I've just seen Avatar recently I think. I heard it was good from lots of friends and my brother had the same. So we decided to see it for my birthday. I wasn't really sure what it was about yet, but good is good so we watched it.
The opening was him floating in space for some reason or something.
They soon got on the planet however, and you could see he was in a wheelchair. This forebodes a difficulty he had to overcome through out the entire movie! So anyways then he meets the sergeant guy, who I knew as being a bad guy from everyone else before hand. He was silly and yell-y. Anyways Jake (his name) Sully has to fill his dead brother's shoes (he dies with no reason given, I think.) and take over his 'avatar'.
Avatar's are these Human-Na'vi things that allow a human to inhabit the body of a remote control Organism native called the Na'vi native to the planet they are currently on! Oh! I forgot to mention that the name of planet is Pandora, and these guys all work for a mining corporation or something. They want to mine the planet, but the natives get in the way.
Anyways, on one of his run in his Na'vi body, Jack gets lost and seperated from the others. There were two other scientist with him by the way I think. They're good guys. In this movie, Scientists are good guys, military are generally bad guys unless they're female chopter pilots. Anyways he's seperate and meets another female Na'vi. She's actually like the princess or something of the tribe and lives in a big tree and shows him to the rest of the Na'vi, who accept him because of a sign from the Great Mother Tree that he's the one I think. The one who does something.
So eventually he learns to integrate within their society. Now, the big bad military guys and company chief executives want to use this to their advantage I think. So they say they'll give Jack the operation to afford getting his legs back if he continues to provide them information. Of course Jack agrees at first. But after having experiences as a Na'vi so long he begins to enjoy his life and regret his decisions. He feels as if he should be a Na'vi not a human.
And ummmmmm
some shit happens about them wanting to destroy the great tree they live in so Jack is finally forced to choose sides, in which he sides with the Na'vi, but they don't accept him at first because he was found out to be a mole for the military. He says how it's different cause he learned to love them and it was only a mole job at first, and the cliche whatever, where they eventually accept him once he mounts THE LARGEST BIRD!
It was a bird dinosaur I think.
Anyways, they attack the military guys and eventually win and force the military guys back to wherever they came from. Earth I suppose. Natives enjoy themselves, one nice scientist lady dies, Jack transferred to Na'vi form forever, and everyone is happy.
Except the company guys, but they're the bad guys, but no one cares I think. Because they're the bad guys I think.
Last edited by Nate; 03-18-2010 at 12:20 AM..
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