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06-08-2006, 09:44 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

OOC: im sorry i got nothing to post for IC:, but i've run outta ideas for Shredder until the attack starts. and i think it was just a random cave, Slaveless, but if you want it to be the mine, then so be it

EDIT: yay i made 5 pages!
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

Last edited by E'l Scrabino; 06-09-2006 at 12:36 AM..
06-09-2006, 01:02 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC (to Slaveless from previous page): I didn't want the Sligs to act like they did in the game, as they'd be more experinced since then, and I wanted them to have a bit more personality, not controlled so much by programming. Also, I seem to recall the Slegs mentioning the Sligs earlier, I thought they were rather peeved with them. I dunno, I should have checked that post more. I'm going to end up messing this up big time at this rate. At least not what ELEMENTOFTWATNESS did...(I hate him SO much...)
I don't think the owners of this thread are interested anymore, should we/you/whoever take 'possesion' of it or something?
Also, Shryke doesn't have hands. He has Paramites arms, remember? Or were you speaking figuratively?

IC: Shryke wanted to follow the walk men anyway, so he slowly crept behind them, cautiously now. They slowed down after a while, and stopped randomly. Then one said to another "Hey, where are we? And why did we come here again?" Another replyed "Ummm...oh yeah, there was that Shrykull" "Hmmm...should we report it?"
"Shhh! We don't know where they could be, we ought to be more quiet"
"Anyway, we should get back to base, reload and check supplies, and report what happened"
"And get some Soulstorm brew while we're at it"
Then, the lead Slig looked around cautiosly, then went over to an odd looking tree, and pulled a branch down. A panel then lifted out of the flap. They entered, then the lead Slig pulled down another lever inside to close the flap. Shryke said as best he could to Slurp "What the hell was that about? That was weird. What should we do now?"
06-09-2006, 02:03 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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OOC: E'l Scrabino, I would have prefered that you didn't actually went into the mine, since that could've meant that the mine was completely destoried. That would be a major plot twist.

Oh and about the 5 page thing, The Albino Scrab is going now going through a certain phase. Usually, non-main RPGs only last about 4-10 pages. Some never start or aren't successful enough for people to like. However, some people like Slig Cake or Sligco helped made this RPG possible. I probably would have given up on this RPG, if they had never joined.

So we just have to hope Magic9mushroom comes around more often and other people come.

Oh and E'l Scrabino, here's an idea. Maybe the some of the Mudokons think that Shredder is an representive of the Albino Scrab. Or a message. Something along those lines.

Zerox, it sometimes help me to look back and try to figure out what just happened. Like when that Scrab incounter happened, everything got confusing. I had to read your's and my posts to understand several times before understanding what happened. And I don't think ELEMENTOFLOVE was trying to mess up.

Plus, I think outlaw king is grounded or something. Maybe he doesn't post anymore. We could talk to oddveratan, but I think still he checks around. He also said to me is that he might come back as a new character, but it would be like in July, before that happens. But if he does like the idea of a new leader, who would we think that would be the best leader?

IC: Slurp 1 only could understand that Shryke wanted to question him. "Sometimes, I just wish that I was a different animal." his thoughts. In theory, yes, he was a different animal, but his cereum wasn't. Slurp 1 didn't have the same experiences as Slurp 2 and he probably would have had memories of recgonizing wildlife language. Slurp 1 didn't interact with many animals a lot, just killed them.

But once again, he did remember that the walk men went into the tree. Prehaps he can get inside as well. So the next thing he tried to do was get away from Shryke's grasp. Once he did that, Slurp 1 crawled to the flap. He flung his tounge onto the branch that the walk man pulled. Slurp wrapped his tounge around the branch and pulled it towards him. Next, the flap opened up and he screeched at Shryke. Maybe he knew what was next.

Slurp 2 was in for a surprise. Before he could move a muscle, the first Paramite lunged at his head. The little teeth that the Paramite had crunched at his skull, making it feel like he was being squashed. The other Paramite took out his leg, almost trying to rip it from the bone. Unforunately, Slurp 2 felt like that his skin was being ripped away from him. "So this is how it ends. Being skinned by a pair of monsters." was Slurp 2's thoughts when the Paramites were using their tenticles to rip his skin off.

Just then, Slurp 2 heard two bangs, then released what happened. A Slig just shot the two Paramites, while the two screemed in pain. The walk man started to say gibberish, but it came out, "Well, that was my best shot today. I could whip up some Paramite Pie." For some reason, the language the walk man was talking was familiar. Plus, it seemed like that the walk man was approuching him. The walk man said to himself, "Looks like bos' naked. Better get this guy to the lab quick tho'." The walk man pulled out something from his pants and talked into it saying, "Barny, I got a nea' dead Sleg her' and some Paramites dead as we'l. Min' if ya bring some troops? Out and over." The walk man placed his thingamajig in his legs again and just stood there. Slurp 2 slowly went into a coma, waiting for someone to come to save him.

Slurp 1 felt Slurp 2's pain and started to move unnaturally while screeching at the top of his lungs. But for some reason, now there was just a sting. It wasn't very pleasent, but he didn't feel too much afterwards.

Last edited by Slaveless; 06-09-2006 at 02:07 PM..
06-09-2006, 05:11 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

E'l Scrabino, I would have prefered that you didn't actually went into the mine, since that could've meant that the mine was completely destoried. That would be a major plot twist.
Ok, then it wasn't the mine. And is it "destoried" or "destroid"?

Oh and E'l Scrabino, here's an idea. Maybe the some of the Mudokons think that Shredder is an representive of the Albino Scrab. Or a message. Something along those lines.
Ok, ill look into it

Still nothing here for IC: i hope mushroom posts soon!
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

06-10-2006, 04:38 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Shryke cautiosly entered the stump, and then the door closed. He quietly crept in deeper, and came to two paths. Shryke took the right one, and sneaked along onto a high up area. Below were the walk men he had encountered earlier. He was starting to understand the language a little better now.
"So, this Shrykull almost hits me with one of its many lightning bolts, and POW! I stunned it with ba shot to the head, and quickly made my escape"
"Wow! You're kidding, right?"
"Of course not. When you're in top condition like me..."
"Hey! You didn't do that! You just squaled and ran. What REALLY happened was when the thing appeared behind us, I quickly jumped at it and wrestled it to the ground, while everyone else ran screaming..."
"You big fat liar! You almost passed out from shock, and I had to drag you back here! Of course, that was easy enough, I had to carry also..."
(A big bro>)"Hey now, runts! Orders from master Gillik! He says two things:
1. The Mudokons are getting cautious and edgy, so pipe down and be more secretive and not get noticed.
2. You should still be on patrol, what the hell do you think yer doing having a fag down here!?"
"Hey, now, we just got attacked by..."
"ATACKED!? What nonsense is this!? You were supposed not to be noticed by the Mudokons, and there's little those guns can't take down if used correctly...but then again, if you were that good, you'd be more like me, your commanding officer! I'm disgraced..."
"But we were..."
"BUT!? Just shut up already, the main news here I have to give to yer now, becuase I have to go! Gillik says get out there and continue your patrols NOW. Is that understood, men?"
"Yes sir!"
"Now get out there! And I don't want to see yer sorry faces here again within 12 hours! Now, go!"
The Sligs then ran quickly up some stairs, grabbed their equipment and left through a door. Shryke had understood relatively little, but he understood at least that the Sligs were now leaving this area and going elsewhere. And they had something to do with these 'Mudokons' whatever they were. Maybe those green bipeds he had met earlier...? Shryke was about to find a way down when he heard the Sligs footsteps at the end of the bridge he was on. Quickly, he ran back to the entrance to warn Slurp 1 of them, get out the way and explain what was going on afterwards. The Sligs heard him, though, and also ran faster. He quickly reached where Slurp should be, he quickly looked for him, hopefully he hadn't wandered off...
06-10-2006, 05:41 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

Slurp 1 had followed Shryke in, but he only stood at the enterance. Suddenly, he had heard two other walk men up above, on a cat walk. Both were talking and walking closer to Slurp. Beside him, there was a shadow and so Slurp crawled into it so they wouldn't see him. He started eavsdrop on their conversation, even though he couldn't understand most of their language,
The first said, "Well, Barn told us to catch onto Jord's singal. And then, we run once he find him!"
The second one said, "Um, min' explain' why?"
"So we won't be shocked away into oblivion by Shrykull! Jeez, don't you listen to rumors?!"
"It seems like sh!* to me. The important thing is that we will be payed extra for catching Paramites."
"Is moolah all you care about? There are more important things, like death, and more moolah!"
"That doesn't make sens... Did you hear that?"

Slurp know understood what happened. Shryke had just appeared before him and made some noise when he came. There was also a clanky noise from another walk man, so both of them heard completely who had made was happening. One of them started to run downstairs, while the other was trying to shoot from where he was. Slurp removed himself from the shadows for Shryke to see him. He also grabbed the switch and moved it towards him, while the flap opened. He screeched at Shryke for him to walk out.

06-10-2006, 11:50 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

A bullet whistled right past Shryke's head as the walk men came up closer. He sensed that if it had hit, it would have injured badly, if not killed him. He sussed Slurp 1's message of "get us the hell outta here!" (not literally, but you know what I mean). He quickly grabbed Slurp, ran out the doorway and hid in some well concealed bushes. He dropped Slurp, crouched down and waited.
The walk men came out the door, and looked around, confused.
"S*it, were are they? They've found our secret base and got in! What if they report to some Mudokons..."
"Jeese, Lou, you sound like they wre intelligent or summat. Nah, they're just animals, and if they were possessed or summat weird I doubt they'd be quite so eager to get away"
"Fine then. Lessee, anyway, our next spying area is on this here map. Hmmm...lessee, coordinates, I think its area B7-A...
"No, its not, what d'you mean, 'A'!? You can't read properly, Lou, give it here *snatch* ...we're to be placed on spy patrol near the Mudokon base, around the outskirts to the front of it. That would be coordinates F9, sector 1,3. Right now, Lou, we're around F5, Sector 2,5, so we go East 4 miles, West 500 yards then South 1000 yards, so then we're there. Do you get what I'm sayin', Lou?"
"...Wha? What now?"
Oh, Lou, you're gonna get fired at this rate, you never listen. I'll explain again on the way, now follow me..."
The walk men then walked off to the right, and then Shryke stepped out from the shrubs, and thought whether to follow them ore not. He asked Slurp 1 for his opinion, when he then remembered Slurp 2. He then screeched in whether to follow the walk men, or search for Slurp 2, who may be easier to find if they can use Slurp 1's link to help a bit.

OOC: Those dumb Sligs, its funny watching them in yor head arguing other nothing...:P
06-11-2006, 04:42 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

Slurp 1 couldn't understand what those walk men were saying, but he knew that there was more important stuff. Prehaps there was the possibility of finding something from the Walk men. But his job was to go to the Fleech mine when he finds the base of the Walk men. But how would he know where the mine or the base is? Maybe there would be a way to find the base and the mine at the same time....

"That's it!" Slurp thought. The thing that walk man held, had told him where they were suppose to go. That was was their map of the entire forest. But before Slurp could react, the Walk men were already gone. Forunently, the Walk men Slurp was eavsdropping with, just exited from the flap. One of them was holding a map that they needed. He screeched at Shryke, "Get that map!" He started to crawl towards them.

Slurp flung his tounge at the map he was holding, while waiting for Shryke. The one holding the map said, "It's that Fleech! Get 'im!" He tried to fight back for the map. Then the other one started to argue, "Why am I always the one who do this? Are you inconfident about you self?"
"Joe!! I'm about to be swallowed by a Fleech! can't you think about someone besides yourself?!"

Slurp ignored their bickering and continued fighting.

06-11-2006, 08:24 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Forunately, these Sligs had had to put down their weapons to examine the map properly, so Shryke kicked the metal pants of the Slig holding the map hard to knock him over, and he dropped the map. But the other Slig had grabbed his gun and tried to shoot Shryke before thinking of what he actually might be. The bullet hit, and to the Sligs surprise, it badly damaged Shryke's left arm, so the Slig yelled in pleasure and got ready for another shot.
But now Shryke was p*ssed. He roared loudly, and charged down the oppressive Slig, and like the Scrabs do, jumped on his victim in anger and mangled it thouroughly. Then he remembered what he was meant to be doing, and kicked the arm holding the map hard, swept up the map loosely in his mouth, gave the Slig a kick in the head to daze it, then hid behind the bush again, dropped the map and tended to his wound, which was very painful as the bullet was still in there.
06-11-2006, 11:10 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

Slurp was grateful that he had not gotten hurt, but blue for Shryke's injury. He slithered to Shryke's side, but carefully listening to the walk men's conversation.

The first one said, "Well that was a close one, eh Joe? Joe?"
'Joe' said, "Uh, um, yeah. Say, since when did ya have a twin?"
"Odd man, who are you seein'? That Shrykull must have knocked you out good. Well, Jord has to wait longer."
The walk man next started to drag 'Joe' into the flap. Slurp thought, "Well, we don't have to worry about them anymore."

But once he looked at Shryke, he became worried. He didn't seem too relaxed. He would do something, but Fleeches know nothing about healing. They wouold wait for the paticent to recover in a cave with Spooce and if they died, they were having Fleech tonight.

So he tried to uncover what the map said. The thing was a black GPS system, but why would Slurp care? It was very hard for Slurp to understand what was being said. All he knew was that there was three things on it that some source of energy was the most focused on. There was one that seemed only a little furthur away. He figured that he should go there first.

Before Slurp went, he screeched at Shryke, "Eat some green-floating thingies. It makes yah feel better. Stay guard too." Once he shared his wisdom, he left.

06-11-2006, 12:18 PM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Shryke looked around then saw some strange glowing plants. He was about to go and try some as Slurp had said, when he saw some more of the strange, green men. He was much more cautious than he had been last time, as they attacked Slurp on their previous meeting. He screeched to Slurp, but he couldn't see him. He hoped he had heard. Meanwhile, he settled down to wait. He listened to the Mudokons now. He noticed one had many feathers sprouting from his head, elbows and ankles, and was much more brightly coloured than the other, but he was still recognisable sa the same species.
"So, what do you think of this Spooce patch? Seems good, but I have a bad feeling that theres some things around here (he is referring to the Sligs hideout, not Shryke)"
(Shaman)"I sense that too, it is a bad omen that you can sense it too. Maybe we ought not to use this patch regularly, but we might as well gather up what you can in that basket while we're here"
"Hey, what's this?"
The Mudokon picked up a map, but alot more ragged than the other one. It can't have been the same one.
"Looks strange. It appears to be a map or something of the area, some of these things are very recognisable, including our village. It seems very sophisticated. And there's also something scribbled here, its sorta blurry...'base' or something"
"Base for what? This seems weird, lets take it back to the village and have a closer look"
The Mudokons left. Shryke made sure to remember the information in case it came in handy later. He went out into the clearing and chewed on some Spooce. It certainly seemed to be having some effect and eased the pain a bit. There was also a pool nearby, so he washed his arm down. The metal bullet slid out now. That felt much better. He conticued to eat the Spooce. Then he heard the base door opening again.
(The big bro again)"WHAT!? Thats the second map you lost this week, Lou!"
"yeah, but we were attacked by a Fleech and a Shry..."
"Not that AGAIN. I think your playing silly buggars with me, aren't yo? Think its funny to annoy your commanding officer!?"
"Of course not sir. But these creatures, they stole the map..."
"Yes, but they're creatures, Lou. Dumb animals. They can't think straight, for crying out loud, why ddin't you just shoot!? You should be holding your gun at all times, Lou. At least Joe injured one of them, so it can't have been a Shrykull, they're supposedly invincible. We have the most reliable documents available to us that state that clearly. Now get back in there, and thats a weeks toilet duty for you"
"Yes, sir...*sigh*...but I won't know where our base will be until I'm told when I get another map..."
"IF you get another map. And you should know where our base is anyway, you...no. You didn't write 'base' or something stupid on the map, did you Lou?"
"WHAT!? Mudokons can read, Lou! Some of them from that village who used to be slaves will know what it means! Lou, forget toilet duty one week for now, its now a month. And thats after you've retrieved that map..."
"But I can't find it now, sir, and it won't matter. It was written on the other map too. And they're only animals, anyway..."
"How do you know that they were'nt under the Mudokons orders or something? Now get your gun and go find that map...no, both of them. If you're not back here with at least one in 24 hours your on toilet duty for 2 months AND no breaks for a week afterwards either"
"Yes, sir..."
The smaller Slig walked off, while the strange large one stuttered a bit under its weight, then went back inside.
Shryke made sure to remember that too, then carried on eating Spooce. Then he suddenly remembered Slurp 2 again. He'd look for him later, he needed to heal a bit more first. His wound was starting to act up again. But he realised he better be quick, the smell of blood won't do any good at any time during day or night...

OOC: El'Scrabino, quite a bit more info has built up now. Maybe you can try posting again.
06-11-2006, 04:03 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
: 726
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Rep Power: 19
E'l Scrabino  (94)

El'Scrabino, quite a bit more info has built up now. Maybe you can try posting again.
Try, yes. Succeed, no. but with the mudokons returning with the map it does leave me with something to think about.
IC: is here! yay!

IC: As Shredder started to wander around the market place, two mudokons came into the village, one of which, was holding a peice of paper, " Whaddya think it means?" asked the mudokon without the paper " I don't have a clue, maybe it mea... Woah! Hey, you, yeah, you with the slingshot, since when are Scrabs allowed in the village?" said the other while pointing at Shredder" Since when they started not to eat us. And since they started to push past us. Does that answer your question?" replied the sling-shooter, " So we're just gunna let him or her stay here? We can't trust Scrabs!Try and get it outta this village. NOW!"
" But what if it doesn't wanna move eh? What do we do then huh?" said another sling-shooter "Kill it if it doesn't move!" said the one with the map
" Ok, Ok, i'll do it." said the sling-shooter that accidently shot Shredder before, " Here, Scrab-y Scrab-y Scrab-y, c'mon, follow me..." said the mudokon coming closer to Shredder, " I don't want to leave this village, i think it's nice " thought Shredder as he took a step back, " and you can't make me!"

OOC: How's that Zerox? And is magic9mushroom ever gunna post again? Coz' if he ain't gunna post...
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

Last edited by E'l Scrabino; 06-11-2006 at 04:10 PM..
06-11-2006, 06:19 PM
: Jun 2006
: Anywhere I want
: 112
Rep Power: 19

Name: Scowl
Age: ?
Sex and specie: Male Paramite
Description: A not so normal Paramite
Equipment: Nothing
Personality: Cunning
Bio/Backsotry: A strange white paramite with amazing powers
06-12-2006, 02:55 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: The guy has been gone for what, 4 days? He hasn't left yet. We can't assume he had made a leaving scar on us. He might just have gone on vacation.

Welcome, ANGRY ELEPHANT! I like your profile, even though there really isn't much spiefic detail, but even so, it has nothing that should be fixed.

IC: Slurp stopped slithering, for Shryke needed something. Maybe he has sensed something. The thing on the map could not have been something really important, so he left his moving post and went to Shryke's area.

Slurp became cautious of where he should be and he decided his next move. He flung his body up into a tree, where Shryke could sense he was there, but crowded enough so no Walk men could use their 'eyes' which makes no sense why it's there.

He had got into the part where the green Walk men had just found a map. It almost seemed like that the map was not the one they had gotten, for it wasn't as flat as there's. Right after their walk, he almost revealed his identity to Shryke, but sense the presense of two other beings. They seemed to be bickering about something, but left after a minute's talk.

Their strange language now seemed very oddly familiar to a Chimpunk's, so he could now understand what they were saying.

When they left, he left his location and went near Shryke's side. Before they could even start conversing, another pair of Walk men popped out of another odd looking tree. Prehaps there were two enterances. One of the Walk men started saying, "OK, on my GPS system, Jord is only a 3/4 mile away from here. This shouldn't take long to get to."
"Yup, he sure won't have to wait long, for we are.... What's this?"

One of Walk men bent over and started to look at that green plant things that Shryke had ate. The one with it said, "It is Spooce. And looks fresh."
The other said, "This isn't any oridinary Spooce. It looks like it was picked. And no Slig would ever try to do that, unless...."

Suddenly, that Walk man started running off, into the forest. He shouted back, "Go get Jord! I will kick some Mudokon butt.!"

Slurp didn't know what that was all about, but he felt like that there was some bad things going on. But instead of saying that to Shryke, he screeched, "Feelin' better?"

OOC: Maybe you can do something with this, E'l Scrabino.

Last edited by Slaveless; 06-12-2006 at 02:59 AM..
06-12-2006, 09:29 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
: Um...RealWorld?
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

IC: "Yeah, I'm much better. But there was some weird stuff they were on about, I tried to remember it. Do you want me to try to expalin what I know for now?" (OOC: I'm sorta getting fed up with saying 'screeched meaning 'simple action' and I wantes Shryke to 'talk' a bit more intelligently). Bet then he noticed the walk men, he hadn't been paying attention and was day dreaming a bit. Then the one that was left stopped suddenly.
(into walkie-talkie. Wait...walkie-talkie? Who's idea was that? Anyway...)"Hey, Joe, I heard something just now, maybe its those Mudo's you were on about"
"You kidding? right, I'll be back in a mo with JorD"
Two Sligs appeared.
"So, whats this I hear about Mudokons near here?"
"Look, picked Spooce!"
Jord observed it.
"You do know thats a Scrab bite mark there?"
"What? I thought it had been picked..."
"With a great hole in it like that? I doubt it. You two know nothing. I'm outta here..."
"Wait, Jord!"
Jord was gone.
"He's wrong. These are...hey, they do look like sharp teeth. Actually, thats obvious now...Joe, you're an idiot"
"Yeah, but Scrabs are meat eaters, aren't they?"
"Yeah, but Spooce has healing propertys. Many animals eat it when injured, probably with a fight wioth another Scrab..."
"But summat don' seem right. And wait...there was that Shrykull-thingamajigga that Lou tried to shoot earlier. There's alot of blood two. And look here...a bullet near this pool"
"...(picks up 'talkie again) Joe! get yer a*s back here! This was the thing that attacked Lou!"
"No kidding? I'll be right there!"
Judging from the current conversation, Shryke deduced they should go away from here. He got up slowly and started backing away, when he stepped on a twig (Oh, the irony), and the Sligs froze. Shryke froze also, but too late. The Sligs had seen him.
"There it is! The hideous thing of fake death! (Sligs and their stories, huh?) Quick, get him!"
"All Sligs charged with their batons. They wanted him alive. The Vykkers would pay a good sum for such a strange specimen. Shryke ran full pelt away...
06-12-2006, 01:59 PM
Slig outlaw's Avatar
Slig outlaw
: Nov 2005
: Rebuliding Rupture Farms
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Slig outlaw  (10)

Mind if I come in.

Name: Kore
Age: 40
Sex and Spiecies: A male Steef

Description: A steef with two horns sticking out of the right side of his head and the left side with a brown type t-shirt on.

Equipment: He carries a bowwin air and sot bows at his enimies.

Personility: He is angry most of the time but just give him some time to lighting up to you and you can be one of the creatures on his good side.

Backstory:As a baby steef he lived in a pact but on day outklaws came looking for the head of a steef when one of the Steefs saw one of the outlaws he growled to warn the other and when the other steefs saw them the men tired to protect the female and baby steef but it was to many outlaws and they all failed so the females and baby Steefs spreaded out and Kore thought his mom was right behind him so he ran for a mile and when he turned around no body was behind him so then Kopr was lost and lived his own life still looking for other steefs.
Invaders will be shot survivors will be shot again.

Stranger: Knock em good.

06-12-2006, 03:34 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: Welcome, Slig Outlaw! It's always nice to see more RPGers around here. I like the Steef personality, you made it seem like your a real professial in describing people. Perhaps you are....

Zerox, I like to say that Slurp screeches, is because he doesn't talk. He can only use what he knows of what Shryke is saying. But maybe I could say something for a while.

IC: Slurp watched as the Walk men started to attack Shryke. Forget the spying, they have a map! He used his tounge to hold the map, while his muscles did all the rest.

Crawling away from these creatures wasn't very hard. The tall trees prevented the Walk men to have an easy way to get to the Walk men. Finally, Slurp caught up to Shryke and flung his tounge at his buddy's arm. With one mouth attached to the map and the other attached to Shryke's arm, it proved difficult to keep balance.

One of the Walk men noticed the map Slurp was holding and yelled, "Buddy, it's one of the lost maps! Maybe we can get Lou out of toilet duty by finding one of them!" The other rolled his eyes and continued the chase.

06-12-2006, 03:50 PM
Slig outlaw's Avatar
Slig outlaw
: Nov 2005
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OOC: I don't know really to pick up at but I guess I'll wait for the next post then I'll pick up.
Invaders will be shot survivors will be shot again.

Stranger: Knock em good.

06-12-2006, 10:06 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

OOC: Well, here's the next post

IC: As the mudokon came closer, a Slig burst in the village with a long, seemingly metal rod with an opening at one end, and with what looked like a handle on the other side. "Every body freeze!" it yelled, pointing its' rod around. Many of the slinger Mudokons pointed their sling-shots at it, supposebly waiting for orders to fire at will. "Drop thos slings!" barked the Slig, aiming his rod at the slingers,"You gunna make us, then?" Asked a slinger Mudokon "Yes, i am "gunna make you"" the Slig replied, but the Mudokon holding the paper had an idea to ask the Slig not to shoot the Scrab,(OOC:Shredder) and hopefully the bullet would not kill the Scrab, but send the Scrab into a rage, no more Slig problem . "Drop the slings, boys, or he might hurt the Scrab." said the paper-mud, "You don't want me to shoot the Scrab, eh? Well too bad!" yelled the Slig as he shot a round thingy (OOC: Shredder doesn't know what it is, so he calls it a round thingy.) at Shredder, not realising the trap. The round thingy, luckily, bounced harmlessly of one of Shredders chest plates, and, like the paper-mud thought, angered Shredder greatly. Shredder roared the Scrabs ancient roar (OOC: if it is ancient...) and charged towards the Slig! "Oh, snap!" said the Slig as it ran out of the village, "Yay, he's gone!" one of the slingers exclaimed. But Shredder still didn't want to leave the village, he still wanted to stay. "Do we still wanna get rid of this Scrab? It might be usefull to us." said the Mudokon that came in with the paper-mud, "Not yet, anyway..." replied the paper-mud " Maybe that means i get to stay. Good, now if only i could get them to feed me..." thought Shredder...

OOC: Man i wish mushroom would post here again...
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

06-12-2006, 10:12 PM
Slig outlaw's Avatar
Slig outlaw
: Nov 2005
: Rebuliding Rupture Farms
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Slig outlaw  (10)

OOC: Were are they right now in the story?
Invaders will be shot survivors will be shot again.

Stranger: Knock em good.

Last edited by Slig outlaw; 06-12-2006 at 11:38 PM..
06-13-2006, 01:59 AM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
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E'l Scrabino  (94)

Who? Shryke and slurp? Shredder and the village? Nee' maw info please.
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

06-13-2006, 10:59 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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OOC: Slurp and Shryke are in the forest near where Gillik's base. Shredder is at the Mudokon Base. Big Red is at the lair of the Albino Scrab. And you are, well, we don't know.

Oh and, now things are getting confusing. Is the Slig that the Mudokons are dealing with, the same one that was with Jord? Or another one? Because now with random characters, things are getting confusing.

06-13-2006, 12:22 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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: May 2006
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IC:Generally they're just random Sligs. I just used the same ones with names for a bit more depth. Plus its funny when they have names. 'Lou'. I mean, just LOL. A Slig called Lou.
Is Big Red going to appear again, though? Because he dissapeared. Well, yay for another RPer. Two horns on one side? Heavy. Get neck strain from that*shot*
Earlier, Slaveless, I just 'membered, what about the Slegs talking? Or do they have a more complicated 'language'?

OOC: The Walk men were'nt too fast, but the juddering on his hurt arm wasn't doing any good, and the Walk men weren't slowing down. He needed to lose them. As they got deeper into the forest with thick leaves on the floor, he then suddenly darted to the left on as hard a right angle as he could. The sligs round, metal feet do not have good grip on tight turns, so they naturally fell over. That problem gone, anyway.
Shryke slowed down a while later. As he lwaked on a bit, suddenly he screeched in pain and fell down. He was caught in a Scrab trap (off course, HE didn't know that, but it's not doing much good for him anyway :P). That can really put a crimp on your day. He tried using his remaining legs to open it a bit, but his horny, pointed feet aren't getting much of a grip on it. The chain was mostly underground, so that wasn't an option. Then, naturally, some Fleeches appeared. They must have been waiting for something to fall in this trap. His arm was much better now, but it's still not a wise idea to try and use it too much. What a lovely day this is turning out to be.
06-13-2006, 07:56 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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OOC: sorry I haven't posted for a week, I was grounded
IC: Gellik looked at the report on his desk. The view from his airship was cool, but the report was not.
"WHAT?!", he yelled. "A Shrykull, here? Call Nolybab immediately! I want 500 Mugs from the army to deal with this!" This was bad, very bad. Retaking this area would be hard. Suddenly his communicator buzzed, and he activated it.
"[i]Lieutenant General Kore reporting sir. The Shrykull is fake. I repeat, the shrykull is fake. But it and some slegs are attacking our army. So far, 10 casualties. Over."

"Tell the lazy privates to build bunkers and shelter till I get there," said Gellik. He activated communication to the pilot. "Set a course NNW for this village with its strange protectors. Land 10 miles out. This requires my personal attention."
This was still not going to be easy.
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

06-14-2006, 12:15 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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: Jan 2006
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OOC: See, I told you guys that he was just on a little break. Welcome back, Magic9mushroom.

Zerox, you kind of messed up your IC's with your OOC's. No biggie, a simple edit would help. Also, if Slig_Cake doesn't return in a week, I will bug him.

For the Sleg thing, their language is more of marking way. They don't really bark to make long sentences. I never figured they were intellgent enough for that. It rather the way they say it that matters.

IC: Slurp didn't think that Shryke was in a good posistion. Being trapped by an invisable force and going to be hunted down didn't make Slurp feel tingly inside either. So he felt like it was up to him to save Shryke.\

Slurp dropped down from Shryke's arm and put down his map. He quickly screeched to the Fleeches, "Do not harm this creature!"

At first the Fleeches did not move a muscle, but one of them said, "Who are you, our mother?! You can't tell us what to do!" Once that was said, the Fleeches crawled further to Shryke. Slurp was confused at first, but then he realized that these must not be born from his mother. Maybe they worked for someone else. Convincing them would be hard, so he went to plan B.

Now, Slurp ran to Shryke's leg and tried to bite through the Scrab trap. The Fleeches seemed disturbed by this and tried to attack Slurp. Since Slurp was not using his tounge, he whipped that around to whack away the Fleeches and their tounges. This wasn't going to be easy, but the metal was getting a little more loose by the minute.

06-14-2006, 12:40 PM
Zerox's Avatar
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: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Oops.

IC: Was Slurp the ONLY Fleech with any intelligence around here? Anyway, he tensed his muscles in his trapped leg and gripped it with his poerful jaws, secured it to the ground in what way he could with another leg and pulled as hard as possible. Luckily, this one was a bit rusty and old, and was starting to give quite easily. Then a particularly rusty part snapped off. It hadn't done too much damage, but he couldn't run quite as fast as usual. The Sligs were gaining again, unfortunately. But then, he heard something up above. A large...thing was looming up there. Was this going to try and attack him as well!? Oh God...Shryke was now slightly annoyed at all this. He flung a Fleech by the tongue off of him, grabbed Slurp and ran off to the right, then changed his mind, turned around and went left past the trap again. One of the Fleeches grabbed his arm and held on tight. He didn't have time to get it off now though.
The Sligs caught up now. One looked up.
"What the heck is that!?"
"Its Gillik's ship! Must be important. Maybe if we catch that thing alive we can get some Moolah for it, a rank raise. Maybe some wings, even. That would be cool"
"What're yer waiting for, then, Gary? Lets go get the thing! Get your bolas ready. It'll be better alive"
The Sligs followed his deep tracks and came to the trap.
"God, it broke out of it...thats an old trap, though....oh, buggar off you stupid Fleech"
He threw a rock at it, and knocked it onto the floor. Gary picked it up and lobbed it at Bob.
"Oh, quit it, Gary. Now...whuh? There's two sets of tracks, the same and both fairly fresh. Which ones do we take?"
"Oh, damn...lets go right"
They went that way a bit, realised their error, then charged off the other way.
Meanwhile, Shryke had ran off a bit then found another Spooce area with a large pond. He waded in to soothe his leg and ate some more Spooce, now his leg was injured too as well as his arm.
06-14-2006, 04:25 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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Slurp was thankful that Shryke's trap had broke off his leg and that they were going to be all right. But he realized that the Walk men were at Shryke again, so he quickly got the map before Shryke had ran off to the pool.

It wasn't too soon before they were at a watering hole, so he layed down to rest. But now, he didn't know what to do. The map said they were awfully close to something, but a very long distance to others. Perhaps they should go there first.

The Walk men's grunts weren't so far away, so Slurp figured they should hit the road. He tried to gesture to Shryke that he should finish his drink, so they could do something. He flicked his tounge at the map and carried it as he re-entered the forest.

Unexpectily, the map's strange force started to shut down. Maybe something had caused the map go down in the first place. (Supposily, the Sligs turned off the map, so any Mudokons nearby could not read what was on it.) Now there was some lead on it and nothing else. Now Slurp didn't know what to do. He was rather lost and with only Shryke. Slurp 2 never might sense him again or both may never get to the Fleech mine again. He whimpered in his luck and rolled over in displeasure.

06-14-2006, 07:28 PM
magic9mushroom's Avatar
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OOC: Slaveless I think I said I was 10 miles out, are my Sligs still not advancing? Cos they were ordered to. OK I'll fix up with...

IC: Gillik looked up at the sudden bump. They had landed. "How far are we from the village?" asked Gillik. "About 4 miles," replied his valet. (OOC: can Shryke's and Shredder's territory extend that far?) "Fine, you're a bad pilot. Accepted, I'll fly myself next time. Report on casualties."
"No more, sir," replied the slig. "Report on status of the mine." "From the orb's recordings it is infested with Fleeches, sir. We'll have to clear them out." "Any more data?", asked Gillik. "No sir," replied the slig. (OOC:can Gillik have cybernetic tech? if not I'll delete the next bit) "Fine, since you're all such couch potatoes, I'll go in myself. Ready my pod. In the meantime, order a small strike to throw them off guard."

OOC: Could the albino scrab, frex and that mud show up soon? cos that village is going to have a full-scale strike on its hands in a few posts, and it better be ready. I hope I'm not godmoding and powerplaying too much.
Why? Why would anybody have any problems with a mad scientist who wants to take over the world, remove Homo sapiens as the dominant species and live forever?

06-15-2006, 02:11 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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OOC: The map was originally meant to be paper, thats how it was written on...oh well.

IC: Shryke also remembered Slurp 2, and told Slurp that they ought to look for him soon. Meanhile, he remembered the Fleech attached to his arm, and asked Slurp to try and talk to it (well, more understandably than he could, anyway). Shryke then tried using his feet, and pressed the various buttons the map thing. It came on again, then he found he could move around on it. It seemed active, as various moving things were on it, but only larger ones, such as the battleship. He recongised greenery, but there was a large, yellowish thing far away from their location. There was a rough zoom on close enough areas, such as near themselves. He could see a reddish thing...but that was him. But then he heard the walk men. They stopped though. They were sitting down for a while.
06-15-2006, 03:05 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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OOC: I thought the Sligs were going to build Gillik a base for him, until his arrvial. The thing that was close them was also intended to be Slurp 2 and Jord. Plus, I thought that if Sligs were going to have a map, it would be like a GPS.

Also, according to oddveteran93, Zerox and I have permission to have two characters, as long as they influence the story. Right now, I think that should be either a native or an industerial. Which do you think I should be? One would be searching for the Albino Scrab, the other is a general.

I will post later today. Right now, I have some school work to do.

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