Well today as presents I got Saints Row The Third and Goldeneye 007 Reloaded.
Saints Row is ok so far, but I think that the vehicles drive horribly on this game! To me, it feels like that the cars are on ice. The graphics are great and surprisingly for a Saints Row game, I've had no glitches yet :O
Goldeneye is also ok, but good god the multiplayer is awful! The first task is finding a game, which is hard enough, but oh boy, it plays exactly like Call of Duty...... now that already sounds bad enough, but everything feels sooooooo slow and soooooo sluggish, and even worse, when you die, this annoying music plays and you have to watch blood run down the screen EVERY FUCKING TIME AND ITS DAMN ANOYING! Strangely, even though this plays just like Call of Duty, if you join a lobby that has a game in progress, you can't even join, you just have to wait in the lobby until it finishes, which I find odd. so, this game is not bad, but not amazing in terms of single player, but I really think the multiplayer sucks here.
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