Still going through the Crysis 2 campaign.
Anyways, a few more hours in, and most of my complaints have been dealt with. Once you transition from fighting humans to fighting aliens, you have to mix it up a lot more. Especially whenever you fight heavy enemies or the bosses. I still occasionally stealth, but Im also taking the offensive a lot more often now. Once you get more suit powers and attachments for your weapons you are allowed a lot more freedom. The AI is hit and miss, at best its around Halo levels(very good), and at worst its stand there and be shot levels. Other than that, and a few glitches, its one of the best FPS campaigns I've ever played. It has both open areas that allow you to choose how to approach the situation, and linear set pieces meant to draw your attention. Its also very lengthy, I've put in about 8-10 hours, and am only on mission 13/19. I haven't really gotten bored despite this, whenever I felt I was using stealth too much is when the game opened up. Haven't touched the multiplayer since the first time I played it, but Crysis 2 is the best shooter I've played since Episode 2.