Another lengthy, preachy post
Here goes.
There seems to be a schism here. I can't say one way or the other on chicken people anymore, and I'm sorry if my comment was taken as anything but the joke it was intended as, but, as for people overreacting, can you blame us? It's been two years since we got our last dose of oddworld, and it was a dissapointment in many respects (when you compare it to what we were promised). Still, think of it like this. It's kind of like when you don't see somebody for a long time- in your mind, they're still the same as when you last saw them, so it's kind of a shock to find out that they aren't. We all know oddworld as dark, bloody, deeply rooted in symbolism and metaphor. And that was cool, but I for one always liked oddworld more for the potentials- sure, we all loved Abe's two adventures, but if all oddworld games were all the same, it would get old. Trust me, we would get tired of just new takes on side-scrolling save-the-mudokon games, and a rallying cry of "we get it, slavery is bad! Move on!" would roll out. Yes, Munch is cartoonier, and I agree that this was not a good change. What's beautiful about oddworld (and I hate to get all preachy about it) is that there isn't just one take on it. It isn't just a series of games- it's a vibrant fictional world. So far we have a gritty, rather macabre view of this world in the first two games, a considerably more upbeat one in the third (which WAS rushed, we all know that), and now a new one coming out that could be a completely different direction. We don't know. Consider this- Full Metal Jacket, Bridges of Madison County, and We're Back- A Dinosaur's Story all take place on the same planet, but they sure aren't the same style. That's what makes the oddworld universe so intruiging- multiple viewpoints make it seem more real. It's also what gives what I figure is the Oddworld primary purpose (besides money)- to raise awareness about socio-political issues, clout. A truely good argument examines the situation from different viewpoints. If we were to get a game with a "villain" character, say a gluk, it would cast more light on the subjects therein. It would definately be different, and the experience we do have with oddworld inhabitants is that they aren't afraid to try new things. It's the possibilities that are so interesting.
As for having blind faith in OWI, maybe we do give them too much credit. Steef could suck. Steef could suck out loud, and Squeek could be even worse, and Ferritales and Habitales could be land-before-time-grade suckiness incarnate. The movies could be garbage and all of the sudden Abe is selling us auto insurance with a sock puppet and the first three games end up being the only even remotely enjoyable oddworld excursions ever made. It could happen. Consider this, though- if, as a creative person or team, you make a universe that, only a fraction of the way into it, fans are already foaming at the mouth over the tiniest details, you must be doing SOMETHING right.
Here's to the possibiliities of Steef (not the least of which are these fun little skirmishes of ours. Hee.)