Tell me why Metal Gear Solid is basically a rehash of MG and MG2 with higher production values
Kojima doesn't give a shit.
Really if anything you're misblaming. If you want to blame one game in the series for dramatically changing everything, that game is called Metal Gear Solid.
PS: Metal Gear Solid 2 is my second favourite game in the series. Metal Gear Solid 3 is just a lot lot more fun.
Thank you. I need to make this type of questions to see if you're a fanboy or not. Sorry, but the gamer in me need to know. MGS tried to recreate MG and MG2 to a certain extend. MGS2 tried to recreate MGS completely. The thing here is just like you said, Kojima didn't give a shit, but after MGS3 he just completelt lost it. I'm not saying MGS3 is bad, by any means, is a fucking great game, but the story isn't the best in the series.
didn’t a big part of the MGS series’ backstory focus on how Big Boss came to be?
MGS series is about the rise and fall of a genius battlefield soldier who goes mad at the world corruption. Which means you're right. The thing is, they already made three games where the protagonist is Big Boss and we have yet to see the real madman. We haven't seen the moment where he clicked and reached the madness over the world. Right now, they're just milking the series. the only game that has some kind of believing in Big Boss madness is Peace Walker, and even for that, it's just mere minutes before the game's ending.