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01-31-2010, 12:31 PM
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This is the wrong thread for that questions, but there probably is.

But... if you don't want to come back... why are you? I mean, you could always make another account if you wanted to come back anyway.
01-31-2010, 01:18 PM
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I hate this forum. I wish I'd never signed up.

And what do you mean that they 'didn't have to shoot right away'? In the game, I remember that they shot me on sight. They didn't do any of this 'waiting prissy crap'. That's not what sligs do.

BTW I want either Nate or Max the Mug to answer this: If I don't liek beign on this forum, is there any way I can get my name and info taken off so I don't have to keep coming back?
Andrelvis was referring to the last screen of Abe’s Oddysee where the final pair of Sligs don't shoot you on sight, they run towards you. This cuts to the final movie(s), which begin with the Sligs knocking Abe out to drag him to his cell.

Nothing is keeping you coming back here. If you want to not come back here... don't come back here. But if you can't keep yourself away, please don't double post in the future. You can use the Edit button to add to your post.

01-31-2010, 04:37 PM
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Why don't you like being here?
01-31-2010, 04:53 PM
mlg man's Avatar
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What? He doesn't bounce I remember well!!!

Can't you hear the "splat" sound when he touches the ground?

Can't you hear? He lands in a barrel full of brew. The sound fx is clearly a liquid being splashed.
I make games, programs, music and stuff so yeah

01-31-2010, 08:11 PM
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Well, to answer Used 's question, I don't like being here because I don't know how to do anything. I really wanted to sign up so I could comment on my favorite fan fic and ask why DarkElite_H2 wasn't posting any more, and every one called me a noob and started dissing me. And I've asked like seven times how to set up a pic (I just got a reply so I'll have to do that tomorrow) and everyone gets back to calling me a noob and dissing me, and I already have enough flaming on my deviantART account without people doing that kind of crap here. I don't need it.
And sorry Max The Mug, I had no Idea I double posted. I'll try not to do it again but this computer is soooooo defective sometimes...
01-31-2010, 08:13 PM
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It sounds to me more like a squelchy thud, like a soft body hitting hard ground at high speed and breaking appart into little pieces. They probably didn't include that 1 casualty for the simple reason that it's a video game and they wanted to give players the chance to rescue "all" or kill all
02-01-2010, 09:01 AM
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Oddworld - Story Dwelling

Just wondering, y'no the story stones, I noticed they say story dwelling on them, I have two questions I would ask to be answered.

1.) What's Story Dwelling

2.) What's the other wording it says underneath story dwelling
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

02-01-2010, 09:54 AM
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The "StoryDwelling Adventures" was the original name of the series of games to be produced by Oddworld Inhabitants (the first one being SoulStorm. The name remained until at least late 1996. The use of this term is infrequent, so it's hard to track its origins, but is obviously a play on the term "storytelling", and implying that video games allow the player to "inhabit" the story instead of just listen to it as an external observer.

To the best of my memory, the term appears only on Story Stones that include moving characters. This isn't at all hard to do, since a Story Stone screen is just a regular CAM file: you can even float Abe in front of some using the noclip mode in Abe’s Oddysee, but for some reason it wasn't used until AE. I can't say for certain what the word underneath is, but at one point I thought it might be "theater".

p.s. I'm merging this with the Q&A thread.

02-01-2010, 04:16 PM
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I don't remember this. Can anyone post a screenshot?
02-02-2010, 07:40 AM
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I would try but I can't seem to find one, I'm looking as we speak, I know it's easy to see in the scrabanian story stones but maybe rupturefarms as well?

EDIT: No try scrabanian temple story stones
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

02-02-2010, 07:48 AM
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I already pointed out they're not in AO.

02-03-2010, 09:45 AM
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No not moving ones but story dwelling the words are written on scrabanian story stones if that's what you mean
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

02-03-2010, 09:50 AM
RayOni's Avatar
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What is it?
I did not play MO and SW.
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Name:	joasdjwawjtk.jpg
Views:	327
Size:	163.7 
ID:	11263  

02-03-2010, 09:52 AM
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They were concept vehicles for Sligs in MO. They were cut and never made it into the game.

02-03-2010, 09:53 AM
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The top one has a name. Look in the top left of the picture. No Idea what the second thing is.
They were concepts for MO. They were most likely cut along with all the other stuff.

Edit: MM is a speedy shit
do you think i give a heck

02-03-2010, 10:06 AM
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The second thing is a helicopter-like machine (with two rotors, one above each seat) piloted by Sligs who are in the Slig Air Corps. You can see these vehicles in the Recycler and Vending Bomb videos.

02-03-2010, 11:00 AM
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It's in oddworld encyclopaedia
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

02-04-2010, 05:44 AM
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No not moving ones but story dwelling the words are written on scrabanian story stones if that's what you mean
No they're not. They don't appear on any story stones in Abe’s Oddysee, only those in AE that have moving characters, e.g. SVP06C30, FDP02C16, BAP07C10, BRP17C15.
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Storydwelling.jpg
Views:	170
Size:	77.6 
ID:	11265  

02-04-2010, 01:48 PM
Lord Stanley's Avatar
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Why did so much good stuff get cut from MO?
02-04-2010, 02:33 PM
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Why did so much good stuff get cut from MO?
02-05-2010, 02:07 AM
Lord Stanley's Avatar
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Thanks, Nate. I wish they'd gotten to put in more stuff—some of those vehicles look cool. And maybe they'd have eliminated the 3-action button, and made the story a bit deeper, and given Munch more to do, and...am I rambling?
02-05-2010, 03:17 AM
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If wishes were horses, the poor would never go hungry again.
02-05-2010, 03:54 AM
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The "StoryDwelling Adventures" was the original name of the series of games to be produced by Oddworld Inhabitants (the first one being SoulStorm. The name remained until at least late 1996. The use of this term is infrequent, so it's hard to track its origins, but is obviously a play on the term "storytelling", and implying that video games allow the player to "inhabit" the story instead of just listen to it as an external observer.

02-05-2010, 09:18 AM
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Yeh it is actually in scrabania I swear, take a gander yourself, I'd take a picture but I cant be asked right nooo
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

02-05-2010, 03:08 PM
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I looked at every storystone in Scrabania and couldn't find it.

02-05-2010, 03:08 PM
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A preferred stock transaction, the agreement is subject to the approval of the shareholders of Oddworld's parent company, Creative Programming and Technology Ventures, Inc.
Interesting. I didn't know that.
02-06-2010, 02:34 AM
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Allright then fine, maybe it was exxodus, I haven't played either in a month or two
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

02-07-2010, 12:29 PM
RayOni's Avatar
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The second thing is a helicopter-like machine (with two rotors, one above each seat) piloted by Sligs who are in the Slig Air Corps. You can see these vehicles in the Recycler and Vending Bomb videos.
Thanks for the answer.

One more question.
Why this video unreleased in AO and AE?
This video will be in oddbox?

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Click image for larger version

Name:	ssds.JPG
Views:	243
Size:	54.1 
ID:	11267  

Last edited by RayOni; 02-07-2010 at 12:36 PM..
02-07-2010, 01:15 PM
Andrelvis's Avatar
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I hate this forum. I wish I'd never signed up.

And what do you mean that they 'didn't have to shoot right away'? In the game, I remember that they shot me on sight. They didn't do any of this 'waiting prissy crap'. That's not what sligs do.

BTW I want either Nate or Max the Mug to answer this: If I don't liek beign on this forum, is there any way I can get my name and info taken off so I don't have to keep coming back?
When someone surprises them, or their target can run, it makes sense that they shoot on sight. But when Abe was trapped inside the Board Room, with these two Sligs coming to him from opposite directions, they didn't have a need to shoot him on sight, it made sense that they didn't. That's what I was trying to explain.
02-07-2010, 01:52 PM
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Why this video unreleased in AO and AE?
This video will be in oddbox?
They were cutscenes produced for Munch's Oddysee, but they were cut because the whole sub-plot of Molluck's trial was also cut. Since the sub-plot won't be restored for the digital distribution release of MO, neither will the cutscenes.

Maybe if the game makes it to GOG.com, it can be amongst the extras they offer for download.

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