You're like one of the most right-wing people on this forum. You're completely against everything the left has to say about all social issues, and I saw you post shit from Breitbart in the past.
You're constantly defending literal fascists and attacking basic shit like mainstream feminism.
What's your point? Am I only allowed to post shit from Huffington Post? Sorry, I'll make sure I do that in the future.
"Defending literally fascists" I am? Where are your sources?
And come on now, if we can't laugh at mainstream feminism then there's nothing we really can pick apart.
I'm against the left on all social issues? Shit, you know me better than I know myself. I guess I'm against abortion, raising the minimum wage and eradicating religion, too. Damn, that's annoying I totally misjudged myself.
You're so deluded that you think your beliefs are completely default, any deviation from your own ideology is wrong and cannot possibly be liberal because that's associated with
your group!
Well, guess what, dipshit. Groups are dumb. Labelling yourself something based on what you believe is always going to be dumb because the moment there's a disagreement (and there always will be) you crybaby retards tilt your head to the side like a curious puppy and shout "no! I'm the real liberal here!"
Your little groups are always going to eat themselves. Modern feminism is a good example. So is Christianity. Cults have this sort of thing in common.
So call me what you want. At the end of the day, it's inconsequential whether I'm liberal, libertarian, Muslim, gay, racist, feminist, Christian, republican, and so on, and fucking so forth.
What actually matters is what I'm saying, and since the left these days are trying to police and moderate what that is, I'd say you fucks are way more right-wing and fascist than I ever could be. Just because you're so entitled that you think you deserve a "safe space" that isn't your own coffin doesn't mean I'm going to run away from the most appropriate label, since people really fucking like labels and groups. It's a general classification for me, and generally, I'm a liberal. Despite that, I somehow don't get sick to the stomach knowing I'm sharing a political leaning with the likes of you, do you want to know why that is?
Because I'm an adult. Welcome to the real world, jackass.
Tl;Dr I'm a liberal whether you like it or not, but it doesn't really fucking matter what you call me, or anyone.