Hello everyone, I have two questions for you!
1. How did the Mudokons become slaves?
In Abe's Oddysee the native Mudokons are seen chanting and display the ability to teleport and control lightning. If the Mudokons wield such power how were they enslaved in the first place? Why don't they use their abilities to escape? Is the ability to possess other beings limited to Abe, or can they all do it?
The Mudokons were enslaved via trickery. You can read more
about it here. They remained slaved in spite of their powers because, for the most part, they don't realise they're enslaved. Remember that Abe thought he had a good job before the start of AO. Most Mudokons don't know that it's possible for them to have a Native life outside of the factories.
Not all Mudokons have mystical powers. Only a small number who are in touch with the spiritual side of their being. And my assumption is that it's mostly Native Muds who have those powers; it would be difficult to be spiritual in the factories.
2. Who leaves meat sacks in the temples?
The meat sacks are conveniently placed in the temples so that Abe can use meat to distract paramites and so on. Who maintains these meat sacks? Why don't the paramites get at them and eat all the meat?
Thanks guys!
I'm not sure who puts them there, but I'm guessing it's the few Native muds left around. The Paramites probably don't get to them because they're lifted off the ground and solid enough that they can't be knocked over by a non-humanoid.