But if he does abstract art I will kill him. And eat him (not in the fun way).
Speaking of which... I was randomly browsing dA one day.. And came across this profile who had been a member for maybe a few weeks. All he did was abstract art. Not even unique, cool handpainted abstract art. It was all PHOTOSHOP effects. I could see that all he had done was download a few splatter brushes and applied effects to them. Despite this, he had an incredbly high amount of faves and comments. It really just shows you how easily some humans are pleased. Anyone could have done that in the matter of 10 minutes.
Oh I also randomly saw an ad in a Magazine once, of a VERY badly cut out girl and some basic photoshop brushes used on the picture(the standard star and grass ones)... It was so low quality that I felt angry about not having a job at that magazine.
Anyway to be on topic... I suggest "most kind member"? I think we don't really appreciate all the kind people here nearly enough.