PA, you're religious. The only girlfriends you will ever get will have to be religious...considering you're 21 and you will be looking for a girl around the same age i suggest you start going to Church alot looking for that "special" girl of yours cos, since you don't go clubbing or, actually outside, for that matter, you're gonna be pretty f*cked in the non-yay sense.
Most girls want to make sure a guy is, at least acceptable, in bed before they go and commit.
Considering you've lived your life by an old, severely flawed, book it is fair to say that your experience of such things will be highly amateurish...and at the age of 21...thats bad.
I'm guessing you're the shy type who, would also, shy away at even discussing such matters and if you are one of these extremist Bible-peeps your belief system will be that women are to serve men and are ultimatly beneathe their male counterparts...which will also go against you.
I'm not one to start preaching on the girlfriend front, cos the longest straight relationship i have sustained is 6 days and i didnt see her for a good 3 and 2 of the other 3 days i saw her i was wasted...but still.
As a guy who adores girls on a friendship front and talks to them about a whole range of things from relationships to sex, from sex to shopping, from shopping to domestic problems i feel i would make quite a good partner to a female...
Anyway, as i am typing i have forgot my other point, my main one was your belief has f*cked up your future and you will now have to reap what you sow and try and pick up the fragments of your tattered life...and i'm thinking you will do this with immense difficulty, but still.
By the by, i have no idea why you even posted that confused me...and made me believe you were "hacked" again. It was strange and also immensly closet Homosexual based. Allow me to show you;
Dammit where is the (1)streight women when we need them? (2)I prefer the streight life. (3)Mann I suck I need a girl friend badly I hate how everyone around me has a partner. I just need to be loved! (4)Is that not so hard? I had three would be girl friends in my life. I want a relationship and I can't find any when the world is turning (5)gay!
(1) - Why emphasise 'straight'?
(2) - Why emphasise this?
(3) - "suck" do you...?
(4) - Talking about hardness which is, yet again, intriguing.
(5) - Why state that in the post?
It seems to me you feel yourself turning, i have noticed your growing Homosexual tendencies in a countless number of posts...and your vague referrences to that way of life leads me to believe you cant contain the Fag in you and you need to release it...