-2009, 02:34 AM
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OOC: While it's nice to join, I think it's a bit late to join if you want to be considered as a "native villager", since no-one has mentioned your character even once since we started this game. It might be better if you just join as a newbie to the village (So that fall you mentioned can be the first thing you write about).
The Bounty Hunter quickly moved around Eddie. "Bring it on!" said Eddie. The Bounty Hunter ran at Eddie and Eddy fell from The Waterfall. "WAAAAGH!" screamed Eddie. "The Asshole's Dead.." said The Bounty Hunter. Eddie fell...And everything went black.....When Eddy woke up he was in a Bed. He did'nt knew where he was. "WHERE THE HELL AM I!" screamed Eddy as he rammed The Door.

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06-04-2009, 05:54 AM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: Now hold on Alexfili. It's okay for any newcomer of this RPG to start out as a native. They can come up with some excuse like, "My character was sleeping/too busy to meet anybody else today."

However, Fil the Slig, I do find it rather strange that your character is in a bed inside the village, even though no other character actually brought him in at the time.
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06-04-2009, 07:05 AM
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OOC: While I do agree with that statement, what about the way that everyone introduced each other? Wouldn't it seem a bit weird if they had forgotten to say someone's name?

Example: Hi, these are my best friends in the whole wide world who are completely unforgettable in every way and whom I have lived with my entire life; Paul, John and George. (2 weeks later) Oh, I forgot to mention Ringo.

I think Fil The Slig expects Eddie to have been carried in by one of our characters, which is what starts off the first conversation. That's what it seems to be anyway

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06-04-2009, 11:10 AM
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OOC: perhaps he could have been one of those anti-social types, now trying to interact with the other villagers.
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06-04-2009, 02:41 PM
Chronicler's Avatar
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OOC: Ya know, Alex, friends don't HAVE to introduce you to all of their own friends. A few friends of mine have never revealed a majority of their other pals for MONTHS. It took me atleast four months to realize that one friend of mine, was hanging out with another friend of mine.

The same thing can happen here. Eddie was just never revealed by any other villagers, because there's no point to do so. If you met someone, would you randomly say to him/her that you have a friend that they've never known?
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06-04-2009, 06:35 PM
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OOC: I can't understand what you guys are talking about lol.

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06-04-2009, 11:41 PM
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OOC: Okay, I'll take back what I said . So... who's the person with Eddie in their bed? Any volunteers?

I stream games and art now!

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06-05-2009, 10:09 AM
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OCC: sorry for my rather long absence, I needed a little break. Also Fil the slig, I think it would be best if you would start out either coming to the tribe, or as one of the residents that has been here for a while.

IC: Agronack walked to the front entrance of the building. He sat down everything he was carrying so he could sit down himself, when he did he began to meditate while waiting for the others.
When Fawkes entered the village, she looked around the village to gather more fishing equipment. After gathering a net and two more poles and bait, she headed back to the lake.
After the Scrab was placed on the table, Khain took a knife and began opening up the corps. He pulled out all organs and placed them in a metal bucket. After he cleaned out the carcass, Khain then prepared a large fire out side near the center of the village. After the fire was built, he put the Scrab over the fire and began to pour spices and seasoning over the cooking meat. he would turn the meat so he could finish seasoning it and allow the fire to cook it. The smell of the meat became irresistible.
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06-05-2009, 03:22 PM
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OOC: I can't understand what you guys are talking about lol.
OOC: Fil, if you can't understand what we're even discussing about right now, then how can we be sure you'll know what our characters are doing in the RPG? I'm not pushing you away or anything, but it should seem obvious what we're all saying.

Anywho, I'll post IC as soon as Stonetooth does.
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06-05-2009, 03:34 PM
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IC: Nimol had gathered enough supplies now. He walked out and headed back to the factory entrance. He saw Agronack sitting down with his eyes closed. 'If he's meditatin' I'd better leave him to it". Nimol looked at the two robots, both of them were carrying supplies.

He waited a few minutes but he still couldn't see Hydra or Typo. He was hoping they would come soon, before it started to get dark. He took a bite of a Scrab leg that he had made earlier. It was a bit cold, but tasty.

He heard a quiet russle noise in the bushes. He pointed his gun towards the bush and waited. After a while, he put the gun back in his pocket. 'Maybe... just the wind'.

OOC: Edit: That bed line was not intentional Oddey! Chronicler, if you can make Hydra do something that would be great. Thank you

I stream games and art now!

Last edited by AlexFili; 06-06-2009 at 11:51 AM..
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06-06-2009, 08:19 AM
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OOC: Okay, I'll take back what I said . So... who's the person with Eddie in their bed? Any volunteers?
OOC: That sounds particularily nasty.

IC: Typo clicked on the "No" button and the screen went away. 'That takes care of that. Now, time to see what exactly is so top secret.' Just as Typo began to read, he noticed it was getting dark. 'Probrably a good idea to leave now. Before everything else comes out.' Quickly getting out of his seat, he said "We'd better go before paramites, scrabs and odd knows what else comes out." Quickly getting out of the room and over to the entrance, Typo walked in a would-be-casual kind of way. The truth was, Typo was a little nervous about what had severed those wires. Typo picked up the pace, and broke into a run for the exit. He got through to see Nimol standing just outside. Breathing a silent sigh of releif, he walked over to him.

Congratulations, Oddey, on winning FC's fanfiction competition two years running! You are clearly the man to beat!

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06-06-2009, 03:24 PM
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Hey guys i'm sorry that I haven't been posting as frequently as I used to, but I've been jumping in and out of trips. I just got back from one yesterday about mid-day and I'm going on another in like a hour and a half. I'll be gone for roughly 7-8 days. Adios.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape

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